
Sep 27, 2017
Great ! Happy that the PC change ! I think that game will be the first that I support with money ^^


Feb 8, 2018
I mean, this was bound to happen at some point, but most of the female KH characters I'd want to see corrupted would make this game unsavory to me. The point I'm trying to make is: you got me right in the childhood, and I have mixed feelings about the existence of didney porn that is outside of the Walter Elias Disney Memorial Pornographic Company Property Repository.

At least I didn't have to confront the conflicting innocent nostalgia and horny interest that is the perfect storm for my brain to never get oxygen again. I can only get so erect, after all.

Also, for protagonist that would prolly actually work, pre-Liquid Ocelot-reveal Old 'Nort is a good choice, but you could add in the option of it just being a generic dark coat wearer(would definitely save on art time, too).

I have no business writing this long of a reply for a game I'm probably never going to fund or play.
I would, however be willing to proof read, or lore master, or do sound; all for the low low price of getting my name out there in a creative space, if Cradle of Filth would be interested in a collab.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Hi f95zone,

Dev here.

Appreciate all the feedback! Genuinely glad that the majority of you are hyped.

The obvious feedback is a new MC, which I'll take on board. You've been heard loud and clear. We'll design up a nameable non-furry OC MC. Obviously this'll slightly change the existing dialogue which we'll implement in v0.1.

Otherwise please do keep sending your feedback and thoughts!

Many thanks,

P.s. where do I get the dev tag!? Please help a guy out...
Please don't change MC or at least give a choice between playing as Pete, as originally intended, or playing as a boring good looking dude. Your game looks good enough that most people will play it anyway with or without Pete. Making a game is already hard enough work, if you keep changing stuff each time some people are not happy with some detail, it's never gonna end. Stay true to your vision, trying to please everyone will end up pleasing no one.
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Apr 26, 2018
I think an OC generic human character is safest choice. But if others like the idea of Pete I would say give them that option. Only reason I don't like that is that it will probably make updates take longer.

I am one of those people who just doesnt like Pete as a character. It has nothing to do with how he looks or that he isn't human.


Oct 31, 2017
I think an OC is the best choice, at first I thought Pete wouldn't work, was surprised how many people said Riku, then thought maybe they mean Riku Replica or Data Riku idk. Personally I thought maybe a Xehanort (I counted there is 7 of him) or any Organization 13 members but it would be a stretch.

OC is the way to go, you don't have to worry about smaller details that certain fans would freak about with anyone canon. With an OC you can cement this as a fun game to fap to, similarly to Four Element Trainer, they have an OC but he possesses canon characters most of the time (seriously too many people bitched about Tenzin being the possessed character for Chapter 3 slave route, and I think some still do).


Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
Hello again!

To address a few reactions and provide some rationale regarding MC change...

CroakerEatsBacon and monkgi sums the initial character selection correctly;

Sad to hear this.

I think Pete was a great choice, IMO. The point isn't to have someone that the women will be attracted to by looks alone.

The point, IMO, is to take the character that the women in the setting would be the least likely to want to have sex with (unattractive and other bad traits) and then corrupt them to the point that they want to have sex with that person.

They should find the character unattractive and disgusting. They should be repulsed at the thought of having sex with that person. They should take one look at the MC and think that this is the last person on the planet that they want to have sex with because that person is not only disgusting to look at but disgusting to talk to.

That would be the most perverted type of corruption. Bonus points if it happens to be say a grandfather or great uncle. Not just disgusting, but old and perverted.

Then watch as they are corrupted and their mind breaks until they come to accept and even desire it.

Ahhh, that is the very sweetest of corrupt nectars.

Hell, I don't even like furry porn (if it has fur, just make it an animal...mmm, bestiality), but that just makes the choice of Pete even more deliciously disgusting.

Hopefully, there will still be an option for a non-Vanilla MC who isn't an attractive (and thus incredibly boring) male.
I actually had a slightly different post here originally, but lost it all due to a power surge, and I don't think I can re-type it as it originally was.

Since the Dev is here, I would like to point out that I like that Pete is the MC.

TL/DR: Pete is a good choice as MC. Don't change it to Hades, Jaffar, Sora, or Riku.

That isn't to say that I like Pete. I don't. I just think that he fits the role of what this type of game seems to be.

I'll start by saying I have not played KH3 or even KH3D.

I've read a few posts that suggest Pete should be switched out with Hades, Jaffar, Sora, Riku, and Facilier. For this type of game, I would have to disagree with these choices.

I don't actually know much about Facilier in the KH games. I assume he's in KH3, because I don't remember him from KH, KH2, or KHBBS (the games I did play), so I won't be saying anything about him.

As for Hades, he would be a poor choice (probably the 2nd worst from the names listed.) My reason behind it is that he is a God with a lot of power. He wouldn't bother going out looking for the Princesses of Heart. He would, instead, send out one or two of his minions (the imp/demon guys whose names escape me.) Even if he did end up going world to world looking for the princesses, the dynamic between him and the Queen of Hearts would be very different. The whole situation between the Queen and Alice would end almost instantly, again, because he's a God, and there wouldn't be a game (at least not the game we're playing.)

Jaffar is similar, but at a much lower power level. Jaffar is a man of power; a ruler (in his mind at least.) traveling from world to world looking for princesses would be beneath him. That's grunt work. Sure, I will admit that he is a villain who would do the dirty work, but even for a man like him, that's work for one of his minions (and then he would come in after a princess is found.) The dynamic between Jaffar and the Queen would be similar to Hades, but I imagine Jaffar would end up subjugating the queen instead of doing as she asks (which takes away from the focus of the game.)

Sora would be the worst choice as MC of this game. This would be too out of character for him. I shouldn't have to say anything beyond that.

IF someone on this list had to be chosen, it would be Riku. But that is assuming this game takes place during KH 1 and not after. It would also be assuming that it was during the period he was working for Maleficent. Even then, Riku's character would not go to the extreme perversions necessary for this type of game.

Yes, I understand that this is a fan game. Yes, I understand that this is an adult fan game. However, one of the worst things that can happen to a game using characters from a different series is if those characters do things that are out of character. It makes it feel like the developers don't know what they're doing because they don't know the source material. You can always say it's because "this character is this creator's interpretation of the original character," and that would be fine for the most part, but extreme changes to a character kills immersion. At that point, it's better to just make a game with your own original characters.

The Dev has stated he'll change the MC, but it is my hope that if he does, it will be to a character that is like Pete. Pete is a grunt. Grunt's do the dirty work. Maleficent sent Pete on this task because it is a task that is beneath her. She has other things she needs to worry about.

Again, I don't like Pete as a character, but I cannot think of anyone better to fill the role of MC of this type of game.
From a character standpoint, Pete is the best selection for this game from the pool of existing characters in KH. However we realize that with the MC being Pete, furry scenes become unavoidable. We don't want furry to be a main feature of this game - it has never been intended. The trope is a parody game with focus on corruption. Those are the 2 directive factors.

And yes of course we want this game to be appealing to most. If the majority are repulsed by the idea of a furry character then that'll change (if at all, it'll feature in avoidable scenes) but we won't steer away from the trope. We'll redesign the MC as an OC. Not a super-sexy Enix edgelord.

The purpose of the short demo was to assess general feedback and if necessary navigate an early pivot.

Many thanks,


Game Developer
May 9, 2017
Thats good to hear, hope it makes your project that much successful (Because otherwise it would be our fault...).

See? Its always good to give your input :)
Yes, but you just said it, if they start to change all their original ideas and fail...But I'm optimistic, this have a lot of potential no matter who is the MC.
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Beatrix Kiddo

Aug 25, 2016
I'm glad you decided to make an OC MC.

To me it's not about being a young nice looking dude, but about not being an ugly disgusting one. "Old", not in shape and devilish characters are totally fine with me, like Genie from Witch Trainer, it's just that I can't fap to truly ugly dudes, be it because they are fat, be it because they are really old or decrepit, or any other disgusting trait.


Sep 27, 2017
Yes, you don't need To make a fat ugly dudeTo make a good corruption game. The genie in Akabur games or Lord Cedric in witch trainer aren't especialy good looking. But they aren't truly fat ugly dudes. And their corruption and twisted mind make them fun To play.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Basically what a corruption protagonist needs to be, at their core, is a self centred conniving dick.
Pete, especially KH Pete, is just that.
But Hades, one of the Xs, or an org 13 character etc. could also have filled the role just as well.
The important thing in a corruption protag isn't ugly outside, it's ugly inside.
Whether they be funny like Akabur's Genie/Mitsy's "Avatar", or just utter bell ends like SS-Rider's Luthor or Lurking Hedgehog's Dark Prince.


Sep 27, 2017
Basically what a corruption protagonist needs to be, at their core, is a self centred conniving dick.
Pete, especially KH Pete, is just that.
But Hades, one of the Xs, or an org 13 character etc. could also have filled the role just as well.
The important thing in a corruption protag isn't ugly outside, it's ugly inside.
Whether they be funny like Akabur's Genie/Mitsy's "Avatar", or just utter bell ends like SS-Rider's Luthor or Lurking Hedgehog's Dark Prince.
Exactly !


Jul 7, 2019
somehow i see that smewhat not liking pete as mc equals to wanting a good looking hunk as mc
that was never the case, at least for me

make it quasimodo evil if that is the problem
my point was never about how good looking the character is anyway


Jun 10, 2018
Hi f95zone,

Dev here.

Appreciate all the feedback! Genuinely glad that the majority of you are hyped.

The obvious feedback is a new MC, which I'll take on board. You've been heard loud and clear. We'll design up a nameable non-furry OC MC. Obviously this'll slightly change the existing dialogue which we'll implement in v0.1.

Otherwise please do keep sending your feedback and thoughts!

Many thanks,

P.s. where do I get the dev tag!? Please help a guy out...
You are an incredible person to take peoples criticism on board, I feel like this will be quite a big success in terms of what you are doing as like I mentioned previously, the games that end up being most successful are the ones where developer and fans work together like a community and the outcome is an enjoyable game and it is really refreshing to see a developer not turning a blind eye to peoples opinions, it shows how devoted you are towards this.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
Dunno much about KH, except that its a FF-Disney crossover. Hopefully we'll get some interesting FF characters, even if they aren't in KH originally. As a MMORPG player, I'd love to see a FFXIV character corruptable. Preferably Y'shtola Rhul...
A stronger woman like Shtola would be more fun to corrupt IMO,.. except maybe getting back at Minfilia for all the stupid, pointless, annoyingly phrased fetch quests...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
Yes, but you just said it, if they start to change all their original ideas and fail...But I'm optimistic, this have a lot of potential no matter who is the MC.
Honestly of all the things this game has going for it (Parody of a popular ip and the quality of art) i dont think Pete was one of them, if the dev keeps this with good user interaction, steady updates and keep art quality i cant see this fqiling that hard.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
After just learning of this last night and seeing all the reaction I was about to write this off. I am just not a furry person and having to play one through an entire game was just something I did not want to do, despite the great looking art. Now I am for sure going to follow this to see where it leads. The Genie and Tenzin never bothered me and seeing a human banging a randomly placed furry chick as long as it is not all the time would not dissuade me from playing and liking a game. I kind of like the art imitates life motto so seeing a female animal with a human twat and tits just does nothing for me, and seeing a male animal with a human wiener does even less. So yeah good call to replace Pete imo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
I'm glad you decided to make an OC MC.

To me it's not about being a young nice looking dude, but about not being an ugly disgusting one. "Old", not in shape and devilish characters are totally fine with me, like Genie from Witch Trainer, it's just that I can't fap to truly ugly dudes, be it because they are fat, be it because they are really old or decrepit, or any other disgusting trait.
I am not so sure Genie was all that devilish he was kind of tricked into doing the deed if I recall correctly. His way of corruption was pretty tame as well. I mean when I played it seemed like he was begrudgingly corrupting the girls. He even let the school do most of the corrupting. I agree with you on butt ass ugly guys though doesn't do a thing for me.
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