Is this a game about "tribal warfare" where all the tribal people are black and "invading" white women?
So yeah, you are pretty much confirming what I first feared...
Are the two tribes in this game really named "Blanc" and "Noir", based on the colour of their skin ?
Being french myself, I find this at least unimaginative, if not offensive...
EDIT : Anyway... Judging from the screenshots, and for consistency' sake, I'd like to point out that "blanc" is a masculine word ("blanche" being its feminine "counterpart") whereas "noire" is a feminine word (masculine: "noir")... Seems incoherent to me if this is really all about black tribesmen invading white tribeswomen.
Mad King Cinema : OK. I read that you were planning to add some "hispanic" and "asian" tribes, and I just hope you weren't about to call them the "Marron" and the "Jaune".

I mean, I don't know if you really can speak french, and I'm not actually against your game-concept. On the contrary: I'm fully aware that interracial stuff is a common kink... But, come on, man! This feels ridiculous! You've definitely got to find better names for those tribes!