Let me put this right up front:
I am going to be very critical here. But it comes from a place of wanting a fellow creative to improve their craft. I am not being a troll, and I am not nit-picking to be mean or farm likes or just have a go for my own amusement. What is here's is not a hilariously bad train wreck, deserving of unchained derision for the sake of comedy. It is a very flawed experience, which has the potential to be improved with a lot of effort. I have a secondary education in
Game Art, Design, & Animation (Art Institute of Pittsburgh), and I'm going to be looking at this through the same lens of critique that I built up when I was in college.
EDIT: Proactively added the Spoiler to keep the post length manageable, before I get another mod doing it themselves and I have to read a passive-aggressive notification with them bitching about how my 'highly subjective' post is 'overwrought'.