VN Ren'Py Corporate Culture [v0.7] [sqwl]

4.30 star(s) 160 Votes


Nov 27, 2019
BUT this is an erotic novel. MC has to get laid. The final goal is: MC conquers the pussy.
There is no way Our Beloved and Favourite Heroine will friendzone him.
Why not? Maybe SQWL is the porn version of George RR Martin. Breaking all expectations. (The release speed also matches.)

Furthermore, I would totally prefer a hardcore femdom outcome. Get me some wallpaper with evil Elsa swinging a whip.:LOL:
But story is nice, hence I will play it anyways, even if friendzone.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2021
BUT this is an erotic novel. MC has to get laid. The final goal is: MC conquers the pussy.
Says who? Certainly not sqwl. Just because you saw the game on F95 doesn't automatically make it a porn game. There are plenty of games here that have either no sexual content, or with sex secondary to the story.
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Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
Just finished this one, I hadn't noticed it before but I'm a sucker for the slowburn romance and was pleasantly surprised. Cover photo could be a lot more attention grabbing.


Aug 16, 2018
Eh honestly all the characters beyond the MC,his friend and that girl he likes(and it may only be cause we barely know about her) aren't likable at all,yes you see what the writer is going for but there is a certain lack of empathy on both Elsa's conversations or even the chubby girl that one moment throws herself at the MC and then bam she is back with the ex boyfriend she disliked(on the route the MC doesn't commit to her completely,on a matter of days/weeks...yeah it showed how flippant that girl is).

Beyond that the game portrays perfectly the tension that dominates private companies,the lack of security of the job and the fact that the friendly faces you have by your side might backstab you later if it benefits them(perhaps Elsa will betray the MC's confidence in order to climb up on the company's ladder?).

My lad literally the MC is alone on that Realm of intrigue,listening to the spiteful comments of his blonde friend,dealing with his bitch of a boss and practically choosing to start a relationship or not with a girl that doesn't seem trustworthy at all.

It is true that some might end up on the situations our poor lad is going through on real life but yeah the feeling that you are alone,that you must change your perspective/reinvent yourself in order to just survive,struggling to get out of bed for a job you hate...without being sure of each decision,with the support of a helping hand that might be poisoned.

There is also the matter of how lacking the MC's appearance is like c'mmon random worker is his equal on the department,with other protagonists when they cut their hair a passable face arises but no luck here,would love for the friend to be the actual protagonist a far better design there.

Concerning girl designs Elsa's is eh underwhelming there is nearly nothing to appreciate on that figure that LI usually are blessed with,the chubby girl goes more for the standard just really don't like her much and meh Alice is acceptable but nothing to write home about.

The game surely does not let you rest on your laurels,question is what is the true face of Alice?Will the MC be dissapointed if he commits to her?Will this finally turn into a "let us all step on the MC's shoes"?

A new trauma for him to remember?

Paint me interested will probably revisit when it is near completion.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
there is a certain lack of empathy on both Elsa's conversations
Elsa may seem cold but I think deep down she cares about him. It's just what he needs to get out of depression and channel his new energy/obsession. Maybe she has her own agenda, nothing is done really selflessly, but MC will benefit from it in the end. I wish I had an Elsa in my life.

Paint me interested will probably revisit when it is near completion.
Sadly, despite how much I love this game, I'm not sure to see it near completion but rather abandoned (I hope I'm wrong)


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
I think they've already telegraphed it; he's the princess and she's the knight that will save him. That said, the final goal will probably have them as equals/friends (and whatever plans Elsa has for the company) not necessarily as a romantic coupling.
If Elsa doesn't end up as a LI people will burn the dev's patron account, as well as his house if they can track him.
And rightly so: there is no reasonable way Elsa could not be seen as a LI as the game moves forward.
People criticizing... what do I say criticizing? People slandering, lambasting, slating Elsa should be banned from ever playing this game again. You are absolutely entitled to have other preferences as far as girls are concerned, but the amount of nonsense I've had to trudge in the last pages is dumbstriking (which is not a real word but should be). She is the greatest character of all, she cares about our socially impaired MC, and there would literally not be any game at all without her.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2021
If Elsa doesn't end up as a LI people will burn the dev's patron account, as well as his house if they can track him.
And rightly so: there is no reasonable way Elsa could not be seen as a LI as the game moves forward.
Heh, if anything, I would increase my pledge to the highest tier if that were to happen :) It takes real guts to have a leading woman *not* be a love interest. Besides, there are literally a dozen in-universe reasons why Elsa isn't, couldn't, and shouldn't be a love interest to Edward. The only way I could see them ending up together is via porn logic, which would definitely make me unsubscribe. Or, sqwl could come up with some entirely logical way to do it and I'll happily eat my words :)


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I think this update is the worst update this game has ever gotten. Let me explain, It is not because of the minimal romance scenes. As someone said earlier, even if sqwl said "you know what, fuck lucy. This game won't have anymore sex scenes in it." I would still fcking love this game. The reason I love this game is its side characters. Elsa is a mysterious, total reailistic and dangeoursly intelligent character with a lot of potential. Alice seems like the ultimate girl nextdoor. Cute, loveable and just a little bit stupid.
The reason I didn't like this update is: it is extremely short(storywise). Don't get me wrong I'm sure those bar scenes took a lot of time to render, but were those really necessary to understand Edward is a obsessed individual with a fuckboy friend. Didn't we already know that? We have 1 short scene with Alice and this scenes dialogue is the worst dialogue in this game(oh girls only use me, what are you 12?) but it builds up to something in the next update. We have few really short scenes with Elsa and almost all of them is meaningless at this point, all of them builds up to something but in our current standing, all of them are empty. I don't have anything to say about Lucy bc I cannot care less about her. I think the only reason that lucy exists is that the game needs an easy-to-fuck girl to count as a romantic VN. I am very much aware this is a build up update, we will see the running race with Alice, we will see whatever the text is about with elsa probably in the next update. I hope when I play v0.5 I will say "well yep, the build up update was necessary". I don't know why but after nearly 1 year of developing, I expected more from sqwl in this update.

P.S. If the story is actually bigger and I somehow fucked it up because of my choices in the game, I'm sorry.
I think this gets to the heart of my disappointment with the update.

I find this game interesting mostly because Elsa is a great character and Edward's development could be really satisfying depending on where it winds up going. Unfortunately, this update does nothing to advance or develop either aspect. Elsa's minimal content is just more of the same interactions we're already used to, with no development of her relationship with Edward, no insight from Edward as to her techniques or motives, and no advance of the Big Plan(tm) story. Even the banter with Elsa felt underwhelming this time out.

The bar scene in particular feels like wasted time. It starts out promisingly (if a bit suddenly), but then keeps going on and on and on... despite never giving us anything more than the most bare bones of tropes to work with. The choice to keep [girl]'s number isn't engaging because I literally have no idea what's supposed to be at stake. Is she supposed to be a temptation to fall back into old habits? Is she a chance to help ground Edward in the fight against his own delusions? Is she a way to get some gratuitous T&A into an AVN? I have no idea - which doesn't exactly have me on the edge of my seat to see how my choice will play out in the future.

I don't mind episodes feeling a bit short when I skip lewd content, but this one felt *empty.* I didn't find anything new that's worth mulling over, nor did I find anything exciting to anticipate next time. Other than the bet with Alice, I'm not even sure if I'd notice anything missing if I skipped it and went straight to v5 whenever it comes around. :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
I think this gets to the heart of my disappointment with the update.

I find this game interesting mostly because Elsa is a great character and Edward's development could be really satisfying depending on where it winds up going. Unfortunately, this update does nothing to advance or develop either aspect.
I feel like everybody is hopeful that this turns out to be a story about the MC's redemption, because everybody can see the potential. But the latest update shows that it's still not clear, if this is actually sqwl's intention.
Especially Lucy's plot line is making me lose hope a bit. At the end of the latest update it turns out the MC is either a jealous, forceful alpha male, who cucks other men, or a loser, who gets cucked by other men, with no room for any redemption.


Mar 29, 2019
Terribly amazing game, couldn't walk away from my Pc, until I finish it. TNX for this amazing time! Sorry for my bad English it's not my native language.
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
I feel like everybody is hopeful that this turns out to be a story about the MC's redemption, because everybody can see the potential. But the latest update shows that it's still not clear, if this is actually sqwl's intention.
I'd really like to know what he has to redeem himself for.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I'd really like to know what he has to redeem himself for.
Speaking only for myself, I'd say he needs redemption not in the sense of "atonement for sins" (though there is an aspect of that) as much as "reclaim what was lost."

Edward was betrayed by his girlfriend and responded by withdrawing from the world. He lost almost all sense of ambition and self-worth, and what little he had left was tied up into a blanket hatred of people in general (rather than specifically of those who had actually harmed him). We can debate the morality of this outlook, but I think it's clear that Edward lost a great deal as a result.

Of course I'd also like to see Edward drop his misogynistic views as well, since I find them unpleasant at best and toxic at worst. But I wouldn't characterize that as "redemption" as much as I would "improvement," because I don't think that misogyny was responsible for Edward's fall in the first place. It's a side effect of the fall. Fixing Edward's attitude towards women in and of itself wouldn't make him whole, though it may be a helpful step.

Now one could argue that overcoming his misogyny might make Edward worthy of redemption, but I think that sort of moral becomes complicated when a game allows us to choose between outcomes. If Edward can succeed as either a domineering "alpha male" or a compassionate "nice guy," then it's up to us to pick whichever moral of the story we prefer.

Of course, if Edward can only ever succeed by being a misogynist jerk, then I'll definitely lose my interest in the game.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2021
Now one could argue that overcoming his misogyny might make Edward worthy of redemption, but I think that sort of moral becomes complicated when a game allows us to choose between outcomes. If Edward can succeed as either a domineering "alpha male" [...]
I'm hoping this won't become an option, i.e. if you choose to be an asshole, you get a bitter end, not succeed.

Of course, if Edward can only ever succeed by being a misogynist jerk, then I'll definitely lose my interest in the game.
Oh, definitely. I don't think sqwl will do that though.
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Dec 16, 2020
you know..I dont get how ignoring lucy when she brought the guy home gives loser points. i mean, if you choose to be friends with benefits, shouldnt stopping lucy give loser points since you cant even let your fwb sleep with anyone else, that's being insecure imo


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
you know..I dont get how ignoring lucy when she brought the guy home gives loser points. i mean, if you choose to be friends with benefits, shouldnt stopping lucy give loser points since you cant even let your fwb sleep with anyone else, that's being insecure imo
Maybe play without min/maxing points, it's not a rpg. And "loser" points is just extrapolation on the meaning of the variable from the modder, unless the dev directly told him but I doubt it

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
OK .. so the movie this is all inspired after means that MC alter ego wins in the end,
even if that kills MC as this idiot being pushed around and shoved into a corner by
insecure unresponsive lost causes of all girls these 2 MC pursues.

Winning as brad pit is set in stone, so MC succeeding as alpha is the only way.

Alpha in actuality means you kick Elsa and the moronic brain dead heiress to the curve.

That is it .. you pursue actual strong women who know how to tango,
not idiot brats who come to you for help - genuine help like elsa does,
only to treat MC like dirt and so far, because of this insecure dev, succeed with flying colors.

There is no point in getting anything the way things are going - corporate espionage
is a doublecross and MC fighting the power while Elsa and the heiress enjoying having
so much moeny and power they get bored of it and around MC theyr
show their true moronic brain dead colors pout of it.
This pits them head to head in the fight:
- either for toppeling the status quo of morons running the world being actual non values,
the attribute the heiress expresses in spades,
while MC is getting ever more adept in predicting power plays and refining his program,
all the while letting all that prancing and ladder crawling Elsa keeps spewing onto him
get way over his head.

At this point, turning MC into dexter or hannibal lecter would actually be a fresh sharp twist.
Violence and meaningless pissing contests were all over fight club also,
but brad pit was dead on in his agenda, as was edward.

The attraction MC presents to the neighbor is precisely his alpha demeanor -
he has to keep pushing, owning her so thoroughly she melts into his eyes and his arms
and is powerless to his throbbing desires and feverish love making, all of that
because she loves the thrill he brings.

I'm hoping this won't become an option, i.e. if you choose to be an asshole, you get a bitter end, not succeed.

Oh, definitely. I don't think sqwl will do that though.
you know..I dont get how ignoring lucy when she brought the guy home gives loser points. i mean, if you choose to be friends with benefits, shouldnt stopping lucy give loser points since you cant even let your fwb sleep with anyone else, that's being insecure imo
Maybe play without min/maxing points, it's not a rpg. And "loser" points is just extrapolation on the meaning of the variable from the modder, unless the dev directly told him but I doubt it
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4.30 star(s) 160 Votes