3.80 star(s) 33 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
No, you don't see the logic for whatever reason, but you insist that unless I agree with your faulty reasoning I'm being obstinant. I'm not. I stated very clearly how Anna could easily be X but you think I should give up and say she can't be because you can't grasp the reasoning. You don't have to lose anything. You also don't have to convince me of anything.
You can, however, step away from the keyboard and calm down.
I am not convincing you..I just said whatever story shows...if Anna is X then she should receive message from X during first mission too but no one see that too..you also don't see Leon as Black Adam /superman so it's not my fault lol
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Jun 1, 2023
There is so much we don't know yet in this story. You can all be right and I bring yet another candidate for X. Clara's father! We know little about him and the little only from their point of view. He is a criminal, has been able to make plenty of contacts in prison, AND, Clara hates him! And really and deeply! – Something could have been there that he was also on a campaign of revenge. Just a funny thought.


Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
There is so much we don't know yet in this story. You can all be right and I bring yet another candidate for X. Clara's father! We know little about him and the little only from their point of view. He is a criminal, has been able to make plenty of contacts in prison, AND, Clara hates him! And really and deeply! – Something could have been there that he was also on a campaign of revenge. Just a funny thought.
Good job! This is the latest version! It remains only to find out where and when the prisoner met and made a deal with Leon. Maybe on the contrary it was Leon who found the prisoner! Too few facts are known.:unsure::coffee:


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
Good job! This is the latest version! It remains only to find out where and when the prisoner met and made a deal with Leon. Maybe on the contrary it was Leon who found the prisoner! Too few facts are known.:unsure::coffee:
:unsure:So Mr. X may be Klara's hated father. Who decided to take revenge on his daughter with the hands of Loana and Anna


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
Look the story is far from over. Other than knowing that Leon is a bad guy, his character is still a mystery. We don't know if he is trying to ruin Alan by going after Clara because he is a bully or because he has another hidden agenda or because he really wants Clara.

So far only Alan's backstory has been revealed and Clara's briefly hinted. We also got some hints on Anna's past in latest update. So its obvious that the author intends to reveal more and more about the characters as story progresses and whenever its necessary. Leon also mentioned his mother died of heartbreak or something because of his father. No more details mentioned on that so far. We also know he has a sister who is still a mystery.

It wouldn't make sense to reveal everything about the characters right away. It takes away the mystery and becomes boring. Otherwise we would have got Leon's pov too.

X could be cooperating with Leon for all we know and it could explain why X is cooperating with Anna. But X is also definitely going after whatever Specter is holding and rest comes after.
Is Leon burning for revenge after his mother died of a broken heart? And he wants to see Alan do the same when he takes his beloved Clara away from him?


Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
:unsure:So Mr. X may be Klara's hated father. Who decided to take revenge on his daughter with the hands of Loana and Anna
It is known about Clara's father that he is a pathetic, insignificant person and a bitter drunkard! He turned Clara's childhood into hell! This dad doesn't have the brains to successfully do such things!
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Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
It is known about Clara's father that he is a pathetic, insignificant person and a bitter drunkard! He turned Clara's childhood into hell! This dad doesn't have the brains to successfully do such things!
Maybe Klara's father harmed someone in prison. And this gangster decided to take revenge on his daughter by adopting the pseudonym X?
  • Thinking Face
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Apr 4, 2024
I am not convincing you..I just said whatever story shows...if Anna is X then she should receive message from X during first mission too but no one see that too..you also don't see Leon as Black Adam /superman so it's not my fault lol
Why does she have to see it? Why is it so necessary that we see a scene of her getting the message? How does it make it impossible for her to be X if we don't see that scene? Could it be that the Dev, simply wanted to focus on the others then and work Anna's mental condition into the narrative as the story progresses? You're hanging a lot of your argument on the fact that you missed seeing her get one message that really doesnothing to disprove her potential involvement.

Leon is a jerk that has his own scheme and, as intricate as it is, it can still be inferior to a crazy woman who has also bent her whole life on developing her capabilities to extract revenge from people she feels have wronged her. She's the true evil genius wrapped up in the facade of a sweet face and lace.

This argument is over friend. If you insist on continuing to harrass me about this I'll put you on ignore.
  • Thinking Face
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Jan 13, 2019
yall gotta chill. getting pressed over a VN is just... :KEK:

relax! dont project too much and go outside! because at the end of the day, we're all here to have a decent, healthy discussion. well, thats aside from enjoying the story ofc, which i dont have to mention as its so obvious, hopefully. not to attack anybody that has different point of view from each and everyone. :KEK:


Apr 4, 2024
yall gotta chill. getting pressed over a VN is just... :KEK:

relax! dont project too much and go outside! because at the end of the day, we're all here to have a decent, healthy discussion. well, thats aside from enjoying the story ofc, which i dont have to mention as its so obvious, hopefully. not to attack anybody that has different point of view from each and everyone. :KEK:
Agreed! 100%


Sep 13, 2021
Good game, that is becoming better the more you play.
Author's improvements through the life of this game are incredible.

Although this score is for the second half of the game - not the first one.
...but please, no remake.
Remakes. Are. Sin.

+ Great models. 10/10. Especially love the FMC.
+ Good environments.
- But something's off with the scenes. They shouldn't feel this plain - like staring at a white wall - not with such good models.
I think it's the flaccid lighting. I guess it's one of these times when the scenes would really benefit from the colored shadows - contrasting with the main light source.

...actually, the same as art.
Not mentioning an overly stretched intro (no, it's not a build-up - you can deliver the same with much less time and word count; or even better - without it at all - just throw the team into the enemy layer and deliver their history during the hot sex scenes)

But other than that!

+ The story is very good.
Motivations and obstacles, that characters have to juggle, are believable and complex - and they feed directly into the hot sex scenes. And into promises on them.
- But the delivery is, well - like art. Flaccid?
The words are good - and hot at times - but there's too little contrast between different sentences.
So you read one sentence. Then the next one - and it'll have the same tone, the same emotion, the same thought.
And the words are good. But then you read the next one. And the next one. And there's almost no difference.
Like staring at a white wall.
Weird feeling.

Some - irrelevant.
+ Some are good. With several foreshadowings, and when you make a choice - it's a choice of a kink (in a porn game! shocking).
"You into femdom?" Yes/No.
Without taking you out of the story. Well blended into the narrative. The choice that is relevant to the player's personality and the core meaning of the porn game.
From now on this is literally my golden standard of game choices.

- But some choices are... "You want more content? Act like a piece of shit. You want it, don't you, you fricking fuck. You want this content, you slime of a human?"
No, I don't want more content. That's exactly why I downloaded this fucking game.
Jesus 'Fucking' Christ.

So in conclusion:
"Why's the score so high if it's that controversial?"
Cos the sex scenes are hot.
Cos the story's funneling seamlessly into the sex scenes.
Cos characters (and their obstacles) are complex enough - so the tension in the sex scenes is equally complex and entertaining. Without it becoming just stale ass porking.

Cos the author improved an incredible amount through the course of this single game.
And I'm looking for more.

...and cos I even learned something new about the game design after this game. Yeah.


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
Good game, that is becoming better the more you play.
Author's improvements through the life of this game are incredible.

Although this score is for the second half of the game - not the first one.
...but please, no remake.
Remakes. Are. Sin.

+ Great models. 10/10. Especially love the FMC.
+ Good environments.
- But something's off with the scenes. They shouldn't feel this plain - like staring at a white wall - not with such good models.
I think it's the flaccid lighting. I guess it's one of these times when the scenes would really benefit from the colored shadows - contrasting with the main light source.

...actually, the same as art.
Not mentioning an overly stretched intro (no, it's not a build-up - you can deliver the same with much less time and word count; or even better - without it at all - just throw the team into the enemy layer and deliver their history during the hot sex scenes)

But other than that!

+ The story is very good.
Motivations and obstacles, that characters have to juggle, are believable and complex - and they feed directly into the hot sex scenes. And into promises on them.
- But the delivery is, well - like art. Flaccid?
The words are good - and hot at times - but there's too little contrast between different sentences.
So you read one sentence. Then the next one - and it'll have the same tone, the same emotion, the same thought.
And the words are good. But then you read the next one. And the next one. And there's almost no difference.
Like staring at a white wall.
Weird feeling.

Some - irrelevant.
+ Some are good. With several foreshadowings, and when you make a choice - it's a choice of a kink (in a porn game! shocking).
"You into femdom?" Yes/No.
Without taking you out of the story. Well blended into the narrative. The choice that is relevant to the player's personality and the core meaning of the porn game.
From now on this is literally my golden standard of game choices.

- But some choices are... "You want more content? Act like a piece of shit. You want it, don't you, you fricking fuck. You want this content, you slime of a human?"
No, I don't want more content. That's exactly why I downloaded this fucking game.
Jesus 'Fucking' Christ.

So in conclusion:
"Why's the score so high if it's that controversial?"
Cos the sex scenes are hot.
Cos the story's funneling seamlessly into the sex scenes.
Cos characters (and their obstacles) are complex enough - so the tension in the sex scenes is equally complex and entertaining. Without it becoming just stale ass porking.

Cos the author improved an incredible amount through the course of this single game.
And I'm looking for more.

...and cos I even learned something new about the game design after this game. Yeah.
:unsure:I think my friend should put this post in the review section:ROFLMAO:


Sep 13, 2021
:unsure:I think my friend should put this post in the review section:ROFLMAO:
It is in the review section. )

I copied it here because reviews don't support discussion. So I can't see if anyone disagrees with my opinions and why.
I learned surprisingly a lot when I put my opinions out there and people disagreed with me.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
All the information is laid out on the shelves as ...in the accounting report. The report is not discussed, but taken into account! If a kind person posts information here about the progress in the development of part 0.5 B, then a topic for discussion will appear!:rolleyes:


Mar 14, 2020

Hey Sinners!

So, the last update seems to have been quite eventful for our small community in positive and negative ways, depending on each person.

So, to clarify a few things, some people might be confused about the game itself,

1) It was mentioned from the start that this game would have unavoidable NTR for the main LI. This was because I had constructed the plot in such a way that it needed the NTR factor. I can't create a route where she doesn't cheat since it would deviate from the vision of the game I had in my mind. But the main course of the story has yet to arrive.

2) Some say it's early for her to get NTR, and I don't want to refute you guys right away; it depends on each person's perspective. But at the same time, I also request you guys to keep playing and then judge once you learn Clara's complete character. There is so much more to unfold about her character, which could explain why she is the way she is. Just because a human being appears strong on the outside doesn't mean they can't have weaknesses that surround their very heart.

The same goes for Leon, Anna, MC, X, and any such characters. They all have good reasons for their motivations and so much more to uncover on their characters, which will be gradually revealed throughout the game.

I don't want to ruin the mystery by revealing everything about them or dump everything like a mess since I constructed the plot to be supported by the mystery.

Of course, the story isn't perfect, but for those who are disappointed, who knows...you might change your mind once the game is finished, or maybe not. Just food for thought


Now, coming to the development progress of Part B of v0.5, writing is halfway done, and the next update will involve a few choices, new characters (wink wink), hot scenes, and a special episode for Sin Kings.

So, a lot of work is to be done, but at the same time, I (SD) have two weeks of business trips to and fro. So I will have access to my computer for only a few hours for these two weeks.

But that doesn't mean there won't be an update next month. It just might not be in the first half of June like I originally wanted to publish . Sorry for the delay, and I hope you guys understand

Sinful Studios


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
View attachment 3660286

Hey Sinners!

So, the last update seems to have been quite eventful for our small community in positive and negative ways, depending on each person.

So, to clarify a few things, some people might be confused about the game itself,

1) It was mentioned from the start that this game would have unavoidable NTR for the main LI. This was because I had constructed the plot in such a way that it needed the NTR factor. I can't create a route where she doesn't cheat since it would deviate from the vision of the game I had in my mind. But the main course of the story has yet to arrive.

2) Some say it's early for her to get NTR, and I don't want to refute you guys right away; it depends on each person's perspective. But at the same time, I also request you guys to keep playing and then judge once you learn Clara's complete character. There is so much more to unfold about her character, which could explain why she is the way she is. Just because a human being appears strong on the outside doesn't mean they can't have weaknesses that surround their very heart.

The same goes for Leon, Anna, MC, X, and any such characters. They all have good reasons for their motivations and so much more to uncover on their characters, which will be gradually revealed throughout the game.

I don't want to ruin the mystery by revealing everything about them or dump everything like a mess since I constructed the plot to be supported by the mystery.

Of course, the story isn't perfect, but for those who are disappointed, who knows...you might change your mind once the game is finished, or maybe not. Just food for thought


Now, coming to the development progress of Part B of v0.5, writing is halfway done, and the next update will involve a few choices, new characters (wink wink), hot scenes, and a special episode for Sin Kings.

So, a lot of work is to be done, but at the same time, I (SD) have two weeks of business trips to and fro. So I will have access to my computer for only a few hours for these two weeks.

But that doesn't mean there won't be an update next month. It just might not be in the first half of June like I originally wanted to publish . Sorry for the delay, and I hope you guys understand

Sinful Studios
I would like to make a suggestion here...Just in case if you are open for one lol ...The thing is there is alot of texts in the story and you are showing it from three perspective as of now..I think it creates a confusion for me atleast to catch the flow of the story while playing the game and to understand the flow.

I wanna suggest like whenever you change perspective from one MC to other MC and show the texts of what they are thinking in a single page, you can add that character in the background or render few images of those MC with different expression, so that you can use it whenever you change the perspective of MC in the middle of the story and it will be easy for us to understand who is thinking while their thoughts are mentioned below as it's more user friendly. As of now it's more like a black background with alot of texts related to their thoughts and story in a single page.

I play alot of games and sometimes I forgot MC names lol...so if their perspective is shown with their images, it will be easy for me to recognize whose perspective is it instead of using a black background.
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Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
View attachment 3660286

Hey Sinners!

So, the last update seems to have been quite eventful for our small community in positive and negative ways, depending on each person.

So, to clarify a few things, some people might be confused about the game itself,

1) It was mentioned from the start that this game would have unavoidable NTR for the main LI. This was because I had constructed the plot in such a way that it needed the NTR factor. I can't create a route where she doesn't cheat since it would deviate from the vision of the game I had in my mind. But the main course of the story has yet to arrive.

2) Some say it's early for her to get NTR, and I don't want to refute you guys right away; it depends on each person's perspective. But at the same time, I also request you guys to keep playing and then judge once you learn Clara's complete character. There is so much more to unfold about her character, which could explain why she is the way she is. Just because a human being appears strong on the outside doesn't mean they can't have weaknesses that surround their very heart.

The same goes for Leon, Anna, MC, X, and any such characters. They all have good reasons for their motivations and so much more to uncover on their characters, which will be gradually revealed throughout the game.

I don't want to ruin the mystery by revealing everything about them or dump everything like a mess since I constructed the plot to be supported by the mystery.

Of course, the story isn't perfect, but for those who are disappointed, who knows...you might change your mind once the game is finished, or maybe not. Just food for thought


Now, coming to the development progress of Part B of v0.5, writing is halfway done, and the next update will involve a few choices, new characters (wink wink), hot scenes, and a special episode for Sin Kings.

So, a lot of work is to be done, but at the same time, I (SD) have two weeks of business trips to and fro. So I will have access to my computer for only a few hours for these two weeks.

But that doesn't mean there won't be an update next month. It just might not be in the first half of June like I originally wanted to publish . Sorry for the delay, and I hope you guys understand

Sinful Studios
I can count the number of good, well-made NTR games on one hand. My favorite is "Inside Jennifer" and so far this one is so-so. A better option would have been to have two tracks go without NTR I hope Clara doesn't end up as a cum dump for anyone who wants to fuck her in every possible way. Because that's how the wife usually ends up in NTR games. girl. And you, as Mc, look at it helplessly and have no way to react to it, because the creator gave you no choice and forces you to follow the specific path chosen by the creator. Such games are extremely boring and predictable. Don't you dare criticize that the Creator has given you nothing or that the choices are kinetic.
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  • Red Heart
Reactions: ItsNotUs


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
I would like to make a suggestion here...Just in case if you are open for one lol ...The thing is there is alot of texts in the story and you are showing it from three perspective as of now..I think it creates a confusion for me atleast to catch the flow of the story while playing the game and to understand the flow.

I wanna suggest like whenever you change perspective from one MC to other MC and show the texts of what they are thinking in a single page, you can add that character in the background or render few images of those MC with different expression, so that you can use it whenever you change the perspective of MC in the middle of the story and it will be easy for us to understand who is thinking while their thoughts are mentioned below as it's more user friendly. As of now it's more like a black background with alot of texts related to their thoughts and story in a single page.

:unsure:After all, there is only one MC because only Alan can make choices


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
:unsure:After all, there is only one MC because only Alan can make choices
It's not about choices..it's about perspective ....when he show perspective of Clara and Ana ...he usually write alot of text in a single page lol ....so i am just saying like if he can add a background image of the character thinking whenever their perspective change , it will be easier to understand when it's changed in the middle of the story.
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3.80 star(s) 33 Votes