I found a programmer and the update should be released soon
First of all, I really liked the adjustment you made regarding too much repeated scenes in the "all POV."
Moving on, I got another critique hehe. I'm not a programmer, so I'm far from an expert when it comes to coding in renpy games, but I do always look at the script file and check the variables and flags being set to better understand the potential routes.
I noticed that the game doesn't set any variables or flags for the choice we got in this update. Granted, it's a dead end choice where one leads to an early bad end, so it doesn't really matter this time, but if this style of coding will be used for most choices, I can see it leading to some routing issues down the line (if you decide to add routes and not just go for a kinetic novel approach). Without actually tracking the choices, it could easily lead to inconsistencies later on.
Also, when it comes to bad ends, the one we got in this update was pretty meaningless. Bad ends without a sex scene is generally a waste of everyone's time in porn games (and a wasted opportunity when it comes to corruption games). The advantage of using bad ends in stories like this is that it can let you jump the line in terms of corruption arcs and give an early treat to players without impacting the plot. Like let's say instead of her dying on the spot, we see her get raped first. Even better, it could be a quick series of scenes where we see her get trained and corrupted before she goes missing or something. You know, something to make it worth looking through the bad end route rather than just being like, "Oh, she ded, go back and pick the other choice."
Here is my advice. You could follow one of two designs, or a mix of the two. Track the choices with variables/flags and use those to give slight variations in dialogue and scenes, maybe even leading to potentially major route branching. For example, that choice could set a flag "sac_dignity = True/False" which can be referenced in various ways later. Or it could set a variable "alan_confidence += 1" or "clara_corruption += 1" which could be accumulated through other similar choices and eventually lead to a route split or flavor text variation.
Or if you want to keep the scope of the game smaller and keep to a mostly kinetic novel approach, at least attach sex scenes to the dead end choices so it doesn't become meaningless. If there is no bad ending scene and the choice isn't going to set a variable/flag that can come into play later, do we really even need that choice which immediately leads to a game over?