I suppose that's right, if you completely distort what's actually in the game.
To pull some quotes from a conversation I had with Arc:
" F95 is an incredibly toxic site for devs so I spend as little time as possible on it, and I don't engage. There's a lot of outright lying, barely-concealed glee and deliberately misconstrued situations. The '14 year-old virgins' thing is especially weird and says more about the commenter than anything else [comment from me: because NO ONE engaged in sexual activity is below 18 in the game]. I used to be active on the site and tried to ensure everyone was kept informed, but honestly it was like swimming upriver while people threw rocks so I just don't any more. "
" Trying to stop the flow of misinformation and vitriol on F95 is like the story of the little Dutch Boy and the Dam. Anyone who's getting the game legitimately knows the truth from SubStar and Itch". The rest are just stealing anyway so why bother? And yes, stealing because this thread is no longer, and hasn't been for a long time, updated by him.
And just to end on a more positive note, I gave'im a heads up about the people who actually care about the game, even here, and this was his answer:
" I appreciate that, thank you. There's a lot of good people in F95 - it's a shame they're so often drowned out by the sea of toxicity that surrounds them! I'm flattered and humbled beyond measure that they'd be raising their voices in positive support of CK "
Arc if for whatever reason you read this, you can probably figure out who I am (I'm not potentially leaking my discord tag here), and if you want me to take these quotes down, just let me know