
Aug 29, 2017
I'm still trying to figure out best strategies to go from tier 3 to 1000% for tier 4.

Can anyone explain how they approach these?
Is it better to try and do mass damage to the circumstance so you trigger higher versions of it, or set things up in a way so that you trigger it multiple times?
The best way is orgies and then go from there. Focus on two and slowly get that orgy up


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
It's been really interesting to read the strategy discussions here. I'm happy to see that players have been able to independently come up with the strategies I use during my own playtest runs. And there have also been a few approaches described which hadn't actually occurred to me. I look forward to trying them out on my own and seeing how they compare.
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P.S. - I brought up Plague and a few others not having portrait folders in the first place and they still don't, so I'm not sure whether it was you or I who mis-understood something, CSdev ? :unsure:
Thanks for the reports, those should all be fixed in the next version. Though, "showed mercy on" is actually proper English, if maybe a bit archaic. I think it fits the personality.

Regarding the Innocence Break, that should be referring to Faith's Innocence Break (she must have hit T3 Innocence Break without hitting T1 or T2, and the scene automatically breaks the T1 and T2 if they're still unbroken). The variant displayed there is the one where Stigma's Rampancy Distortion allows her to repel Faith's advances, so if it knocked Stigma off the Distortion path, then that's a bug.

Regarding the Animalistic names not having their own portrait folders, that's intended. The way the game handles Animalistic Chosen is that it gives them the portrait folder that they "would" have if they were regular humans, but within that portrait folder is an Animalistic subfolder. For mousegirls, their default portrait folder can be Fortune, Phantom, Whisper, or Mirage. Animalistic Forsaken generated before the bugfix will still incorrectly use a folder which matches their displayed name, but you can manually assign them a proper portrait folder in the Customize menu.
I have a similar issue where a chosen I corrupted get stuck on Superior and won't go to Animalistic (she was initially regular)
I corrupted her in R35 and am currently using R35b

Also, I don't think my forsaken should have a "Times anally penetrated: 34 (first: Demon Lord during combat)" message considering I'm playing with violence off and have therefore not anally raped them
Right now, the game is a little bit stupid when it comes to assigning sexual experience, because it doesn't know whether you've changed the toggles mid-playthrough. I want to improve this soon.
I managed to fix it by starting a new campaign, and when I went back to try the other one to see if it was still happening it wasn't. I can still send the save if you want but the bug appears to have stopped.
Seems that the bug you saw was actually the one I fixed, so don't worry about uploading the save.
I think I've hit upon a bug. Faith is hitting 10k circumstance damage in INJ, but her tier 1 break isn't happening. I'm not exactly complaining since I didn't WANT to break that yet, but it feel a bit weird that I can sodomize her without triggering Violence or Begging beforehand. I mean, that's not supposed to be possible... right?

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This would have been a bug in earlier versions, but it falls within intended behavior now. What's happening is that the game can only cause a T1 break to happen when you start a new surround action. This means that it has to guess whether you'll hit 10k damage at the moment you use the action, and even if it later turns out that you do more damage than expected (because of raising an ally's EXPO level, for example), the game can't retroactively give her a T1 break, because that would be unfair to players who wanted to avoid that T1 break. It's unavoidable for this to happen sometimes - the game can't know how high you can theoretically get an ally's EXPO level in advance. But it's also possible to get T3 breaks before T2 breaks, so it's not inconsistent with the other mechanics.
You know since we were on topic of undead chosen and if they die they could come back. How about also chosen that run away. Maybe they get "blessed" and become a lot lot strong or maybe just come back as superior chosen in other loops.
Regular Chosen who run away can in fact already come back as Superior Chosen in later loops! It isn't guaranteed, but when the game rolls for Superior Chosen, it can also pick returning regular Chosen, and if it does pick one of them, then they get upgraded to fit.
This game leaves me with a couple of questions due to how the menu is set up unclearly.

1. What's the difference between "single play" and "campaign"? The expected is for a campaign to some kind of sequence of single plays together. But instead the relation seems to be "pre-set" and "pre-set plus your own characters in the random mix"

2. Is there someway to play with exactly the characters you select?

3. Is there a way to give pre-made characters a portrait? I can do this once in the game, but can it be done prior to the game so you don't have to do it everytime again?

4. "Customize" is just a different way to generate the 3 characters, right?

5. What does the "import" button on the main screen import exactly?
Some of these answers are related, so I'll answer them together rather than one-by-one.

When you use Customize, you effectively create a new Single Play save which guarantees that you face only the three Chosen you customized. This is by far the simplest way to guarantee that you'll face exactly the same three Chosen that you've generated.

When you finish a Single Play game, you're brought back to the main menu and any Forsaken you've managed to convert are added to your save file for use in other Single Play games. However, you can't use those Forsaken in Campaign mode. Instead, Campaign mode lets you play through multiple "loops" of increasing difficulty where you can only use Forsaken you've converted within that same Campaign playthrough.

If you replace the default portrait folders with your own pictures, then the randomly-generated Chosen will use those pictures. But otherwise, the only way to use a set of portraits you've made beforehand is to make a custom team with names matching your portrait folders.

The Import function on the main menu is for detecting .par files in the game's folder. When you use Customize to make a team, you're given an option of creating a .par file which you can then send to other people so that they can add the team to their existing save file.
Thanks! I feel like this was super helpful!
I'll see what I can do.

Is there a way to see the special abilities of distorted chosen? I couldn't find anything on the Traumatize one you get from negotiation and it took me a while to realize those were special to distorted chosen, and I didn't see anything about it in the guide.
I had thought that I had put some info about Forsaken Defilers in the guide, but apparently I haven't. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll add some documentation for them in the next release.
Tried going for Prophet.
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btw which higher end upgrades are good to aim for? still defiler ones or those that give more time?

edit: btw about minors after core - is it fine to do it in the same fight as long as you choosen to break core first - or does it need to be separate?
The way the Core/Minor interaction for relationships works is that the two Chosen will have a scene together after the battle. Their break status is checked at the time of the scene to determine whether it'll be positive or negative, so breaking them both in the same battle results in a positive scene, even if the Core was technically broken a few rounds earlier.
Since I now have Stable Diffusion on my PC, I think I'll make a portrait pack :unsure:

I have no Photoshop/GIMP skills so lets see how this goes :KEK:

Don't expect this anytime soon. If any real artists think this is going to replace them, you don't have to deal with stuff like this:

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If anything, artists can use this as an idea machine and go from there, but I digress.

Reaper tests:

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Pain :

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That boobscythe is amazing.
i finally managed to get 50+ EE commander (thanks to cheat button appearing after the end of the game) and now i can do stuff do the chosen

i'd like to surround them at the same time to try an orgy, but i don't understand how to prevent them from flying away after a capture
When you start capturing or surrounding one of the Chosen while extermination is already complete, they'll take flight at the end of that capture or surround.
by the way what do i do with this situation ? do i still need to break T1 ?
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So I have the chosen as forsaken now, still unable to have sex with them when I meet up. What are the requirements for this? Like are there specific stats that are needed? I won them to my side using negotiate and all three of them just will not do any sexual actions with me outside of the foreplay options still. I know their are some training that do certain acts, but this feels ridiculous at this point.
This sounds like a bug. Are you sure your penis isn't occupied by their hands or mouth already? If not, then I'd appreciate it if you'd upload the save so I can take a look.
Still not really getting the Forsaken system at all. I've seen a lot of talk about having goals, but the actual training part is incomprehensible to me. Free training generates expertise, but going beyond the girl's limits only raises her obedience (which I don't want). If I want to raise her disgrace, is the only way to use a trainer and grind it out slowly?
Sometimes, their corruption can end up such that a trainer is the only way to raise a stat without also raising Obedience. But the only drawback of low Obedience is that it's hard to keep it low, so that's working as intended.
Also, I found myself in a weird situation where I set up my chosen for the temptation distortion in a new run, and all the conditions are met, however no matter how many times I activate the tempt action on them in combat, it never actually distorts them and just ends up having saying after combat I still have to surround them and tempt them to distort them. I've tried checking them by visiting them and the tempt distortion isn't in effect on them. It feels like this is a bug, so I'll include my save here in case anyone is either able to point out something I'm doing wrong and I'm just stupid, or if this really is a bug. I'm trying to tempt Despair.
This appears to be working as intended. Every time you Tempt her, the requirement to Tempt her again goes down. She doesn't fully join your side until you Tempt her in the final battle.
Thanks for catching this, it'll be fixed.
Jul 14, 2018
i finally managed to get 50+ EE commander (thanks to cheat button appearing after the end of the game) and now i can do stuff do the chosen

i'd like to surround them at the same time to try an orgy, but i don't understand how to prevent them from flying away after a capture
The easiest way to do this, is to have a commander that isn't a defiler, suppressor or punisher. If you go with a regular commander (with flight), you can capture them back when they're flying and use that to setup orgies and such if one of the three got out of your grasp.

Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
So uh, are tier 3 breaks supposed to be so... automatic?
Was breaking the leftover tier 2 breaks before heading on to tier 3 and ended up getting a chosen's minor into a pre-break state.
Since I wanted everyone to be enemies, just decided to go to a core tier 3 of the other chosen and... the one with the per-break 3 minor just... hits 10k pleasure damage and self-breaks without me doing anything. Like, what the heck is going on and how do I stop it. Trying a bunch of things out but so far nothing works.
Ok never mind figured it out.
Apparently the trick isn't to try and speedrun the other chosen it's just to surround/capture the one you want to avoid tier 3 breaking and avoiding the action that gives the relevant damage so they don't get damaged and they're not free to apply it themselves.
Then run the fuck away once you can't keep em surrounded.
Now to figure out how to juggle this as the pre-breaks stack up while trying to enemy everyone.
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Jun 10, 2020
Hello, having an issue getting Kalloi, Resplendent Tones (I also downloaded the updated version within this thread) to work. I'm able to import it at the beginning but I cannot load the chosen within the game. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you
Jul 14, 2018
So uh, are tier 3 breaks supposed to be so... automatic?
Was breaking the leftover tier 2 breaks before heading on to tier 3 and ended up getting a chosen's minor into a pre-break state.
Since I wanted everyone to be enemies, just decided to go to a core tier 3 of the other chosen and... the one with the per-break 3 minor just... hits 10k pleasure damage and self-breaks without me doing anything. Like, what the heck is going on and how do I stop it. Trying a bunch of things out but so far nothing works.
Ok never mind figured it out.
Apparently the trick isn't to try and speedrun the other chosen it's just to surround/capture the one you want to avoid tier 3 breaking and avoiding the action that gives the relevant damage so they don't get damaged and they're not free to apply it themselves.
Then run the fuck away once you can't keep em surrounded.
Now to figure out how to juggle this as the pre-breaks stack up while trying to enemy everyone.
This is one way to do it. But if you max out their trauma (more or less) then they will have each of their tier 3 breaks ready to go and I find it hard to control which tier 3 breaks first in that case. This is why I prefer to control which tier 3 breaks are available (typically their cores first). I don't max out trauma with orgies and such until they each have their tier 3 cores broken.


Aug 5, 2018
This would have been a bug in earlier versions, but it falls within intended behavior now. What's happening is that the game can only cause a T1 break to happen when you start a new surround action. This means that it has to guess whether you'll hit 10k damage at the moment you use the action, and even if it later turns out that you do more damage than expected (because of raising an ally's EXPO level, for example), the game can't retroactively give her a T1 break, because that would be unfair to players who wanted to avoid that T1 break. It's unavoidable for this to happen sometimes - the game can't know how high you can theoretically get an ally's EXPO level in advance. But it's also possible to get T3 breaks before T2 breaks, so it's not inconsistent with the other mechanics.
Mind clarifying this a bit; can you not trigger a T1 break without taking a surround action? So, say, you have a chosen you are trying to distort, it's safe to take every action as long as they are low enough to not be over 10k in the category you can't break? - doesn't mater if they will go over during the surround, just as long as they don't go over the turn you select a new action?


Mar 20, 2019
Hello, having an issue getting Kalloi, Resplendent Tones (I also downloaded the updated version within this thread) to work. I'm able to import it at the beginning but I cannot load the chosen within the game. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you
I've tested it with this recent build and everything seems to be working, you aren't the only person to say this recently so I wonder what's going on?

I'll add it here just in case, let me know if there's still problems! :D
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Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
Apparently, other tier 3 breaks are (somewhat) more controllable, yay! On the not so yay side-

Probably shouldn't have skipped so much text in between turns because I now have no idea why a the chosen are getting 1/10, 1/100 etc reductions to trauma.
Trying to get a chosen to tier 3 dignity break and she keeps getting 1/1000 reduction in shame which makes it really hard to raise this while avoiding getting her minors to a tier-3.
Jul 14, 2018
Probably shouldn't have skipped so much text in between turns because I now have no idea why a the chosen are getting 1/10, 1/100 etc reductions to trauma.
Yeah. When they take tier 3 corrupted actions, they become more corrupted towards tier 4. But on the other hand, they also do powerful actions.

First they go up a tier in the relevant circumstance (eg from 25 to 100 or from 553 to 1000). Then they use the new tier level as X.

Slaughter: reduce the other surrounds by X turns
Hypnotize: reduce 1 of their own trauma by 1/X*10
Detonate: reduce their own surround by X turns
Striptease: reduce other surrounds damage by (some formula)

You need to trigger these to be able to get to tier 4, but they also make life more difficult for you.

Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
Yeah. When they take tier 3 corrupted actions, they become more corrupted towards tier 4. But on the other hand, they also do powerful actions.

First they go up a tier in the relevant circumstance (eg from 25 to 100 or from 553 to 1000). Then they use the new tier level as X.

Slaughter: reduce the other surrounds by X turns
Hypnotize: reduce 1 of their own trauma by 1/X*10
Detonate: reduce their own surround by X turns
Striptease: reduce other surrounds damage by (some formula)

You need to trigger these to be able to get to tier 4, but they also make life more difficult for you.
Oohhh, that explains it.
Now gotta find a way to work around this I guess.
Damn I wish I knew earlier, then I definitely would have kept innocence break for last. That 1/X trauma reduction really makes it hard to get the other values to tier 3 if you let it stack.


May 22, 2018
Oohhh, that explains it.
Now gotta find a way to work around this I guess.
Damn I wish I knew earlier, then I definitely would have kept innocence break for last. That 1/X trauma reduction really makes it hard to get the other values to tier 3 if you let it stack.
technically speaking 1 good orgy should straight up pre break all or at least most of your t3. just need good 3 capture commander to capture all the girls together.
Jul 14, 2018
Damn I wish I knew earlier, then I definitely would have kept innocence break for last. That 1/X trauma reduction really makes it hard to get the other values to tier 3 if you let it stack.
Honestly, I think it's the least impactful if you plan for it to happen. They only change it for 1 location and only for themselves.
At that stage in the game you can control for them to never not be surrounded. They can't fantasize (innocence tier 3 break ability) if they're surrounded.

Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
technically speaking 1 good orgy should straight up pre break all or at least most of your t3. just need good 3 capture commander to capture all the girls together.
Huh, I'll try that out. Got all the core breaks more or less so just mass-breaking everything sounds nice.

Striptease: reduce other surrounds damage by (some formula)
Side note, striptease damage reduction formula seems to be 1/2^expo level

edit: never let em not be surrounded, noted.
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Jun 10, 2020
I've tested it with this recent build and everything seems to be working, you aren't the only person to say this recently so I wonder what's going on?

I'll add it here just in case, let me know if there's still problems! :D
Thank you so very much! I appreciate the time you spent creating the guide! It's just so much knowledge. I'm just following, going through the motions. I know it will click like everything else when learning something new. Thanks!
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Dec 26, 2017
I really do not understand what I'm suppose to do in this. Like, there's some kind of guide for telling me what it wants me to do, but it does things like 'break this one's tier 1, now do 10000 to this other person who you weren't working on at all'. And i'm missing something I think, because I don't understand how to get more evil points without breaking the ones i don't want to for the distortion paths. Is it safe if I only break T1/2 and just avoid T3 breaks?


May 22, 2018
I really do not understand what I'm suppose to do in this. Like, there's some kind of guide for telling me what it wants me to do, but it does things like 'break this one's tier 1, now do 10000 to this other person who you weren't working on at all'. And i'm missing something I think, because I don't understand how to get more evil points without breaking the ones i don't want to for the distortion paths. Is it safe if I only break T1/2 and just avoid T3 breaks?

This is Game about multipliers. you need to figure how they work and dance from there. Also you need to learn to use commander. Without any suppresor/punisher upgrades. just a manual with 4 or 5 turns and 2 captures will do. with proper point economy you will get it by turn 12. after that you can freely break a core weakness per turn. as you start breaking cores you will get influx of EE to get more upgrades. distortions are harder to achieve than normal break, they will change the way you approach said chosen. also they would require you to use orgy to trigger - which again will require upgraded commander to setup. and you still want to break t3 and t4 without it you are likely wont be able to win at day 50 since you wont have enough points to buy resolve reducing upgrades. i mean i think some distortion path can be finished off without those upgrades, but as i was saying distortion is generally harder to achieve.

2 Step guide will be

1) turns 1-12 just do whatever and save points. all you need t ocare about is doing enough reauma damage on a girls that freshly join the team so you get 1EE from them on the same turn they join. this way by the turn 12 you will have enough upgrades and points to make 4 turn 2 capture commander.

2) as long as you have 4/2 commander - that is enough for t1 and maybe t2 core breaks. there you just need to experiment with the way you play the commander. remember HATE and INJU give multipliers on circumstantial damage for the character that they are used on. EXPO gives multiplier to damage on other characters.

Extra point - as long as you surround someone while there is still not finished extermination going on - you will have an option to surround them later one more time, as long as someone else is surrounded even if extermination time has run out.
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Jul 14, 2018
distortions are harder to achieve than normal break, they will change the way you approach said chosen. also they would require you to use orgy to trigger
What? When I went for distortion (rampage), I specifically avoided orgies. That Chosen only had tier 2 breaks. I just mostly let her rampage while I focused on surrounding the other two.


Oct 10, 2019
Orgies, or rather joining any group defile action doesn't count as break action. So if sodomize, for example, would break vuln you need to avoid for distortion, joining 2nd for double sodomize doesn't count as sodomize action and won't break vuln. That's the way to avoid breaks while upping circ lvles. I never did a rampancy distortion, but by the description nothing prevents her from going into orgies as long as you keep her Inju lvl higher than Hate.
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