
Aug 5, 2018
But wouldn't that just mean you'd target the other stats? :unsure:
Well, not having the circumstance modifiers for HATE or INJU makes it a lot harder to actually raise their other stats. You'd need to focus on raising EXPO on other chosen in order to actually start chipping away at those stats. But with both chosen being resistant, then that makes it a lot harder to raise those levels.
Which, I'd be willing to bet, will be a lot harder if #3's got a core EXPO stat. But, without seeing the precise min/sig/core spread in the above, we don't have enough information to say with certaintly what the remaining chosen's expected spread is.
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Aug 27, 2020
Well, not having the circumstance modifiers for HATE or INJU makes it a lot harder to actually raise their other stats. You'd need to focus on raising EXPO on other chosen in order to actually start chipping away at those stats. But with both chosen being resistant, then that makes it a lot harder to raise those levels.
Which, I'd be willing to bet, will be a lot harder if #3's got a core EXPO stat. But, without seeing the precise min/sig/core spread in the above, we don't have enough information to say with certaintly what the remaining chosen's expected spread is.
Yeah I just started a new game as I'm not really good to begin with, but having these chosen rolls makes things way more difficult than they need to be. I'm on like day 16 and I still haven't managed to break any vulnerabilities yet.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Got a bug when you negotiate with two chosen on the same day; there's no pass time button. Save is Campaign2 - Day 28
Also, if you use the "Orgasm in a Can" - and I assume it's the case for the others - you can break T1 and T2 cores without breaking the +2 for getting 1K damage.
The pass time button is still there, it's just moved to a different location. When the player has Forsaken, the button appears on the Forsaken screen instead in order to remind the player that they can still use the time slot on Forsaken even when they can't attack the Chosen.

Good catch on the +2 Evil Energy bonus being skipped, though. Originally, I had been planning on making it so that you only get the bonus when you raise the target's damage to Lv 2 during the battle itself, but because the Chosen can use regenerate to decrease their damage back below Lv 3, that ended up not working out.
Had an idea for items that I thought was worth sharing; what if one of the ways to acquire new items was by defeating (converting or killing), specific chosen?
Basically, have an item that spawns on a chosen, and gives them a unique ability. Then, when it comes into your possession, you acquire and corrupt the item.

Like an item that blocks a tier 2 break once when used by a chosen, but that increases your circumstantial damage in that catagory once you acquire it. It'd add more variety and challenges to facing chosen, while also giving you a nice reward for meeting the added challenge.
I find this an interesting concept. It would be interesting if items were specifically on certain Chosen, noted on the loops. Like on the three cities you would see item then if it was on a Superior, animal, or normal chosen. Maybe a "super super" chosen idk lol. But basically the item mega buffs the chosen in some form of way unique to the item, maybe inversely to how the item works when corrupted (so like normally). You could corrupt it once you acquire the item, but it would require you to beat the chosen. So the chosen wouldn't be some overpowered forsaken once you corrupt her as you take back the item and it adds to a difficulty loop of being rewarded with item instead of just winning loops. Then you can choosen to get the items or not risking the run as you have to deal with some mega buffed chosen
The boss-Chosen CSDev mentioned earlier seem like a natural fit for this idea, but maybe you'd want items to be a bit more frequent than that.

Maybe tiered items? Superiors having one tier, Animalistic and Undead (and whatever else may be on the way) having theirs, and then bosses having some truly epic loot?
Currently, items are tied to teams rather than individuals, and you get them before fighting the team (rather than as a reward afterward). I think I'm going to keep this as the default state, because most items don't really have an interesting "reverse" that could be applied during the loop where you fight them. As for boss Chosen, I want their special abilities as Forsaken to be tied to them personally, rather than granting bonuses in general. But I do eventually want to add unique "miniboss" Chosen who can show up at random, and giving them their own thematic reward items could work quite well.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Currently, items are tied to teams rather than individuals, and you get them before fighting the team (rather than as a reward afterward). I think I'm going to keep this as the default state, because most items don't really have an interesting "reverse" that could be applied during the loop where you fight them. As for boss Chosen, I want their special abilities as Forsaken to be tied to them personally, rather than granting bonuses in general. But I do eventually want to add unique "miniboss" Chosen who can show up at random, and giving them their own thematic reward items could work quite well.
This might sound like a weird compliment, but I really like how you seem to have a firm grasp on what you want to do!


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
This might sound like a weird compliment, but I really like how you seem to have a firm grasp on what you want to do!
I appreciate it! I think it's very important to plan at least a few steps ahead when developing a game, because otherwise you can write yourself into a corner where you have something you want to add, but all the ways to add it cause other already-implemented things to not work as well. I don't have a perfect track record there, but it's something I'm at least trying to do.


New Member
Dec 26, 2017
So, having played several days of this game, and still barely scratching the surface, I have a fresh plan for my current chosen in a fresh campaign....

The problem is that friendship events can ruin distortions! That's a real pain in the ass let me tell you. I didn't see any chatter on the topic, so I thought i'd bring it up. That makes for another serious thing to try to keep track of if you're shooting for a three team distortion with friendships.

Also, a quick question: if you've managed to trigger a distortion, do you still need to maintain their level of vuln breaks to keep it? If so, that'll make it extremely hard to hold onto say, aversion, if a friend is going to innocence break them via an event at any point.
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Aug 5, 2018
So, having played several days of this game, and still barely scratching the surface, I have a fresh plan for my current chosen in a fresh campaign....

The problem is that friendship events can ruin distortions! That's a real pain in the ass let me tell you. I didn't see any chatter on the topic, so I thought i'd bring it up. That makes for another serious thing to try to keep track of if you're shooting for a three team distortion with friendships.

Also, a quick question: if you've managed to trigger a distortion, do you still need to maintain their level of vuln breaks to keep it? If so, that'll make it extremely hard to hold onto say, aversion, if a friend is going to innocence break them via an event at any point.
I believe that if you've triggered the distortion, breaking T1 or T2 vulnerabilities invalidates the distortion. So for temptation, if you trigger violence or start an impregnation/sodomy action against them, you'll loose the distortion. As for other chosen interfering in the distortion, I don't believe that's possible after the distortion starts. In my expericence at least. However, I likewise am not experienced how this interference works mechanically.


New Member
Dec 26, 2017
I believe that if you've triggered the distortion, breaking T1 or T2 vulnerabilities invalidates the distortion. So for temptation, if you trigger violence or start an impregnation/sodomy action against them, you'll loose the distortion. As for other chosen interfering in the distortion, I don't believe that's possible after the distortion starts. In my experience at least. However, I likewise am not experienced how this interference works mechanically.

So, a couple of things I did notice; Once a distortion starts, the chosen are immune to developing the T3 break (the adaptation breaks) of their forbidden vulns, but prior to that, a vuln break can occur if you raise their traumas too heavily. This can be *particularly* difficult to manage if you are trying to activate an aversion distortion. In my case, it was the first of the three I was activating, and then I spent several days very carefully juggling all my Chosen to keep them from breaking T3s that would invalidate their distortions.

The same goes for friendship events that can break vulns, specifically innocence seems to be an issue in the events. What i'd recommend is that you include a flag that if the chosen in question hasn't already broken that vuln, that it instead be respected to avoid messing up distortions. If you're trying to carefully manage your friendships AND manage a triple distortion team, it can get very *very* hairy.

In the end I had to give up one of the three friendships to make my particular configuration work.
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Oct 27, 2021
This can be *particularly* difficult to manage if you are trying to activate an aversion distortion.
There is no requirement to sit through entire orgy - you just need to initiate it. Just retreat immediately after, if these trauma rises are problematic for desired setup.
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Jul 1, 2020
Is there a concrete basic guide, cause I was trial and erroring this and I screwed up the distortion plans. I saw something about chosen info carrying over so I'm not sure if I can do anything about it. and I don't get approach. I've very frustrated cause I wanna enjoy this game but I keep bashing my head into walls for hours until I don't wanna play anymore. And before anyone says "scroll" or "search" for this info, I did. There are a bunch of results, only half of which have any info. And quite frankly I am to adhd to scroll through 100+ messages.


Aug 29, 2017
Is there a concrete basic guide, cause I was trial and erroring this and I screwed up the distortion plans. I saw something about chosen info carrying over so I'm not sure if I can do anything about it. and I don't get approach. I've very frustrated cause I wanna enjoy this game but I keep bashing my head into walls for hours until I don't wanna play anymore. And before anyone says "scroll" or "search" for this info, I did. There are a bunch of results, only half of which have any info. And quite frankly I am to adhd to scroll through 100+ messages.
Have you looked at the guide/info in the .txt file in the folder for the game?
Jul 14, 2018
Is there a concrete basic guide, cause I was trial and erroring this and I screwed up the distortion plans. I saw something about chosen info carrying over so I'm not sure if I can do anything about it. and I don't get approach. I've very frustrated cause I wanna enjoy this game but I keep bashing my head into walls for hours until I don't wanna play anymore. And before anyone says "scroll" or "search" for this info, I did. There are a bunch of results, only half of which have any info. And quite frankly I am to adhd to scroll through 100+ messages.
Although I had completed a distortion in my first run, in hindsight I wish I had waited with distortions until my second/third run. There is something about the game that kinda subtly pushes you to do distortions. But they should be seen as stretch goals that make the gamr harder (with a nice reward afterward).
Aug 31, 2021
I never thought I was actually gonna comment on this site. I only made this account so i could download games.
I saw this game recommended on several posts, and i was very skeptic about a text based game like this. It seemed outdated from just the pictures. But i tried it and now im goddamn hooked. I've been playing for a couple days now and i barely understand shit. I've been playing cheatmode which makes the experience a bit more monotonous. But i still very much enjoy it. I love that there are different paths you can take to achieve victory and that even after i've played cheatmode that there are still things i dont understand. With almost every game i've ever played in my life i've more often than not figured out the entirety of the game after a couple hours of playing. But now with multiple days on this im only now starting to understand the core mechanics.

It's a new experience. And I never thought i would find it on this site, in this genre, and in this game. There is so much future potential aswell which just makes me more excited to see what can be done in future iterations. 10/10.


May 5, 2020
...even after i've played cheatmode that there are still things i dont understand...
Ye,.... I had the entire site's resources occupied trying to explain whats going on for days.
I've long since given up on trying to understand the game - so I just play around
with full cheat enabled(without that I would have discarded the game long ago). :D

I wonder what the % is of people understanding the game fully vs people who would like to,
but are completely nuked by the obfuscated functionality. :)


Oct 10, 2019
Don't play with cheats, that's a game abouth math porn, not just plain regular one. It's not THAT hard to understand if you try to. Read some step-by-step tutorials some guys posted here and think about some of their moves if you don't get them at the first glance.
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