
Apr 10, 2019
Heya people, I'm slowly wrapping my head around the game, figuring out how most things work and whatnot but there's something that I'm seriously not getting.

When I first played the game I was able to edit a Chosen/Forsaken's body, I don't mean their base identity, I mean height, hips, etc. After some fiddling around with the game testing things out I think I broke my game (Bug report I guess: Whenever you generate a forsaken and then customize them, if you do start a single playthrough and save before you actually meet any chosen and quit the game, the game refuses to load that particular save. I was also using all possible cheats if that matters.) and I've been locked out from altering my forsaken bodies ever since.

Did I disable something? Do I need to have the shifting options available even if I don't want to mess with their gender to mess with their height and whatnot?

Sorry for the long message, if something wasn't clear I'll gladly clarify, thank you in advance.
Is it possible you have your cheats disabled somehow? Does it still happen if you start a fully new save?

PS: Dunno if the dev still hangs around here but awesome game man, reminds me A LOT of that Persona EMUera game, good luck with the game.
Do youknow the game of the game/where to find it? I didnt get anything.


Sep 6, 2021
Just noticed that I need 100G trauma to trigger first t3 break. Checked my loop 1 save file and it was 100M trauma there.Currently on loop 7. Pretty sure that I missed this loop 2-6 but It probably happened there too. Btw it still scales upwards. So a 10x increase per T3 break,which isn't really a big deal this early but Judgement is gonna be real "fun" if this keeps going on.

Helped me out here though since I wanted to get a 20 turn orgy going and the broken capture would have been annoying.

Just check the info of chosen to see the 10T requirement after 2 T3 breaks have been unlocked.
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Sep 6, 2021
Do youknow the game of the game/where to find it? I didnt get anything.
I was curious so I searched for it, is the wiki for Emuera games.
maybe the game itself based on the name. Didn't check it out myself yet so not sure.


New Member
Jul 28, 2018
Is it possible you have your cheats disabled somehow? Does it still happen if you start a fully new save?
Yeah, even with a new save I can't really mess with any of the forsaken bodies on that scale, only change their gender. I can maybe try a fresh installation. (If I do that I will just have to bite the bullet and lose my progress and custom chosen.)

As for the game, it's the one Nobody032 shared. It kinda has the same deal of going about and capturing people/demons and training them with different flavors (Distortions), problem is it's mostly in japanese, you have a few translated routes for some demons, most of the them are moon-runes throughout though. If you don't care for flavor text (Which is the whole reason some people play text-only games) then at least all the systems are translated, so at least it's "playable".


New Member
Jul 22, 2018
So I genned a couple portraits.
Broken directory trees, doesn't work. Sorry about that. Fixed and properly marketed version will available in a subsequent post.
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Sep 6, 2021
Yeah, even with a new save I can't really mess with any of the forsaken bodies on that scale, only change their gender. I can maybe try a fresh installation. (If I do that I will just have to bite the bullet and lose my progress and custom chosen.)
As for the game, it's the one [
I maybe wrong here but you can't really edit height,hips etc after a forsaken has been generated. You can make the breasts bigger with the customize->tools option but other options aren't allowed. Cheats are only for restoring stats,training and species changing.
I never really interacted much with forsaken generation before. I mostly play campaigns.

I also found out that generating a team for single play(From the "Customize" in the first menu, after opening the game) bugs out when you reach the Physical traits options when altering appearances. If you just skip this, they will generate just fine in a new save file.

The single custom option in campaign mode works fine btw and you can change the different physical traits there(Height,hips etc). You can't toggle Orgasm preference though (which may be the reason why this one works but the other one doesn't.). You can also guarantee partners for chosen to make teams so might be worth trying out campaign mode instead.

You won't lose progress on a fresh install since the saves are kept in the "saves.sav" file which you can also back up if you want. Speaking of saves you should probably share yours, it helps the dev with bug fixing.


New Member
Jul 28, 2018
I maybe wrong here but you can't really edit height,hips etc after a forsaken has been generated. You can make the breasts bigger with the customize->tools option but other options aren't allowed. Cheats are only for restoring stats,training and species changing.
I never really interacted much with forsaken generation before. I mostly play campaigns.

I also found out that generating a team for single play(From the "Customize" in the first menu, after opening the game) bugs out when you reach the Physical traits options when altering appearances. If you just skip this, they will generate just fine in a new save file.

The single custom option in campaign mode works fine btw and you can change the different physical traits there(Height,hips etc). You can't toggle Orgasm preference though (which may be the reason why this one works but the other one doesn't.). You can also guarantee partners for chosen to make teams so might be worth trying out campaign mode instead.

You won't lose progress on a fresh install since the saves are kept in the "saves.sav" file which you can also back up if you want. Speaking of saves you should probably share yours, it helps the dev with bug fixing.

Oh boy, well... My save is lost media by now, I understand the save was kept in a static file but I suspected that's part of the reason why my game bugged out. Regardless, I chose to cut my loses and just delete everything and extract again before I got TOO deep just to lose more opportunities.

Thing is doing it fixed it. I have no earthily idea why but I truly couldn't mess with the forsaken bodies, I just avoided doing the steps that bugged my game. (Changing their corporeal dimensions is just going into their stats in the commander option whilst you are attacking a city in campaign for exemple. There you can choose which part of their body you want to grow or shrink and choose a ritual to make it happen.)

Thanks for the goodwill though.

My confusion about the settings was mainly due to these transformations which you can make the forsaken go through once per loop having rituals, since the only thing aside from that mentioning rituals being their shifting option, so I thought maybe that had something to do with it but no, my game was just broken.
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Sep 6, 2021
Oh boy, well... My save is lost media by now, I understand the save was kept in a static file but I suspected that's part of the reason why my game bugged out. Regardless, I chose to cut my loses and just delete everything and extract again before I got TOO deep just to lose more opportunities.

Thing is doing it fixed it. I have no earthily idea why but I truly couldn't mess with the forsaken bodies, I just avoided doing the steps that bugged my game. (Changing their corporeal dimensions is just going into their stats in the commander option whilst you are attacking a city in campaign for exemple. There you can choose which part of their body you want to grow or shrink and choose a ritual to make it happen.)

Thanks for the goodwill though.

My confusion about the settings was mainly due to these transformations which you can make the forsaken go through once per loop having rituals, since the only thing aside from that mentioning rituals being their shifting option, so I thought maybe that had something to do with it but no, my game was just broken.
Yeah I kinda forgot that there is a physical trait system in the game which increases damage based on breast size,hip size, height etc. I have it off so I didn't really look into that.


New Member
Jul 22, 2018
Okay, glad I didn't jazz up the last post because it was broken. After testing and some fixes, here's a proper release post for...


An irresponsibly complete AI generated portrait pack heavily based on and inspired by Contemplative Yearning's work.
  • 12,958 images
  • SDXL generated at 1280x1280, downscaled to 512
  • All emotions + 'smug' & 'used'
  • All 48 Chosen
  • All 6 species for each Chosen
  • Distinct subspecies types visually respected (for better or worse)
  • Special characters 'NPC', 'Basis', 'Crown', 'Judgement', 'Splendor', 'Victory' and preemptively 'Love'
  • Forsaken, and Civilian Forsaken variants for all of the above
  • Scripts/spreadsheet used to create the prompt list are included
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Download links (PixelDrain):
  • Full ( 1.23 GB )
  • Raw ( 1.38 GB )
  • Just ( 1.61 MB )


Sep 6, 2021
I am doing a Splendor loop 10 Playthrough right now with Meglomaniac on Splendor. Seems doable with the new temptation Undead trait. Be sure to also get Rampage undeads because I didn't.

Have reached Loop 15. Let's see how hard Victory gonna be. Right now I have realised that it's a pain to get even +1 energy generation because of "Greater sins eminent" caused by the extra Trauma resolution in the loop. Should probably have not spent energy investing in liquification...

Btw the 10% difficulty increase by Splendor sure is more crazy than you realise. Makes you wonder why it's flip seems so underwhelming( +2 influence per city). Since right now the game is bugged with 100G as requirement for First t3 break, I had a even worse time.
My loop 14 was 20 day with 2725% resolution and 35% damage mitigation per level with a devil and superior chosen. The superior chosen had pretty broken confidence(The worst pre-break you can get imo) and 2 cores.

Loop 15-

Ps: Soul Liquification has grown on me after facing too many Confidence Pre-broken undeads but deep fried rotor and the Omelette du Maléfice item still don't seem worth it. Especially the omelette which for some reason is worth 27 influence, 5 more than the demon cake item which is way more useful.

Other than that I learned that Tempted Devils can't be placed on Obedience Plan so you have to manually keep their obedience +40%. At this point they are better off Spared/Sacrificed.

Also I feel like Animalistic Forsaken's temptation trait needs a COMPLETE change. I don't even get why it exists. It doesn't give anything extra and getting high obedience just means you lose motivation.


Sep 6, 2021
I feel like Rampage duration should not be decreased by Hate T3 action of Animalistic chosen. I am in the final battle right now and the chosen I rampaged just keeps reducing surrounds so I only get 1 turn rampages. I already gave up on the tempted chosen.

I find it funny that Splendor can keep the second in command position even though she heals the enemies. If I had newspaper upgrade this would be so much easier... There are a few things I can try to win this. Let's see how it goes.

Ps: That 100G requirement bug has really ruined my day.

Edit: Just decided to give up on the partners. First time I let one chosen get killed and one escape. Defeated Victory with Meglomaniac though. Can't exactly progress further until that 100G trauma bug is fixed because I won't be able to progress Judgement.
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