New update out!
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On a related note, my game bugs out at the end of a battle, presumably some kind of vignette-related thing. You can just load the most recent one and immediately retreat to see it.
Except for Divinity, apparently. Which makes sense, since she's the one I edited and removed the restrictions on before the campaign.
EDIT: Nevermind, all good now!
Campaign Custom single chosen currently is not working?
Whenever I get the event where two of the chosen get an "irreparable rift" my game basically freezes and clicking the continue button does nothing. Also happened at a different event but I don't remember which one. Anything I can do to fix this? I am using the contemplative yearning portrait pack if that matters.
1. Read the Forsaken reference guide about how the different stats work. Ignore distortions if you haven't gotten any.
2. You want a Forsaken to replace your 4-2-Capture 5EE Commander, I usually aim between 4-6 EE cost to deploy. Keep in mind, the lower the cost, the weaker the Forsaken. Personally, I aim for a Hate/Expo or Inj/Expo Forsaken to assist in breaking other chosen. Additionally do one of the final level trainings to get a defiler action at the end of Loop 1 provided you have the time. Not that important, but can be quite helpful to have. (Single late fight capture may be able to set a defiler up by herself.) Don't neglect bringing a basic Commander from time to time, though.
3. Your forsaken have special punisher boni you can see when you assign them the corresponding positions. If your 5EE Forsaken has one that increases their stats when doing on of them, it might be wise to consider her for these positions. (Except Parasitism decreasing Disgracing, for obvious reasons.)
4. For Setting up Orgies, I'd suggest going with a default Demon leader. I haven't yet found a good EE Threshold to do an Orgy with a Forsaken that is more cost efficient than a commander of commensurate value.
EDIT: [Bug Report] So it turns out I currently can't enter loop 2? Attempting to confirm city selection does nothing. Also, Adding/removing inhuman Features still doesn't work. Save attached.
Alrightly, I keep getting a bug after breaking the last two savior's innocence. I get stuck on the continue button and can't do anything. I attached the save before the other two innocence is broken.
So I'm kind of stuck because I also tried breaking just one of saviors innocence but still get stuck.
Submitting a bug report for the Forsaken menu during campaign. So after you've finished the first fight, got one of the chosen recruited and went to "Meet" them, the game will ask for you to customize a body for you to use during the meeting. Thing is, after selecting a gender, when you click a part to change, it will not show what you're changing, it just repeats a message saying "You may add or remove inhuman features here." You can click on anywhere you want, it's not gonna show anything else other than that message. Then, after clicking whatever you name the body and it's there. Now, go click "Delete" and select the body, you'll see that it actually registered what you clicked, the parts do change, you just don't get to see what you're changing into.
Also, if you select "Male" as a gender, you'll get stuck with a body with a Micropenis ( xD ), since you can't change that part size yet.
Save file attached
More on the continue bug, I have it now repeatable so it can be identified.
Load the save.
Chose to fight Vanguard. (T4 break)
use barrier until round 8 (void joins the fight)
capture Void (t4 break)
Is there something weird about t3 breaks? In a fresh game, I got one girl to t3 morality break with a rival relationship, but when I got to the rape scene, clicking continue did nothing. I thought it was just a bug, so I made a new game, but then I ran into the exact same issue with a t3 dignity break. Am I just missing something somewhere or did I actually run into the same exact bug twice with totally different characters?
edit: attached saves
On the newest version that just released, the button to customize/Create single chosen does not work.
Less of a "I need help" and more of a Bug Report, that I should have been a bit more specific on, admittedly.
Does anyone know if there is a more direct canal to CSDev for Bug reports?
EDIT: Creating bodies to meet the chosen is bugged; You cannot add inhuman features in the newest version.
EDIT2: Getting a freeze after causing a negotiation distortion. Save attached.
I ran into an odd bug. I have not been able to reliably replicate it so I do not have any idea on the cause.
After the end of the TV interview I was unable to press the continue button. I triued loading an old save to see if it happened again, and it did, once out of 20 loads.
Thanks for the bug reports. The issues with creating new bodies and customizing Forsaken bodies have been fixed in Release 43e. The crashes and freezes were fixed in Release 43d, which I put out last night. As a general rule, I'd recommend downloading the game from the SubscribeStar page (or at least checking it to see if the bug you found has already been fixed). You don't need a SubscribeStar account to access the download, and it means that you won't have to get stuck waiting for a bugfix that's actually already out there.
Soooo kinda like the secret routes in
Super Mario Bros 3?

No clue if those are still a thing, don't think I've touched a Mario game since the NES.
This is pretty much what I'd be going for. If you're good enough at the game to tackle World 8, then there's no point in making you go through World 2 first.
How would a repeat boss even work? The chosen runs away before any T3 breaks? Or is it going to be an entirely diffrent kind of loop, where the final battle isn't the objective?
She'll have some modifiers that make it very difficult to get more than 2 or 3 breaks per loop. There also might be some Fisher King type stuff going on, where the nature of the world changes depending on which Vulnerability Breaks you inflict, and that in turn applies some permanent modifiers to future loops.
So I found an Error no one else is going to find unless you are trying to code a game in this vein yourself...
When you resize the Window width to something that is smaller than a certain size (Methinks your default size), Buttons disappear. Works on the title screen and Ironically enough makes the next battle button disappear first! To fix, you can add a .setMinimumSize Call to your JFrame. I mean, no one is going to notice this because why wouldn't you hit full screen immediately, but...
This is a good catch. I've now set a minimum size for the window to help make this less likely.
Time for another round of speculation about the remaining 2 distortions. Last time I speculated about how the mechanics of triggering them could work, but this time I’ll go from the opposite direction – looking at what the psychology of the chosen might be, and speculating on how the distortions will work from that perspective. So, first, let’s outline the current distortions, based on the T2 breaks they trigger.
Temptation, Innocence and Dignity. Temptation is all about seeking their own pleasure, no matter what the rest of the world feels about them. So innocent causes pleasure seeking behavior. Dignity, on the other hand, is how much the chosen care about their reputation. So a chosen that seeks pleasure above their reputation? They are perfectly willing to indulge their pleasure in battle – if the thralls let them.
Negotiation, Innocence and Confidence. Negotiation is about losing hope, and choosing to seek pleasure from the demon lord directly. So, Innocence is the same as temptation, pleasure seeking behavior. Confidence then, is hope. When broken, the chosen loose hope in being able to actually fight the demons. So a chosen without hope, and a willingness to seek pleasure? They find a third path to survive.
Aversion, Morality and confidence. Aversion is about shutting down, being unable to muster the will to fight back, and eventually being overtaken by their shadow. So, confidence is still about loosing hope. Morality, seems to be about ignoring the chosen’s duty. So, when the situation turns hopeless, the aversion chosen shut down – abandoning their duty to fight the demons in order to protect themselves.
Rampancy, Morality and dignity. Rampancy is about losing sight of why they fight the demons in the first place, and lashing out at everything around them. Without morality, they no longer care about protecting those who they have a duty to protect. Without dignity, they no longer care about how the public sees them. Without those restraints, a chosen uses their power to kill demons without any regard for others.
Now, let’s put all that together and begin the speculation.
Morality/innocence – broken confidence, broken dignity. A chosen who no longer has any hope for victory and that no longer cares about how the public see them. That sounds like a recipe for a chosen who’s completely given up on fighting the demons. So…. Perhaps a traitor? A chosen willing to sabotage the ongoing efforts – for better treatment after they inevitability lose?
Confidence/Dignity – broken morality, broken innocence. A chosen who no longer cares about fulfilling their duty, and exhibits pleasure seeking behavior. Well, that’s an… interesting… combination. Is this the “rape” distortion? Driving a chosen to the point where they are willing to take what they want from another chosen… even during a battle against the demons? Perhaps this would interact with the “observe” mechanic? Or, I could see it as something triggered automatically during battle. Like joining an ongoing defiler+ action as a participant (instead of as a victim).
Confidence/Dignity definitely does seem like the "become a rapist" Distortion. And I do like the idea of having one of the Chosen join a Defiler action as one of the defilers.
From a gameplay perspective, I always try to design the conditions for each Distortion around the circumstances which are made difficult to raise by that Distortion. INJU is about dealing circumstance damage to the target, and EXPO is about dealing circumstance damage to her allies, so the trigger should probably be about dealing circumstance damage to everybody. Maybe as some sort of special Orgy variant that only needs to be achieved for 1 turn, but which requires Lv 4 or 5 circumstance damage.
Similarly, I'm looking for a reasonable way to justify the Morality/Innocence Distortion requiring a bunch of trauma damage on the subject.
ALSO had a sudden idea of tieing distortions to the approach/negotiation system currently in place to perhaps get around the current 4-6 distortion system limit. Basically have the inital 4-6 distorts be the default ones that will occur without player intervention (or encouraged), and have any additional occupying the same 'spaces' require (I don't know) the hope/despair (or sub/dom) bar be filled. I don't think this hypothetical system needs to be overly complex, small enough to be an easy every turn thing (the bunny demon lord laughs at the chosen
despair increases...) while providing ways for more distorts to be handled.
Course this is needless if the distort system never exceeds maximum, but an idea is an idea so I might as well slap it down here.
.........maybe a new sub menu named "distortion tuning" that appears on aproach........
Another option would be to make Distortions which are mechanically equivalent, but flavored very differently. I liked the idea of a "become addicted to drugs" Distortion that people were talking about here awhile back, but I'm not sure how to use it to introduce new gameplay.
Thank you CSDev for another great update, this is one of my top favorite games to play and the care you put into making it absolutely shows. Cheers to you good Sir/Madam, amazing work as always!
You're very welcome!
Well I was just thinking of sharing how I play loop 1 along with some explanation to help new players. It doesn't exactly look like people are interested in sharing replays to me, so you can take your time
Right now, there are still bugfixes and balance changes happening every month, so by the time you'd get done with a commented playthrough, it might already desynch by the next update. It's very much on my to-do list, though.
Can I headpat the Fallen yet?
If they have animal ears, then there's an action in personal encounters where you can scratch those ears, and sometimes that action results in headpats as well. That might or might not count, but adding a dedicated headpatting action is actually pretty high on my to-do list. I want to add more actions that aren't explicitly sexual in nature, just so that using Observe on low-Deviancy partners doesn't result in so much awkwardness.
So i got a question about something and i'm wondering if anyone managed to figure this out. Say i go and recruit one of the chosen via the "Temptation" distortion, thus avoiding the "impregnation" commander body action. Is it possible to impregnate said chosen as a Forsaken later, regardless of their gender?
Female Forsaken can still be impregnated, but male Forsaken don't have anal wombs unless they were impregnated during their time as Chosen. This is something that will change as part of the customization push I'm currently working on.