
Sep 6, 2021
Gotcha, I'll start with Cores then. Maybe I'll go for minor first on future playthroughs when I'm braver lol
Btw you don't need to memorize vulnerabilities, you can examine chosen mid battle if you have psychic reading.

Also when you deploy your first commander don't try to choose your moves based around vulnerabilities. Your main goal is dealing as much damage as possible while ensuring you get openings. Starting with Grind or Pummel is better most of the times. After that you have to ensure you get level 1 pleasure atleast 1 turn before capture ends. So the next move could either be using Caress to make sure you get level 2 traumas or Using Pummel/Grind for extra damage. Third move would be whichever you didn't use 2nd. Humiliate is usually last.

Try Pummel->Grind->Caress->Humiliate on all three of your chosen. Usually it works on atleast one of the chosen. Your main goal after first capture is to get a 7 turn surround which needs level 2 traumas. Or atleast a 6 turn one. If it's a 6 turn one you can make it 7 turn surround yourself by using one of 4 basic attacks.
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Jul 11, 2021
Btw you don't need to memorize vulnerabilities, you can examine chosen mid battle if you have psychic reading. Also when you deploy your first commander don't try to choose your moves based around vulnerabilities. You always want to get Hate/ Injury first in order to break chosens. When you have level 2 in all circumstances, then you can choose based on which vulnerabilities you wanna break first. Which usually(not always) means a Pummel->Grind->Caress->Humiliate combo.
I disagree somewhat. Your goal is to get LVL 1 Circumstance in all circumstances after your first capture. Sometimes, depending on the chosen, you may need to go caress/Humiliate first or second after Pummel/Grind to get just enough circumstance damage in time. Depends on their cores. Specifically in case of going up against a Core Morality and Core Confidence chosen I choose schwerer gusion/Barrier Jammer as my starting item because those specifically require stronger Commander bodies. Mind, going hate/injury first is a good rule of thumb, however then if you go Hate/Injury first, you want to make sure you attack the weaker one first. Also, It can make sense to go caress second to get more trauma damage for an extra surround turn if for your first capture it makes no difference whether or not it is used third or second. On your second capture of the chosen you wish to break you get to all LVL 2, and on your third you go for the tier 2 break. With the second chosen used to get Expo to lvl 2.
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Sep 6, 2021
I disagree somewhat. Your goal is to get LVL 1 Circumstance in all circumstances after your first capture. Sometimes, depending on the chosen, you may need to go caress/Humiliate first or second after Pummel/Grind to get just enough circumstance damage in time. Depends on their cores. Specifically in case of going up against a Core Morality and Core Confidence chosen I choose schwerer gusion/Barrier Jammer as my starting item because those specifically require stronger Commander bodies. Mind, going hate/injury first is a good rule of thumb, however then if you go Hate/Injury first, you want to make sure you attack the weaker one first. Also, It can make sense to go caress second to get more trauma damage for an extra surround turn if for your first capture it makes no difference whether or not it is used third or second. On your second capture of the chosen you wish to break you get to all LVL 2, and on your third you go for the tier 2 break. With the second chosen used to get Expo to lvl 2.
Yeah that's why I added "Usually",I was sharing a combo most likely to work, going to edit and elaborate a bit more. Most of the times choices would be based around trauma penalties too.Though starting with Pummel-Grind is usually most effective once you get 6/2, or even 5/2 commander.


Apr 23, 2018
True, but an Aversion Undead won't give me 9EE back when I spend 10EE on her, or 18 back when I spend 20 on her. At low Loop numbers that extra energy may not matter very much because there's always the next break around the corner, but it absolutely does when you're facing 20 day loops with resistances over 60% and trauma resolution 500x faster in later loops.
Yeah but you don't need 20 EE to deploy an Aversion Undead. You can do it for 5 and get the same power, and do so way sooner to get your EE generation going faster. That can easily pay for itself in a day or two; then you can move on to needing stronger Forsaken.

Once you're spending like 20 EE on Forsaken I find it's usually better to deploy Animalistic forsaken due to their huge damage bonuses (+100% for Negotiation). Sending your rampaging undead out over and over for cheap may help you tread water against those really high trauma resolutions, but due to the way trauma is built you could probably instead blow through them to orders of magnitude more trauma if you sent out someone with much better damage bonuses.

The best part of Undead Forsaken is how early and cheaply they can drop. They get less competitive when you start generating more EE and needing stronger hitters to spend it on. A 20 EE Rampaging Undead only costs 2 EE, but it hits like a regular un-upgraded forsaken at that price (and it requires you babysit it). A 20 EE Animalistic Peacemaker hits like a 172 EE rampaging undead does, with no massive cost barrier to deploy them.
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Dec 1, 2018
On R43c for some reason i can't go forward after breaking Triumph's tier3 DIG , during the after battle scene the button seem stuck , luckly i managed to continue with the previous version, but just to inform if anyone had the same issue.
Nov 7, 2019
Jumping back into the game after a while. Does anyone have any basic tips for the Victory scenario? (It's not the best keyword to thread search). I was hoping that if I focused on the other two chosen, things would eventually fall into place but I'm on Day 26 with Networked, five turn 3x capture commander, both other ladies with most T2 breaks and I'm only managing to do 100 or so damage to Victory's one weak stat of the day even after getting around 10k expose on someone else.


Sep 8, 2017
Tiers is the number of the break on a circumstance.
1 is 10k Circumstance possible if you use the corresponding surround attack. (That one is hard to explain, when you see the corresponding circumstance attack buttons during surround turn green, you will see, I guess.)
2 is get 10k Circumstance and use a defiler actions (Which are yellow.)
3 is get 100M * 10^x trauma in the circumstance where x is the amount of previous tier 3 breaks possible or achieved. (After battle you'll get notified and then you check the info screen on them. Also for these you want to use orgies, which requires at least a 6-turn-3-Capture Commander)
4 and final break requires you to make use of their tier 3 break. It becomes self explanatory when you reach it.

You want your 4-turn-2-capture commander to get at least a tier 2 break, btw. Really, whenever you deploy a commander, you want to get your EE investment back by either breaking Circumstances or increasing EE gain from chosen to get enough to break even. Note that beyond a certain point you need tier 3 and 4 breaks to increase EE energy gain.
Ahhhh okay okay, so you break each vulnerability more than once to completely break it? I see. Those are huge numbers holy moly, gonna try it, wish me luck bois


Mar 13, 2021
There should be a "compacted view" of the Forsaken stats (a table with key stats like motivation, stamina, combat style, EE deployment cost, Hostility, Deviancy, Obedience, Disgrace...) to easily compare different forsaken stats. As is, you would almost need an excel to keep track of them once you start having 3+ of them, especially considering how many stats there are.


Jul 11, 2021
Ahhhh okay okay, so you break each vulnerability more than once to completely break it? I see. Those are huge numbers holy moly, gonna try it, wish me luck bois
Keep in mind, Tier 2 breaks and up make raising circumstances in those vulnerabilities easier, each Circumstance level in Hate/Inju, as well as the highest Expo from another chosen, increases circumstance damage exponentially and 5+ turn Orgies deal billions of trauma damage.
Once you get the hang of the game, loop 1 is entirely free and can be cleared by day 30-35, easily.
If you want some lenient day benchmarks, get your Tier 2 breaks by day 18, your tier 3 breaks by 28 and your tier 4 breaks by day 45.


Jan 8, 2019
I just beat my first game and was kinda lost of about what to do in the next loop. Can someone tell me what the NG+ is like?

what is the Meta progression of the game rn, and what kind of bonus achievement provide?(would be really nice if the achievement bonus is listed out per level, so I have something to work toward)

also, what are dungeons?


Mar 13, 2021
As you progress through loops, you collect and train Forsaken that will prove more efficient than commander in some circumstances and help you beat stronger chosen. There are also superior/undead/ferral chosen that are more resillient/harder to defeat that come to play later on.

You also gain items every 2 loops that make things easier.


Jan 8, 2019
As you progress through loops, you collect and train Forsaken that will prove more efficient than commander in some circumstances and help you beat stronger chosen. There are also superior/undead/ferral chosen that are more resillient/harder to defeat that come to play later on.

You also gain items every 2 loops that make things easier.
would you suggest playing classic or campaign?


Nov 14, 2017
I ran into what I think is a new bug.

If you have a Rampancy Chosen and you break her Morality or Dignity ending her distortion

If you capture her again on the same day. with her hate greater then her injury the UI will say she is surrounded like normal, but you can not issue any orders to you thralls the first round of her capture. second round works correctly.

I may need to test that again, I just realized this might have been due to a mating dance from an anamalistic chosen
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Mar 20, 2019
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that was released. If you've noticed any issues progressing to the next city with a bait forsaken active or your bait forsaken having their relationships wiped out after using them as bait then this update should fix the issue
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Sep 6, 2021
Jumping back into the game after a while. Does anyone have any basic tips for the Victory scenario? (It's not the best keyword to thread search). I was hoping that if I focused on the other two chosen, things would eventually fall into place but I'm on Day 26 with Networked, five turn 3x capture commander, both other ladies with most T2 breaks and I'm only managing to do 100 or so damage to Victory's one weak stat of the day even after getting around 10k expose on someone else.
I have only beaten Victory once, in campaign where I used 1000% forsakens for early breaks along with certain items. Not to mention the Animalistic achievement which gave 45 circumstance damage. Had to trigger Rampage and Temptation on the other two chosen.

Your strategy in single player would be based around which items you have but I would recommend sending the other two chosen on rampage and then use that 200 energy to buy all 20 energy upgrades and then go directly for the Completion upgrade, which requires Parasitism and relentlessness. Make sure to start rampages every day till you get Completion(Just make 2 openings and Grind= Rampages,so don't waste any energy). After getting completion make a Punisher+Defiler+Suppressor commander for breaks. Make sure to capture Victory at last, not second.

Subliminal Lyrics(Rampage control item) is probably a must for this Strategy since it can stop Rampages. Maybe you can try a similar strategy based around Temptation too. I really don't think you can complete the scenario without Temptation or Ramapage on the other two chosen.


Jul 24, 2017
I got bored and knocked up a couple of the forsaken as the demon lord, I'm curious to know if they actually give birth at some point or if it's just a place holder sort of thing until later.

Edit - Wanted to add for some reason, if I use Vanguard to capture Decree - it hangs and technically continue does something but it doesn't go back to the battle. Just keeps adding points as if the action is continous.
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Jul 11, 2021
So... I just managed to get a tier 3 Core morality break ready on day 10 of Loop 3 without an orgy.
Turns out, the modifier that increases Trauma damage of parasitized Forsaken Results in crazy numbers when the modifier is effectively times 9. At least I think that is a major cause? My third capture was 16 turns or something and I think I reached lvl 4 Hate lol.

BTW, that was a 6EE Inj/Expo torturer Forsaken meant to open up the loop. I have both a 15EE and a 200EE Forsaken Holstered with the same modifier and I am dying to see those numbers.

EDIT: Day 11, Add all remaining tier 2 breaks besides the Significant Morality break. I started day 10 with 44 EE, Day 11 with 99 (82 from the Core tier 3 break because it also broke the minor Morality). I will have networked consciousness on day 11. That is so messed up. Next goal is getting through Despair since she is the superior chosen.

...This loop is getting fucked.
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Dec 24, 2019
Practical Publicist (+variable% victim EXPO damage as Forsaken)

have a forsaken whose bonuses all have the word variable in them instead of a number.

possibly related

Trait: Demon Knight
Motivation lost when idle, gained when deployed, deployment cost and strength depend on Evil Energy, +50% HATE and EXPO damage

(total breaks done while a chosen)
First Impregnation: Demon Lord
First Parasitism: Demon Lord

Gina Ran

Dec 3, 2020
Havent been able to find a page where this is referenced, but is the Causal Projection upgrade broken or do I just not understand it correctly.

"This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen." <If I surround "axiom" for 2 turns at the beginning, "prayer" for 3 turns with a commander, then "fury" for 2 and "axiom" once again for 3 , i should get 2 EE. Correct?

The reason I ask is because I'm getting none regardless of how many turns theyre surrounded.
(side note: im very early in, prolly not even past loop 1)
no. you need to retreat while they are surrounded for 5 rounds EACH. so if one of them is surrounded for 4 rounds and one is surrounded for 5, only the one surrounded for 5 rounds will give you anything


Jul 11, 2021
no. you need to retreat while they are surrounded for 5 rounds EACH. so if one of them is surrounded for 4 rounds and one is surrounded for 5, only the one surrounded for 5 rounds will give you anything
What? No, he is describing currently the total amount of Captures. He is wrong; it counts the total surround duration at the time you decide to retreat. So While concurrently Axiom is surround for 3 turns, Prayer for 3 turns and Fury for 4 turns, he gets 2 EE.

Practical Publicist (+variable% victim EXPO damage as Forsaken)

have a forsaken whose bonuses all have the word variable in them instead of a number.

possibly related

Trait: Demon Knight
Motivation lost when idle, gained when deployed, deployment cost and strength depend on Evil Energy, +50% HATE and EXPO damage

(total breaks done while a chosen)
First Impregnation: Demon Lord
First Parasitism: Demon Lord
The Variable is there because the demon Knight's strength is determined by a combination of disgrace and the amount of EE you use to power her. Their strength determines the strength of the publicist position, among other things. I forget when a number shows up there, but it is during loops.
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