
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still not sure what other things +rampancy strength % do, it increase the reputation strength after become a Forsaken? if so , it increase deployement cost either?
Or it just increase self damage dealt?
This increases the damage that the Chosen deals to itself during Rampage. I'm fairly sure it doesn't do anything else--it's much like the other Distortions in that activating them repeatedly makes the final battle easier.
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New Member
Jun 7, 2020
Each individual Chosen has a shift setting which can be toggled independently. The global setting that you toggle in the options menu just determines what the default setting is for new Chosen who show up, so changing that global setting doesn't change the setting for Chosen who are already in the game. You should be able to go to her individual profile and change her shift setting to whatever you desire.

I just confirmed on my end that Forsaken impregnation settings on existing saves are properly changing to whatever was most recently set in the options menu. If they aren't doing that for you, then it must be some bug I'm not aware of.
Thank you so much, I wasn't aware that they had individual settings you could change. Just changed those and it definitely worked. The settings are also saving now too. The issue with that was that I would change the settings, load the game and play a day to trigger fantasize and see if they shifted, and then close it without saving. I didn't realize you needed to save a game in order to save the settings.


May 30, 2017
So how does one make Splendor useful once you recruited her? or are there no Forsaken content for her yet?


Jan 7, 2023
You won't do much damage until you get a 4-turn Commander that can capture twice. Until then, as long as all the girls are giving you 1EE per day, you're on track. So, the relevant upgrades are:

Focus (gives a Commander)--don't use one right away though as you're just wasting EE
Weakness Sense--you need the extra damage from this
Perception--gives an additional turn length on capture
Cunning--gives an additional turn length on capture
Persistence--gives an additional capture

You will basically be getting all of the 1EE and 2EE cost upgrades to get these.

After getting these upgrades, you need to gather together 5 EE.

At that point, you need to understand multipliers to get anywhere. I've got a basic "what to do" in this post.
So until I get commander like that it doesn't matter what I do during fights?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
It'd be cool to have a random two Chosen event that involves one being raped by the other. Chosen A invites Chosen B to hang out, probably because they've had a really rough few days. However, Chosen A ends up drugging Chosen B with some really hard shit, and Chosen B is basically a zombie, wobbling around and making weird noises when she tries to talk. Chosen A then decides to rape her. This could come in two flavors, even if they're friends.

Crazytown: Chosen A has had enough of everything, and thinks it's more fun abusing Chosen B, than being a victim. Essentially, she inflicts the same suffering onto Chosen B to deflect her own angst. She lords over Chosen B to feel powerful, since she's been a chew toy for everyone else.

Yandere: Chosen A was already friends with Chosen B, but went down this route anyway. Her own trauma causes her to realize that the both of them have suffered greatly, and that they need each other to keep pushing. Except, Chosen A rapes Chosen B as a form of coping, and sees this as the only way they can love each other anymore. Chosen A might mention how she'd rather be the one to rape Chosen B, than let the demons do it.


Aug 29, 2017
So until I get commander like that it doesn't matter what I do during fights?
That is technically untrue. You can still get a lot done, focusing on getting chosen to actually have trauma to get others chosen to come in is still important. Hitting them for more damage to get more truama/angst = more EE. The more the better. I'd highly recommend you not do campaign play a singleplayer and try following the tips they do while following the guide. The important thing is understanding the pathing for upgrades and also using commanders.

I'll write a small guide up on what to do. Give me a moment
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Aug 29, 2017
There are definitely guides or advices in these 180+ pages, but I'm too lazy to search for them so I'm just write another one up for yah. Note this will cover stuff that has already been covered in Guide.txt, but I guess in a more digestible manner. But please when I write ( Step # Guide.txt) look at that textfile as well because it gives a much more in-depth explanation and some more advice. I rather note it than regurgitate what has been read before) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
So Lets begin by starting a campaign because it has an item start(will discuss this later). Also please note this will not really talk about third and fourth vulnerability as the guide.txt on Step 9/10 are rather straight forward on how to do them, once you understand how to do vulnerability 1/2, it should make sense when you read it.

Finishing Your First Day:
After you finish your first day you might get something like this
-0 ANGST, -5 DISG, -5 PAIN (some numbers based on the attacks you did (i just pressed 1 button to skip the day so thats why its so low)

Prophet would rather be facing some weaker opponents who can't fight back as much, but she feels she's still strong enough to win against the Demons. (81% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +49DISG +139PAIN +0SHAM = 188 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 188

As you can see here I didnt get any EE today because I did not hit the trauma required to hit the sinful action.


-0 ANGST, -5 FEAR, -5 DISG, -105 PAIN, -5 SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 105FEAR +21DISG +77PAIN +60SHAM = 263 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 263

+1 Evil Energy

Usually try to aim to get +1 EE for a Chosen when you first meet them. You get +0 EE if you just ignore them, so hit them a bit and rough them up. Now that we've gotten our first day, lets go for psychic reading so we can see what the Chosen vulnerabilities are.

What the hell are Chosen's vulnerabilities?

As you continue through you might need see that require % trauma, but it does still exist in some way to get more EE. Don't worry about this honestly, you gain EE as you play and try break vulnerabilities to truly break the Chosen to become Forsaken. There are also additional different requirements as well to generate more EE per Chosen. Sometimes you need to break vulnerability. Each Chosen has 4 vulnerabilities morality, innocence, confidence, and dignity. For now we will go into the vulnerabilities of a Chosen and what they are.
Once you unlock psychic reading you can see more into the Chosen. More importantly their core, minor, and significant vulnerabilities. Below is a photo of what a Chosen has for their vulnerabilities.

As you can see (c) = core, (m) =minor, (s) = significant. Core vulnerabilities are what define a character, their guiding principle, so if you see someone with high confidence their dialogue will reflect this confidence. Part of the game is choosing what vulnerabilities you break and seeing how the Chosen reacts to their vulnerabilities being broken one at a time. Turning a Chosen into a rampaging Forsaken(corrupted Chosen) or turning her into a meek shy girl is all up to you to decide with how you break her in. That's the fun of it. Shy Tomgirls Wooo (•̀ᴗ•́)و
But that's all fluff, what does core actually mean? It means that when you deal trauma(step 1 guide.txt) to her with Threaten, Slime, Attack, Taunt to their respective vulnerability they do more damage than they would to minor or significant. So in this case Threaten would do more to Prophet because morality is her core and Innocence is something she considers minor. However, when it comes to doing Circumstances damage(Step 4 guide.txt) its harder to do damage to their respective Circumstances so in this case Hate since morality is the core meaning we do way less damage than if we hurt pleasure (innocence Circumstances). If we had to rank most damage it goes Core, Significant, Minor for trauma and the inverse for Circumstance Damage.
What does this mean practically? It means that if we wanted to get Prophet surrounding we would want to attack her Core so we can surround. BUT in this case it wouldn't work because we would need to hit INN or CON to actually get the surround.(Step 2 guide.txt) So ideally we would hit Confidence and Disgust on day 2 because there is only Prophet currently and the other two Chosen have not shown up yet. Confidence to actually surround and Disgust to boost the surround if we want. Later on maybe we would hit morality when more Chosen show up. Step 2 of guide has more tips/advice.
The next thing to talk about is in guide.txt step 1, but I'm repeat it here because its important.

"The in-battle effects of damage are measured in levels. At the start of battle, all damage levels are 0. At 100 points of a damage type, the level hits level 1. Level 2 requires 1000 points, level 3 requires 10000, level 4 requires 100000, and so on."
The important thing to note is that once a surround ends you need to get to a higher level in vulnerabilities to get another surround.
The important thing to understand is that trauma allows you to surround, which allows you to do circumstance damage, which is important. That's what allows you to break vulnerabilities. Circumstance attacks: Grind, Caress, Pummel, and Humilitate also provide bonuses as well that allow you to do more trauma so its essential that you try to get levels in them. (Step 4 guide.txt) does talk about this. Please look at this as I will assume you did when I discuss my battle advice later in the guide.

Core Vulnerability = more trauma damage | less Circumstance damage
Significant vulnerability = middle ground of both damage
Minor Vulnerability = less trauma damage | more Circumstance damage
Circumstance attacks are key to hit billions of damage

Goals to go for in order to get more EE generator and EE bonus:
1. Try to deal 1k circumstance damage to a Chosen to whatever vulnerability is their core. This gives +2.
2. Break First Vulnerabilities: (This occurs when they think their circumstance is going hit 10k) You can tell if you get a green option when surrounding. This gives a good amount of EE and also permanent EE+ bonus.
3. Break Second Vulnerability: have a Chosen take 10k Hate, PLEA, INJU, or EXPO and then when surrounded you press their respective defiler action in orange.
4. Third Vulnerability and Fourth Vulnerability (Ignore these for now, get through the second and first vulnerability) When you get past Step 1,2,3 look at (Step 9/10 guide.txt)

Upgrade Tree Advice:
This part is pretty important and its something that is learned after playing couple times. This is also going to be very basic and broad, so there will be better and more optimal strategies, but lets just discuss a good teching path as EE generation is very varying based on how you play so no day by day playbook.
Try to get all the 1 EE upgrade tree Focus, bonus to Extermination and Evacuation, etc. Try to get Enhance Polymorph for more trauma damage and weakness sense for the 50% bonus to circumstance also. Then try to upgrade your turns on the commander and ignore the suppressor upgrades, hunger, anger, lust, and mania for now. At this point we're going to try to hit Second Vulnerability around here with our Commander if we use the Inevitability item (advice will be given how to actually do this later). Chill for a while to get some EE and use some commander as needed to get your Vulnerability breaks. We're looking to upgrade rush into an upgrade called Networked Consciousness. Basically it lets us immediately do a Circumstance attack on the surround turn and this turn tempo is essential to actually hitting higher vulnerabilities. Networked Consciousness is the most essential upgrade in the game. After you get this you can really tech into whatever after, you should be hitting higher vulnerabilities soon enough.

TLDR: Get the early EE upgrades besides the supressor upgrades hunger, anger, lust, and mania. Then start spamming 4 EE commanders till you can get second vulnerability and then use the EE to get Networked Consciousness and then snowball from there.

Actual Early game and Combat Advice:
  • After day 1: Click Info, Items, Swap Items, Pick Inevitability
    This item is not essential, but its really really overpowered. It might honestly become a crutch because of how much it progress you early on, but its really useful to understand the game to get past the early game.
    "While Activated, gain -1 Evil Energy per day, but deal 10x damage with Threaten, Slime, Attack, and Taunt. Does not function during final battle."
    You should use this on and off till you get enough EE to ignore the -1 daily, try to not use it that much early on so you can actually get upgrades.
  • Make sure to vary the trauma because it lowers the respective Circumstance damage by 1/2 or even higher based on level for the trauma that is way higher than all the other trauma. Then another 1/2 if its the most focused Chosen as well. So try to vary your trauma attacks and circumstance damage.
  • When you make a commander you can let them have a specialty with suppressor upgrades and so forth, but if it has NO upgrades besides surround duration and how many times you can use them you can use them as if they are surrounded normally. This is usually always better as suppressor just hits 1 thing causing the above issue to become a problem and also its less efficient, but allows you to focus on other Chosen.
  • Never be afraid to retry. No seriously this game was made to be replayed multiple times on days if you want to try to get some optimal results.
  • 4 Cost Commanders no specialty are fine to use, you can use them to surround someone and just drop some circumstance on them really quickly to allow for trauma to be accumulated quicker. You honestly don't need to use suppressor/specialization upgrades till maybe the end of the game.
  • Try to make sure your first surround takes some expo damage as that gives 2x circumstance damage to allies meaning you can hit other Chosen harder. Results vary per Chosen but going Inju, Expo, into Hate/PLEA in that order for circumstance damage is pretty reliable. Vulnerability make results vary.
  • ^Based on the above advice. Look at the Vulnerabilities its important, choosing which Chosen you meet first in battle is essential to a good day of bullying Chosen (´ヮ`). If you want to get some orgy (3 surrounds with same 10k deflier actions) then maybe its good to choose a Chosen with a minor Vulnerability in Dignity so you can hit some high Expo level # so you can do more circumstance to everyone. Save the day before you go into a day and play around, try to see which character gets the best results.
    • Though usually the first Chosen you choose takes the most damage so do note that if you want break some vulnerabilities on someone, where the second Chosen that arrives takes the next or sometimes more damage.
    • If you aren't going for orgy, early on just focus on the first two chosen to arrive to pound some trauma/circumstance damage and then when you have time throw some stuff on the third one. We don't have enough love to spread to everyone. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
  • This game is a snowball game. When you start snowballing your going hit beyond trillions of damage on Chosen, so your first couple of turn on a day matter. Mess around with retry and see what the optimal attacks are going to be.
I'm sure there's more I'm missing and there are people way more knowledgeable than me, but this is a general guide/ramble of how to start off. This guide does not discuss about distortion, friendship manipulation, forsaken, last battle, and some more advance stuff. But I'm sure you'll learn more about that in the Forsaken guide and playing the game. Best of Luck. ¯\(◉◡◔)/¯ If you have any question just ask.


Aug 29, 2017
It'd be cool to have a random two Chosen event that involves one being raped by the other. Chosen A invites Chosen B to hang out, probably because they've had a really rough few days. However, Chosen A ends up drugging Chosen B with some really hard shit, and Chosen B is basically a zombie, wobbling around and making weird noises when she tries to talk. Chosen A then decides to rape her. This could come in two flavors, even if they're friends.

Crazytown: Chosen A has had enough of everything, and thinks it's more fun abusing Chosen B, than being a victim. Essentially, she inflicts the same suffering onto Chosen B to deflect her own angst. She lords over Chosen B to feel powerful, since she's been a chew toy for everyone else.

Yandere: Chosen A was already friends with Chosen B, but went down this route anyway. Her own trauma causes her to realize that the both of them have suffered greatly, and that they need each other to keep pushing. Except, Chosen A rapes Chosen B as a form of coping, and sees this as the only way they can love each other anymore. Chosen A might mention how she'd rather be the one to rape Chosen B, than let the demons do it.
I think this kinda exists already I think in some variation just not with drugs.


Sep 6, 2021
Thank you!

Thanks for the bug reports. There is indeed a piece of dialogue for childhood friends which bugs out in the current version. It'll be fixed in the next.

Welcome back! I wasn't able to reproduce your bug, though, so it must be related to something specific that happened in your playthrough. If you upload a save, I can take a look.

Thanks for the feedback. Apparently the default settings don't work so well on larger screen resolutions. I'll see about improving this.

This is an interesting idea. My only concern is that it'd make it "grindier" to create powerful Forsaken. The game already isn't entirely grind-free, but I'm wary about making it any grindier.

A total of six Distortions are planned. I don't plan on having separate ones for permutations of the same two Vulnerabilities.

Thank you both for tracking down this bug for me. The bug came from the fact that the Forsaken's personal damage total is rounded down before being passed into the universal damage-to-Chosen function, and the Silver Collar's damage check happens inside the damage-to-Chosen function. I'm going to fix this by making it so that very low expertise totals aren't quite as punishing to the damage dealt by the Forsaken. Ever since the automatic training system was added, it's too easy to accidentally go down to 1 expertise.

On an unrelated note, the next version will allow players to use animated gifs for character portraits if they so desire. I doubt that the entire portrait set will ever be fully animated, but it might be feasible to at least do the bosses.

Speaking of a Rampage bug, don't know it's the same as Belgaz but while I was trying to see if there are any changes to the interview if you trigger a distortion before it on all three chosen by using cheat mode, I did once ran into a freeze which would happen if you trigger Rampage and all the breaks on a single day with a end game commander. I was able to replicate it by using the commander to capture each chosen, doing all relevant T1 breaks then using broadcast.

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Sep 6, 2021
So how does one make Splendor useful once you recruited her? or are there no Forsaken content for her yet?
Haven't really faced Splendor yet but from what I know she gives bonuses based around the other bosses you defeat. So you will have to defeat Victory to get use out of her. She will only be more useful when more bosses will added in the future.


Jan 7, 2023
There are definitely guides or advices in these 180+ pages, but I'm too lazy to search for them so I'm just write another one up for yah. Note this will cover stuff that has already been covered in Guide.txt, but I guess in a more digestible manner. But please when I write ( Step # Guide.txt) look at that textfile as well because it gives a much more in-depth explanation and some more advice. I rather note it than regurgitate what has been read before) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
So Lets begin by starting a campaign because it has an item start(will discuss this later). Also please note this will not really talk about third and fourth vulnerability as the guide.txt on Step 9/10 are rather straight forward on how to do them, once you understand how to do vulnerability 1/2, it should make sense when you read it.

Finishing Your First Day:
After you finish your first day you might get something like this
-0 ANGST, -5 DISG, -5 PAIN (some numbers based on the attacks you did (i just pressed 1 button to skip the day so thats why its so low)

Prophet would rather be facing some weaker opponents who can't fight back as much, but she feels she's still strong enough to win against the Demons. (81% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +49DISG +139PAIN +0SHAM = 188 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 188

As you can see here I didnt get any EE today because I did not hit the trauma required to hit the sinful action.


-0 ANGST, -5 FEAR, -5 DISG, -105 PAIN, -5 SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 105FEAR +21DISG +77PAIN +60SHAM = 263 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 263

+1 Evil Energy

Usually try to aim to get +1 EE for a Chosen when you first meet them. You get +0 EE if you just ignore them, so hit them a bit and rough them up. Now that we've gotten our first day, lets go for psychic reading so we can see what the Chosen vulnerabilities are.

What the hell are Chosen's vulnerabilities?

As you continue through you might need see that require % trauma, but it does still exist in some way to get more EE. Don't worry about this honestly, you gain EE as you play and try break vulnerabilities to truly break the Chosen to become Forsaken. There are also additional different requirements as well to generate more EE per Chosen. Sometimes you need to break vulnerability. Each Chosen has 4 vulnerabilities morality, innocence, confidence, and dignity. For now we will go into the vulnerabilities of a Chosen and what they are.
Once you unlock psychic reading you can see more into the Chosen. More importantly their core, minor, and significant vulnerabilities. Below is a photo of what a Chosen has for their vulnerabilities.

View attachment 2790072
As you can see (c) = core, (m) =minor, (s) = significant. Core vulnerabilities are what define a character, their guiding principle, so if you see someone with high confidence their dialogue will reflect this confidence. Part of the game is choosing what vulnerabilities you break and seeing how the Chosen reacts to their vulnerabilities being broken one at a time. Turning a Chosen into a rampaging Forsaken(corrupted Chosen) or turning her into a meek shy girl is all up to you to decide with how you break her in. That's the fun of it. Shy Tomgirls Wooo (•̀ᴗ•́)و
But that's all fluff, what does core actually mean? It means that when you deal trauma(step 1 guide.txt) to her with Threaten, Slime, Attack, Taunt to their respective vulnerability they do more damage than they would to minor or significant. So in this case Threaten would do more to Prophet because morality is her core and Innocence is something she considers minor. However, when it comes to doing Circumstances damage(Step 4 guide.txt) its harder to do damage to their respective Circumstances so in this case Hate since morality is the core meaning we do way less damage than if we hurt pleasure (innocence Circumstances). If we had to rank most damage it goes Core, Significant, Minor for trauma and the inverse for Circumstance Damage.
What does this mean practically? It means that if we wanted to get Prophet surrounding we would want to attack her Core so we can surround. BUT in this case it wouldn't work because we would need to hit INN or CON to actually get the surround.(Step 2 guide.txt) So ideally we would hit Confidence and Disgust on day 2 because there is only Prophet currently and the other two Chosen have not shown up yet. Confidence to actually surround and Disgust to boost the surround if we want. Later on maybe we would hit morality when more Chosen show up. Step 2 of guide has more tips/advice.
The next thing to talk about is in guide.txt step 1, but I'm repeat it here because its important.

"The in-battle effects of damage are measured in levels. At the start of battle, all damage levels are 0. At 100 points of a damage type, the level hits level 1. Level 2 requires 1000 points, level 3 requires 10000, level 4 requires 100000, and so on."
The important thing to note is that once a surround ends you need to get to a higher level in vulnerabilities to get another surround.
The important thing to understand is that trauma allows you to surround, which allows you to do circumstance damage, which is important. That's what allows you to break vulnerabilities. Circumstance attacks: Grind, Caress, Pummel, and Humilitate also provide bonuses as well that allow you to do more trauma so its essential that you try to get levels in them. (Step 4 guide.txt) does talk about this. Please look at this as I will assume you did when I discuss my battle advice later in the guide.

Core Vulnerability = more trauma damage | less Circumstance damage
Significant vulnerability = middle ground of both damage
Minor Vulnerability = less trauma damage | more Circumstance damage
Circumstance attacks are key to hit billions of damage

Goals to go for in order to get more EE generator and EE bonus:
1. Try to deal 1k circumstance damage to a Chosen to whatever vulnerability is their core. This gives +2.
2. Break First Vulnerabilities: (This occurs when they think their circumstance is going hit 10k) You can tell if you get a green option when surrounding. This gives a good amount of EE and also permanent EE+ bonus.
3. Break Second Vulnerability: have a Chosen take 10k Hate, PLEA, INJU, or EXPO and then when surrounded you press their respective defiler action in orange.
4. Third Vulnerability and Fourth Vulnerability (Ignore these for now, get through the second and first vulnerability) When you get past Step 1,2,3 look at (Step 9/10 guide.txt)

Upgrade Tree Advice:
This part is pretty important and its something that is learned after playing couple times. This is also going to be very basic and broad, so there will be better and more optimal strategies, but lets just discuss a good teching path as EE generation is very varying based on how you play so no day by day playbook.
Try to get all the 1 EE upgrade tree Focus, bonus to Extermination and Evacuation, etc. Try to get Enhance Polymorph for more trauma damage and weakness sense for the 50% bonus to circumstance also. Then try to upgrade your turns on the commander and ignore the suppressor upgrades, hunger, anger, lust, and mania for now. At this point we're going to try to hit Second Vulnerability around here with our Commander if we use the Inevitability item (advice will be given how to actually do this later). Chill for a while to get some EE and use some commander as needed to get your Vulnerability breaks. We're looking to upgrade rush into an upgrade called Networked Consciousness. Basically it lets us immediately do a Circumstance attack on the surround turn and this turn tempo is essential to actually hitting higher vulnerabilities. Networked Consciousness is the most essential upgrade in the game. After you get this you can really tech into whatever after, you should be hitting higher vulnerabilities soon enough.

TLDR: Get the early EE upgrades besides the supressor upgrades hunger, anger, lust, and mania. Then start spamming 4 EE commanders till you can get second vulnerability and then use the EE to get Networked Consciousness and then snowball from there.

Actual Early game and Combat Advice:
  • After day 1: Click Info, Items, Swap Items, Pick Inevitability
    This item is not essential, but its really really overpowered. It might honestly become a crutch because of how much it progress you early on, but its really useful to understand the game to get past the early game.
    "While Activated, gain -1 Evil Energy per day, but deal 10x damage with Threaten, Slime, Attack, and Taunt. Does not function during final battle."
    You should use this on and off till you get enough EE to ignore the -1 daily, try to not use it that much early on so you can actually get upgrades.
  • Make sure to vary the trauma because it lowers the respective Circumstance damage by 1/2 or even higher based on level for the trauma that is way higher than all the other trauma. Then another 1/2 if its the most focused Chosen as well. So try to vary your trauma attacks and circumstance damage.
  • When you make a commander you can let them have a specialty with suppressor upgrades and so forth, but if it has NO upgrades besides surround duration and how many times you can use them you can use them as if they are surrounded normally. This is usually always better as suppressor just hits 1 thing causing the above issue to become a problem and also its less efficient, but allows you to focus on other Chosen.
  • Never be afraid to retry. No seriously this game was made to be replayed multiple times on days if you want to try to get some optimal results.
  • 4 Cost Commanders no specialty are fine to use, you can use them to surround someone and just drop some circumstance on them really quickly to allow for trauma to be accumulated quicker. You honestly don't need to use suppressor/specialization upgrades till maybe the end of the game.
  • Try to make sure your first surround takes some expo damage as that gives 2x circumstance damage to allies meaning you can hit other Chosen harder. Results vary per Chosen but going Inju, Expo, into Hate/PLEA in that order for circumstance damage is pretty reliable. Vulnerability make results vary.
  • ^Based on the above advice. Look at the Vulnerabilities its important, choosing which Chosen you meet first in battle is essential to a good day of bullying Chosen (´ヮ`). If you want to get some orgy (3 surrounds with same 10k deflier actions) then maybe its good to choose a Chosen with a minor Vulnerability in Dignity so you can hit some high Expo level # so you can do more circumstance to everyone. Save the day before you go into a day and play around, try to see which character gets the best results.
    • Though usually the first Chosen you choose takes the most damage so do note that if you want break some vulnerabilities on someone, where the second Chosen that arrives takes the next or sometimes more damage.
    • If you aren't going for orgy, early on just focus on the first two chosen to arrive to pound some trauma/circumstance damage and then when you have time throw some stuff on the third one. We don't have enough love to spread to everyone. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
  • This game is a snowball game. When you start snowballing your going hit beyond trillions of damage on Chosen, so your first couple of turn on a day matter. Mess around with retry and see what the optimal attacks are going to be.
I'm sure there's more I'm missing and there are people way more knowledgeable than me, but this is a general guide/ramble of how to start off. This guide does not discuss about distortion, friendship manipulation, forsaken, last battle, and some more advance stuff. But I'm sure you'll learn more about that in the Forsaken guide and playing the game. Best of Luck. ¯\(◉◡◔)/¯ If you have any question just ask.
Thanks for explanation but still not sure about some terms, by breaking vulnerabilities do you mean leveling them up? And does trauma means angst? Also I'd like to ask what progress is normal, I'm still making 3 EE on day 20 and it feels it should be more


Aug 29, 2017
Thanks for explanation but still not sure about some terms, by breaking vulnerabilities do you mean leveling them up? And does trauma means angst? Also I'd like to ask what progress is normal, I'm still making 3 EE on day 20 and it feels it should be more
Looking back at the photo I posted you can see the [ ]. When its broken you have [X]. The word for trauma is damage when not surrounding. Circumstance is when surrounding that is circumstance damage. Angst is unresolved end of the day trauma damage. So all trauma damage done during that day. Some Chosen later on can remove some trauma damage that's why angst is a little different from trauma damage.

Progress varies, but you should be making way more than 3 EE on day 20. Im asusming you mean +1 3x from all the Chosen? That means you havent broken any of the vulnerabilities. Try to break vulnerability one first using what I said in guide earlier. Try to use that inevitability item. It might help out a lot.
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Nov 7, 2019
How do Distortions affect relationships? I have the attached party. I Tempt Smile and everything's cool. Smile and Paladin are Unbreakable Friends and they're both Solid Friends with Pariah.

If I Negotiate with Paladin, she and Pariah become Bitter Enemies. Which makes me think that the ~ on blocked vulnerabilities count as breaks. But if I get Pariah to Rampage, she and Smile become Rivals even though Smile has her Confidence already Distorted. So I don't understand what the relevant flags and triggers are there.
Nov 7, 2019
It'd be cool to have a random two Chosen event that involves one being raped by the other. Chosen A invites Chosen B to hang out, probably because they've had a really rough few days. However, Chosen A ends up drugging Chosen B with some really hard shit, and Chosen B is basically a zombie, wobbling around and making weird noises when she tries to talk. Chosen A then decides to rape her. This could come in two flavors, even if they're friends.

Crazytown: Chosen A has had enough of everything, and thinks it's more fun abusing Chosen B, than being a victim. Essentially, she inflicts the same suffering onto Chosen B to deflect her own angst. She lords over Chosen B to feel powerful, since she's been a chew toy for everyone else.

Yandere: Chosen A was already friends with Chosen B, but went down this route anyway. Her own trauma causes her to realize that the both of them have suffered greatly, and that they need each other to keep pushing. Except, Chosen A rapes Chosen B as a form of coping, and sees this as the only way they can love each other anymore. Chosen A might mention how she'd rather be the one to rape Chosen B, than let the demons do it.
Like Sonsuka mentioned, there are a few scenes like this. The ones I can remember are:

Waste Not is triggered by having a Tempt Chosen and an Aversion Chosen and can show up on any day the Aversion gets triggered.

And then whenever a Core Morality Chosen gets Impregnated (T4 Break), she'll have a scene where she rapes the Minor Morality Chosen. Unless they're on a Distortion path that prohibits Morality breaks in which case they'll turn the tables.

Not to disparage your suggestion, just to let you know where you can find some in-game scenes that might be up your alley.


Oct 25, 2017
So until I get commander like that it doesn't matter what I do during fights?
I wouldn't say that. If you aren't getting 1EE each day from each Chosen, that's quite bad. It's certainly possible to min-max more than that in some circumstances, like using an item to break an early Vulnerability or a 3-turn Commander to get the +2EE Tier 0 core break, but while you're still getting a handle on things this is a reasonable goal to aim for. It's just hard to explain when you can do that and when you can't until you have a better feel for the systems of the game.

If you want to maximize more than that, try to build up a 3 turn surround (DISG, PAIN, SHAM) on one Chosen and unleash it on the last turn before Extermination finishes. New Chosen arrive based on how many turns are spent in combat, and the sooner they arrive, the sooner you can get that 1EE from the new Chosen.

Thanks for explanation but still not sure about some terms, by breaking vulnerabilities do you mean leveling them up? And does trauma means angst? Also I'd like to ask what progress is normal, I'm still making 3 EE on day 20 and it feels it should be more
Breaking Vulnerabilities:
When a Vulnerability is unbroken it shows up like:
CON (core) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
This means that CON (confidence) is a Core Vulnerability for that Chosen, and is currently unbroken. Core Vulnerabilities show up with 5 levels of breaks:

+2 T1 T2 T3 T4
The first level of break, +2, you get just for getting the Circumstance damage to level 2 (so 1000 HATE, PLEA, INJU, or EXPO damage). In this forum we might call that a Tier 0 break or +2EE break. Only Core Circumstances on Chosen show up with 5 boxes so this break is not available for Significant or Minor Vulnerabilities. It gets you a bonus +2EE but doesn't give you anything else.

Once you have broken this level, it'll show up like this instead:
CON (core) [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The next level of break, T1, is when the Chosen start using tactics. They have 4 tactics that each reduce damage in two Circumstances. For example, Hiding reduces damage from the Grind and Humiliate actions, so it reduces HATE and EXPO damage when available. They use these tactics, basically, when damage in one of those two Circumstances would otherwise bring them to level 3 (10,000) or higher, and you start one of the actions that the tactic can defend against (this is a simplification of what happens, but true enough for beginner purposes). This level of break makes the Chosen slightly weaker to this form of damage. Edit to add: The tactic the Chosen uses will actually reduce damage to this Circumstance when the Chosen uses it, but Chosen cannot use tactics during a Defiler action, so what technically happens is that it becomes harder to initiate a Defiler but you deal more damage during Defiler actions.

Once this is broken, it shows on the Chosen like this:
CON (core) [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The next level of break after this, T2, is when you bring the Chosen to Level 3 Circumstance damage and use the associated Defiler action. So, to break T2 CON, the chosen needs to be Surrounded and over 10,000 INJU damage, and then you can initiate the Sodomize action on that Chosen. Once you have done that, it shows on the Chosen like this:

CON (core) [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]
This level of break makes the chosen quite a bit weaker to this type of damage.

There are T3 breaks and T4 breaks as well, and at each level the INFO button will show you what needs to be done next.

What the game leaves up to you is figuring out how to get these levels of damage, and this is where new players have trouble. Basic attacks do 0 Circumstance damage, so they can never get you there. You have to surround the Chosen, generally multiple Chosen, and use the fact that some Circumstances build multipliers on other Circumstances to get anywhere near Level 2 damage generally. Here are your available Circumstance multipliers:

Each level of HATE multiplies all Circumstance damage on that chosen by x2.
Each level of INJU multiplies all Circumstance damage on that chosen by x3.
Each level of EXPO on the other Chosen with the highest EXPO level multiplies Circumstance damage on all other Chosen by x2.

Some combination of these multipliers will allow you to get these breaks. My suggestions are back in this post.

Generally you can achieve a 4-turn 2-capture commander by day 11 or 12 (faster with items), and you should be able to at that point immediately break at least a T1 vulnerability or two. Once you have done so, that Chosen will be permanently weaker to that type of damage, enabling you to get their levels even higher, and you will begin gaining more EE per turn, enablling you to send out stronger Commanders that capture for longer and deal more damage. By day 20 you should have most of your T2 breaks complete if you're on track and it's very possible to be quite a bit further along than this.

If you sent out a Commander and didn't get at least one new break, retry that day--you wasted the EE spent.
If you sent out a Commander that didn't stay for at least 4 turns and have 2 captures, load an earlier save--it's possible to do something with these, but until you recognize those kinds of situations, stick with this kind of Commander that costs 5.

Here are some thoughts you may be having that are getting you stuck on the wrong things:

"Since I want to break her MOR, I should only be doing HATE/FEAR damage to only this Chosen every turn"--no, no, no, you need to build up the Circumstance Multipliers to get anywhere in this game, read the bolded section above.

"I spent all my EE on a Commander but didn't get very far, but it got almost to level 2, so maybe if I try it again when I have another 5 EE"--no, you messed up somehow, retry that day and focus on the multipliers, or try and break a different Vulnerability.

"I only have 4EE, but that Commander should be almost as strong as one that costs 5EE, so I'll see what I can do with it"--no, 4 turns allows you to hit every Circumstance at least once, it's so much better than 3 turns. 5 turns is similarly a whole lot better than 4 turns because you hit every Circumstance at least twice.

Hope this helps in your enjoyment of CS.
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Aug 29, 2017
How do Distortions affect relationships? I have the attached party. I Tempt Smile and everything's cool. Smile and Paladin are Unbreakable Friends and they're both Solid Friends with Pariah.

If I Negotiate with Paladin, she and Pariah become Bitter Enemies. Which makes me think that the ~ on blocked vulnerabilities count as breaks. But if I get Pariah to Rampage, she and Smile become Rivals even though Smile has her Confidence already Distorted. So I don't understand what the relevant flags and triggers are there.
Distortion dont affect relationship, its the order you break vulnerabilities that do and how you break them. So you're partly right on the ~ blocked part kinda. Since the ~ means you'll never do them unless you want to break them so technically it does kinda count it.
If we look at Tempt, its morality and confidence. So we break dig and Inn
Negotiate is Morality and Dignity. So we break Con and Inn
Rampage Is Inn and Con. So Dig and Morality

What's probably happening is that you're breaking a core vulnerability before someone else gets their same vulnerability broken so the Chosen with the core vulnerability that was broken considered it unfair. If you want everyone to be friends you want make sure to break the vulnerability of minor and significance on other Chosen first if someone on the team has a core vulnerability you need to break.
Lets say hypothetically Chosen Paladin has a core of Confidence. This means if we start breaking the Con vulnerability of Paladin first we make Paladin think its unfair that everyone else didn't have their Con Vul broken, which is because you're distorting Smile with Tempt so you also can't break Confidence to high vulnerability levels.Also you can't break confidence if you're doing rampage on Pariah. This causes a split on everyone. Now if you notice you said earlier that Smile becomes a Rival with Pariah. I'm taking a shot in the dark, but realistically Pariah core or one of is not Dignity since Smile with Tempt is best friends still everyone still, but after Pariah starts breaking morality it becomes an issue, so its likely her core is Morality, since Tempt can't break morality or something do that line.
However, lets say that everyone isn't doing distortion to make this new example on making everyone friends simpler. Paladin Paladin has a core of confidence and everyone else doesnt. I want everyone to be friends, so I break everyone elses core of confidence at level # before breaking Paladin. She's chill because they comfort her now because they had to deal with it and visa versa for the other Chosen Core vulnerabilities.
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Aug 29, 2017
Thank you!

This is an interesting idea. My only concern is that it'd make it "grindier" to create powerful Forsaken. The game already isn't entirely grind-free, but I'm wary about making it any grindier.

A total of six Distortions are planned. I don't plan on having separate ones for permutations of the same two Vulnerabilities.

On an unrelated note, the next version will allow players to use animated gifs for character portraits if they so desire. I doubt that the entire portrait set will ever be fully animated, but it might be feasible to at least do the bosses.

I would offer that if you're concern about grindier, I think the turn limit kinda already stops the grind since later you go in campaign there really is only so many turns you can actually do to "grind" a character out. Making them get minorly stronger where they only get harder to distort from the default # currently as the # raises shouldn't be too terrible. If that's a concern still I can offer that possibly based on personalities of the Chosen there are distortion are "incompatible" with the Chosen and then this would possibly apply where they would resist more. For example trying Tempt distortion on someone with specifically a double core Dig and Inn or just one core or maybe thats just how it would work to make superior Chosen a challenge idk.

Also ayy on animated gif.


Sep 6, 2021
I wouldn't say that. If you aren't getting 1EE each day from each Chosen, that's quite bad. It's certainly possible to min-max more than that in some circumstances, like using an item to break an early Vulnerability or a 3-turn Commander to get the +2EE Tier 0 core break, but while you're still getting a handle on things this is a reasonable goal to aim for. It's just hard to explain when you can do that and when you can't until you have a better feel for the systems of the game.

If you want to maximize more than that, try to build up a 3 turn surround (DISG, PAIN, SHAM) on one Chosen and unleash it on the last turn before Extermination finishes. New Chosen arrive based on how many turns are spent in combat, and the sooner they arrive, the sooner you can get that 1EE from the new Chosen.

Breaking Vulnerabilities:
When a Vulnerability is unbroken it shows up like:
CON (core) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
This means that CON (constitution) is a Core Vulnerability for that Chosen, and is currently unbroken. Core Vulnerabilities show up with 5 levels of breaks:

+2 T1 T2 T3 T4
The first level of break, +2, you get just for getting the Circumstance damage to level 2 (so 1000 HATE, PLEA, INJU, or EXPO damage). In this forum we might call that a Tier 0 break or +2EE break. Only Core Circumstances on Chosen show up with 5 boxes so this break is not available for Significant or Minor Vulnerabilities. It gets you a bonus +2EE but doesn't give you anything else.

Once you have broken this level, it'll show up like this instead:
CON (core) [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The next level of break, T1, is when the Chosen start using tactics. They have 4 tactics that each reduce damage in two Circumstances. For example, Hiding reduces damage from the Grind and Humiliate actions, so it reduces HATE and EXPO damage when available. They use these tactics, basically, when damage in one of those two Circumstances would otherwise bring them to level 3 (10,000) or higher, and you start one of the actions that the tactic can defend against (this is a simplification of what happens, but true enough for beginner purposes). This level of break makes the Chosen slightly weaker to this form of damage.

Once this is broken, it shows on the Chosen like this:
CON (core) [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The next level of break after this, T2, is when you bring the Chosen to Level 3 Circumstance damage and use the associated Defiler action. So, to break T2 CON, the chosen needs to be Surrounded and over 10,000 INJU damage, and then you can initiate the Sodomize action on that Chosen. Once you have done that, it shows on the Chosen like this:

CON (core) [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]
This level of break makes the chosen quite a bit weaker to this type of damage.

There are T3 breaks and T4 breaks as well, and at each level the INFO button will show you what needs to be done next.

What the game leaves up to you is figuring out how to get these levels of damage, and this is where new players have trouble. Basic attacks do 0 Circumstance damage, so they can never get you there. You have to surround the Chosen, generally multiple Chosen, and use the fact that some Circumstances build multipliers on other Circumstances to get anywhere near Level 2 damage generally. Here are your available Circumstance multipliers:

Each level of HATE multiplies all Circumstance damage on that chosen by x2.
Each level of INJU multiplies all Circumstance damage on that chosen by x3.
Each level of EXPO on the other Chosen with the highest EXPO level multiplies Circumstance damage on all other Chosen by x2.

Some combination of these multipliers will allow you to get these breaks. My suggestions are back in this post.

Generally you can achieve a 4-turn 2-capture commander by day 11 or 12 (faster with items), and you should be able to at that point immediately break at least a T1 vulnerability or two. Once you have done so, that Chosen will be permanently weaker to that type of damage, enabling you to get their levels even higher, and you will begin gaining more EE per turn, enablling you to send out stronger Commanders that capture for longer and deal more damage. By day 20 you should have most of your T2 breaks complete if you're on track and it's very possible to be quite a bit further along than this.

If you sent out a Commander and didn't get at least one new break, retry that day--you wasted the EE spent.
If you sent out a Commander that didn't stay for at least 4 turns and have 2 captures, load an earlier save--it's possible to do something with these, but until you recognize those kinds of situations, stick with this kind of Commander that costs 5.

Here are some thoughts you may be having that are getting you stuck on the wrong things:

"Since I want to break her MOR, I should only be doing HATE/FEAR damage to only this Chosen every turn"--no, no, no, you need to build up the Circumstance Multipliers to get anywhere in this game, read the bolded section above.

"I spent all my EE on a Commander but didn't get very far, but it got almost to level 2, so maybe if I try it again when I have another 5 EE"--no, you messed up somehow, retry that day and focus on the multipliers, or try and break a different Vulnerability.

"I only have 4EE, but that Commander should be almost as strong as one that costs 5EE, so I'll see what I can do with it"--no, 4 turns allows you to hit every Circumstance at least once, it's so much better than 3 turns. 5 turns is similarly a whole lot better than 4 turns because you hit every Circumstance at least twice.

Hope this helps in your enjoyment of CS.
Nothing major but CON is Confidence.

Also Getting T1 breaks actually decreases the damage you do because of the surround tactics as far as I am aware.

"When a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5."

Which means you will actually do more damage before the t1 breaks. Specialised commander and forsaken don't trigger this though.

Distortion dont affect relationship, its the order you break vulnerabilities that do and how you break them. So you're partly right on the ~ blocked part kinda. Since the ~ means you'll never do them unless you want to break them so technically it does kinda count it.
If we look at Tempt, its morality and confidence. So we break dig and Inn
Negotiate is Morality and Dignity. So we break Con and Inn
Rampage Is Inn and Con. So Dig and Morality

What's probably happening is that you're breaking a core vulnerability before someone else gets their same vulnerability broken so the Chosen with the core vulnerability that was broken considered it unfair. If you want everyone to be friends you want make sure to break the vulnerability of minor and significance on other Chosen first if someone on the team has a core vulnerability you need to break.
Lets say hypothetically Chosen Paladin has a core of Confidence. This means if we start breaking the Con vulnerability of Paladin first we make Paladin think its unfair that everyone else didn't have their Con Vul broken, which is because you're distorting Smile with Tempt so you also can't break Confidence to high vulnerability levels.Also you can't break confidence if you're doing rampage on Pariah. This causes a split on everyone. Now if you notice you said earlier that Smile becomes a Rival with Pariah. I'm taking a shot in the dark, but realistically Pariah core or one of is not Dignity since Smile with Tempt is best friends still everyone still, but after Pariah starts breaking morality it becomes an issue, so its likely her core is Morality, since Tempt can't break morality or something do that line.
However, lets say that everyone isn't doing distortion to make this new example on making everyone friends simpler. Paladin Paladin has a core of confidence and everyone else doesnt. I want everyone to be friends, so I break everyone elses core of confidence at level # before breaking Paladin. She's chill because they comfort her now because they had to deal with it and visa versa for the other Chosen Core vulnerabilities.
Actually distortions do affect relationships unless you already made them unbreakable friends. You can figure this out by doing a distortion early, when they are not unbreakable friends. I never really bother to figure out who confronts who but there are relationship events based around distortion. Also if you do the same distortion on all three of the chosen they become unbreakable friends.


Sep 6, 2021
Thanks for explanation but still not sure about some terms, by breaking vulnerabilities do you mean leveling them up? And does trauma means angst? Also I'd like to ask what progress is normal, I'm still making 3 EE on day 20 and it feels it should be more
Speaking of progress when you deploy your 5 energy commander it should be possible to break atleast 1 t2 vulnerability(Which means getting one Circumstance to Level 3 and using a defiler action). By day 20 you should atleast be generating 5 energy per chosen.

Make sure to save before you deploy that commander to get best results. Remember saving before each commander is actually recommended.

If you need tips for dealing damage with the 5 energy commander:

1. When you start the capture make sure you get to level 1 pleasure at turn 2 or Turn 3 in order to get a 7 turn surround. Other circumstances should also be level 1 by the end of the capture. I usually start by Pummel. Then Caress/Grind.

2. Using the second capture Target another chosen and now focus on getting Expo level along with atleast a 4 turn surround on this chosen. Just make sure to pay attention to the extermination level, you need to surround the previous chosen before Extermination is complete.

3. After using all the moves on first chosen, surround the second chosen for four turn and focus on getting level 2 expo, before going again for the first chosen.

It's a bit confusing to explain. Just remember you can keep retrying to get the best results.
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Aug 29, 2017
Nothing major but CON is Confidence.

Also Getting T1 breaks actually decreases the damage you do because of the surround tactics as far as I am aware.

"When a surrounded Chosen uses a tactic that decreases the effectiveness of Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate, the damage from that source is decreased to 3/5. When both tactics against the source are used at once, the damage becomes 2/5."

Which means you will actually do more damage before the t1 breaks. Specialised commander and forsaken don't trigger this though.

Actually distortions do affect relationships unless you already made them unbreakable friends. You can figure this out by doing a distortion early, when they are not unbreakable friends. I never really bother to figure out who confronts who but there are relationship events based around distortion. Also if you do the same distortion on all three of the chosen they become unbreakable friends.
Ah yah I dont disagree with that, its jsut the distortion affects relationship because of the fact it locks certain vulnerabilities from being from broken so it does it automatically.
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