
Active Member
Jul 30, 2020
Can anyone sell me on negotiation? It seems to me to require a whole lot of days to make any progress and then in the final battle it really isn't that good. The other distortions generally require you to do something that you'd do to make progress against the team as a whole anyway, while negotiation requires you to do something instead of progressing against the rest of the team


Dec 28, 2020
Can anyone sell me on negotiation? It seems to me to require a whole lot of days to make any progress and then in the final battle it really isn't that good. The other distortions generally require you to do something that you'd do to make progress against the team as a whole anyway, while negotiation requires you to do something instead of progressing against the rest of the team
It's not only that a 100% in appeal is insta-win if the three are on negotiation enough days.
Sometimes you have to think ahead. On low hostility their stamina regeneration is amazing, and they can be trained in tons of ways due to high obedience.
Not everything is for the final battle. It's the submission of your forsaken afterwards that matter.
On days you negotiate, you can just train your forsakens.

And.. ngl the scenes of negotiation and how they progress to her room are hot as f


Jul 11, 2021
It's not only that a 100% in appeal is insta-win if the three are on negotiation enough days.
Sometimes you have to think ahead. On low hostility their stamina regeneration is amazing, and they can be trained in tons of ways due to high obedience.
Not everything is for the final battle. It's the submission of your forsaken afterwards that matter.
On days you negotiate, you can just train your forsakens.

And.. ngl the scenes of negotiation and how they progress to her room are hot as f
Another neat benefit is that you make progress against at least 1 chosen if you decide/need to stockpile some EE. If all chosen hate each other, a guaranteed two/Four/Six shot is kinda nice too, and halving that only takes 4 days off. Keep in mind that in campaign, the benefit of the negotiation achievement is also quite powerful because it doubles/Triples/Quadruples the effect of each negotiation. Thus, the halving time goes from 4 days to 3/3/2.

Besides, sparing 4 (Or less) days is entirely doable and maybe desirable if you have a high cost forsaken with a good effect you want/need to apply punisher effects. (Like, say, a +800% Trauma damage increase on parasitism on the victim from a 200EE Forsaken.) Additionally, negotiation forsaken have as another benefit that they have low disgrace, generally, meaning you get these high punisher values as a side effect when you take them.


Jul 18, 2021
(...i do feel a bit sheepish that i couldn't be more helpful and phrase how i got this bug with more clarity in hindsight, but i appreciate that Nobody032 helped on my behalf, so it all worked out fine.)
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2021
Yeah, got an odd bug, but unfortunately I didn't keep my save;

I had a Negotiation Chosen with core Confidence, Minor Innocence, and the other two being significant.
I tried to get the tier 4 Confidence break with a Demon commander on loop 2 with Drain, Dominance, Pleasure. (I think thats the names. Confidence Punisher, confidence/Expo damage, Pleasure damage).
I got the break, however it reset my Negotiation progress. A pure Drain Commander worked without issue.

I can get you a save at the start of the loop, but...


Oct 25, 2017
Release 44 update is out and can be downloaded from the and associated pages. Usually right after a release there are a few bugfixes and I wouldn't expect this version to be very different, so it might be good to wait a couple of days before updating the OP.


Apr 23, 2018
Release 44 update is out and can be downloaded from the and associated pages. Usually right after a release there are a few bugfixes and I wouldn't expect this version to be very different, so it might be good to wait a couple of days before updating the OP.
I'm not sure that's a call the maintainers can really afford to make on a case by case basis; if it gets reported I think they likely just do it then. Otherwise they'd have to keep reminders of what to come back to and when, and that could add up to a lot of work across a lot of threads.


Oct 5, 2017
Very excited with the newest update, thank you CSDev! I went and played a full loop and noticed 2 things, i will try to explain as clearly as i can, maybe these are bugs, maybe not, hopefully it'll help clarify what is happening in my game.

First thing i've noticed is, when i went and played a loop, as i began to break vulnerabilities, the chosen did not update their relationships from acquaintances to friendship or rivalry. In fact, it only happened once and it was a t4 break on hypnosis. My previous playthroughs on previous versions were far more active with chosen relationships, so this was...weird, to say the least. One of the chosen was a custom character, the other two were normal chosen that the game generated, if this helps.

Second thing, upon reaching the first forsaken stage after clearing the first town, one chose was killed in action, the other ran away and went mad and one (custom, male) became forsaken. So, i was able to customize my body and add in a new body part that i previously could not add, which was the "anal womb" body part, but the male chosen did not go through the final morality break to develop said body part. I went on a meeting with them with save scumming, but noticed that the forsaken pregnancy was not triggering. I wanted to ask if this might be a bug or if it's a requirement to add the body part via the new body changing ritual / T4 morality break.

Awesome work as always CSDev!

Edit 1) Oh right, i forgot to mention a little interface glitch that probably passed through testing without being noticed. It's related to modifying a male demon lord body. To replicate it, first create a new body, now only click on the "Penis" body part 3 times until you reach "Penis Type: Cat". Now click one more time to go back to the default body part type. The interface will not update and will still say "Penis Type: Cat", but if you go ahead and save the body, it'll show you that the changes were actually made off-screen, it's just the interface that did not get updated.
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2020
I want to ask, what if there's one portrait i don't like? Is it as simple as erasing the folder of the one part of the portrait pack which i don't want?

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
I want to ask, what if there's one portrait i don't like? Is it as simple as erasing the folder of the one part of the portrait pack which i don't want?
Not sure what your asking exactly, if you're referring to the default portrait the game ships with, it's probably better to just replace the original portraits with another set to avoid potentially breaking things. If you're refering to one of the portrait packs that gets uploaded, then you can just delete the specific portrait folder for the chosen archetype before applying the entire set, leaving the default images there.
If the portraits are already applied, then you'll need to rip some portraits either from another pack or from an extra copy of the game if you want to go back to the original ones.


Dec 28, 2020
Basis has only one image, and it would be weird for her to appear in the game

So i want to delete her, so she doesn't appear

But i don't know if that would create bugs, if the game searches for her to appear in a team

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
Basis has only one image, and it would be weird for her to appear in the game

So i want to delete her, so she doesn't appear

But i don't know if that would create bugs, if the game searches for her to appear in a team
Did Basis come with the game or did you add them from an additional download?


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
So how does one make Splendor useful once you recruited her? or are there no Forsaken content for her yet?
Splendor has four negative traits, and you can flip one into a positive trait for every other boss you defeat (whether before or after defeating Splendor herself). Because there's only one other boss implemented at the moment, Splendor will always be more of a liability than an asset, but some of the traits can be worked around or arguably have a positive side. I guess I'll talk about them a little bit here since they aren't documented anywhere else.

Suspiciously Incompetent just prevents you from training her and makes it so that she does no damage (and in fact actually heals the Chosen) when deployed. You can ignore the trait by just not deploying her, but the flipped version, Suspiciously Competent, is pretty strong - it lets her use Capture without consuming your turn, basically like a Forsaken version of Networked Consciousness. I'm considering adding unique Forsaken Punishers for the bosses, too, so that can only make her even better.

Tales of Terrifying Deeds decreases the damage Thralls and Forsaken deal against Undead, Devil, and Mechanical Chosen. But the latter two species aren't even implemented yet. The flipped version, Tales of Embarrassing Weaknesses, increases damage against Undead and Boss enemies, but... most of the latter aren't implemented either.

Social Saboteur causes all Forsaken to lose 1/10 of their current Motivation every day. This is probably the nastiest thing she does, but some Forsaken rosters have more trouble with Motivation than others. The flipped version, Social Strategist, causes the lowest-Motivation Forsaken to recover 20% Motivation per day, and it also provides a +30% damage buff to your deployed Forsaken as long as all Forsaken have at least 100% Motivation. This condition can be hard to meet, but even the passive effect is nice.

Triple Agent basically treats your loop as though it were 10% higher when picking difficulty modifiers. This makes the game harder, obviously, but it also means that you get more chances to grab advanced Forsaken species, so it's not all bad. The flipped version, Quadruple Agent, just gives you more Influence points for generating powerful items.
It'd be cool to have a random two Chosen event that involves one being raped by the other. Chosen A invites Chosen B to hang out, probably because they've had a really rough few days. However, Chosen A ends up drugging Chosen B with some really hard shit, and Chosen B is basically a zombie, wobbling around and making weird noises when she tries to talk. Chosen A then decides to rape her. This could come in two flavors, even if they're friends.

Crazytown: Chosen A has had enough of everything, and thinks it's more fun abusing Chosen B, than being a victim. Essentially, she inflicts the same suffering onto Chosen B to deflect her own angst. She lords over Chosen B to feel powerful, since she's been a chew toy for everyone else.

Yandere: Chosen A was already friends with Chosen B, but went down this route anyway. Her own trauma causes her to realize that the both of them have suffered greatly, and that they need each other to keep pushing. Except, Chosen A rapes Chosen B as a form of coping, and sees this as the only way they can love each other anymore. Chosen A might mention how she'd rather be the one to rape Chosen B, than let the demons do it.
As others have mentioned, there are a few Chosen-on-Chosen assaults in the game already. I'm always up for adding more, though.
Speaking of a Rampage bug, don't know it's the same as Belgaz but while I was trying to see if there are any changes to the interview if you trigger a distortion before it on all three chosen by using cheat mode, I did once ran into a freeze which would happen if you trigger Rampage and all the breaks on a single day with a end game commander. I was able to replicate it by using the commander to capture each chosen, doing all relevant T1 breaks then using broadcast.

View attachment 2790481
View attachment 2813848
(...i do feel a bit sheepish that i couldn't be more helpful and phrase how i got this bug with more clarity in hindsight, but i appreciate that Nobody032 helped on my behalf, so it all worked out fine.)
And thank you both for helping me track this bug down!
How do Distortions affect relationships? I have the attached party. I Tempt Smile and everything's cool. Smile and Paladin are Unbreakable Friends and they're both Solid Friends with Pariah.

If I Negotiate with Paladin, she and Pariah become Bitter Enemies. Which makes me think that the ~ on blocked vulnerabilities count as breaks. But if I get Pariah to Rampage, she and Smile become Rivals even though Smile has her Confidence already Distorted. So I don't understand what the relevant flags and triggers are there.
You've gotten some answers about this already, but I can clarify the logic the game uses here. Core Distortions cause relationship scenes in the same manner that Core Break scenes do, but the scene is always negative unless the corresponding Minor Vulnerability has already experienced the same Distortion (regardless of whether that Minor Vulnerability is broken or not). So even though Temptation and Negotiation are both Morality Distortions, they still trigger a negative scene when matched against each other. But Distorted Vulnerabilities aren't counted as "broken" for the purpose of non-Distortion scenes, so a Chosen with a Distorted Minor Vulnerability is guaranteed to have a negative scene once the corresponding Core Vulnerability on another Chosen is broken.

If both Distorted Vulnerabilities are Core, and if the corresponding Minor Vulnerabilities belong to two different Chosen, then the relationship scene will involve all three Chosen, but the impact can be positive for one Chosen and negative for the other if only one of those Chosen is experiencing the same Distortion. It's analagous to if you were to just normally break all the ~ Vulnerabilities on the same day, except that the relationship points are all added in a single scene.

Incidentally, this also means that it's possible for a Distortion to not affect relationships at all. For example, if a Chosen has Significant Morality and Significant Confidence, then triggering the Morality/Confidence Distortion doesn't do anything to her relationships.
What program did you use for this? Asking for a friend.
I wasn't the one who made it, but as Kalloi said, the program used was Inochi2D.
Someone know what this item do? It refer to opening levels or Chosen's relationship between each others?

"Basis's Pantsu
Chosen relationship level no longer provides any protection against Defiler+ and Orgy actions."
When that item is owned, all Defiler+ and Orgy action damage multipliers from relationship will be x2. In retrospect, maybe I should've doubled the base damage and just reported the relationship multiplier as ranging from x0.5 to x1, but I wanted to make it clear that Defiler+ and Orgy actions always deal more base damage than the single-target versions.
Yeah, got an odd bug, but unfortunately I didn't keep my save;

I had a Negotiation Chosen with core Confidence, Minor Innocence, and the other two being significant.
I tried to get the tier 4 Confidence break with a Demon commander on loop 2 with Drain, Dominance, Pleasure. (I think thats the names. Confidence Punisher, confidence/Expo damage, Pleasure damage).
I got the break, however it reset my Negotiation progress. A pure Drain Commander worked without issue.

I can get you a save at the start of the loop, but...
If it happens to you again, I'd definitely appreciate a save from the start of the day. I know that I've run into issues a couple of times where I accidentally select a Defiler for the Commander which breaks something that's not supposed to be broken, so it'd be nice to rule that out.
Very excited with the newest update, thank you CSDev! I went and played a full loop and noticed 2 things, i will try to explain as clearly as i can, maybe these are bugs, maybe not, hopefully it'll help clarify what is happening in my game.

First thing i've noticed is, when i went and played a loop, as i began to break vulnerabilities, the chosen did not update their relationships from acquaintances to friendship or rivalry. In fact, it only happened once and it was a t4 break on hypnosis. My previous playthroughs on previous versions were far more active with chosen relationships, so this was...weird, to say the least. One of the chosen was a custom character, the other two were normal chosen that the game generated, if this helps.
My first guess was that the custom Chosen was set to ignore personality limitations, since that disables relationship scenes. But if you still got a scene from T4 Innocence Break, then that can't be the case. The only other guess that comes to mind is that you might've just ended up going with Distortion plans that caused you to not break very many Cores, so you might've missed the few scenes you did see.
Second thing, upon reaching the first forsaken stage after clearing the first town, one chose was killed in action, the other ran away and went mad and one (custom, male) became forsaken. So, i was able to customize my body and add in a new body part that i previously could not add, which was the "anal womb" body part, but the male chosen did not go through the final morality break to develop said body part. I went on a meeting with them with save scumming, but noticed that the forsaken pregnancy was not triggering. I wanted to ask if this might be a bug or if it's a requirement to add the body part via the new body changing ritual / T4 morality break.
Pregnancy chance defaults to 0%, so maybe I should just stop anal womb customization from appearing when the player leaves that setting untouched. In any case, it is intentional that you can add them even without Total Morality Break, and it doesn't currently have any special interactions with the ritual system.
Awesome work as always CSDev!

Edit 1) Oh right, i forgot to mention a little interface glitch that probably passed through testing without being noticed. It's related to modifying a male demon lord body. To replicate it, first create a new body, now only click on the "Penis" body part 3 times until you reach "Penis Type: Cat". Now click one more time to go back to the default body part type. The interface will not update and will still say "Penis Type: Cat", but if you go ahead and save the body, it'll show you that the changes were actually made off-screen, it's just the interface that did not get updated.
Thanks for catching this bug, I've found the cause and it'll be fixed in the next release. And I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it!
I want to ask, what if there's one portrait i don't like? Is it as simple as erasing the folder of the one part of the portrait pack which i don't want?
Erasing the folder is fine. You can also replace it with any other image you like.


Oct 5, 2017
Might have found another interface glitch similar to the one i posted before. For this one to trigger, you go to the custom chosen creation menu, then go through the normal process like you normally do until you reach the body customization screen. Now, click on the "Thicker Hips" button until you reach "Girlish Figure" on the interface. Now click once more, and the interface will not update itself to the next values. I've noticed that the demon lord body works just fine on this one though, so i guess it's just the custom chosen interface that's being sassy.

So, i wanna make sure i understand this one properly, i'm still confused. If my forsaken are female, i can make them pregnant just fine, so i know that's working. But if my forsaken are male, i first need to give them the anal womb so they can get pregnant as well, is this correct? If so, how do i do this? If a ritual is not required to give them the womb, then i have no idea where to do this. I can't give them the womb while in the custom character creation, because they will still be chosen at this time. If i go and attempt to change their body, they will completely change their forms to female or monster, so that's not it either. Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated x D


Aug 29, 2017
On topic deleting photo you can have no pictures for like focus or joy and it’ll just show blank black diring fight for chosen.
  • Thinking Face
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New Member
Nov 4, 2017
So.. do the Forsaken damage bonuses all stack multiplicatively? For example, if I have +50% from animalistic, +50% hate from distortion, +20% Hate from Breeder, and Disgrace of 64% granting 72% base damage, then would I get 72%*1.5*1.5*1.2 = 194.4% Hate damage, then also multiplied by fighting style?


Dec 28, 2020
Hi! For those who have high pixel resolution and/or the text is too small:

Cortana > resolution > change text size, apps and others > 100% > open corrupted saviors.exe > up the 100% to 200%

Boom! both buttons and text are 2X the normal size!

Until dev makes the feature to customize, this will patch your problems.
Hope it helps! <3
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Reactions: Kalloi


Aug 7, 2020
CSdev I think there's a bug with the new Tomorrow's Newspaper. It does not appear to grant access to the multi-modifier commander techs Versatility and Synthesis, just Completion. It does provide discounts for these techs, suggesting it's intended to provide them. The commander builder with this item also appears to be bugged - if the attachments are added in the order punisher->defiler->suppressor it works correctly, but if you add the suppressor first it won't let you add the defiler. I've attached a save where this can be observed - I have Tomorrow's Newspaper and have not yet bought Versatility.


Jul 31, 2018
I feel stupid having to ask after reading the guide but I still don't get what I need to do to break their first vulnerabilities.

The best I can get is lvl 1 is Expose with no commander and with a commander I am just pushing buttons and even then I only got lvl 1 in all the catagories.

This didn't help because the vulnerabilities are all lvl 2 and another needing 100M shame.

Is the guide really the best thing and I just need to read it more or can someone explain the fights in an easier way?


Apr 23, 2018
I feel stupid having to ask after reading the guide but I still don't get what I need to do to break their first vulnerabilities.

The best I can get is lvl 1 is Expose with no commander and with a commander I am just pushing buttons and even then I only got lvl 1 in all the catagories.

This didn't help because the vulnerabilities are all lvl 2 and another needing 100M shame.

Is the guide really the best thing and I just need to read it more or can someone explain the fights in an easier way?
Well reading the guide is definitely not optional. If you don't even know how circumstances work you're not going to get anywhere. If you want more detailed advice try reading this thread; this question has been answered and asked in quite some detail many times.
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