- Apr 8, 2020
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I'm getting this thing where the game freezes or the buttons disappear when customizing the clothing.
It does depend on the Team’s personality dynamics but I would recommend focusing on deploying your forsaken rather than getting upgrades just to get the burst of damage needed to outperform the EE drain of Undead chosen. I’m assuming this is your loop 5 where you encounter your first tier 3 chosen species.Any tips on how to spend the first few days against an undead chosen? I just can't save up enough ee to buy the basic upgrades + 7ee to deploy my forsaken/commander.
For a bug like that it would be good to upload a save or describe what order of events is causing the freeze so when CSDev sees your post they can pin point the problem and fix quick enough with a bugfix, the update coming out tomorrow might have already fixed your issue but just in case it doesn’t a little more detail can help a lotI'm getting this thing where the game freezes or the buttons disappear when customizing the clothing.
What version are you using when you get that bug? Cause I'm pretty sure that has already been fixed, or at least I haven't encountered it since one of the updates (forget which) despite having it always happen before the update.Really liking new change to customizing outfits, but there is a really really annoying bug that just deletes the entire outfit with random one when u go back to edit. Considering how funky it is, its a little annoying. This occurs when u backtrack after editting.
I guess its time to edit my 130 custom now that I'm back and the custom outfit update is out. ah boy.
I may just be completely overlooking it, but I can't seem to find a "Maze of Memories.ros" file in the new download link.Here’s the link to the downloads! I’ve also decided that it would be fun to include the cover art in folder for new people to take a look at.
A small miscellaneous thing is The Maze of memories roster has been updated to the new clothing format, I’ve managed to remake most of the clothing and expand on their outfits. Retrospective also made me reevaluate some of the personalities of these custom chosen and edit them accordingly to fit their actual character more. The clothing revamp should be completely finished by the next update.
Oh sorry about that! Looks like when I deleted the old version I forgot to upload the newer version, it’s up now thank you for letting me know about thisI may just be completely overlooking it, but I can't seem to find a "Maze of Memories.ros" file in the new download link.
it's unfortunate.
Since it is now a tag, you should include "ai cg" since all the artwork is ai generated.I am sure I missed tags. Please let us know what is missing so it can be added. Have fun perverts![]()
I'm pretty sure none of the game's artwork is AI generated, though people have made AI-generated expansion packs for it.Since it is now a tag, you should include "ai cg" since all the artwork is ai generated.
The default art pack is made with AI, along with a few others on here, but my art pack is drawn by me and some of the other packs uses art curated from various sources, Chekhov’s stickied post about the portrait pack has most of the information needed there. Anyways I don’t know if the AI art tag should be included as the portrait system is optional and is designed so people can use community packs or their ownSince it is now a tag, you should include "ai cg" since all the artwork is ai generated.
They're definitely useful - maybe a bit too useful. I think it's more interesting when players have to pick and choose which circumstances are more important to hit, so I'm trying to buff Forsaken to the point where their 2- and 3-damage type styles are worth it.I still find a lot of use in the "all four circumstances hit" Demon Commander, even now when I've got most of my Forsaken at the strength I want to have and the cost I want them to have. It's a very useful thing to have early in a Loop, especially right after the big EE hits after Distortions go through.
Good point regarding the lack of training days being so significant early on. That and the item selection are probably the things I should focus on improving.So now in Loop 16 I've got all my Forsaken built out and I'm probably roughly evenly matched with the last time I was this deep. I've got the Strategic Advantage system this time for more bonuses, but I've also got Splendor making me a bit weaker. But while I was skipping levels, I was definitely behind the curve.
Loop 3 was fine, my Chosen weren't really ready to use yet but a Superior Forsaken doesn't present much of a challenge at this level of play.
Loop 5 was really the rough point--that was the only loop I had to play *perfectly* and restart multiple times. I don't think I would have been strong enough to take an Animalistic Chosen through a distortion without the EE from breaking T3 on the other Chosen. Loop 3, if you warp over Loop 2, is also the first time you get Chosen that can be buffed by other Chosen's Punisher effects, which are essentially my baseline level of Chosen for most of the game. I don't just want a Tempted Forsaken, I want a Tempted Forsaken that's had her PLEA damage buffed by being Hypnotized by another Chosen, because that's the level of specialization I need to do damage through later loops. By Loop 5, if I warped through Loop 4 I've only had those Chosen for a few days and they're not ready to use at the start of the loop, which is another reason I did not use the warp offered after Loop 3 (main reason was the item offered was incredibly weak). Some extra days of training here would really smooth this difficulty out, if your main goal is making both paths give roughly the same benefits.
By Loop 7, I was definitely picking up speed and filling in the last holes in my roster, and I don't feel that this needs to be adjusted at all, and by the time Victory came around I had enough abilities that she presented a not overwhelming challe3nge the first time I fought her.
An update regarding my thoughts here: once the "main" campaign route is completed, I want to also add routes for each of the bosses. Conveniently, there are six main bosses planned (with the others not usually being part of the every-five-loops boss selection), and this lines up with the number of planned Distortion paths. One of the requirements for getting on a character's route will be to beat her with a specific Distortion. For Victory, it will be Negotiation. For Splendor, it would make sense to use either Morality/Innocence or Confidence/Dignity, since Splendor starts with all T1s broken and those are the two that won't be associated with leaving a T1 break intact. So, I'm also thinking of a condition that would make her boss fight more interesting.I'm glad you like the ideas. There's plenty of room for adjustment. Narcissism could be remade into a "whole team" distortion, where they all hate each other and start physically attacking each other in the same fight, if you wanted. Their Extermination% could go up and their Evacuation% could disappear entirely, since they no longer view other people as having "real lives". Codependence could make the Chosen take extra damage when they're alone at the start of a fight (like removing the level +1 limiter on circumstance maybe until another Chosen arrives?) You've created a lot of room in your design for growth without the need for complicated new systems, and that's how you've built the game up to what it is now.
It was definitely a bad move on my part to have the Defiler Obedience requirement hold for Distorted Forsaken when the Punisher Obedience requirement doesn't. As of R47, Distorted Forsaken can ignore the Obedience requirement for both.That seems to be it. Her Obedience was at 33%. I'm sure that was documented somewhere but I don't re-read the text files; I mostly skim them.
I see what you mean. I've thought a bit about this, and while I was initially worried that players might misinterpret that kind of highlight as meaning that there's something special about achieving breaks on the day associated with the Animalistic phase, I think it's probably easy enough to clarify by just using an indicator likeI mean this display on a Chosen in the fight, where the current weakness of Animalistic Chosen shows up in green:
View attachment 3005288
I'd like for it to do something like that when I click on the Info Button in the shop screen to show their Vulnerability Break status (quick drawing on my Snipping Tool)
View attachment 3005296
I can cross-reference it myself with the information displayed on the shop screen, but I feel like that's an unnecessary complexity in a game that is frankly already quite complex.
<- current weakness
or something.Thanks for uploading the save! This is fixed in R47.Oh, and I noticed a definite bug. I think it has to do with passing days and the High-Rises objective. I'm not sure if it's just an error in the numbers displayed or an error in how something is being calculated.
To recreate:
Load Save 1 "bugtest"
Click "Pass Time"
Send out a Commander--I used Mistress, but you can probably use anything or even not use a Commander.
Send her against Sacred, you'll notice something odd right away
But the real oddness comes when you click Capture:
View attachment 3005324
1) Sacred should be at 0 Circumstance, not 980, because I skipped the previous day.
2) The displayed math is very, very wrong. I suspect that some numbers have actually gone negative somehow, because the game doesn't act like she's at 980 of every circumstance (notice, no multipliers in the trauma damage). There's obviously code written to treat negative numbers as zero because nothing else crashes or goes negative or fractional. When I capture a second Chosen, she's getting no modifier to her circumstance damage from the EXPO of the first chosen, either, despite her having been captured at least long enough to raise EXPO to 100. [EDIT] Further testing and I'm pretty sure the actual values are negative.
My main hope here is that the choice between the different bonuses is interesting enough to add some depth. If you're far enough ahead of the power curve, I guess it might be hard to say how well-balanced they are against each other. I'm open to hearing more feedback here whenever you end up on a playthrough that's remains difficult past Loop 12.I haven't shared my thoughts on the Strategic Advantage system yet. It comes in very late, and I understand you're trying to keep down the complexity at the beginning because it's already a lot for a player to absorb, but right now at loop 16 it's just a set of buttons that I click to win more because my Forsaken already do all they need in order to win. That may change if I can get up to higher loops with damage resistance over 50%, but I don't have much interest in playing further right now.
It's pretty much just flavor right now, just representing the fact that killing Chosen is a waste of resources that could otherwise be making you stronger. It might be a bit more significant on some story routes once those are implemented. On your recent run, was Splendor's "Triple Agent" debuff active?Oh, one other question--when a last remaining Chosen kills themselves there is a scene with Crown stating that their martyrdom provides a lot of energy for their side, or something along those lines. I'm curious if this is linked with the loop difficulty system: i.e.--does it bump up the difficulty? I let a chosen kill herself in Loop 10 fighting Victory and I seem to be seeing higher Damage Resistance numbers than I recall the last time I got into the "teens" during the challenge earlier this year.
So something that occurred to me after sitting on "greater sins imminent" for several days for some Chosen recently... what actually are the requirements for each level of EE generation? I know 1 EE is is about 100-200 trauma, and 2 EE is tied to T1 breaks I think, but what are the rest?
This is all fairly accurate, but I'll clarify that extra trauma does make Chosen less willing to perform group lower-tier downtime actions with allies. It's just that in order to overpower the tendency to want to do the same action, you need to inflict an amount of trauma that's an order of magnitude or more higher than what you'd need to inflict against the ally to move them up together. In other words, if you're dealing enough damage to force once Chosen into the next downtime tier, then you're probably dealing enough damage to the other one too.Here's what I know of the rules, which is not a full picture. Rules seem to be in importance from top to bottom.
No Chosen will ever do a downtime activity that's above the tier they have broken: 2EE needs a broken T1, 5EE needs T2, 15EE needs T3, 50EE needs T4.
Any Chosen that is hit with a Distortion-related thing during that combat will do the associated Distortion-related downtime. (Tempt, Rampage, Aversion).
Each chosen chooses an activity that primarily resolves one of the 4 traumas, or one that primarily hits Angst. My best guesses on the numbers for what they prefer are:
1EE rank (R0)--somewhere around 200 Trauma in an area.
2EE rank (R1)--somewhere in the 10ks Trauma in an area, or somewhere in the 100ks Angst
5EE rank (R2)--somewhere in the single-digit Ms Trauma in an area, or somewhere in the 10Ms Angst
15EE rank (R3)--Somewhere in the 10Gs Trauma in an area, or somewhere in the 100Gs Angst
50EE rank (R4)--Somewhere in the 100Ts Trauma in an area, or somewhere in the 1Ps Angst
Now, after that is where it gets complicated, because they can decide to do things *together* and the only way to get the facts on how that happens is from the source code. My working assumption is that each Chosen has a rank-ordered list of activities they would prefer to do, starting with the highest Trauma they have and the highest EE generation version of that activity, but accepting lower-rank orders from their allies if they find a match within certain parameters. I've never seen a Chosen do a rank more than 1 below what they could have done, so let's assume that each of them starts in a list that has fewer than 10 activities on it in order of preference.
They have a wider range of doing things together with their friends, and a narrower range of doing things together with their rivals. I think the comparison is more "how far down my preferred list will I go for this person?" rather than "what is the actual difference between our Traumas/Angst?" based on my experience, but I could well be wrong.
Let's look at an example:
Midnight has: 100G FEAR, 10G DISG, 1G PAIN, 10G SHAM, 500G Angst, and a T3 break on all except PAIN.
This makes her ordered list something like: R3 FEAR, R3 DISG, R3 SHAM, R3 Angst, R3 PAIN, R2 FEAR, R2 DISG, R2 SHAM
Oracle has: 50M FEAR, 10M DISG, 30M PAIN, 5M SHAM, 200M Angst, and no T3 breaks.
Her list (maybe) looks like: R2 PAIN, R2 Angst, R2 FEAR, R2 DISG, R2 SHAM, R1 PAIN, R1 Angst
Prayer has: 10G FEAR, 100G DISG, 5G PAIN, 100G SHAM, 1G Angst, and a T3 break on SHAM alone
Her list (might) look like: R3 DISG, R3 SHAM, R3 FEAR, R3 PAIN, R3 Angst, R2 DISG, R2 SHAM
If the 3 Chosen are super friendly with each other, each one will go all the way down their list to find something the others will do. Midnight, Oracle, and Prayer all have R2 SHAM on their list of possibilities, so they'll do that. You'll see "Greater Sins Imminent" on Midnight and Prayer and earn 15EE total.
If they're less friendly with each other, or with Oracle specifically, Midnight and Prayer will do an R3 DISG action together, earning 15EE each since that's high on both of their lists. Oracle will do her R2 PAIN at the top of her list since none of the others have anything early in their list matching hers earning 5EE.
I think it's something like this, anyway. I don't recall seeing instances where just doing *more* damage to the Chosen among their current distribution got them out of "Greater sins imminent", but plenty of times where I had distributions somewhat like the above, got an extra-long Defiler on the Chosen that was less broken, and this changed things enough to start performing downtimes separately or in pairs with no changes in relationships or new breaks.
Or, it could be something else entirely, IDK.
For bugs like this, the coding error is located in the specific effects attached to the button you last pressed. In order to fix it, I need to know which button that is.Anyway to fix this glitch where the buttons suddenly disappear at the bottom? Kinda annoying since I didn't save beforehand -_-
This is an interesting idea. I'll see if there's a clean way to add something like this to the interface.I think that having Commander presets would go a long way in helping players play through the intended experience. Like a 5 turn, 2 capture, 7EE commander is often what I'm looking for in the early-mid loop. Then give each preset a name and show their tech and EE requirements, make a UI for it and allow custom commanders (of course). Then you can also refer to these in the guide and tips to help new players. Having too many commander customization choices really works against a new player.
Glad that you're enjoying the game! There's no mass-delete function yet, but I'm interested in implementing one (since my sloppy early coding will make it difficult to trim the save file size down otherwise). I'm just not sure exactly how it should work. Maybe something like "delete all saves from previous loops of this campaign except the earliest save in each loop"?I've been really enjoying this game over the past few weeks (would definitely say I'm hooked), but I have a few questions:
1. The game has started to slow down when I make selections. Looking through this thread, it appears to because my .sav file has ballooned in size due to the fact that I save often (80.8 MB, so the largest file other than the portraits folder). Due to this slowdown, deleting older slaves in game will take a long time. Is there anyway to mass-delete specific saves to fix this issue?
They're attached to the .sav file as a whole, so even if you delete every individual save in-game, they'll still be there.2. Related to the above, how are vignettes stored in the archive once you see them? Are they connected to the save(s) where you achieved them? If so is there anyway to keep them (besides copying them down to a separate text doc) after I delete a lot of saves (including all the ones from a previous classic mode run or campaign)?
Currently, you can't add new custom Chosen to an ongoing campaign, but I think it wouldn't be too hard to add that ability in future releases.3. Is there anyway to add a new custom chosen to an ongoing campaign or do I have no choice but to start a new one if I want to add them when someone creates a new interesting custom pack?
Thank you for providing the save! This has been fixed in R47.Not sure if a bug report's been made for this yet but I'm getting a hang when a certain Forsaken gets on stage in a Forsaken-to-Forsaken meeting. Save file attached.
Steps to duplicate: load save slot 1 "205" (post-final battle save), set up a Meet between Eidolon and either Fury or Mayhem (others that want to get Eidolon naked may work, these are the two I tested), select On Stage for location, hit Continue until it hangs when Eidolon gets Exposed enough (I think that's the trigger, not sure).
If this was happening when making a custom team for single play, then I think I've managed to track down the bug just now. The fix isn't included in R47b, though.Really liking new change to customizing outfits, but there is a really really annoying bug that just deletes the entire outfit with random one when u go back to edit. Considering how funky it is, its a little annoying. This occurs when u backtrack after editting.
I guess its time to edit my 130 custom now that I'm back and the custom outfit update is out. ah boy.
It's very likely!With Demon Chosen incoming I wonder if I'll finally have to redo my optimal disgrace calculations...