
New Member
Feb 25, 2023
Tried this and it's... interesting. I can see why people like it, it's a good puzzle. A couple of questions though. Tried trawling for these in the thread but it's a mess of info.

1. If I spend EE on a customized commander, go to next day, spend EE so that I can't afford the commander from the last time but still have at least one and choose to repeat last commander, I can still use it, it just says I go to negative EE. Next day it seems to be continuing as if I had zero EE at the end of the last day. Is this intended or a bug?

2. Apparently too high damage in a trauma halves the circumstance damage to the relevant stat? I'm not sure if I've ever seen this explained in detail in the documentation, though might've missed it. It seems to be happening when a trauma tier rolls over and thus you should keep them about equal or just focus on one, but I haven't been able to suss out the exact rules.

3. The game refers to T1-T4 Breaks, but the grid that tracks those has an earlier, firth block for core vulnerabilities. Are those like T0.5's? Do they give extra EE/lower resistances?

4. The game keeps giving me goals. Do I get anything for fulfilling those?

5. With the basic commander, if you stack pummel, caress, etc. on a surrounded heroine, do they partly split the damage? Meaning the more you spread it out, the less each individual one gets, even if the collective numbers are higher.

In general, apparently I occasionally get extra EE from doing some stuff like breaking T1's, but when I do those, I don't the game explicitly telling me I got them, I just got more later. Maybe make these a bit more clear when they happen? Or, again, maybe I just missed them. Would like to see a summary and a breakdown of EE generation from last day in the day menu somewhere.
Last edited:


Sep 15, 2021
Tried this and it's... interesting. I can see why people like it, it's a good puzzle. A couple of questions though. Tried trawling for these in the thread but it's a mess of info.

1. If I spend EE on a customized commander, go to next day, spend EE so that I can't afford the commander from the last time but still have at least one and choose to repeat last commander, I can still use it, it just says I go to negative EE. Next day it seems to be continuing as if I had zero EE at the end of the last day. Is this intended or a bug?

2. Apparently too high damage in a trauma halves the circumstance damage to the relevant stat? I'm not sure if I've ever seen this explained in detail in the documentation, though might've missed it. It seems to be happening when a trauma tier rolls over and thus you should keep them about equal or just focus on one, but I haven't been able to suss out the exact rules.

3. The game refers to T1-T4 Breaks, but the grid that tracks those has an earlier, firth block for core vulnerabilities. Are those like T0.5's? Do they give extra EE/lower resistances?

4. The game keeps giving me goals. Do I get anything for fulfilling those?

5. With the basic commander, if you stack pummel, caress, etc. on a surrounded heroine, do they partly split the damage? Meaning the more you spread it out, the less each individual one gets, even if the collective numbers are higher.

In general, apparently I occasionally get extra EE from doing some stuff like breaking T1's, but when I do those, I don't the game explicitly telling me I got them, I just got more later. Maybe make these a bit more clear when they happen? Or, again, maybe I just missed them. Would like to see a summary and a breakdown of EE generation from last day in the day menu somewhere.
I have answers to most of these.

1. I haven't encountered this one. I'd assume it's a bug.

2. If your Traumas are not all the same level, then having a higher Trauma will reduce the Circumstance damage it suffers. So, you're incentivized to even out the Trauma damage levels.

3. The "+2" level is not truly a Break. You get +2 for reaching it, but that's it. It doesn't trigger any further breaks or actions by itself. SuperSkippy's guide explains this pretty well:

4. No, the goals are a guideline for things to try achieving next. They don't give a reward beyond what you'd get by achieving them. You can ignore them without losing anything. Often they are wise things to do and teach you how to do some new mechanic.

5. No! I wondered this myself, but no. In fact, it all stacks up, for the duration of the surround. The damage isn't split or divided between the categories. It often looks like it is, since the Traumas and Circumstances you raise through doing them apply multipliers to each other's output.

6. You can see how much EE was generated by each Chosen by going into their individual Info menus. I would agree with the EE generation being compiled together into one spot for a bit more quality of life.
When you break the +2 category, you get +2 evil points for each one.
When you break other aspects of the Chosen, you get evil points based on a few things. You get some just for breaking it in the first place. You'll get more if this causes a negative interaction between the Chosen*. Breaking a tier also likely means you accrued enough Trauma and Angst that the Chosen is doing worse Downtime actions, which also give more Evil Energy.

* If one chosen has a Core vulnerability, and another has a Minor vulnerability on that same trauma/circumstance, then you'll get an interaction upon breaking the Core. If the other Chosen's Minor is NOT broken, it will be a negative interaction. This will get you more evil points and knock their relationship down a peg. This is generally desirable for you.
If the other Chosen's Minor IS broken, then it'll be a positive interaction. It won't yield extra Evil Energy and they'll become better friends.
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Reactions: LowEsteem


Sep 6, 2021
I was wondering if a change save file function will ever be implemented. Just having an option in-game to rename the current save file to something else and then create a new save file would be a nice change imo.

Whoa... Unfortunately, neither my three Forsaken nor my current 3 can become Notorious Publicists. And Forsaken are new to me in general, I have little idea what I'm doing with them. They're so expensive. I don't see how to afford any of them prior to day 30 or so, since I don't have a way of generating triple-digit Evil Energy so early.
I personally recommend trying 1000% combat type forsaken with low cost. As things are now, single or dual combat types are the most effective. Of course there a few exceptions when you get to higher species.

A tempted forsaken with the tempt defiler(Unlocked by using the Instill Fixation or grand concert training on a tempted forsaken) is one of the best to start with, since they let you change combat style to 1000% plea. Try one with a 1000% inju combat style(Make sure to leave some expertise in pleasure). You can also do a wild combat style(Inju/Expo). Main strat is getting Level 2 or 3 in Inju/Expo and then switching to 1000% pleasure style for openings or a Potential Temptation.


Oct 25, 2017
So what did we accomplish last time?

✔ Break Judgment's T2 MOR
[ ] Break Judgment's T2 DIG
✔ Rampant on Luster
[ ] Rampant distortion on Judgment
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament
[ ] huge orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

I now have 120EE. And this is where Hot Tag actually gets quite nuts. If I send out an 80EE Demon, and attach Slayer to it, I get 72EE back (.9*80). So a 4-circumstance Demon Commander can be had for single-digit EE costs, essentially, as long as I keep enough in reserve.

Let's get down with it. I have enough Advantage to be able to get High-Rises, which don't help all that much unless and until I can consistently reach 100k Trauma. I think I can probably do that this time with the right Commander. I decide that it's not worth it to worry about Rampant right now, but if it happens, I'll take it. With that in mind, here's the baaad boy.

[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ] Duration (Next two: 30 EE)
[X][X][ ][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 10 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for six rounds at the start of battle, and then two more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 80 Evil Energy. You have 40 Evil Energy remaining.
This is a rather common type. Raising CON damage the most makes everything else easier, but it does make getting the Rampage a bit harder for Judgment this time since HATE has to be at a level higher than CON. Judgment's Core CON might result in a bit less damage here but in my experience the Punisher overwhelms that part of their resistance.

Hot Tag will also allow me to do a two-turn "Release" if I want to stop Surrounding a target, by tagging Slayer in and then right back out. Slayer's high damage at 80EE may actually be useful if I find that the Demon has damaged too much CON. The Demon's Defiler provides an easy way to get the needed T2 DIG break on Judgment after she lands.

That leaves 40EE for upgrades, which is enough to get all the way from Human Collaborators -> Causal Projection -> Dominance -> Networked Consciousness. I also pick up Vengeful Reconstitution to avoid situations where a Rampant Commander causes battle to end early Let's go!

(R0: Capture)
FEAR: 193 [Lv 1] x4(HATE) x4(PLEA) = x16 Total
DISG: 154 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x8(PLEA) = x16 Total
PAIN: 243 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x4(PLEA) x2(INJU) = x16 Total
SHAM: 410 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x4(PLEA) x2(own EXPO) = x16 Total

HATE: 230 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
PLEA: 107 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
INJU: 999 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
EXPO: 357 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x3 Total
I think I'll try waiting until the end of the Capture.

R1-R5: Do Nothing
Luster's status: All Fucked Up

Judgment arrives R4; Testament arrives R5

Luster's timid soul is failing before the might of your draining feelers, and while she's relieved that it doesn't hurt right now, her body is actually in a terrible state. She gasps for breath, reminding herself that she can't get revenge on you if she dies here. She renews her attempts to escape, kicking desperately without doing much to extricate herself from your grasp.

FEAR [=====~~~~~] (38.1k + 17.5k = 55.7k) frantic desperation
DISG [====~~~~~~] (27.6k + 13.5k = 41.2k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [X=========] (92.8k + 36.6k = 129k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [X=========] (87.2k + 33.5k = 120k) tears of shame

HATE [~~~~~-----] ( 3528 + 1519 = 5047) strong hatred for the Demons
PLEA [~~~-------] ( 2569 + 883 = 3452) panting with arousal
INJU [=======~~~] (50.4k + 23.0k = 73.4k) slowed by many injuries
EXPO [~~~~~~~---] ( 4929 + 2846 = 7775) clothes torn across her hips and chest
R6: Testament -> Threaten
(this gets an opening that I might need later)

R7: Judgment->Capture
R8: Luster->Surround, Humiliate (T1 DIG break!)
R9: Luster->Caress (T1 INN break!)

Luster crosses 10k EXPO, making further turns against Judgment more effective.
I don't want to Broadcast, as this will raise HATE before I'm ready to do so.

R10: Luster->Pummel

I decide to raise everything except HATE to maximize a potential Orgy or Defiler+ later.

R11-R12: Do Nothing (✔ Break Judgment's T2 DIG)

CSdev Typo alert
EXPO up!

Dignity Break

Judgment has always felt that caring too much about one's public image is just a waste of time, but her strong sense of self made an impression whenever she spoke to the press, so she still managed to build an impressive reputation. She hasn't even considered just how fragile that state of affairs was, but she's about to learn.

Your Commander pulls Judgment's torn bodysuitdown her thighs. She moans in pain as her sore, tired limbs protest her continued attempts to fight, glaring back with tearful resentment at the viewers seeing her pussy for the first time.

"I need to escape."
I think that may be quite an old one, though Bodysuit Down sounds like a cooler version of Watership Down. Anyway.

R13: Do Nothing

Judgment escapes!

State of the Fight:
Round 14
Evacuation: 240/240 (100%) [####################]
Extermination: 253/476 (53%) [##########====- ]

The area is riddled with craters caused by the power of Testament's attacks!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 50)

[ANGEL] Luster: Surrounded for 8 more turns
[BOSS] Judgment: Opening Level 13 vs. Defense Level 3
[ANGEL] Testament: Opening Level 1 vs. Defense Level 1
R14: Testament-> Capture

It might seem better to surround Judgment to keep her from Regenerating, but if I surround Judgment and capture Testament next turn, she and Luster will break free at the same time. I'd like to free them on separate turns. Noticing and acting to avoid, uh, simultaneous release, oddly enough, is a key point in pushing Chosen harder.

Judgment does not Regenerate, like I expected, but chooses to instead Rally, so I needn't have worried. Later when T3 Breaks become available, this will be much more consequential.

R15: Luster->Broadcast

This combat has been highly optimized. I think that if I start raising Luster's EXPO a bit quicker, I can get more out of Judgment. Extermination isn't finished yet so I can afford a delay.

R16: Judgment->Surround, Inseminate

Inseminate raises both HATE and PLEA, the two that affect all Trauma multipliers. Plus she's got a lot of work to raise her Hate above the 100k threshold. Will it happen? Let's find out.

R16: Luster->Broadcast

I need to raise Luster's EXPO as Judgment's HATE/PLEA is growing a bit slowly. I notice that Judgment and Testament will be released at the same time--not awesome, but it shouldn't be too bad if I can get Judgment's HATE up some more.

R17-R20: Do Nothing

R21: Testament->Surround, (surprise button available)
I can Tempt for the +100EE now, but I can also do that later in the Combat and still nab the +100EE.

Judgment breaks free and it's not quite enough.

FEAR: 417k [Lv 4] x64(HATE) x64(PLEA) = x4096 Total
DISG: 228k [Lv 4] x8(HATE) x512(PLEA) = x4096 Total
PAIN: 387k [Lv 4] x8(HATE) x64(PLEA) x8(INJU) = x4096 Total
SHAM: 160k [Lv 4] x8(HATE) x64(PLEA) x8(own EXPO) = x4096 Total

HATE: 94.8k [Lv 3] x8(HATE) x27(INJU) x16(ally EXPO) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x432 Total
PLEA: 57.0k [Lv 3] x8(HATE) x27(INJU) x16(ally EXPO) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x432 Total
INJU: 95.8k [Lv 3] x8(HATE) x27(INJU) x16(ally EXPO) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x432 Total
EXPO: 16.9k [Lv 3] x8(HATE) x27(INJU) x16(ally EXPO) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x432 Total
Not only is it not enough HATE to get above INJU, it's also not enough PAIN to get the full benefit of her 16 levels of Trauma (Opening Level 12). Could that change? I don't think I can hit quite hard enough with my Demons.

R22: Testament->Pummel (T1 CON Break!)

Well, that's all the breaks I can get so:

R23: Testament->Tempt (+100EE!)

This will at least be put into most of the rest of the Upgrades I need.

R24: Judgment->Attack (deals 48.7k damage, not nearly enough)

R25: Luster->Surround, Inseminate (any action activates Rampage)

Doesn't seem like anything will activate Rampage for Luster right now. Hopefully, I didn't do too much damage to the Angels to make her damage immune.

R26: Retreat (+4EE)

I don't see any way to deal more useful damage, time to GTFO.

Well, I didn't get the 100EE I wanted from Judgment, but I did get 100EE from Testament, bringing me to 190EE after downtimes and EE refund for Slayer.

Testament volunteers for extra patrol duty, lending her help to police officers searching for Demonic infestation. She wants to devote herself completely to the war, and she has concluded that her mental state can handle the extra strain. She notes in her diary that the Demons aren't bothering her much. Overall, her demeanor is calm and undisturbed.

"Of course, I'd never even consider shirking my duty."

-792 ANGST

Testament would rather be facing some weaker opponents who can't fight back as much, but she feels she's still strong enough to win against the Demons. (Greater sins imminent.)

Total unresolved trauma: 1.42MFEAR +1.17MDISG +8.23MPAIN +4.54MSHAM = 15.3M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 15.8M

+72 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)


Judgment challenges Luster to a friendly sparring match. Luster doesn't expect anything good to come of this, and ends up not taking it very seriously. Judgment wins a decisive victory. Luster seems annoyed, but they both come away from their match feeling more confident that they won't get hurt so much in the future - a delusional hope.

"I'll fight you any time, Midori."

"Take me more seriously, Leader..."

-3168 ANGST, -1584 PAIN

Luster feels helpless and angry about having her emotions toyed with, but Judgment's castigation keeps her focused on her real enemies. (Induce Judgment to perform a more sinful action first.)

Total unresolved trauma: 31.1MFEAR +17.4MDISG +84.6MPAIN +53.9MSHAM = 187M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 237M

-3168 ANGST, -1584 PAIN

Judgment feels helpless and angry about having her emotions toyed with, but she's better at controlling her emotions now that the fight is over. (4% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 6519FEAR +2993DISG +3981PAIN +2729SHAM = 16.2k added ANGST
Total ANGST: 17.2k

+2 Evil Energy

+240% Luster's Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (660% total)
If I haven't gotten Judgment's ability too pumped up and lost the Loop, that was a pretty good combat.

And if I have, I'll know next time.

(Rename to saves.sav)


Sep 15, 2021
More typos. In this case, no space after "herself" and "The":

"INJU up! Vassal is being continually dealt wounds that ought to be fatal, but her Chosen powers don't permit her to die or even pass out. However, they do make it harder and harder for her to defend herself.The more the Thralls torture Vassal with whips, spanking, clamps, hot wax"


Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
Would love to play this. But both the Java and the EXE stop working around day 20. Everything just freezes.


New Member
Feb 25, 2023
I got a freeze as well. I beat the first single play classic run, was inspecting a forsaken and then the game froze. Afterwards the game wouldn't load, launching the exe just leads to an empty black screen. If I remove the save file from the folder it does load, sans the saves of course. Attached the save file for diagnosis purposes.


Oct 25, 2017
Last time:

✔ Break Judgment's T2 DIG
✔ Rampant on Luster
[ ] Rampant distortion on Judgment
✔ Tempted Distortion on Testament (surprise!)
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] huge Orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

Day 6

As I plan out ways to accomplish the Orgy, I recognize that I'm in a situation I saw last time I fought an Angel and a Devil--if I can get some kind of Downtime that clears Trauma from all 3, I can reset Judgment's damage resistance back to 0. That can be accomplished this Combat if I'm able to get Judgment over to Rampant. I have 190EE to work with, and tons of upgrades to buy, so I think I can, as long as her DR isn't already too high:

Unresolved Trauma: 6519 FEAR, 2993 DISG, 3981 PAIN, 2729 SHAM. 17.2k ANGST (+14 base damage)
(-100 base damage from ally ANGST)
Yesterday's Evil Energy generation: 1 EE (4% of trauma required for more sinful action.)
That's a bit rough, but I think it's manageable.

I get all the fuckin' upgrades I need. Passion Release, Reality Sealing, Soul Resonance, and all their prerequisites. I'm basically ready for the endgame if I can damage the Chosen enough by Day 26. This is another example of why Tomorrow's Newspaper is the best starting item--I don't need the 40EE upgrades, or anything past them, if I keep all 3 Distorted in some way. So I get extra EE by buying early game upgrades, I get to send out Commanders at whatever cost I want (and a Rampant Undead to go along and refund the EE because of Hot Tag), and in the late game I can say "fuck you" to sitting around gaining EE.

The only Defiler I can safely bring is EXPO, so my Commander ends up looking like this:


[X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 1 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for three rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order, even against a flying target. It is worth 115 Evil Energy. You have 0 Evil Energy remaining.

Slayer will accompany you into battle!
OK even I'll admit this is a little bit weird. What's the deal, Skip? Low Duration gives me a lot of opportunity to get some good early damage in. Many Captures means I can hit someone twice if I need to before Extermination ends. "In that case, why are you getting Flying?" Well, that 10EE goes into Slayer, which means I get 9EE back, and I'm going to need Slayer to be fucking *stronk* to break through Judgment this fight and get to 15 Opening Levels. Plus, how could I resist having 0EE remaining?

A 3-turn Capture, since Judgment comes in Turn 4 (not shown, but you'll see it in the Combat), works out perfectly if I target Testament first. Let's go!

Combat 6
(R0: Capture)

R1-R3: Barrier
Nothing to do here but wait for Judgment, who enters then. Tester's status at R4:
FEAR [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 2334 + 11.2k = 13.5k) frantic desperation
DISG [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 2284 + 10.9k = 13.2k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [========~~] (15.8k + 66.1k = 82.0k) sobbing with pain
SHAM [===~~~~~~~] ( 9399 + 24.7k = 34.1k) reflexively covering herself

HATE [---'''''''] ( 165 + 139 = 304) hating her situation
PLEA [~~--------] ( 1182 + 903 = 2085) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 5518 + 3602 = 9120) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [~---------] ( 978 + 846 = 1824) clothes torn across her hips and chest
R4: Judgment->Capture

Here's the moment of truth. With -100 base damage, can she be hurt?

Judgment gets ready to do battle with your reaching mechanical limbs, but she's dismayed to find that you're able to drain the supernatural energy from her body, leaving her barely stronger than the average civilian. Terrified by the numbness spreading throughout her body, she struggles desperately against you. Then, one of your mechanical tendrils rubs against the entrance to her pussy. She instinctively tries to buck her hips out of the way, and with the mild electric shocks your attachments deliver to her clit, she can't even squirm away from the pleasure you're forcing her to feel. During the manhandling of her weakened body, you end up starting to strip off her clothes in the process.

FEAR ['''' ] ( 0 + 44 = 44) only a little worried
DISG [''' ] ( 0 + 35 = 35) only a little disturbed
PAIN [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 190 = 190) wincing in pain
SHAM [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 106 = 106) face downturned

HATE [-'''''''''] ( 80 + 95 = 175) hating her situation
PLEA [-'''''''''] ( 60 + 130 = 190) blushing and distracted
INJU [---------'] ( 60 + 939 = 999) light bruising
EXPO [--''''''''] ( 60 + 190 = 250) clothes have some small tears

HATE up! PLEA up! INJU up! EXPO up! With Judgment's annoyance causing her to become impatient and vulnerable, your Commander rips her spiked armor all the way up to her hip. With bruises accumulating on her body, she's too slow to stop you from pulling off her spiked armor as well, and when she realizes that her legs are completely exposed now, she can't help but be a little turned on by the thought of what could happen next.

Back to Testament:

R5: Testament->Surround, Grind

Her HATE is below 1000, and in general raising all to above 1000 is a good way to start.

R6: Testament->Pummel

Her INJU is only a bit below 10k, another good one to raise.

Judgment escapes!

I think Slayer being sent out with well over 100EE will be quite strong, so I'm content to leave Judgment alone for a bit and meet the new friend.

R7: Luster->Capture

Fortunately Judgment uses Blast, even though a Regenerate would bring down several Circumstance levels.

Quick check:

[ANGEL] Testament: Surrounded for 5 more turns (escaping at double speed)
[BOSS] Judgment: Opening Level 9 vs. Defense Level 3
[ANGEL] Luster: Captured for 3 more turns
Testament with double speed escape will go: 5-3-1-free
Judgment would have triple speed escape and would go 7-4-1-free
Luster will go 3-2-1-free

It's actually kind of bad to surround Judgment this turn and have all 3 free and damaging Extermination. So:

R8: Testament->Caress

Judgment uses Blast again instead of Regenerate. I think this is because she only has a T1 Break in PLEA but a T2 Break in MOR, so Blast is more buffed.

R9: Judgment->Surround, Grind

Since Judgment hasn't had her Distortion yet, she'd use Hiding if hit with Caress or Pummel. Plus, raising HATE is what I really need for, uh, later, though Slayer will be way better at that than even this 4-Circumstance Demon.

R11: Testament->Force

Gotta get her PLEA up to Temptation range (70k, due to my level of Temptation Achievement).
PLEA [====~~~~~~] (12.1k + 29.6k = 41.8k) edge of orgasm
INJU [=~~~~~~~~~] (15.1k + 3933 = 19.1k) slowed by many injuries
Looks pretty good!

Also, I needn't have worried about the triple freeing turn, turns out Testament now (because of damage dealt to Luster) has less Trauma than Luster, so Luster isn't helping her escape any more. I don't think it matters but it would have been optimal to surround Judgment earlier. I don't need "optimal", though, I just need "3 distortions all activated this fight".

R12: Luster->Surround, Caress

Luster's PLEA multiplier is double her others. I'll want to raise her HATE too because right now it's below her others, but it'd be kind of neat if I managed to get an Orgy off this time before she switches over to Rampage.

R13: Testament-> Surround, Caress

I could Switch commanders to get Slayer ready to fuck up Judgment. But this turn is actually the last Evacuation turn (not shown) so I get some extra benefit to getting Testament surrounded now and setting her up for Tempt.

I don't think I need to Force to get her in range for Tempt. But am I right?
PLEA [======~~~~] (56.6k + 12.5k = 69.1k) edge of orgasm
Of course!

R14: Swap Commanders

It's coming. I kind of like building anticipation of big numba

So, let's see the state of that turn and the fight overall.
Judgment's Action: Rally

Judgment brandishes her forked spear in a demonstration of power, showing everyone that it's too soon to give up hope! The certainty and determination in her eyes leave an impression on everyone who sees her.

Morale boost: incoming trauma decreased by 32%

"I will be your opponent!"


Testament is pushed down on her back, immobilized by countless Thralls groping all over her body. They focus on her soaked, needy slit, reaching through her torn leotard to teasingly stroke her thighs and circle around her clitoris, building her anticipation but denying her the orgasm her body desperately craves.

Testament tries to convince the Thralls to go easy on her, offering to actively pleasure them in return. She fulfills her promise with competence, frowning at the penises in her hands and experimenting with which techniques result in the quickest ejaculation.

FEAR [X=========] ( 111k + 4611 = 115k) blind panic
DISG [XXX=======] ( 349k + 22.6k = 372k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXX=======] ( 340k + 19.8k = 360k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [X=========] ( 162k + 9820 = 172k) tears of shame

HATE [~~~-------] ( 3799 = 3799) strong hatred for the Demons
PLEA [=======~~~] (69.1k + 8395 = 77.5k) edge of orgasm
INJU [==~~~~~~~~] (23.0k = 23.0k) slowed by many injuries
EXPO [~---------] ( 1824 = 1824) clothes torn across her hips and chest

(Testament's service decreases effectiveness of caress and humiliate)

(Testament's begging decreases effectiveness of caress and pummel)

"I was prepared to face the consequences."


Luster is pushed down on her back, immobilized by countless Thralls groping all over her body. They focus on her soaked, needy slit, reaching down her torn trousers to teasingly stroke her thighs and circle around her clitoris, building her anticipation but denying her the orgasm her body desperately craves.

Luster cooperates with her attackers, using her hands to gently stroke them as they surround her. When the Thralls guide her hands to their cocks, she doesn't complain, giving them enough pleasure that they momentarily forget about trying to break her will.

FEAR [X=========] ( 165k + 21.6k = 187k) blind panic
DISG [XXXX======] ( 370k + 95.1k = 465k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXX=======] ( 310k + 37.8k = 348k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXX=====] ( 475k + 45.5k = 520k) tears of shame

HATE [=~~~~~~~~~] (19.7k = 19.7k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [====~~~~~~] (32.8k + 8926 = 41.7k) edge of orgasm
INJU [XX========] ( 266k = 266k) hurt and tied up
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (35.2k = 35.2k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

(Luster's service decreases effectiveness of caress and humiliate)

"I-I'm trying to get better at this..."


Round 15
Evacuation: 280/280 (100%) [####################]
Extermination: 167/714 (23%) [####= ]

Judgment moves like a blur, taking down a wide swath of Demons!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 22)

[ANGEL] Testament: Surrounded for 13 more turns (escaping at double speed)
[BOSS] Judgment: Opening Level 7 vs. Defense Level 5
[ANGEL] Luster: Surrounded for 13 more turns (frozen until ally escape)

Slayer: Ready to capture target

Morale bonus: incoming trauma decreased by 32%
Demonic barrier: all damage increased by 21%
R15: you know what goes here

OK Judgment, how you like this bitch

Judgment spots Slayer and immediately rushes forward to do battle, but Slayer refuses to engage her, preferring to stay just close enough to shout insults at her.

FEAR [XXXXXXX===] ( 9685 + 762k = 772k) blind panic
DISG [XXXXXXX===] ( 7864 + 763k = 771k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXXXXXX===] (22.7k + 759k = 782k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXXXX===] ( 8055 + 763k = 771k) tears of shame

HATE [==~~~~~~~~] ( 3635 + 24.2k = 27.8k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 1278 + 16.4k = 17.6k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

HATE up! EXPO up! Slayer pulls Judgment's torn bodysuit down her thighs. She struggles against it, glaring back at Slayer with unbridled hatred.

"I could keep this up all day!"

"Just fight me, coward!"
Well, that description was a bit lacking, but the numbers show that this is a fucking clash of the titans. Judgment is getting demolished out there.

Her Trauma Levels immediately go up to 16 and her HATE shoots over that INJU without showing any signs of stopping, but I know that I don't benefit from 3 of them in PAIN, but it won't take long to get there. Especially since:

R16: Judgment->Penetrate

CSdev I think this description might contain the wrong string. Judgment's over 10k HATE already, not a virgin, so I should be seeing post-Sexual Barrier strings but these are pre-Sexual Barrier strings unless I'm mistaken.

Slayer allows Judgment to tackle her to the ground, and instead of defending herself, she focuses on positioning her impressively large cock so that she can force Judgment's tightly-clenched thighs apart, working her impressively large cock between them until she can get it into Judgment's pussy.

FEAR [####XXXXXX] ( 772k + 3.34M = 4.11M) consumed by fear
DISG [##XXXXXXXX] ( 771k + 1.69M = 2.46M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [##XXXXXXXX] ( 782k + 1.69M = 2.47M) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [####XXXXXX] ( 771k + 3.34M = 4.11M) mind paralyzed by shame

HATE [=========~] (27.8k + 65.6k = 93.5k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (17.6k + 20.7k = 38.4k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

(x1.1 damage due to penetration)

"Are you sure it's a good idea to get this close to me?"

"Ngh! You couldn't... beat me normally...!"
I see (not shown) that we've reached 19 Opening Levels after getting her PAIN to level up. That's enough raping, Slayer--ya done good girl.

I realize that a long Orgy won't be happening this fight because of Judgment's impending Rampancy. I let Judgment sit alone for a bit--apparently she won't Regenerate so there's no danger of her HATE going down below 10k. Let's see what else I can do:

R18: Testament->Tempt

Oh yeah I need to press butan

R19: Luster->Grind

I need to test how quickly this goes up. For reference:
The Thralls force Luster to her knees, ignoring her hate-filled glare. With their libidos kicked into overdrive by the hivemind, they become obsessed with fondling not only themselves but her as well. Reaching down between her legs to use her wetness as lubricant for their own masturbation, the Thralls seem almost as intent on bringing about her orgasm as they are on their own.

Luster presents her open mouth to the Thralls, enticing each of them in turn to shove their cocks down her throat. She closes her eyes and focuses on pleasuring them as she uses her hands to cover herself. When one Thrall proves particularly difficult to push over the edge, she frowns as if personally offended and starts trying harder.

FEAR [XXXXXX====] ( 294k + 346k = 641k) blind panic
DISG [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 937k + 915k = 1.85M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [XXXXXXX===] ( 535k + 224k = 760k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXXXXXX=] ( 746k + 248k = 994k) tears of shame

HATE [======~~~~] (19.7k + 47.3k = 67.0k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [X=========] ( 110k + 27.4k = 137k) climaxes at a touch
INJU [XX========] ( 266k = 266k) hurt and tied up
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (35.2k = 35.2k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
Apparently that won't take long at all once she's Inseminated. So, orgy cancelled? It's fine they'll be at 0 trauma after their Distortion Downtimes.

R20: Luster->Inseminate

R21: Judgment->Surround, Inseminate+ (whatever, doesn't matter what move really, though this does get a single turn of Inseminate+ on Luster)

What should the Thralls do after surrounding Judgment? 2 defiler actions possible. Inseminate with Luster will allow Judgment to escape 7 turns early.


Innocence/Confidence Distortion

Judgment was never originally a cruel or hateful person. She only refused to bow before humanity because they didn't meet her exacting moral standards. But now, after being confronted with humanity's evil in such an intimate way, Judgment's cold detachment has given way to true rage. Instead of punishing them because it's her obligation, she's just hurting them because she wants to.

+100 Evil Energy

Judgment's Action: Rampage

Judgment's demeanor abruptly changes, taking on a menacing air that matches the way her clothes grow darker and somehow less heroic. The Thralls are pushed backward when Judgment stands up. She sees them as nothing but insignificant bugs now, and her psychic energy turns that perception into reality. They can no longer even slow her down.

FEAR [####XXXXXX] (4.11M = 4.11M) consumed by fear
DISG [##XXXXXXXX] (2.46M = 2.46M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [##XXXXXXXX] (2.47M = 2.47M) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [####XXXXXX] (4.11M = 4.11M) mind paralyzed by shame

HATE [=========~] (93.5k = 93.5k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (38.4k = 38.4k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

+20% Rampage strength (20% total)

"This can no longer be called 'dispensing justice'... but so be it! I'll face my own punishment when my time comes!"
hell yeah rage on girlfriend, life sucks and you stronk

R22: Testament->Tempt

might as well lower her threshold here, this is the last one against her since Extermination is finished. The other 2 have a Surround remaining.

R23-R26: Do Nothing

Then Luster switches over to Rampaging, and the fight may as well be done. I don't think Retreating gets you anything against Rampaging Chosen (it doesn't increase the Rampage Strength, or does it CSdev? Too early to be digging around in the code)

R27-R30: Do Nothing

And that's the end of the fight.

Downtime 6
After the battle, Testament allows a large group of Thralls to convince her to help hide them from the authorities. She's become convinced that purifying them of Demonic influence against their will is no better than brainwashing them. Later that evening, she meets them again for a night of carefree sexual debauchery. The complete lack of malice they display toward her makes her feel foolish for taking their battles so seriously up to this point.

"Hey, everyone! Let's pick up where we left off."

-1.58M ANGST, -526k FEAR, -408k DISG, -1.09M PAIN, -846k SHAM (action resolves 10.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 ✔

+15 Evil Energy

+103 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)


Because neither of them have had their bloodlust satisfied yet, Judgment and Luster rampage across the city together, wiping out lingering Demons and human first responders with equal enthusiasm. They work as a team and cover each other's backs, achieving more than twice as much destruction together as they would have been able to manage alone.

+120% Luster's Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (880% total)

+200% Judgment's Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (400% total)

"Stay with me, Midori!"

"I've become stronger, Leader... but I'm still glad to have you protecting me."

-252M ANGST, -57.9M FEAR, -35.2M DISG, -97.2M PAIN, -64.4M SHAM (action resolves 20.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 ✔

-172 ANGST, -41.2k FEAR, -24.7k DISG, -24.8k PAIN, -41.1k SHAM (action resolves 20.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 ✔

+60 Evil Energy


that went well

All the objectives for this fight were achieved so now I just need to figure out the Orgy--next time. I have 278 Evil Energy. It is Day 7.


Jan 12, 2018
It's been quite a while since I did a decent campaign run (last time was probably before Splendor was added) but I've been doing a bit of a lazy run to test some things and finally got Velvet Key on Loop 19. I can still see a lot of potential for it, notably to add another layer/option for expertise training, but there are a few annoyances/findings with it:

1. Splendor isn't selectable to be merged with. She shows in the list of notes but isn't one of the options. That was the main thing I wanted to focus on/test for this run, since I thought it would be fun to see how tricked out you could get Splendor with Punisher buffs and Orgy defiler. Also, even if Splendor was a target, point 2 makes it less enticing.
2. It counts the number of Total Breaks the forsaken has inflicted and applies that to the resultant's Punisher trait. IE Sacrificing a 'Notorious Publicist' (+% own trauma damage per Para) does not transfer the +% trauma gained from that. Expected of course, but I had such hopes and dreams.
3. Victory's species of 'Animalistic Leader' is considered below base Angel/Devil, which doesn't feel right to me but I guess it's Tier 2 (or 2.5) and thus replaced with Tier 3+. She does keep her Megalomaniac distortion trait of +50% boss damage, but the Animalistic Leader part of +100% damage is definitely better than Angel/Devil.

Also, there seems to be a bug where the game freezes if you try to sacrifice/merge a forsaken that's been drained by Victory (or perhaps by any 'Memorable Harvester', not sure).

The run has been pretty comfy otherwise with the smattering of panties alongside the temptation item and Prism, but I did rush most loops (and didn't even train properly with the free time) so my forsaken are much weaker than they could be. 1 plucky little tempted undead is forced to handle everything from Day 3-ish until final battle. Luckily they have been able to, but still.

With that out of the way, I'm deciding whether I want to continue this run to fight Judgment and Love or if I want to restart and add a couple of custom chosen and do the run properly. RNG was not overly kind to me this run for my forsaken options. Every Undead I remember had either INN or DIG pre-broken so couldn't even get an Aversion Undead and Victory was my first 'Hardworking Publicist' which is a bit late to get for Loop 16+.


Sep 15, 2021
I've had two Forsaken downtime cutscenes, and in both of them, the text colors have been reversed. In this attached pic, Vanguard is supposed to be the yellow-green while Spice is supposed to be purple.


Oct 2, 2017
I tried to make a forsaken(Mega) take a chosen's(MOR T4/INN T2) virginity with penetrate, for some reason the chosen always emerged virgin after the battle. When I tried to do that but with impregnation, it always gets misattributed to thralls. This was on 56b btw. I switched to 58c now and crashed everytime at cloth>>body customisation junction. Will import team from 56 to try later.


Oct 25, 2017
All right:

Day 7

I've cleared all Trauma from the Chosen. But instead of it being like the beginning of the loop, when I have 22EE or so, I have uh

278EE or so, and all the upgrades I really need are bought. So, where are we on the list?

✔ Break Judgment's T2 DIG
✔ Rampant on Luster
✔ Rampant distortion on Judgment
✔ Tempted Distortion on Testament (surprise!)
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] huge Orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

I need Judgment to break into T3 moves. Her Castigation prevents anyone else from getting there until they get to 1G Trauma, and will keep me from winning the Final Battle. Right now all 3 Chosen have 0 Trauma.

For this to happen, I need an Orgy of significant length. She'll always escape at triple speed with two Angel assists, so I'll need to hit her fucking HARD. I'll want to hit her in a way that maximizes CON damage to keep her from breaking out into Rampage for as long as possible. Ideally such an Orgy would start with Sodomize. The major problem with this is that Sodomize would break all Distortions on the other two Angels. If I'm then unable to get Megalomania on Testament, I'll be in trouble, but maybe I can get them to kill each other during the final battle as a backup plan.

If I Sodomize Testament and Luster first, everything should be kind of OK as long as I can get the surround turns I need on Judgment. As long as I don't let Judgment's Devil ability let her get her Damage Resistance up too high at the start, I think this'll work just fine with a big fucking Demon.

Commander looks like this:
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 106 Evil Energy. You have 172 Evil Energy remaining.

Slayer will accompany you into battle!
4 turns of Surrounds will mean the Commander finishes up with Luster the same turn that Judgment enters. The Commander will then capture Judgment, and when I have clarified my position on how far beneath Me these are, I will show them the meaning of pain with the Thralls in charge. They aren't even worth Slayer's time, who will stand by and watch, throwing insults for the cameras.

Let's try this:

R1-R4: Barrier

How well did this work against Luster?
FEAR: 41.2k [Lv 3] x16(HATE) x16(PLEA) = x256 Total
DISG: 32.3k [Lv 3] x4(HATE) x64(PLEA) = x256 Total
PAIN: 68.3k [Lv 3] x4(HATE) x16(PLEA) x8(INJU) = x512 Total
SHAM: 99.4k [Lv 3] x4(HATE) x16(PLEA) x4(own EXPO) = x256 Total

HATE: 3560 [Lv 2] x4(HATE) x27(INJU) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x13.5 Total
PLEA: 2961 [Lv 2] x4(HATE) x27(INJU) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x13.5 Total
INJU: 53.3k [Lv 3] x4(HATE) x27(INJU) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x13.5 Total
EXPO: 4986 [Lv 2] x4(HATE) x27(INJU) x1/8(highest Circ.) = x13.5 Total
Luster escapes! Judgment enters the combat!

And how is Judgment's damage resistance looking? It's only at -34 so I'd say she's about to get hurt.

R5: Judgment->Capture

R6: Luster->Sodomize (T2 CON break!)

There can be only one more Rampant Forsaken, and it ain't you, Luster.

Testament enters!

R7-R9: Barrier

FEAR [========~~] (72.7k + 13.7k = 86.4k) frantic desperation
DISG [=====~~~~~] (50.2k + 7248 = 57.5k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [XX========] ( 183k + 107k = 291k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XX========] ( 189k + 43.2k = 232k) tears of shame

HATE [~~~-------] ( 3026 = 3026) strong hatred for the Demons
PLEA [~~--------] ( 2633 = 2633) panting with arousal
INJU [X=========] ( 114k + 37.8k = 151k) hurt and tied up
EXPO [=====~~~~~] (31.4k + 21.1k = 52.5k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

R10: Testament->Capture

R11: Judgment->Surround, Pummel

I don't want to raise Judgment's HATE up any more, but do want to get more turns against her.

R12: Judgment->Caress

R13: Swap Commanders

Come on Slayer, get a better view.

R14: Testament->Surround, Sodomize

R15: Judgment->Orgy

It might be early enough that I can get them all again after this, this is just a first attempt after all.

R16-R17: Barrier

R18: Testament->Surround, Sodomize

(I think that the less Traumatized angel won't help the one with more Trauma escape)

R19: Luster->Surround, Sodomize

R20: Judgment->Orgy

R21-R27: Barrier


Who needs Forsaken in Loop 20?

R27: Luster->Surround, Sodomize

R28: Testament->Surround, Sodomize

R29: Judgment->Surround, Orgy

Do nothing until end.


Well, the Angels are both in the low Peta ranges for Trauma, while Judgment is only in the hundreds of Tera.

Testament goes in search of a Thrall hideout and quickly manages to locate one. She charges in as if to arrest them, then pretends to trip and fall, deliberately giving them an opening to grab her and start molesting her. Even though she had told herself that she would defeat and purify them all after her lustful needs were satisfied, she ends up cumming so many times that she completely forgets about it until they finish with her and escape. Afterward, she tells herself that she was just training and preparing herself to endure this sort of thing better in the future.

"I will put an end to your evil- woooah!"

-0 ANGST, -198k FEAR, -990k DISG, -594k PAIN, -198k SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 126TFEAR +128TDISG +129TPAIN +130TSHAM = 515T added ANGST
Total ANGST: 515T

Over 100M Unresolved SHAM

It isn't enough. Testament is heavily dependent on other people's approval for her sense of self-worth. The intense shame she's been forced to feel has driven her to the point of desperation. The next time she is damaged with some of her allies surrounded, she'll likely do something extreme in order to take back control of how people see her.

+5 Evil Energy

+104 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)


Judgment invites Luster to join her in a lewd camshow for their fans, and Luster doesn't have the heart to turn down her friend. Judgment's pretense was that she was doing it for public morale, but it clearly becomes obvious that she's become addicted to the public's adulation every time she strips off another piece of clothing. Luster is just as entranced as the audience is, and she can't resist stripping naked herself and cuddling close to her, much to the audience's delight.

"Leader, I'm sorry, but I can't resist anymore!"

"Careful. If you keep teasing me, I might have to pin you down and have my way with you right here."

-0 ANGST, -1.18M FEAR, -396k DISG, -396k PAIN, -1.98M SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 2.26PFEAR +2.27PDISG +2.25PPAIN +2.29PSHAM = 9.08P added ANGST
Total ANGST: 9.08P

-0 ANGST, -1.18M FEAR, -396k DISG, -396k PAIN, -1.98M SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 2.82TFEAR +2.82TDISG +2.82TPAIN +2.82TSHAM = 11.2T added ANGST
Total ANGST: 11.2T

Luster: Over 100M Unresolved SHAM

It isn't enough. Luster cares less than most about what others think of her, but she still has the basic human need for acceptance. The constant derision from the public has started to give her a complex. The next time she is damaged with some of her allies surrounded, she'll likely do something extreme in order to take back control of how people see her.

Judgment: Over 100M Unresolved FEAR

It isn't enough. Judgment's feelings of alienation from the rest of society have reached the tipping point. She barely even thinks of herself as human anymore. The next time she sees a powerful Forsaken leading the Thralls, she's likely to do something drastic.

+10 Evil Energy

Hey everyone, it's day 8. A quick glance around shows that I've got enough Strategic Advantage to seize the last two buildings.

Judgment is fucked up:
Abyssal Accuser Judgment, ruler of Hell and leader of the Zabaniyah, recognized and respected by the various other species of Devils as the foremost authority on the punishment of the sinful. As a fallen Angel, her primary responsibility is to see that the souls of the dead receive what they deserve for what they did during life. However, as one of the Chosen, she also has the duty to fight against the Demons - against embodied sin itself.

This isn't the first Demon Lord she's fought, but it's certainly the strongest. She's faced setbacks and humiliations unlike any she's met before, and the public has taken notice. At this point, only complete triumph against the Demons will be able to save her reputation.

Now that she's experienced what it's like to be raped, she can no longer retain the detached, objective view toward sin and punishment that she had held for so long. She's angry, and she wants to vent that anger in the most extreme way possible, even if she knows that the proper course of action is to give only as much punishment as is deserved.

She's given up on being a good person. But at the same time, she still knows the difference between right and wrong. She simply views herself as being deserving of punishment as well. And now that she isn't worried about following the laws she imposes on everyone else, her ability to deliver that punishment is greater than ever.

Overall, she's happier now than she's been since she fell from Heaven. Most of her existence has been spent torn between the desire to do good and the knowledge that the evil do not deserve to have good done to them. But now, she knows exactly what she needs to do.

Devil Chosen:
Strategic Advantage from Trauma x5
Base damage taken is decreased by double Allies' ANGST bonuses (but never to less than own ANGST bonus)
Allies cannot pick downtime actions which generate more Evil Energy than own downtime action
If two Devils are present, third ally must pick downtime action which generates less than theirs
Alternative Tier-3 Break moves
Quadruple Resolve in Final Battle
Quadruple Achievement Weight

Strength and Severity:
Cannot be the initial target for the day's battle
Stronger Candle of Snuffed Out Life, Book of Inviolable Taboo, Mutual Damnation, and Bell of Silent Shame
Immune to Resolve loss in the final battle unless one of these moves has been used, regardless of Distortion
Cannot be killed by allies in the final battle
Can win the final battle by herself

Merciless Leadership:
Until Candle of Snuffed Out Life, Book of Inviolable Taboo, Mutual Damnation, or Bell of Silent Shame have been used, allies have x10 trauma requirement to begin using their equivalents of these moves

Morality: FEAR | HATE <= Significant Vulnerability: Deploy powerful Forsaken without using Capture
Innocence: DISG | PLEA <= Significant Vulnerability: Surround w/ >10k PLEA to Force Orgasm
Confidence: PAIN | INJU <= Core Vulnerability: Surround w/ >10k INJU to Sodomize
Dignity: SHAM | EXPO <= Significant Vulnerability: Reach 1.00G Unresolved SHAM
Innocence/Confidence Distortion: Do not break Innocence or Confidence (service is okay)
Surround for any duration w/ HATE Lv higher than INJU Lv to trigger Rampancy (deals 400% self-damage)

High-Rises Seized: Will start at 1000 HATE, 1000 PLEA, 1000 INJU, and 1000 EXPO in today's battle
Transmission Tower Seized: Taking +4.04% damage from previous Surrounds

Unresolved Trauma: 2.82T FEAR, 2.82T DISG, 2.82T PAIN, 2.82T SHAM. 11.2T ANGST (+43 base damage)
(-202 base damage from ally ANGST)
Yesterday's Evil Energy generation: 5 EE (Recent Tier-3 Vulnerability Break.)

Relationship with Testament: Unbreakable Friendship
Relationship with Luster: Unbreakable Friendship

Final battle behavior:
Starts with 400% Resolve
Only willing to sacrifice Testament when Testament's Resolve is lower than 50%
Only willing to sacrifice Luster when Luster's Resolve is lower than 50%
Resolve cannot currently be damaged!

Lapdog (fellow councilmember) - Forsaken
Splendor (student) - Forsaken
Testament (fellow Chosen), 'Rin' - Chosen, defending this city
Luster (fellow Chosen), 'Midori' - Chosen, defending this city
Lots of progress made today:

[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
✔ huge Orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

With all that, how do I Megalomaniac on Testament? She's got to start using T3 MOR and T3 INN, then I need to retreat while her allies are heavily surrounded. It's best if I can avoid getting any T3 Breaks on Testament's CON and DIG to make that easier. The real trick to that is ensuring that Testament doesn't use Invitation to Heaven, surrounding herself and ruining the possibility of escaping with her free, since she's already got enough Trauma in that category. Maybe I could let the other Angel absorb more of that so she won't ever do that move (if they go back below 100M, the breaks won't happen). That's a difficulty for next time, though.


New Member
Mar 28, 2018
How the heck do I use custom chosen for a campaign???? and everytime I try to make a custom game when it gets to the part that tells me their height breast size etc it doesnt finish loading the text, has the continue button appear pressed and softt locks me!


Jun 16, 2017
How the heck do I use custom chosen for a campaign???? and everytime I try to make a custom game when it gets to the part that tells me their height breast size etc it doesnt finish loading the text, has the continue button appear pressed and softt locks me!
that is probably a bug because I added custom chosen very easily
the steps are:
-Import roster (if you have a roster somewhere) or:
-Single custom
-click the buttons in order,whatever you want to change...the most important one is species and continue (direct input)

I added like this around 5 chosen of different species


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
When you Release Forsaken, you get a buff based on which faction they join, like bonuses to evac/extermination levels, damage, etc. But, I think there's not one single place to view that info that I've found. You can get evac/extermination bonuses by starting a combat, but the others... just kind of work in the background? this is a game about number go up i want to see number go up watch big number get biggar
Ah, I see. There is a display of those bonuses when you go to the "Other Minions" menu to review your Spared Forsaken, but I guess it might make more sense to move or copy that summary to the Stats area.
Yeah something's broken. In Loops with Devil/Animalistic she seems to only offer the "Tales" switch, which is usually but not always what I want (sometimes stop breaking the morale is better for me personally). I've included some old saves for you to test on, before I beat Victory:
I initially misread your comment - the things Splendor asks from you cycle from day to day, but the things she offers to give you are supposed to always be the same based on what "should" be strongest in the moment. Maybe I shouldn't be assuming what the player will want most.
Yeah don't Chrono Cross English Version it up I guess, just like have an accent while keeping the personality. Give 'em another fun quirk.
Hah, Chrono Cross was exactly the kind of system I had in mind. I suppose it's probably fine as long as the text actually has personality-dependent variants and the "accent" system is just a layer on top of that.
I found a typo with one of the text lines. The sentence is missing a "let".
In my case my characters are Vanguard and Decree

Vanguard says: "Decree, I won't the Demons hurt you!"
It should be: "Decree, I won't let the Demons hurt you!"
Ah, you're right. Thank you!

I found another typo. There are two "but"s in this sentence. This is from a Downtime event.

"Hope and Decree both decide to blow off some steam by killing criminals on the same night, and they end up running into each other. Decree challenges Hope to compete with her, confident in her own victory. Hope accepts because she feels that sniffing out wrongdoing is one of her strong points, but but Decree's greater willingness to be..."
I've managed to beat Loop 1 and corrupt all 3 Chosen.
I found another typo when giving a footjob to a Forsaken:
"The Demon Lord rubsDecree's clit with his foot"

There's a missing space after "rubs"
CSdev Typo alert

I think that may be quite an old one, though Bodysuit Down sounds like a cooler version of Watership Down. Anyway.
More typos. In this case, no space after "herself" and "The":

"INJU up! Vassal is being continually dealt wounds that ought to be fatal, but her Chosen powers don't permit her to die or even pass out. However, they do make it harder and harder for her to defend herself.The more the Thralls torture Vassal with whips, spanking, clamps, hot wax"
Thank you for the typo reports, these should all be fixed in the next version!
supressor and punishers are a problem: they are useful only in very fringe cases (for example a chosen with double core, morality and confidence is very very very hard to break without suppresors , and the right suppresor will do it inmediatelly)
most of the time they will make you lose ee
I think the game wouldn't lose much from making them a "loop 2 and up" option, especially Suppressors. I've never found a Loop 1 situation where the best option was to immediately make say a CON Suppressor to break through instead of working up to Networked Consciousness, the 5EE combat time upgrades, and then Passion Release for the largest Orgy possible. If you've got one, post your save (again, loop 1). CSdev your thoughts?
My current plan is as follows.

Step 1: In the "Version 1.0" release, massively buff Suppressors and Defilers, to the point that you can probably clear the Loop 35 endgame without relying too much on Forsaken.
Step 2: The "Ascension 1" modifier will weaken Demon Commanders into something close to their current state.

The idea will be that the base "Ascension 0" experience will be more casual and will let players familiarize themselves with the game without needing to climb the steep learning cliff that is the Forsaken system. And then, if they enjoy the game, they can challenge themselves by playing it with the "intended" balance which requires learning that system.
Alas I wonder if we are progressing towards this day?
Yes, I might even end up implementing the full difficulty system before campaign mode is completely done.
Repeated crashes during Customization.
How the heck do I use custom chosen for a campaign???? and everytime I try to make a custom game when it gets to the part that tells me their height breast size etc it doesnt finish loading the text, has the continue button appear pressed and softt locks me!
I believe I found what was causing this, so it should be fixed when R59 comes out.
Yo CSdev I think she already ripped her hymen this fight, but I know Chosen can regenerate so I'm not sure of the status of this? Your call. "Corrupted Saviors: the only game where you don't know if breaking the hymen of the same girl twice is a bug or not."
CSdev I think this description might contain the wrong string. Judgment's over 10k HATE already, not a virgin, so I should be seeing post-Sexual Barrier strings but these are pre-Sexual Barrier strings unless I'm mistaken.
I tried to make a forsaken(Mega) take a chosen's(MOR T4/INN T2) virginity with penetrate, for some reason the chosen always emerged virgin after the battle. When I tried to do that but with impregnation, it always gets misattributed to thralls. This was on 56b btw. I switched to 58c now and crashed everytime at cloth>>body customisation junction. Will import team from 56 to try later.
This is definitely a bug, and I believe I found what was causing it. Some of the logic for setting a character's "first partner" was looking at the Forsaken's status rather than the Chosen's status, which meant that it wasn't properly being set and was putting the Chosen into a bugged state. This should be fixed in R59.
1. If I spend EE on a customized commander, go to next day, spend EE so that I can't afford the commander from the last time but still have at least one and choose to repeat last commander, I can still use it, it just says I go to negative EE. Next day it seems to be continuing as if I had zero EE at the end of the last day. Is this intended or a bug?
Looks like the logic I had added in order to stop this from happening wasn't coded properly. Thanks for the bug report, it'll be fixed in R59.
I was wondering if a change save file function will ever be implemented. Just having an option in-game to rename the current save file to something else and then create a new save file would be a nice change imo.
I'll add this to my list of things to do when refactoring the save system.
I got a freeze as well. I beat the first single play classic run, was inspecting a forsaken and then the game froze. Afterwards the game wouldn't load, launching the exe just leads to an empty black screen. If I remove the save file from the folder it does load, sans the saves of course. Attached the save file for diagnosis purposes.
Thank you for the uploaded save! The bug will be fixed and you'll be able to continue playing on it in R59.
Then Luster switches over to Rampaging, and the fight may as well be done. I don't think Retreating gets you anything against Rampaging Chosen (it doesn't increase the Rampage Strength, or does it CSdev? Too early to be digging around in the code)
Once one of the Chosen starts to Rampage, you get the same Rampage Strength regardless of whether the fight ends early or not. (It adds up the remaining turns in the Rampage after the fight and gives you the extra Rampage Strength during the downtime segment.)
It's been quite a while since I did a decent campaign run (last time was probably before Splendor was added) but I've been doing a bit of a lazy run to test some things and finally got Velvet Key on Loop 19. I can still see a lot of potential for it, notably to add another layer/option for expertise training, but there are a few annoyances/findings with it:

1. Splendor isn't selectable to be merged with. She shows in the list of notes but isn't one of the options. That was the main thing I wanted to focus on/test for this run, since I thought it would be fun to see how tricked out you could get Splendor with Punisher buffs and Orgy defiler. Also, even if Splendor was a target, point 2 makes it less enticing.
She is selectable, but only after you've flipped all four of her negative traits. Maybe this should be made more clear.
3. Victory's species of 'Animalistic Leader' is considered below base Angel/Devil, which doesn't feel right to me but I guess it's Tier 2 (or 2.5) and thus replaced with Tier 3+. She does keep her Megalomaniac distortion trait of +50% boss damage, but the Animalistic Leader part of +100% damage is definitely better than Angel/Devil.
Oh, this is actually just an oversight. It probably does make more sense to have boss Chosen keep their current species no matter what.
Also, there seems to be a bug where the game freezes if you try to sacrifice/merge a forsaken that's been drained by Victory (or perhaps by any 'Memorable Harvester', not sure).
I haven't been able to find the cause of this yet, but I'll keep looking.
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Jun 16, 2017
My current plan is as follows.

Step 1: In the "Version 1.0" release, massively buff Suppressors and Defilers, to the point that you can probably clear the Loop 35 endgame without relying too much on Forsaken.
Step 2: The "Ascension 1" modifier will weaken Demon Commanders into something close to their current state.

The idea will be that the base "Ascension 0" experience will be more casual and will let players familiarize themselves with the game without needing to climb the steep learning cliff that is the Forsaken system. And then, if they enjoy the game, they can challenge themselves by playing it with the "intended" balance which requires learning that system.
I will give you some suggestions about balancing issues:
1- Since right now notorious publicist and hardworking publicist are the strongest thing a forsaken can do, maybe you should move these 2 abilities to the bosses

2- Defilers are a problem because you cant use them if you are doing a distortion, and they dont do their job "by themselves"
The description make you believe that by just using a defiler you will inseminate,force orgasm,sodomize or expose automatically but it still needs the 10.000 damage, making new players confused about what happened.

Either dont do the defiler automatically (and ask if you want to) so you can use it with distorted people or do the break even if you dont hit 10.000 (and that way you dont need to buff them)

3- Suppresors have the same problem: the description is impressive and the effect is underwhelming, either you add some kind of extra break and make people use a suppressor for it (this is bad advice) a prerequisite of using it instead of buying it (for some scenes maybe?) or change the upgrade tree so it does the intended effect (I still dont really know what was your intent with suppresors, or maybe it is because I came late to the game and it is an artifact of earlier ideas)

Right now, players use suppresors either with defilers to do tons of damage (and you gotta be careful if you are doing different distortions) or with defilers and punishers to make a superboss for the final battle (again gotta be careful with distortions...making forsaken more useful for this)

4- Finishing the loop days earlier, Damage reduction and Luxuries should be 3 different slides of dificulty (and maybe you should grant extra influence) this will give you a lot more flexibility to understand balance better and how far a person can get agaisnt each boss.

Fighting Victory, Splendor,and Judgement cant be the same in a 50 day loop than in a 20 day loop with 308% damage reduction and a 800% trauma recovery from luxuries (yikes! I still cant believe I beat that in 17 days or 19, long live notorious and hard working undead publicist!)

5- Going with the skill of your Demon to go back in time, maybe you should ignore balance and throw it to the wind and give permanent bonuses for being defeated (for example you could keep with you all the forsaken you have, if you get to loop 10 you keep the training....or maybe the items you are buying) Have you played vampire survivors? that is one example of infinite playing

That way, even if the game have balance issues, adding infinite escalability to the player will make him eventually beat the game

6- On the same vein than the last sugestion: Influence could be kept from game to game to do things like :
-buying permanent items
-buying forsaken to go with you to new loops
(and you could grant extra influence for finishing a game earlier)

You could consider losing the game to not be the end of the game nor a fresth start


Jan 12, 2018
She is selectable, but only after you've flipped all four of her negative traits. Maybe this should be made more clear.
I did think that this could be the case, but I didn't feel like testing until Loop 20 (and specifically distorting Judgment with Aversion) or Loop 25 to test since I kinda want to fight Love first. Good to hear, but something that can probably wait for more of the campaign existing to test/take advantage of after it coming online that late.

I haven't been able to find the cause of this yet, but I'll keep looking.
Oops, I did forget to add a save for you to play around with: Sorry about that. Sacrificing Release, Spirit or Monarch onto anyone but Void should cause the freeze. Strangely enough, sacrificing them onto Void doesn't, but if you do that and then sacrifice Void onto someone else it will. Sacrificing Void first works fine too.


Oct 25, 2017
What's up! I'm picking up where we left off, which was in a very good place, but maybe a sort of interesting place too.

I was here with my overall goals:

✔ huge Orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

And it's time for more goals:
[ ] T3 Break Judgment's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Judgment's DIG
[ ] T3 Break Testament's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Testament's PLEA
[ ] Total Vulnerability Break (TVB) Judgment's DIG with Banner (+730% Trauma damage)
[ ] TVB Judgment's MOR with, uh, someone to do a strong thing I guess? What's good here?
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] Get a single TVB on Luster so I can chew through 500% Morale somehow I guess?

Day 8

Current positioning:
Testament +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][ ][x][ ]
INN (min) [X][X][x][ ]
CON (sig) [X][X][ ][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][~]

Luster +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][ ][ ][ ]
CON (min) [ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min) [X][X][/][ ]

Judgment +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][/][ ]
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][~][~][~][~]
DIG (sig) [X][X][ ][ ]
So, some problems:

If Testament's DIG breaks, I'm kind of in trouble as she'll be able to force surround herself, making it much more difficult to get her Megalomaniac activated. I'd like to avoid that, so it's best if I can end up in no situations where she's free and surroundable while another Chosen is Surrounded.

So, what do? Judgment's MOR seems an obvious place to start. Devils decrease maximum Motivation with their T3 ability, so I want to hit her with a Forsaken I'm not planning on using very often. Class, meet Delirium.

Delirium (formerly known as Swift Malak Messenger)
Real name: Uchimura Gin

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 140.0% (max 140.0%)

HATE: 156k (x1.302 dmg)
PLEA: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
INJU: 153k (x1.300 dmg) (x1.385 dmg from Arturia's drain)
EXPO: 133k (x1.279 dmg)
Combat Style: Opportunistic (20% HATE/INJU/EXPO)
Tries to demoralize the entire enemy team by viciously humiliating one target. If the user doesn't have a significant advantage over the target, the display might be underwhelming.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Orgy (all)
Can throw a target into an existing Defiler+ action to create a weaker Orgy (stronger with lower Disgrace), so long as the target has at least 10k HATE or INJU

Trait: Angel Forsaken
Provides double bonus when Spared (under Retire menu)

Trait: Dissociative Identity (Unleashed Angel)
While consenting, training can only increase Disgrace. +200% damage

First Impregnation: MotivExpo (+40.0% max Motivation)
First Drain: Arturia (+38.5% INJU damage)

Hostility: 51% (Pretending to be hateful toward humanity)
Deviancy: 1% (Pretending to fetishize aberrant actions)
Obedience: 64% (Pretending to be eager to obey)
Disgrace: 47% (Object of base lust)
She hits hard. She stronk.

With the Demon Commander:
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][X][X][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 20 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then three more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 86 Evil Energy. You have 345 Evil Energy remaining.

Delirium will accompany you into battle!
I go after Luster, who will be free the turn that Delirium enters. Honestly, the play-by-play is kind of boring here, but it does accomplish everything I set out to do. So I'll just provide flashes:



R5: Swap Commanders

Judgment uses Candle of Snuffed-Out Life! T3 MOR Break ✔

Since her HATE was already Level 2, I figured just showing her the Forsaken would be enough, and this was correct.


R7: Luster->Force Orgasm (T2 INN break!)

Judgment uses Candle!


R10: Testament->Capture

A blast of malevolent energy rips through one edge of the battlefield, tearing apart Demons, Thralls, and innocent civilians alike. When the dust clears, Delirium is standing in the epicenter, wearing a bloodstained deranged grin as she stares at the nearby Testament.

FEAR [X=========] ( 0 + 124k = 124k) blind panic
DISG [=========~] ( 0 + 90.2k = 90.2k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [X=========] ( 0 + 119k = 119k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [X=========] ( 0 + 130k = 130k) tears of shame

HATE [===~~~~~~~] ( 1000 + 32.9k = 33.9k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1180 = 1180) panting with arousal
INJU [=========~] ( 1180 + 98.8k = 99.9k) slowed by many injuries
EXPO [=======~~~] ( 1180 + 74.6k = 75.7k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

HATE up! INJU up! EXPO up! Delirium pulls Testament's panties down her thighs. She cries out in defiance despite her injuries and exhaustion, glaring back at Delirium with unbridled hatred.

"This must be Delirium. Be ready, because I won't hold back!"

"Your self-righteousness makes me sick! Kill... Kill...!"

Nothing else interesting, really. I missed a usage of Candle by Judgment in the log, but the point is it brought them here:

Testament +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][ ][X][ ]
INN (min) [X][X][X][ ]
CON (sig) [X][X][/][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][~]

Luster +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min) [X][X][/][ ]

Judgment +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][X][/] 400%
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][~][~][~][~]
DIG (sig) [X][X][/][ ]
Downtime 8

Luster invites Testament to go find a gang of Thralls to molest them, since regular sexual encounters just don't feel good enough to compare. Testament feels guilty about using their mission as a pretext for sexual depravity, but she leads Luster into an obvious ambush, and soon they're being forced to grind their bodies against each other as dozens of hands grope and pinch their most sensitive places. The Thralls know that if they get too rough, the Chosen will start fighting back and capture them all, so they're careful not to push it too far. By the end of the night, Luster and Testament are left enjoying the afterglow in each other's arms while the Thralls make their escape.

"You were really beautiful, Rin..."

"Hm, I'm becoming quite the pervert..."

-15.8M ANGST, -1.58M DISG, -792k PAIN
Total unresolved trauma: 12.9TFEAR +13.0TDISG +13.2TPAIN +13.3TSHAM = 52.5T added ANGST
Total ANGST: 105T

-15.8M ANGST, -1.58M DISG, -792k PAIN
Total unresolved trauma: 2.37PFEAR +2.38PDISG +2.37PPAIN +2.42PSHAM = 9.55P added ANGST
Total ANGST: 19.1P

Testament: Over 1.00G Unresolved PAIN

It isn't enough. Testament has been trying to convince herself that she's strong enough to endure the things done to her in battle, but it's getting harder and harder. She just wants it all to be over. The next time she sees her allies about to use their own desperate measures, she'll surely give in to despair.

Luster: Over 1.00G Unresolved DISG

It isn't enough. Luster's innocent mind was entirely unprepared for the things she's seen and felt. She's starting to think that such deviancy is simply a normal part of life, and those thoughts might prove very dangerous. The next time she is Surrounded alongside a highly-damaged ally, she should completely lose control.

+10 Evil Energy


Judgment sabotages the efforts to exterminate the remaining Demons and rescue the humans they've captured. She wants to make sure she can continue to test herself against powerful foes, She's given up on ever being beloved by the public, but she's having fun with the way things are now.

"I almost wish that these days of destruction could last forever..."

-79.2G ANGST, -7.92G FEAR, -7.92G DISG, -7.92G PAIN, -7.92G SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 20.2GFEAR +20.2GDISG +20.2GPAIN +20.2GSHAM = 81.1G added ANGST
Total ANGST: 114G

Over 1.00G Unresolved SHAM

It isn't enough. Judgment can't stop thinking about the fact that everyone looks down on her. They're all either disappointed at her failures or amused by her suffering. The next time she sees an ally captured by a powerful Forsaken, she'll likely do something extreme in order to take back control of how people see her.

+30 Evil Energy

+340% Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (1100% total)
✔ T3 Break Judgment's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Judgment's DIG
[ ] T3 Break Testament's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Testament's PLEA
[ ] Total Vulnerability Break (TVB) Judgment's DIG with Banner (+730% Trauma damage)
[ ] TVB Judgment's MOR with, uh, someone to do a strong thing I guess? What's good here?
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] Get a single TVB on Luster so I can chew through 500% Morale somehow I guess?

Next I need to figure out what I'm doing with Judgment's MOR.

Day 9's Save:
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Day 9

So as I think through my Breeder options for Judgment, I can see two good ones.

Possible Breeders:
Charming Breeder (+variable% victim max Motivation)[MotivExpo, Banner, Lapdog, Filet]
Sympathetic Breeder (+38% victim Resolve damage from Threaten) [Arturia]
Braggart Breeder (+variable% own HATE damage per Impregnation) [Slayer]
Grateful Breeder (+5 own training consent modifier per Impregnation) [Splendor]
Corrupting Breeder (-11.5% victim EE deployment cost) [fart]
Protective Breeder (+5.3% own max Stamina per Impregnation) [Delirium]
Scarring Breeder (+variable% victim HATE damage as Forsaken)[save for Splendor (releasable), Scar, Flame, Jaws, Scissa]
Sadistic Breeder (+variable% own max Motivation per Impregnation)[Gibber, Masquerade, Haterape]
To make the most of her, I could give her +victim HATE through Scar for another +40% HATE damage on top of her current bonuses from being Devil and Rampant. That's fairly nice, but I think I want her damaging 3 types at once, so it's not terribly good to get her out of balance on those as it reduces her overall damage output.

Another option is to just give her +Motivation through Banner. As a Rampant, she'll insist on being used every so often, and a bonus there will put her off at least somewhat and give me time to think about when it's best to use her.

If I had a strong Corrupting Breeder, that would make a powerful third option, but I don't. So, I think I'll just give her +Max Motivation.

I'll also assign Banner to the Parasitism Position, where she'll grant +840% Trauma damage to Judgment.

The major difficulty with this Combat is that I don't currently want either of the Angels to break.

Overall corruption progress:

Testament +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][ ][x][ ]
INN (min) [X][X][x][ ]
CON (sig) [X][X][/][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][~]

Luster +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min) [X][X][/][ ]

Judgment +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][X][/] 400%
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][~][~][~][~]
DIG (sig) [X][X][/][ ]
I don't want Testament's DIG to break for reasons I stated before. I don't want her CON to break because that'll keep me from getting any Punisher progress on the others, and make her hoped-for Megalomania harder to get. I'm pretty OK with Luster's INN breaking.

Judgment's DIG depends on another Chosen being captured by a strong Forsaken. This seems very doable to me by sending out Slayer, yet again, to fuck with everyone.

So, sending this one out:
[X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 1 EE)
[X][X][ ][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 10 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for three rounds at the start of battle, and then two more times whenever you give the order, even against a flying target. It is worth 85 Evil Energy. You have 329 Evil Energy remaining.

Slayer will accompany you into battle!

Combat goes well. I get Judgment up to 400% Parasitism by Capturing other Forsaken and keeping them from doing their T3 moves. Slayer's max. Motivation takes a hit from Judgment's Candle, but it was already lowered to 0 by putting Banner in charge of both of those positions.

Testament goes in search of a Thrall hideout and quickly manages to locate one. She charges in as if to arrest them, then pretends to trip and fall, deliberately giving them an opening to grab her and start molesting her. Even though she had told herself that she would defeat and purify them all after her lustful needs were satisfied, she ends up cumming so many times that she completely forgets about it until they finish with her and escape. Afterward, she tells herself that she was just training and preparing herself to endure this sort of thing better in the future.

"Ahn, nooo!"

-7.92M ANGST, -792k DISG, -396k PAIN
Total unresolved trauma: 1.29TFEAR +1.30TDISG +1.32TPAIN +1.33TSHAM = 5.26T added ANGST
Total ANGST: 15.7T

Over 10.0G Unresolved DISG

It isn't enough. Testament has tried to remain detached and objective about the deviant things done to her in battle, but she's still human. Psychologically, she has to come to terms with it somehow, and she's nearing her breaking point. The next time she is Surrounded alongside a highly-damaged ally, she should completely lose control.

+5 Evil Energy

+76 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)


Judgment invites Luster to join her in a lewd camshow for their fans, and Luster doesn't have the heart to turn down her friend. Judgment's pretense was that she was doing it for public morale, but it clearly becomes obvious that she's become addicted to the public's adulation every time she strips off another piece of clothing. Luster is just as entranced as the audience is, and she can't resist stripping naked herself and cuddling close to her, much to the audience's delight.

"Leader, I'm sorry, but I can't resist anymore!"

"Careful. If you keep teasing me, I might have to pin you down and have my way with you right here."

-15.8M ANGST, -792k FEAR, -1.58M SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 2.38PFEAR +2.39PDISG +2.38PPAIN +2.43PSHAM = 9.60P added ANGST
Total ANGST: 28.8P

-15.8M ANGST, -792k FEAR, -1.58M SHAM

Judgment wants to force the public to respect her, but she is content to make a few angry phone calls to media companies and leave it at that. (13% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 202MFEAR +203MDISG +203MPAIN +201MSHAM = 810M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 1.94G

Luster: Over 10.0G Unresolved FEAR

It isn't enough. Luster's anger with the general public for hurting her and the few she cares about is spiralling out of control. She's now just looking for an excuse to vent her frustrations. The next time she is Surrounded, she's likely to do something drastic.

+10 Evil Energy
✔ T3 Break Judgment's DIG
[ ] T3 Break Testament's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Testament's PLEA
[ ] Total Vulnerability Break (TVB) Judgment's DIG with Banner (+840% Trauma damage)
[ ] TVB Judgment's MOR with Banner to give her some max motivation (+42% Max Motivation)
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] Get a single TVB on Luster so I can chew through 500% Morale somehow I guess?

Day 10

Well, let's see what we can do to get those ready-made T4 Breaks against Judgment.

I'm bringing Banner, not because she deals great damage (though her damage is quite good) but because she'll be able to give the bonuses I mentioned last time.

Banner costs 83EE, so I need a demon worth at least that much.

[X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 1 EE)
[X][X][X][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 20 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for three rounds at the start of battle, and then three more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 85 Evil Energy. You have 355 Evil Energy remaining.

Banner will accompany you into battle!
That'll do.

In the meantime I'd like to keep Testament and Luster surrounded for obvious reasons, though I won't sweat it if they break INN or MOR T3 Tactics.

Let's go get Testament.

Combat 10

R1-R3: Barrier

R4 Judgment arrives

R4: Testament->Grind

R5: Swap Commanders

Luster arrives!

R6: Judgment->Capture

R7: Luster->Surround, Caress

Since Luster has an opening level on her, I need to prevent her from using Invitation to Heaven for now.

R8: Judgment->Impregnate

R9: Parasitize

R10: Testament->Humiliate

R11: Luster->Grind

R12: Testament->Surround, Grind

R13: Luster->Surround, Pummel

R14: Judgment->Surround, (move doesn't matter because Rampage)

Nothing else exciting happens, so...

Downtime 10

Testament returns to the site of the previous battle and makes a public spectacle of transforming and trying to blast her way into the tunnels through which the Demons attacked, hoping to reassure the public with her display of raw power. She wanted to show off for the crowd, but she knows that actually digging all the way down to the main hive from the surface is practically impossible even for one of the Chosen. All she accomplishes is attracting horrified awe from those who see the scene afterward.

"Do not lose hope!"

-7.92M ANGST, -792k PAIN, -396k SHAM
Total unresolved trauma: 130GFEAR +131GDISG +132GPAIN +133GSHAM = 528G added ANGST
Total ANGST: 2.10T

Over 100G Unresolved FEAR

It isn't enough. Testament has always tried to make the world a better place, but bad things keep happening. She's started to wonder whether keeping to her moral principles is just making things worse. The next time she is Surrounded, she's likely to do something drastic.

+5 Evil Energy


Luster goes on a murder spree, killing anyone she finds alone and defenseless. She takes a manic, almost sexual level of joy in the murder, licking up her victims' blood and kissing them on the lips as they die.

"Hahah, are you dead already!?"

-15.8G ANGST, -792M FEAR, -198M DISG, -396M PAIN
Total unresolved trauma: 2.39PFEAR +2.40PDISG +2.38PPAIN +2.43PSHAM = 9.60P added ANGST
Total ANGST: 38.4P

Over 100G Unresolved PAIN

It isn't enough. Luster has always thought of herself as weak, but the tortures she's endured recently have left her feeling outright helpless. She doesn't seem to have any options left. The next time she sees her allies about to use their own desperate measures, she'll surely give in to despair.

+15 Evil Energy


Judgment sabotages the efforts to exterminate the remaining Demons and rescue the humans they've captured. She wants to make sure she can continue to test herself against powerful foes, She's given up on ever being beloved by the public, but she's having fun with the way things are now.

"Tell the Demon Lord to step things up a notch."

-19.4M ANGST, -2.02M FEAR, -2.03M DISG, -2.03M PAIN, -2.02M SHAM (action resolves 10.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0

+30 Evil Energy

+220% Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (1720% total)

Overall corruption progress:

Testament +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
INN (min) [X][X][/][ ]
CON (sig) [X][X][/][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][~]

Luster +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][X][ ] 360%
INN (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]
CON (min) [X][X][/][ ]
DIG (min) [X][X][/][ ]

Judgment +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][X][X] 620%
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (core) [X][~][~][~][~]
DIG (sig) [X][X][X][X] 460%
Is it going to be a problem that Judgment's now at 0 Trauma? Honestly, I don't think so. I think there's going to be enough Rampage self-damage that I'll be able to deal with it and drain Morale during the final battle. I can also use the High-Rises to help start off at higher damage levels.

So I now have:

[ ] T3 Break Testament's MOR
[ ] T3 Break Testament's PLEA
✔ Total Vulnerability Break (TVB) Judgment's DIG with Banner (+840% Trauma damage)
✔ TVB Judgment's MOR with Banner to give her some max motivation (+42% Max Motivation)
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] Get a single TVB on Luster so I can chew through 500% Morale somehow I guess?

Saves attached.
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3.80 star(s) 63 Votes