Well my other plan for today fell through, so let's spend a little time on the Final Battle.
Day 17 (Final Battle)
To make this the final battle I need to get to Imago Quickening. I have 622 EE so this shouldn't be too hard. I'll get there through Threaten+ since all three Chosen have a Total MOR Break. Vanity, Impregnation, Synthesis, and Threaten+ are all picked up before buying Imago Quickening. That still leaves me with 167EE. I can use this to either:
1) Buy up through Empathy, getting some extra turns at the end where allies won't kill each other (they're all at Unbreakable Friendship this loop), or
2) Spend it on a monster Commander making sure it's strong enough to fucking destroy the massive resolve that Luster is going to have.
I choose to try #2.
[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ] Duration (Next two: 30 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: Mania [EXPO]
Defiler: Ambition [HATE, PLEA]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]
Your Commander is a bestial Demon with an enormous cock which drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to tear off their clothes and force them into embarrassing positions for the watching crowd. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for six rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order, even against a flying target. It is worth 120 Evil Energy. You have 47 Evil Energy remaining.
Filet will accompany you into battle!
Filet isn't really worth mentioning except to say that she's the latest in a long line of Second-in-Commands, that she hasn't been used in a fight at all, and this will probably be the only time she's ever sent out, to be defeated by the next to replace her.
So, let's go hit Testament!
Combat 17 (Final Battle)
(R0: Capture)
R1-R3: Barrier
R4: Swap Commander
R5: Testament->Recruit
Testament no longer has any faith in her partners or humanity in general being able to beat the Demons. She came here today because she knows she'd benefit from pulling out a win somehow, but she isn't counting on it. She has other plans for how to become even more famous and powerful after fleeing the battle today.
If you want her to join your side instead, you need to offer her a future where her fame and power will be even greater than what she can achieve alone. But there's only room for one second-in-command beneath the Demon Lord. When you send her the telepathic offer to join you, she knows that she has to deal with her predecessor first.
Resolve Broken
Testament charges straight at Filet. The battle is brief but fierce. In the end, by using all of her Chosen power, Testament comes out victorious, and Filet can only crawl away, clutching a deep wound inflicted by Testament's staff. Testament immediately begins shouting out commands to the nearby Demons and Thralls.
"I am your new leader! If I order you to show mercy, you will! If I order you to punish humanity, you will! And... And if I order you to make me cum, you will!"
"I've been... defeated..."
R5: Swap Commanders (gotta get my Demon back)
R6: Luster->Capture
R7-R12: Barrier
R13: Judgment->Capture
R14: Luster->Threaten
Luster's mind is filled with visions of the other two Chosen undergoing the endless, torturous sealing the government performs to stop the Chosen from giving birth to a Demon Lord's child. They're among the very few people she genuinely cares about, and the reminder that Luster will suffer the same way fills her with helpless rage.
FEAR [XXXXXX====] ( 602G + 36.1G = 638G) consumed by fear
DISG [XX========] ( 217G = 217G) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [#XXXXXXXXX] (1.49T = 1.49T) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [XXXXXX====] ( 679G = 679G) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE [--''''''''] ( 258M = 258M) ready to become a Demon
PLEA [-'''''''''] ( 135M = 135M) cumming nonstop
INJU [~---------] (1.89G = 1.89G) barely conscious
EXPO [-'''''''''] ( 178M = 178M) worse than naked
-150% Resolve (250% remaining)
"No way, I don't wanna let that happen to me!"
R15: Luster->Threaten
You send Luster more telepathic imagery of the other two Chosen facing a horrible fate. Her thoughts turn in increasingly dark directions.
FEAR [XXXXXX====] ( 638G + 9.04G = 647G) consumed by fear
DISG [XX========] ( 221G = 221G) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [#XXXXXXXXX] (1.49T = 1.49T) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [XXXXXX====] ( 679G = 679G) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE [-'''''''''] ( 142M = 142M) ready to become a Demon
PLEA ['''''''###] (75.0M = 75.0M) cumming nonstop
INJU [~---------] (1.04G = 1.04G) barely conscious
EXPO ['''''''''#] (98.0M = 98.0M) worse than naked
-150% Resolve (100% remaining)
"It's only a matter of time until I end up like that too..."
R16: Luster->Threaten
You send Luster more telepathic imagery of the other two Chosen facing a horrible fate. Her thoughts turn in increasingly dark directions.
FEAR [XXXXXX====] ( 647G + 2.26G = 650G) consumed by fear
DISG [XX========] ( 222G = 222G) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [#XXXXXXXXX] (1.49T = 1.49T) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [XXXXXX====] ( 679G = 679G) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE ['''''''###] (78.3M = 78.3M) ready to become a Demon
PLEA [''''######] (43.2M = 43.2M) cumming nonstop
INJU [-----'''''] ( 573M = 573M) barely conscious
EXPO ['''''#####] (53.9M = 53.9M) worse than naked
-150% Resolve
Resolve Broken
Grinding her teeth, Luster abruptly breaks off her attack, leaving the cluster of Demons she was targeting unscathed. As much as it angers her, she's realized that this isn't her fight.
"Am I seriously considering joining the Demons!? I... actually, I guess I am..."
That's two down.
R17-R19: Barrier
R20: Luster->Inseminate
Currently her HATE is lower, but still within an order of magnitude within, her INJU. Will this be enough to fix it?
R21-R33: Barrier
R33 text:
Judgment's Action: Rampage
Judgment's demeanor abruptly changes, taking on a menacing air that isn't diminished in the slightest by her indecent clothing. The Thralls are pushed backward when Judgment stands up. She sees them as nothing but insignificant bugs now, and her psychic energy turns that perception into reality. They can no longer even slow her down.
FEAR [=~~~~~~~~~] (10.7G = 10.7G) consumed by fear
DISG [~~~-------] (3.01G = 3.01G) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [~~~~------] (4.09G = 4.09G) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [~~--------] (2.58G = 2.58G) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE [--''''''''] ( 101M + 121M = 222M) ready to become a Demon
PLEA ['''#######] (33.2M = 33.2M) cumming nonstop
INJU [''''''''##] (84.4M = 84.4M) barely conscious
EXPO [--''''''''] (18.4M + 243M = 261M) worse than naked
+20% Rampage strength (3340% total)
-35% Resolve (365% remaining)
EXPO up! Judgment flaunts her nude body as she fights, enjoying all the eyes on her pussy. She's briefly the center of the battlefield.
"Well, this is what I'm going to be thinking about when I touch myself tonight. I'm tempted to start right here..."
Extermination is complete as soon as she starts her Rampage, but I should get another Surround that finishes her off since flight is not imminent.
R34-R39: Do Nothing
R40: Judgment->Surround, (Action doesn't matter b/c Rampage)

o Nothing
And her Resolve goes 155-120-85-50-15...
R45: Do Nothing
Resolve Broken
Judgment has abandoned all hope of repenting for her sins. Now, she lives only to take vengeance against the world she's come to hate. Once everyone nearby is dead, she calms down and addresses the one she knows is listening.
"Are you foolish enough to accept me as I am now, Demon Lord? Very well. Let's destroy this world together.""
She continues to rampage, but now she's mostly avoiding killing any Demons. She's completely switched sides.
Finally, all three of the Chosen have surrendered to your forces. This is a flawless victory - you couldn't have hoped for a better result. By the time the reinforcements from other cities arrive, your Demonic Barrier has already reached full strength, and no more Chosen can enter without immediately losing their powers and joining the ranks of your captives.
The Demons escort Testament, Luster, and Judgment to your throne room, where you will begin to train them into your own loyal servants...
And that's a wrap! For my Splendor conversion, I choose Triple Agent:
Triple Agent
City difficulty modifiers are determined as if the number of loops completed were 10% higher
Quadruple Agent
+2 Influence accumulated in every new city
"Triple Agent" will become "Quadruple Agent". Is this okay?
Splendor is horrified to see Judgment enter her cell.
"Judgment... No, this has to be a bad dream! You're the one who punishes evil! There's no way you could become evil yourself!"
"I never would have expected it either. But, Splendor... It looks like you'll have to rely on somebody else to rescue you this time."
Judgment turns away and strides out the door. Splendor realizes that she hardly recognizes her. A strange sense of dread settles in her belly...
(What are the rest of the human forces doing? Why haven't they rescued me? Maybe... they don't care enough to rescue me...)
Some Achievements I get:
Devil Summoner
Devil Chosen Broken: 6
Level: 3 (Next: 15 Broken)
Bonus: +30% damage dealt by Forsaken
People always hesitate before committing evil, fearful of punishment either in this world or in the world beyond. But as the Devils themselves fall under your sway, it will become clear that those who serve you are beyond all punishment.
Angel Corruptor
Angel Chosen Broken: 6
Level: 3 (Next: 15 Broken)
Bonus: x4 bonus for sparing Forsaken, can spare Forsaken instead of sacrificing them
Angels are empowered to reward mortals, but those which serve the Demons can use this ability in some creative ways. With Angels providing incentive for your minions to work together, the Demonic hive can become its own twisted sort of 'Heaven'.
And let's check out Judgment. She needs a new name to reflect her status... anyone want to name her? My favorite mocking name would be "Indecision"
Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 139.0% (max 142.0%)
HATE: 30.0k (x1.060 dmg)
PLEA: 20.0k (x1.000 dmg)
INJU: 20.0k (x1.000 dmg)
EXPO: 30.0k (x1.060 dmg)
x9.400 trauma dmg from Banner's parasitism
Combat Style: Careless (20% HATE/PLEA/EXPO)
Focuses on groping, stripping, and taunting the target rather than actually fighting. Unless the user is much stronger than the target, this is only effective if the target has already been weakened.
Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina
Trait: Devil Forsaken Leader
Deployment removes 10% Motivation from all other Forsaken, +150% damage, Distortion trait changed
Trait: Demon Knight (Runaway Punishment)
Motivation lost when idle, gained when deployed, deployment cost and strength depend on Evil Energy, +50% all circumstance damage, Forsaken who tantrum deal -50% damage but grant +10% damage to Judgment for rest of loop
Trait: Empowered by Sin
+10% damage
First Impregnation: Banner (+42.0% max Motivation)
First Parasitism: Banner (+840% trauma damage)
Hostility: 60% (Pessimistic about humanity)
Deviancy: 27% (Elaborate sexual fantasies)
Obedience: 1% (Reflexively disobeys)
Disgrace: 53% (Seen as purely evil)
I think I want to have her dealing HATE/INJU/EXPO.
I'll rename Testament to Morningstar, after the first mythical Betrayer to further humiliate Judgment, show Judgment that she isn't special in My eyes, and remind both of them of the betrayal that is now the core of their being...
I'll rename Luster to Bluster because it amuses Me...
And, I'll set them all up with some training.
Bluster needs to be ready to work my Stage of Humiliation until she's ultimately released, drained of all her power...
Morningstar, with a cost of 77EE, can be built into a Final Battle powerhouse, but in the end, she's not likely to keep that role for long. I'll set her up with HATE/PLEA/CON but otherwise she gets no personal attention. Whether this is a good or bad thing for her is up to her to decide...
Judgment, though, is special. She'll get hands-on training in My own ways of suffering. Am I better at devising tortures than she was? I don't know or care as long as she stays Mine, and brings her torments to bear against living Chosen instead of dead ones...
And that's a wrap! The next one I'll do this with will be Loop 25 vs Love.
Feedback on fight:
I liked this one! Negotiating the beginning had to be pretty tight, but as with all of them, once it's won it's going to pretty much stay won. Love seems to be the only exception to that, so I'm looking forward to that one. I was a bit worried when I saw Judgment could easily hit 0 Trauma, but I figured (correctly) that I had enough damage to not worry so much about that. Fighting two Angels is always a little bit annoying, but really it's not much more difficult than fighting a single one because of how the abilities are limited when there are two of them. By the point I got to this fight, I had already been successful at an angel+devil+animalistic Loop, and finishing this one in 26 days was probably overall easier than finishing that other Loop in 20 days. The synergy between the Angel and Devil was not as dangerous as I had made it out to be, because it can be overcome by just sending out fuckloads of Trauma.
Overall this fight was notably easier than the Victory fight, which is just kind of what I compare all the boss fights too, but harder of course than the original Splendor battle. If you wanted to tweak the difficulty on this up a bit
CSdev, you could give Judgment another ability--like disabling the last Forsaken that captured her, to force tactics to be a bit more flexible here. Maybe, that Forsaken gets taken to Judgment's chambers after the fight, and is returned the day after next with full Motivation and empty Stamina after a cutscene revealing her greatest torture/fear (determined by personality type, with special ones for Bosses). Could be cool and gives Judgment a chance to show a bit more personality. I wouldn't want to change it up too much because my team/items are highly optimized this run and a run without Hot Tag would have had much more difficulty.