
Nov 8, 2019
You are not wrong; it's rare that it would break a different chosen (I think its a specific scene with T3 core broken and T1 minor unbroken) but that would show up as red as well. However if it breaks their own distortion it will show red too (which I think would be more common), as seen below:

View attachment 4517638

I cheated to force 100M+ fear on day 1 (because I didn't have a save on hand to do so), and even without any other Chosens it would ruin her selected temptation distortion. I'll edit my original post for completeness.
Actually the only thing that matters is that the T2 Minor remains unbroken, whether or not the T1 is broken is irrelevant (though if unbroken the scene will break the T1 on top of the T2) as the scene involves the Core Vulnerability Chosen using an equivalent to that vulnerability's Defiler against the Minor Chosen.


May 10, 2018
Bug? Report:

Propaganda's description seem to not have been updated following the buffs; have not seen if the effect was actually 100G, since I went aversionReign so I didn't bother checking.


And I am done with another campaign; told myself I won't abuse temptation and focus on aversion/negotiation instead, but I needed up with more tempts than aversion in the end anyways. A couple of thoughts:

  1. Prism is bonkers strong; as in probably the strongest item in the game and not particularly close. Even relatively low cost Forsakens can break any T2s and trigger 10-turn orgies on day 2 against Judgment easily with that item, and the orgies deal double damage every turn too. Comparing it to other combat heavyweights like Thorny Wreath or any of the +300 circumstance items makes them feel inadequate.
  2. Having played with Inferno Pepper, I am even more convinced that Tomorrow's Newspaper isn't all that good. Fruit of Knowledge is just so much better (perhaps its better stated as less situational) than Hot Tag, and I have not felt much issue with the lack of EE except on the first few loops, and I am to some degree avoiding rampage and tempts.
  3. The whole heavyweight items set looks quite weird, with stuff like Qliphothic Easing or Pleasure Button being the same cost as Prism or Empty Vessel. There is no reason for them to be balanced, but I really fail to see why I would ever want to spend 50 influence on Pleasure Button.
  4. Crown's Pantsu being 7 influence cost is wild; thought it would be one of the more expensive ones, since it affects bosses as well.
  5. I felt like having high aversion achievement actively hurts me, making it so the Chosens start fleeing way too soon, making triggering Twisted Rewards extremely annoying. The lowered Orgy requirement after the first one feels completely pointless most of the time, since unlike tempt the requirement isn't increased for the final fight
  6. The save was started before version 61, so since I didn't stack despair beforehand I never got the option to trigger despair. Would it be possible to make it at least trigger-able in day 1 no matter what? It was possible with old despair to trigger it late in the loop without achievements (I have Broken Psychometer and a 0% disgrace EE harvester).
  7. negoLove doesn't have the "use Hostility for stamina regeneration"; nothing necessarily wrong with that, just wished I realised before pushing her obedience to 100% as with every other negotiated Chosen.
  8. I have found that the most difficult fights are loops 11, 14, 16 to 18, with Victory, Love and Judgment being super easy in comparison. I think its mostly down to playstyle though, as I do Splendor first, making 11 and 14 painful with all the Splendor debuffs. The angel achievement is incredibly powerful for snowballing, and I keep most Forsakens until I have at least level 2 (which is probably way too greedy for little reward, also makes Splendor even more of a pain), and you want to click on every angel you see, making loop 16 to 18 very annoying with angel + devil fights common without the Spare bonuses being online yet.
Typical set of bonuses with no despair

Also for damage mitigation, the per level thing, is it multiplicative per trauma/circumstance level?
Last edited:


May 10, 2018
Actually the only thing that matters is that the T2 Minor remains unbroken, whether or not the T1 is broken is irrelevant (though if unbroken the scene will break the T1 on top of the T2) as the scene involves the Core Vulnerability Chosen using an equivalent to that vulnerability's Defiler against the Minor Chosen.
You made me check and it appears that, according to the wiki at least, its both, and they might have to be enemies as well. Not going to lie I have seen version that break only 1 vulnerability while some break 2 so I am a bit confused; I'll be perfectly honest I don't read the downtimes/vignettes, and I am making liberal use of the delecte archives feature, so I am not sure of my recollection.



Nov 8, 2019
You made me check and it appears that, according to the wiki at least, its both, and they might have to be enemies as well. Not going to lie I have seen version that break only 1 vulnerability while some break 2 so I am a bit confused; I'll be perfectly honest I don't read the downtimes/vignettes, and I am making liberal use of the delecte archives feature, so I am not sure of my recollection.

View attachment 4517871
Wiki might just be wrong there, since to confirm before making my comment I started up a single play game with cheats and rushed a T3 Core Mor Break with the Minor Mor Chosen having a T1 break, and the scene triggered.


May 10, 2018
Wiki might just be wrong there, since to confirm before making my comment I started up a single play game with cheats and rushed a T3 Core Mor Break with the Minor Mor Chosen having a T1 break, and the scene triggered.
That does align with my experience. Looking at the code since you got me curious, it appears that the scene is part of the normal tier 3 break scene (called breakSceneLategameFlavor) the extra breaks occur when (for innocence at least, the others probably have a similar trigger) isCVirg is true, or isLustful() is false, which I assume are flags to either T1 or T2 breaks. You can get potentially 4 extra breaks (T1 and T2 on both participants. I must be missing some other triggers, probably related to distortions, since I feel like this is kinda rare.


Nov 8, 2019
That does align with my experience. Looking at the code since you got me curious, it appears that the scene is part of the normal tier 3 break scene (called breakSceneLategameFlavor) the extra breaks occur when (for innocence at least, the others probably have a similar trigger) isCVirg is true, or isLustful() is false, which I assume are flags to either T1 or T2 breaks. You can get potentially 4 extra breaks (T1 and T2 on both participants. I must be missing some other triggers, probably related to distortions, since I feel like this is kinda rare.
You know, I honestly forget that technically you can get T3 breaks before getting the T1 and T2 breaks. Also yeah there are relationship scene related to Distortions as well but I have no clue what triggers those.


Dec 5, 2022
Also yeah there are relationship scene related to Distortions as well but I have no clue what triggers those.
Same way you would normally trigger the T2 break on the Choosen with the minor vulnerability, but whith minor vulnerability already being protected by a distortion.

Example: The choosen with minor DIG vulnerability is already distorted with Aversion, protecting the T2 DIG vulnerability, and then you break T3 DIG of the choosen with core DIG.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Okay with this it will be an honest to god rogue-like. Absolutely lovely and certainly the thing I'm looking for. Put some "true ending" on the ascension and ta-da, that's a rogue-like bingo. Maybe even unlock an extra final FINAL boss for ascension for that sweet sweet "okay NOW its a final battle" type of shenanigans.
All in All, more smut and continuation of the story to its logical finale, other than that, there is no honest thing I want from the game, what the dev isn't doing alread, so keep at it, tis'a bloody good game
I think you'll be pretty happy with what I've got planned!
As a personal preference, would it be possible to implement the system closer to Touhou: Lost Branch rather than Slay the Spire, where the modifiers can be picked individually rather than in sequence? I would argue that there is no downside to giving the player more choices regarding difficulty rather than a20, a14 (to avoid the curse) or a0 (which feel like the most common ascensions people play at.)
I'll make a note to add that as an option, though the "default" setting will be to apply each modifier cumulatively in sequence. I think it's also useful to have the game present a gradual scale of increasing difficulty rather than presenting separate challenges which are easier for some playstyles than for others.
Also as a tangent, it's kinda wild that just about every single game with any roguelike elements today is influenced by a random indie card game from 2019.
It's one of the rare games that appeals to players primarily through its gameplay mechanics, rather than through the writing or graphics or whatever. It makes sense to look at what it did right.

The game freezes at the end of combat. I have tried multiple different action sequences, and I think that T2 INN break on Floppy is the trigger. I have also tried a T2 break on the next day in different sequences and it still breaks so I don't think its linked to the animalistic cycle at least (Edit: loading an earlier day 4 save makes it so it works, and breaking Reign's T2 MOR makes it so any later fights an T2 INN break on Floppy freezes the game; in the first save T2 CON was broken on Reign, so I would guess that that would be the cause? Nope it happens on day 6 anyways even with no breaks on Reign). Easiest steps from first save:

  1. Next Battle, Floppy
  2. Capture
  3. Do Nothing x2
  4. Tempt
  5. Do Nothing x3
  6. Floppy Surround
  7. Force Orgasm
  8. Do Nothing until the end
Thank you for the bug report! This is fixed in R61.
There is another display bug with vignettes, both in the loop and in the archives, where the image shown can sometimes be from the wrong Chosen species. For example, in the same save, the Sexual Combat Training archive uses the base chosen Prophet image instead of Figment's fox image. In my experience it felt semi-random, but for this case it seems to be somewhat consistent so who knows. It also isn't limited to just this vignette.

View attachment 4440975
View attachment 4440976
Thanks for this bug report as well. I haven't been able to isolate what's causing it yet, but I'll devote more time to it when I can.
I know I reported this way back but are we really not supposed to get any energy If we trigger tempt while others are doing a t2 downtime and there is a devil present?

View attachment 4449602

Also I think Reign's aversion ability isn't working properly. First of all, the chosen start the loop with 1G angst(Don't know if it's intended) and devils still get their damage reduction.

View attachment 4449603

And I have no words for this(Greater sins imminent ):

View attachment 4449607
I believe I found what was causing the incorrect behavior here, and I've put a fix into R61. If you see another case where Devils' partners are generating no Evil Energy when they should be generating at least a little bit, let me know.
Wait you can actually turn Reign into a forsaken? I thought she would just run away so I just got my 2 t3 breaks and let her get away in loop 14. I usually go for megalomaniac on Splendor then to Victory so the motivation loss is gone for me from loop 15.
The eventual plan is for Reign to just run away whenever she hits 0% Resolve most of the time, but you're currently allowed to defeat her like that as a temporary thing until her proper defeat sequence is implemented.
Hi, 2 bugs I´ve noticed during character creation (campaign):

Custom clothing and weapons frequently either disapper and leave her base outfit as nude, or revert to a default outfit. I think it has something to do with race, because it didn´t happen (at least not yet) with basic human chosen, so far I´ve only confirmed it happening to undeads and angels, but the other non-base humans might have the same issue.
*Edit: Finishing the chosen and then editing their clothes afterwards seems to function properly, but I´ll have to check with the other affected ones tomorrow, right now I´m too annoyed and tired to continue testing.

Not a huge bug, but I´ve noticed that when trying to enter a custom race name for angels specifically it simply reverts to the last selected pre-made race name (Other races seem unaffected when I tested them)

And yes, I´m using the latest version.
I was able to fix the bug with Angel custom races not showing up in R61. Fixing the other bug is going to require refactoring some code surrounding how custom Chosen are tracked, so that's on my to-do list.
So is the fact that Reign uses her T3 moves at level 1 circumstance intended? Her description says she starts using at level 2 but I guess it means she uses them if she gets to level 2 on using the move. It means that at level 1 Inju she will immediately break out which seems a bit too busted ngl. It will only give 3% progress each day as well. Guess she kinda works as a buff for punishers who can decrease the requirement for t4 breaks with how little punisher% you get.

Oh well I will just get the t3 hate break and turn her into a forsaken since getting 8%~ progress each day for morality break isn't exactly going to be enough.I guess you have to start with t3s on day 7 for a better chance to get t4s.
Yes, this is another case where I failed to update the in-game text to reflect a balance tweak. The text has now been fixed to reflect Reign's behavior.
Also I know people have checked the code for Twisted Reward; how/where are the weights calculated? Because digging through the code myself I see only this:

View attachment 4479067

And while sometimes it does feel like the weight is permanently 0 even if I am hitting barely shy of 100G in a single trauma, I can't find where is actually is calculated.

Also now doing an Negotiation/Aversion based run, aversion does feel pretty terrible later, as one of the main ways to deal with angels is forcing double orgies, which aversion prevents completely; not the end of the world and certainly not unbeatable, but it does make Twisted Reward hard to get. Negotiation would be similarly awful if Reign didn't exist.
The adaptation weights function only applies to Chosen abilities that they use while free. The ones used while surrounded or captured (like Detonate and Twisted Reward) always return 0, since the code that triggers them is elsewhere. If I recall correctly, Twisted Reward is triggered from the TakeTurn function.
Not sure if Artisan not being frozen here is a bug or not. Also sometimes angels didn't have the "Escaping alongside ally" text.

View attachment 4486205
This is a display bug - it looks like the code for figuring out what escape speed to print wasn't taking into account the rampage on the same turn. I'll take a look at it.
What's this?

View attachment 4487496

Maybe it's because I negotiated on day 3 (the third appeared on day 2) before the 3 Chosens had introduced themselves?
Thanks for the bug report. I believe I found what was causing it, and it should be fixed in R61.
View attachment 4501540

Is that a Splendor nerf? :( I loved rerolling for items, though admittingly having perfect items every run might be too much. It makes specific builds (like right now I am running a Prism-focused run) significantly harder, and while in a roguelike that's not a bad thing (it's probably desirable to have runs be different), it feels a bit weird in CS since the campaign mode takes literally weeks to play through. Not sure if I like (or dislike) the change.
It should still be possible to reroll them as before, but only if the extra Influence actually does change which items are available.
Interesting change to Fisher King (Superheated Resentment). It's probably better than what it was, where it rewarded hording EE. But I'm not sure how useful the new one is? Once you start getting to T3 breaks, you'll have inflicted enough trauma that the chosen are already generating the max possible EE. So you're basically only going to be benefiting from T2 and T1 breaks. Which provide a much smaller payout.

Would this be overpowered if it triggered for all chosen? I.E. if one chosen had a break, all chosen generate the max EE that they can, ignoring trauma.

Would this be overpowered if it was permanent? Or just within the first x days?
I haven't played much into later loops, but my experience was that high luxury modifiers can sometimes actually drop you down to 0 trauma after breaking t3.
Yes, the idea behind this bonus is that it could be useful for later loops where the T3 Break still triggers at 100M, but the luxuries modifier (which both increases trauma resolution and increases the threshold at which more sinful actions start to happen) makes it so that you'd need way more than that to actually trigger the T3 downtimes.
One thing I have noticed with the new despair is that it seems to count relationship EE gains in the tally. I've been triggering Despair (needing 34-40 or so since it's just the first couple of loops) after the first 'real' fight which involves a decent commander and a bunch of T1 and T2 breaks. They get 5 each, so 15 purely from downtime actions. The rest seems to come from breaking multiple Core T1/T2s to advance relationships. I guess I've never thought of them as downtime actions, but maybe it's a bug?

Presumably that means boss fights will be more difficult to break with Despair due to lacking relationship EE gains. Not a huge concern honestly, but now Despair shares the usual state of being able to finish the loop but having to grind out the EE to buy the final battle. Rather than that PLUS hundreds of extra EE. So I like the change thus far.

It is a bit of an incidental distortion though, since you don't need to aim for it. Other than not purposefully breaking a bunch of MOR and INN tiers I guess. You're not going to accidentally lock yourself out of it, and will likely trigger it eventually as you're playing through the loop.

One other thing to note is that once you've hit the Despair trigger it doesn't seem to go away if you do more MOR and INN breaks so you can aim to hit it first with a low threshold then go for those breaks that you want/need.

Having said that, I'm only in the very early stages of campaign (Up to loop 4). IE seeing what my first few items are and hoping to get some specific punishers for a forsaken worth keeping.
After a little more testing it's not relationship EE that's confusing it but perhaps the T3 trigger being available? I've added a screenshot where I feel like the game has a different concept of numbers than me, so my guess is bug rather than misunderstanding.

I've also added a save file with the pre-fight and post-fight saves, in case the screenshot isn't enough. I could give a step-by-step to do the fight but it's essentially just Start Moppet -> Capture/Tempt until Force Orgasm doable then release. Cycle through each of them whilst surrounding free chosen to stop them chaining regen.

This fight had no breaks, other than the T3 setups from an orgy.
Thank you for uploading the save! This was being caused by group downtime actions, and it should be fixed in R61.
As someone who has a large number of custom chosen, there really needs to be improvements to the page for managing/editing them before a campaign. Going to the ones later in a list is a pain, especially if it needs to be done multiple time for relationships or setting partners. Perhaps an option for jumping to a page of custom chosen similar to the save/load page jump. The custom chosen could even be slightly divided when presented in a list to show which page they are on.
This is a good idea. I'll add it to my to-do list.
Bug? Report:

Propaganda's description seem to not have been updated following the buffs; have not seen if the effect was actually 100G, since I went aversionReign so I didn't bother checking.

View attachment 4517805
You're right, this was an oversight, and it's been fixed.
And I am done with another campaign; told myself I won't abuse temptation and focus on aversion/negotiation instead, but I needed up with more tempts than aversion in the end anyways. A couple of thoughts:

  1. Prism is bonkers strong; as in probably the strongest item in the game and not particularly close. Even relatively low cost Forsakens can break any T2s and trigger 10-turn orgies on day 2 against Judgment easily with that item, and the orgies deal double damage every turn too. Comparing it to other combat heavyweights like Thorny Wreath or any of the +300 circumstance items makes them feel inadequate.
  2. Having played with Inferno Pepper, I am even more convinced that Tomorrow's Newspaper isn't all that good. Fruit of Knowledge is just so much better (perhaps its better stated as less situational) than Hot Tag, and I have not felt much issue with the lack of EE except on the first few loops, and I am to some degree avoiding rampage and tempts.
  3. The whole heavyweight items set looks quite weird, with stuff like Qliphothic Easing or Pleasure Button being the same cost as Prism or Empty Vessel. There is no reason for them to be balanced, but I really fail to see why I would ever want to spend 50 influence on Pleasure Button.
  4. Crown's Pantsu being 7 influence cost is wild; thought it would be one of the more expensive ones, since it affects bosses as well.
  5. I felt like having high aversion achievement actively hurts me, making it so the Chosens start fleeing way too soon, making triggering Twisted Rewards extremely annoying. The lowered Orgy requirement after the first one feels completely pointless most of the time, since unlike tempt the requirement isn't increased for the final fight
  6. The save was started before version 61, so since I didn't stack despair beforehand I never got the option to trigger despair. Would it be possible to make it at least trigger-able in day 1 no matter what? It was possible with old despair to trigger it late in the loop without achievements (I have Broken Psychometer and a 0% disgrace EE harvester).
  7. negoLove doesn't have the "use Hostility for stamina regeneration"; nothing necessarily wrong with that, just wished I realised before pushing her obedience to 100% as with every other negotiated Chosen.
  8. I have found that the most difficult fights are loops 11, 14, 16 to 18, with Victory, Love and Judgment being super easy in comparison. I think its mostly down to playstyle though, as I do Splendor first, making 11 and 14 painful with all the Splendor debuffs. The angel achievement is incredibly powerful for snowballing, and I keep most Forsakens until I have at least level 2 (which is probably way too greedy for little reward, also makes Splendor even more of a pain), and you want to click on every angel you see, making loop 16 to 18 very annoying with angel + devil fights common without the Spare bonuses being online yet.
View attachment 4517852
Typical set of bonuses with no despair
Thank you for the balance feedback! Regarding triggering Aversion not being any harder in the final battle, my reasoning was that setting up an Orgy becomes a lot more difficult when you have other objectives you're trying to fulfill in the same battle, whereas inflicting an extra Lv of PLEA isn't as burdensome. Twisted Reward is getting a rework, so hopefully the earlier Aversion trigger will stop getting in the way once that's done.
Also for damage mitigation, the per level thing, is it multiplicative per trauma/circumstance level?
Yes, it's multiplicative per level.


May 10, 2018
Yes, it's multiplicative per level.
I don't know if this is in any way worth doing, but especially on later loops with a bunch of forsaken bonuses and Chosen effect, it is incredibly hard to even guess at what damage you would do. I would love to know the base damage taken by each Chosen, their break modifiers, the action factor, the Forsaken factor, etc. in the form of an equation during the action resolution screen so I could better judge what to do by something other than trial and error over and over again. Like right now I have no clue where the trauma damage my Forsakens actually deal comes from, and if there is something I can do to increase or decrease it.

Based on what I have seen of the code, it probably would be a pain in the ass (or more precisely, I thought about modding it in and realised I'm not capable of doing that), but just having a Forsaken damage summary and a base damage (and adjusted base damage) for the Chosens would eliminate a lot of the guesswork.

Twisted Reward is getting a rework, so hopefully the earlier Aversion trigger will stop getting in the way once that's done
Twisted Reward is the most salient example, but to deal with high damage mitigation loops with angels, I feel like you would need to get full length double orgies to approach the trauma levels needed to get get the later (or if the damage mitigation is high enough, even first) T3 breaks, and aversion can really mess that up. Even ignoring Twisted Reward I would still prefer not having the aversion achievement in most cases. It feels bad not being to get a "perfect" loop even with (what I would think is) good play, although you could argue that not getting the achievement and extra breaks are just the cost of getting an averted Forsaken and there is no reason to have to have a "perfect" loop every time, since at least at loop 25 out of 35 I feel like I am snowballing out of control even with the occasional slip ups.

Also I'm sure I am not the only one, but I really appreciate CSDev regularly checking in on the thread and answering question about not just the mechanics but the design philosophy itself. Although if you don't mind me asking, are there plans for us to fight all of Reason/Wisdom/Basis/Balance/Crown (and I guess Reign, once her final defeat mechanics are in) in the final 10 loops? The idea of a boss rush sounds fun, but the tidbits of Reign's narrative does seem to hint at otherwise.


Jul 20, 2017
this game goes crazy once you start figuring things out. got 100+ EE on day 3 for the first time (loop 6) with a 3 cost undead forsaken and it feels pretty good

Leks Darkmind

Jul 10, 2022
1. can we please have cheat items to significantly (*10) increase evac & exterm requirements?
2. make it possible to override current break of a chosen by repeatedly subjecting to new break's way?
3. it is really annoying to lose commanders so easily to detonation (on the same turn capture is preformed, no less!) delay / nerf it / cheat to add commander's captures?


Nov 8, 2019
did the thread owner vanish? the front post's months out of date by now
Honestly, I have no clue. The account is active and the main post says it was edited a month ago, but the actual version available is nearly half a year out of date and 3 versions behind. Granted doesn't really effect me, I've always download the game from CSdev's Subscribestar so I can read the update posts.
Dec 1, 2021
All the dialogue for the commander humanoid form makes me think that if this was a actual Magical Girl TV show, there would be a whole ass arc side-plot where one of the girls ends up finding out that a schoolmate of hers is actually just a human form of the demon lord or something and then they fight and she feels betrayed and stuff. After all, you can make your commander look entirely human...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 had a similar plot to this I think.


Apr 23, 2018
did the thread owner vanish? the front post's months out of date by now
Did you actually try posting a new link and submitting a report or did you just complain without doing anything?

Let's see.

Current release is R61b, ; . Mirrored notes below.

Release 61: Incitement
  • Content: Added Chosen responses when fighting humanoid Demon Lord bodies.
  • Content: Added new option to retroactively convert a single play run into a campaign mode run.
  • Balance: Reworked Despair Distortion.
  • Balance: Reworked Reign's "Fisher King (Superheated Resentment)" trait.
  • Balance: Bonus ANGST granted by the Propaganda item increased (1G -> 100G)
  • Balance: Devil Chosen's Candle of Snuffed Out Life effect now expires immediately after the final battle.
  • Balance: Added a new replacement trait for Negotiation Love when Megalomaniac Victory has been replaced as Second-in-Command.
  • Balance: Reign's later appearances will now decrease the amount of difficulty modifiers encountered in the same loop.
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen defeated with Despair will now correctly progress Splendor's corruption.
  • Bugfix: Rampant Forsaken deployed using the Hot Tag item will now show their proper reputation strength depending on the Demon Commander used.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a possible crash related to the Hot Tag item.
  • Bugfix: Victory's profile will now correctly reflect how her Resolve can be damaged in the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Reign will no longer be able to fall to Despair while already under the effects of another Distortion.
  • Bugfix: The Maneuver bonus to capture duration will no longer fail to be reset after releasing one of the Chosen mid-capture.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a softlock that could occur when trying to display a Forsaken vignette when Chosen vignettes were disabled (e.g. because the current loop is a boss fight).
  • Bugfix: The extra requirement before triggering Despair when facing Reign will no longer be printed when not applicable.
  • Bugfix: Reign's thresholds for using T3 moves will no longer be improperly reset when appearing in later loops.
  • Bugfix: Angel Chosen will now correctly display any custom subspecies set by the player.
  • Bugfix: Corrected the displayed circumstance damage requirement before Reign begins using her T3 moves.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior when Chosen suffer a Core Vulnerability Distortion before all three Chosen have made their first appearance.
  • Interface: It is now possible to delete your save file's archive of scene variants.
  • Other: Campaign mode random seeds now result in more consistent item choices.
  • Other: Chosen meeting each other in private will now be less unfriendly.
  • Other: Chosen will now update their mental image of the Demon Lord (relevant for vignettes and some spoken lines) when facing a humanoid Demon Lord body in battle.
Release 61b
  • Bugfix: Group downtime actions will no longer sometimes trigger Despair without meeting the Evil Energy requirement.
  • Other: Updated the description for the Propaganda item to take into account the recent balance adjustment.


Quiet Eldritch Horror
Jan 2, 2018
did the thread owner vanish? the front post's months out of date by now
I am alive. It's just I don't have time to monitor my threads 24/7. if a new update comes out someone needs to report the thread so an Uploader can take care of it. If nobody reports anything for months, the thread will stay out of date.


New Member
Mar 24, 2023
how do i activate cheats? i've downloaded the r49 update a while ago and it have the update, but the recent ones dont have the option.


Jun 2, 2018
Still waiting for more uses of EE. Once you start gitting gud, it would be nice to have more options for it (primarily going all AIM with the fallen and using EE to change their bodies).
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes