the creator should have post the updates that he will do, like a spoiler. not just the date that he will release on that particular time. so he can give the players an idea what would happen on a certain character.
posting the changelog on the release is good. so those who don't really follow or new to the game would have an idea what's the changes.
but those who are waiting for every release of the game must have an excitement (on my pov but dunno about the others) . to know that the certain characters that they are waiting to have an updates has updates coming.
i am particularly waiting for heather's, aunt julia's , twin sister's . mrs sampson's and mom&sister's updates.
and of course the side dish, the train corruption. ( but i don't like the kid part on that train, its like a pedophile enjoying that part. ya, definitely a pedophile would only enjoy that stuff or a 9 year old kid playing this game HAHA!)