
Sep 28, 2020
I think a lot of the discussion here can be summed up by the saying: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Well, yes. They lost me on the porn bit the moment I've seen the futa prostitute from the first inn. Just remember going "Ah, I see.", rewinding and never touching that door. Brienne did spark joy on that front and her family's pretty solid at that but... yeah, that's about it for me.

It was, for a while at least, a funny game on a couple of things. Some goofy looking characters, that mercenary who had a thing for her captain that used a not particularly good chastity belt, that harpy with the incredibly goofy looking face, Kohaku who stole Senko's tic and the funny maid's name, Quint being a bell-end, that chick with the magic anal plug who exists only to satisfy someone's anal fetish...

It's weird that you can kinda find the skeleton of a decent non-porn game there but you'd have to dive in for it and it's not a particularly funny skeleton.

Nevermind, just found out she is like "oh yeah I like this npc better than you". This game can trash its best npcs so fast its impressive.
This was another funny one. If I recall well, the chick that the bee girl goes with shows up a bit earlier as a literal nuisance that I think the PC and his merry band consisting of concentrated breathing STDs and Brint take care of.

She then shows up for that quest, steals the bee girl in what probably was a "hah, take that, player" moment that more or less went unregistered by me, who simply left them on the sidelines to do whatever they're supposed to do while the player goes off to do important shit.

Was she meant to be a rival or something?

I remember Evelyn was supposed to be undickafied at some point but instead we got the completely pointless futa dragon form which is a dommy, loving futa... as opposed to a dommy, loving futa. It WOULD have been hot if she was more virile as the dragon or something, but as a CoC2 futa OC, she was, of course, already "My cock is my sword, infinite cum works" incarnate, so the transformation did literally nothing (and with the advent of her getting foursome scene copy pasted but NOT threesome, she's actually worse than base evelyn)
Now where's Rule Breaker when you need it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020

Futa on female is mathematically the straightest kind of porn

Plus gay dudes don't like futas at all from what I've seen
Well, it is either futa on female or male on cboy. Depending on the watcher/reader.

As one anon in the /v/ thread said, futa is gay; you’re looking at it because of the penis, not despite it.
As one anon in the /v/ thread said, cboy is straight; you’re looking at it because of the pussy, not despite it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I just don't see the point. Cboys are just chicks without the curves or tits of one. The only advantage is impregnation which you can get if you just went the magical mpreg route.

Walk Cycle

Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
To be honest this one is better.
View attachment 3857099
Makes introduction of a players character, sets expectation, explains what and why, sets the tone.
And yes, that would looks more like at home in a 'porn game', not in a 'porn game'...

Also, a little detail, whoever wrote this called Garth a wolf-man at this point in time, despite literally the next page, that proposes player to pick 'white human male with a big cock sword', calls wolf-mans a lupines.
I mean, calling Garth a lupine would had much more sense here, since in the very next page, race selection, it clarifies what 'lupine' is, 'Animalistic, canine like kin, covered in thick fur and equipped with a sheathed knotted obscenity, for males, and juicy ace of spades, for females'.
So it would be like 'What the fuck is a 'lupine', Im not Roman btw?....here button that says 'lupine', holap.....ahhhh, so THATS what 'lupine' is.... Homo homini lupus est....' for the new players.

Really bat writing, zero stars, do not recommend, completely ruined
Yours would explain most things to the player at the start, though I would remove Gwyn being pregnant. I just base mine off the assumption that we'll be given the most minimized detail and then leave the worldbuilding at race selection/attribute allocation and the actual game proper.
2.90 star(s) 107 Votes