
Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I'm willing to bet it's just pure ignorance. The scene relies on you both being in bed together so choosing any option that doesn't lead to that simply wasn't accounted for.
Yeah. Seems about right.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
That's just classic Arona. As far as talking shit goes, thing about her sub route isn't so much that she stops doing it but rather that it's mostly all bark. I personally kind of enjoy it, but overall that bit just makes me think that if cucking weren't around every corner i'd be pretty down for a Brienne/Arona threesome. Not like it'd require much to even make it good, just forget about any dick that's not the Champion's and put them solidly in charge.

Which i guess, nevermind. It'd actually require much of those writers. Still, shame that Brienne gotta live in a bubble cause any time she doesn't people fuck her up.
The Brienne/Atugia stuff is nice. In my opinion anyways. Having them as my go to party definitely plays into it though.


Aug 14, 2017
The minotaurs aren't that bad, they game just has shit tonal awareness for supposed ideas of the setting like most things.

Demons and corruption are the problems the game says, meanwhile the game has worse bandit and raider problem than skyrim or any elder scroll games. they have like invasion amount of bandits, raiders, and other assholes.

The designers of this game have their head up their ass so they don't ask how can demons and the threat they pose seem like that's the problem of the setting if players don't spend most of my time fighting demonic and corrupted enemies.
They are like how you said the enemies make no fucking sense.
game tone:"KM is under assault by the demonic threat"
what the player sees: one random encounter of a imp hoard and a 1 demon couple and like 4 other groups that will try to rape you that aren't demonic and corrupted and 1 earth elemental
So is KM losing to hoards of imps? if so that's fuck pathetic! I got nothing against knock off "Rome" types but this is just sad.

Got to disagree with you. Consider the imp hoard is practically endless and they just keep coming. So I don't see the minotaur's struggle as laughable, The mino's are superior warriors and have better tactics but what the fuck do you do against a near endless horde? It's a war of attrition and they are losing. What makes demons so scary is the influence they have on others. Their corruption could be affecting a lot of the people you are fighting (most likely not). But I also think the main reason they aren't using demons like that is because it's being saved for later on in the game. But that's just how I see it.


Aug 14, 2017
I can't Whack my Tail anymore...what's even the point? (jokes aside that's an odd one to remove, anyone has any insight as to why?)
It’s a bit of a wierd one because it’s reliant on specific anatomy and transformations. IIRC there’s no other power that checks for a certain transformation type.

I’m guessing it’s a matter of consistency – if there’s one power that relies on particular anatomy, why aren’t there more? A bit like the manticore tailcunt transformation from a while ago, where this highly specific transformation had only a scant few scenes. The solution here is to either remove the existing example so there are none, or to add many more varieties (which requires time that could be spent elsewhere).

While there’s a little part of me that hopes there’s a new system in the works for anatomy-based powers, one of the recent patches mentions that “Balak’s finished his final major round of combat system”, so I’m not holding my breath.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Consider the imp hoard is practically endless and they just keep coming.
The actual threat of the demons is not conveyed well at all in this game. The writers constantly say the demons are the big bad, yet there are WAY more hostile encounters with just regular people. If I'm encountering demons so little and I'm the one that's traveling around everywhere ABOVE GROUND, how the hell are a bunch of underground 8 foot tall beefcakes with a strong military having this much trouble with them on home turf? Unless the imps actually dig(which is never even hinted at), they're at a complete tactical disadvantage. Numbers can only do so much when they're outmatched in literally every other way, and like I said the scope of the demon problem isn't presented properly so it's hard to believe the imps being endless.
but what the fuck do you do against a near endless horde
How is this endless horde even being spawned in the first place? Imps are only born when demons are knocked up or knock someone else up and we know there aren't many demons in the world, so where the fuck are they coming from? Unless Kas is birthing them literally every second of the day(which she isn't), then there's no real explanation for how they actually have such big numbers.

I try to be generous to the writers, but jesus man it seems like I think through their shit more than them.


May 9, 2020
The actual threat of the demons is not conveyed well at all in this game. The writers constantly say the demons are the big bad, yet there are WAY more hostile encounters with just regular people. If I'm encountering demons so little and I'm the one that's traveling around everywhere ABOVE GROUND, how the hell are a bunch of underground 8 foot tall beefcakes with a strong military having this much trouble with them on home turf? Unless the imps actually dig(which is never even hinted at), they're at a complete tactical disadvantage. Numbers can only do so much when they're outmatched in literally every other way, and like I said the scope of the demon problem isn't presented properly so it's hard to believe the imps being endless.

How is this endless horde even being spawned in the first place? Imps are only born when demons are knocked up or knock someone else up and we know there aren't many demons in the world, so where the fuck are they coming from? Unless Kas is birthing them literally every second of the day(which she isn't), then there's no real explanation for how they actually have such big numbers.

I try to be generous to the writers, but jesus man it seems like I think through their shit more than them.
I think there will be a quest where you are going to "kill" the broodmothers like DA:O.
I remember reading about it on the forum


Engaged Member
Aug 8, 2020
The mino's are superior warriors and have better tactics but what the fuck do you do against a near endless horde?
Get tier 2 and surpass zerg rush with handguns, for example? Quantity is good only up to certain threshold of opposing quality. Unrelated to CoCked 2 fantasy sex shit, but have you ever heard about certain nowadays war, and why one side loosing, despite using literally zerg rush tactics!?

Unless Kas is birthing them literally every second of the day(which she isn't), then there's no real explanation for how they actually have such big numbers.
Wannabe-dwarwes city siege quest line shows that there are even full fledged deamons,
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which, as species, come from...???
Cultists? No, they more on a furry kind of things, according to all previous encounters. and IIRC, there are no connections with them in quest line.
Demonic horse dong? No, shes busy doing....something? Im not sure what she have done at all, besides birthing several imps, growing alraune, building teleport and corrupting 'eleven' queen....whats her name, again???
Quest line, (spoilers????) says that that specific 'beach' connected to/with corrupted elven queen, so its her doing? Again, how???? Slowly turns into second possibility.
Transformatives? Ehhhh, no, since even as-mutable-as-'Drosophila melanogaster' player cant become full demon. But even if 'yes, its transformatives' who makes them?

So yes
it seems like I think through their shit more than them.


Nov 24, 2020
Yeah the more they want to add to the lore & worldbuilding the clearer it becomes how convoluted and messy it is.

I've said it before but I believe they should have tied magic directly with corruption. It would add a interest gameplay mechanic where you can't just keep spamming spells without raising your corruption. Worldbuilding wise it make it so that people willing to learn magic would be rare, and even the most powerful wizards couldn't end the demons entirely on their own without getting corrupted by their own magic. Spells coming directly from the Gods would be an exception, so there's an extra incentive to give your soul to them.

With the demon thread bit, I think they should highlight the sex slave & exclusively birthing imps parts. The CoC logic of CNC type sex when losing a fight would remain the same. Getting fucked by a single orc in the middle of the woods & then carrying on with the shame of loving every second of it is very different from something like Argoth's bad end where you're stuck as a slave for life. So demons taking over would mean either being roughed up by any other corrupted person you meet every time you leave the house or becoming some demon's sex slave. For the imp part, it's been ages since I've read Kas' dialogues so idk if this is alread implemented, but It could tie with Kasyrra's plans, she obviously hates the fact she cannot give birth to non-imps so she'd make it so that everyone should suffer the same fate.

But all of that would make the Champion a exceptional person & that's too much of a power fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I've said it before but I believe they should have tied magic directly with corruption. It would add a interest gameplay mechanic where you can't just keep spamming spells without raising your corruption. Worldbuilding wise it make it so that people willing to learn magic would be rare, and even the most powerful wizards couldn't end the demons entirely on their own without getting corrupted by their own magic. Spells coming directly from the Gods would be an exception, so there's an extra incentive to give your soul to them.
Nah that's a shitty idea and it takes away a choice for players who don't wanna do corruption builds (as if this game didn't took away/punished players enough already lol)
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Nov 24, 2020
Fair enough. But the player choice is still there, only there are consequences to them. That's a concept that already exists in the game (witch outfit, sub collar, soulbinding, brint's armor, etc) only they're very easily avoidable, the only reason to engage w/ them is if you want their transformation side effects. Using magic wouldn't automatically make you corrupted, you'd just have to be careful. It would be like a cooldown you could ignore if you wanted to, but if you did that over and over again without letting it reset (by resting, going to some temple, etc) you'd gain 1 level of corruption. My main playthrough is with a mage who I want to keep pure, but there's no fun in that if it takes absolutely zero effort on my part to do so.

I understand it would be controversial, and I personally wouldn't trust the CoC2 team to make it a fun and engaging mechanic rather than a chore. If there is ever a true spiritual sucessor to CoC I'd like to see what could be done around the corruption content though. The element of activelly chosing to remain physically human & pure even though transformations & corruption gave you stat boosts, special perks and abilities was one of the highlights for me in the og game. Without that CoC2's setting is just bland medieval-ish fantasy sandbox where i'm playing the default route & have to go out of my way to find corruption content.


Oct 3, 2017
Fair enough. But the player choice is still there, only there are consequences to them. That's a concept that already exists in the game (witch outfit, sub collar, soulbinding, brint's armor, etc) only they're very easily avoidable, the only reason to engage w/ them is if you want their transformation side effects. Using magic wouldn't automatically make you corrupted, you'd just have to be careful. It would be like a cooldown you could ignore if you wanted to, but if you did that over and over again without letting it reset (by resting, going to some temple, etc) you'd gain 1 level of corruption. My main playthrough is with a mage who I want to keep pure, but there's no fun in that if it takes absolutely zero effort on my part to do so.

I understand it would be controversial, and I personally wouldn't trust the CoC2 team to make it a fun and engaging mechanic rather than a chore. If there is ever a true spiritual sucessor to CoC I'd like to see what could be done around the corruption content though. The element of activelly chosing to remain physically human & pure even though transformations & corruption gave you stat boosts, special perks and abilities was one of the highlights for me in the og game. Without that CoC2's setting is just bland medieval-ish fantasy sandbox where i'm playing the default route & have to go out of my way to find corruption content.
Honestly as someone who plays mostly pure routes (Basically cause I dont want no demon dick or some other unwanted appendage if I'm playing a male or futa) that type of mode would make sense if you were to play the game at higher difficulties cause god knows I won't. Even as a basic pure bitch like myself I agree that the game being called CORRUPTION of champions should have a bit more on the corruption side of things for players who like corruption. Instead of going out of your way to find it like ya said.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
Fair enough. But the player choice is still there, only there are consequences to them. That's a concept that already exists in the game (witch outfit, sub collar, soulbinding, brint's armor, etc) only they're very easily avoidable, the only reason to engage w/ them is if you want their transformation side effects. Using magic wouldn't automatically make you corrupted, you'd just have to be careful. It would be like a cooldown you could ignore if you wanted to, but if you did that over and over again without letting it reset (by resting, going to some temple, etc) you'd gain 1 level of corruption. My main playthrough is with a mage who I want to keep pure, but there's no fun in that if it takes absolutely zero effort on my part to do so.

I understand it would be controversial, and I personally wouldn't trust the CoC2 team to make it a fun and engaging mechanic rather than a chore. If there is ever a true spiritual sucessor to CoC I'd like to see what could be done around the corruption content though. The element of activelly chosing to remain physically human & pure even though transformations & corruption gave you stat boosts, special perks and abilities was one of the highlights for me in the og game. Without that CoC2's setting is just bland medieval-ish fantasy sandbox where i'm playing the default route & have to go out of my way to find corruption content.
The real spiritual sucessor to CoC was Fall of Eden, which sadly was abandoned.


Oct 3, 2017
Speaking of which, who the fuck would actually be attracted to Kasyrra?
View attachment 2552064
It looks like she has demonic stds.
Kas is definitely for....some people. Ain't for me though, must be Savin's dreamgirl or some shit. Romanced her once just to see what she was like and it was obvious she was meant to have the player be her bitch....but fuck that even in that one playthrough I dommed her cause mama didn't raise a bitch.
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