
Nov 9, 2018
This is not as good as the first game.
It's got a much better framework and isn't made of absolute shit tier flash based Fen coding so the potential is there.

They just need to stop fucking around and actually get things added. No reason for perks to still not be visible in any kind of list when they've already clearly ported over a good deal of TiTS design.


Jan 10, 2018
I do recall Savin being VERY touchy about anyone modding his characters.
What drives people to threaten to sue people over a free mod i will never know, but there you go.
Eh, some people get really attached to their creations; rather than viewing them as a tool in a story or a way to make money, it's some personal fantasy of theirs that they don't want touched. For such cases, seeing someone else change it in a way they don't like feels more like someone messing with their spouse or kids than it does branching off a story.

I don't really understand it emotionally, except in the most obvious of cases (such as completely reversing the entire intent of a character), but I guess I can understand being possessive of something personal that you put to paper. Though personally, I don't think I'd publish something like that at all...

Do you mean this -
That... Actually seems kind of tame to me, compared to the artist drama that I usually see.

"Group A wants one thing, group B wants another; author sides with Group B, and Group A gets snippy. Author proceeds to conflate well-intentioned constructive criticism with bad-faith concern trolling, and starts blocking Group A entirely after someone starts leaking nudes. After tuning out critics and listening to those praising them, author proceeds to focus entirely on things that personally appeal to them, deciding that they have enough support already and it's a waste of time to code for a broader audience."

I mean, I personally thought that CoC was a bit of a mess, and I do actually wish that it had more demon content, but this complaint is more an issue of project structure than anything else - Fenoxo was the sole coder (so far as I know) and project lead, while there were a variety of writers. Someone was always going to feel left out, because people had different opinions about what CoC should be, and a single person was given the authority to enforce their vision. Of course people are going to be upset when a month of work isn't put in the game, just as others would feel upset if a bunch of events they felt had no effort put in were added to the game just because they catered to a particular fetish.

Combining the project lead and coder made things worse, because that encourages the lead to start turning down everything that would mean too much work on their part for content they don't personally enjoy, but... This kind of conflict was honestly inevitable so long as a single person was in charge. It would have to be changed to a purely collaborative structure to avoid such a fight, which doesn't seem to be their actual issue.

I don't know whether the complaints have any merit or not (looking at it, large portions of it read more like someone just irate that their own preferences are being passed over in favor of donors, and I'm not interested enough in following internal project drama to see more) but... If Fenoxo started catering to his fans and blocking people who made complaints he didn't like, that's not particularly unusual for an author. Perhaps it ended up hurting the quality of the project, but... If a large number of writers had their own community, and were irate at his behavior, why didn't they code their own game? CoC's code was rather infamous for its poor quality, if I'm not mistaken, so if there were so many writers being passed over in favor of the author's fetishes, Fenoxo wasn't providing something irreplaceable - there was plenty of room for a competitor, if his decisions were so unpopular.

This is not as good as the first game.
In fairness, CoC had several more years to build up content, and I think more people are interested in content for TiTS than CoC2, but... Yeah, progress is kind of painfully slow.

It has a better foundation than CoC did, but it really needs a lot more content to help one overlook the older design philosophy.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
"Group A wants one thing, group B wants another; author sides with Group B, and Group A gets snippy. Author proceeds to conflate well-intentioned constructive criticism with bad-faith concern trolling, and starts blocking Group A entirely after someone starts leaking nudes. After tuning out critics and listening to those praising them, author proceeds to focus entirely on things that personally appeal to them, deciding that they have enough support already and it's a waste of time to code for a broader audience."
Or to carve away the wah-wah even more, since these were mostly 4chins complaints (that lead to their hilariously lackluster "we can make a way better game than that femdom-obsessed furry!" effort Slablands, a game that's made no progress whatsoever in the ~4 years it's been "worked on" and features terrible Warcraft fanfiction tacked on as an intro that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game), it was "Group A hates all of the things the game's creator clearly likes and wants things they like to be pushed forward instead - and for options to violently murder the characters they don't like, and also options to remove things they don't like in this or that content. Group A goes about being entirely obnoxious every time there's another instance of thing they don't like showing up and in retaliation does their best to paint the person they're begging for content from as a tyrannical hypocrite. Group A acts surprised and slighted when this person ends up banning and disregarding them".

Fenoxo's made plenty of bad decisions but if you've ever seen any 4chins posters describe how they think things should be done the only conclusion you can come to is to ignore them completely. 90% of their "well-reasoned constructive criticism" is "hey you should change this whole shitty game so that I don't ever have to see anyone else's dick, that's real gay bro".
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Aug 4, 2017
Well, yeah, that's the typical 4channer/former 8channer in a nutshell. I don't agree on everything with Fenoxo and have disliked some of the things he did (like setting the artwork Trello on private :cry:) but I'd take his side concerning that whole story because those 4channers are just complete idiots.
  • Haha
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Jan 10, 2018
Or to carve away the wah-wah even more, since these were mostly 4chins complaints (that lead to their hilariously lackluster "we can make a way better game than that femdom-obsessed furry!" effort Slablands, a game that's made no progress whatsoever in the ~4 years it's been "worked on" and features terrible Warcraft fanfiction tacked on as an intro that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game), it was "Group A hates all of the things the game's creator clearly likes and wants things they like to be pushed forward instead - and for options to violently murder the characters they don't like, and also options to remove things they don't like in this or that content. Group A goes about being entirely obnoxious every time there's another instance of thing they don't like showing up and in retaliation does their best to paint the person they're begging for content from as a tyrannical hypocrite. Group A acts surprised and slighted when this person ends up banning and disregarding them".

Fenoxo's made plenty of bad decisions but if you've ever seen any 4chins posters describe how they think things should be done the only conclusion you can come to is to ignore them completely. 90% of their "well-reasoned constructive criticism" is "hey you should change this whole shitty game so that I don't ever have to see anyone else's dick, that's real gay bro".
If I'm being honest, that sounds a lot more likely to me to be what happened, considering how much of it is complaining about Fenoxo working on furry content, remembering how vicious some people got over that doctor in TiTS, and factoring in how people hate any project that has the audacity to make money. But being that blunt doesn't come naturally to me, and a few contributors did leave after bad experiences - I'd feel bad if I simply dismissed them out of hand.

Still, though... If he were as hard to work with as the writeup claims, I would think Slablands would have actual content. Or that I would have at least heard of it before today.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
Yeah, there were a few writers who did get legitimately slighted/the short end of the preference stick but for every one of those there were a dozen goobers going on and on about how nothing should ever get near their character's butt or suggesting that you should be able to violently murder ___ (usually Kelt but it seems like everyone got a turn).

You can see what changes they really wanted in the mods they ended up making for CoC. It's p. much entirely killing off characters, removing dicks, and adding in pedo content.

It's one thing to complain when you feel your writing wasn't treated well and another entirely to be up in arms over the fact that the project lead of a game not only had the gall to curate his own vision of his own game but to get paid for it.

In terms of game development controversy it was all very mild.


Feb 16, 2018
Fenoxo's made plenty of bad decisions but if you've ever seen any 4chins posters describe how they think things should be done the only conclusion you can come to is to ignore them completely. 90% of their "well-reasoned constructive criticism" is "hey you should change this whole shitty game so that I don't ever have to see anyone else's dick, that's real gay bro".
You obviously haven't interacted with 4cancer community much. They're obsessed with dickgirls and fembois. Just go to the archives, look at threads as old as decade at /d/ and it's 50% futa, newhalf and trap.


New Member
Sep 26, 2019
What was left of the 8chan/4chan crowd who were still interested in CoC when that /hgg/ mod started to roll out basically wanted two things:
1. To RP as a pure and holy virgin paladin character on a bloody, gory murderous crusade against all demons. So a medieval Doomguy, pretty much.
2. To have more pure fem npc's for their male MC's to fuck.

I remember seeing a guy over at the /hgg/ CoC thread suggest a dungeon or something containing futa vampires, and boy did they get mad.
It just seems like they want more non sexual stuff for the game, though. Which i always found weird, considering what game they're modding. But it makes sense that slablands went nowhere, i think people often forget how small (but vocal) the chan crowds usually are.
As a futa lover, i'm fine with the way the game went in terms of erotic content, but damn did Fenoxo have low standards for what characters/scenes he greenlit and coded into the game. Though that has gotten a bit better with tits.
How he handled himself and acted towards some of the writers in the early days of coc was pretty immature and shitty. And honestly, with the money he's pulling in and the amount of people he's hired, this slow development pace is completely inexcusable. I have little respect for Fenoxo because of this.

I do find it absolutely hilarious though that /hgg/ constantly shits on furry and futa stuff, but be totally fine with pedo and guro content, with no sense of irony whatsoever.


Feb 16, 2018
What was left of the 8chan/4chan crowd who were still interested in CoC when that /hgg/ mod started to roll out basically wanted two things:
1. To RP as a pure and holy virgin paladin character on a bloody, gory murderous crusade against all demons. So a medieval Doomguy, pretty much.
2. To have more pure fem npc's for their male MC's to fuck.

I remember seeing a guy over at the /hgg/ CoC thread suggest a dungeon or something containing futa vampires, and boy did they get mad.
It just seems like they want more non sexual stuff for the game, though. Which i always found weird, considering what game they're modding. But it makes sense that slablands went nowhere, i think people often forget how small (but vocal) the chan crowds usually are.
As a futa lover, i'm fine with the way the game went in terms of erotic content, but damn did Fenoxo have low standards for what characters/scenes he greenlit and coded into the game. Though that has gotten a bit better with tits.
How he handled himself and acted towards some of the writers in the early days of coc was pretty immature and shitty. And honestly, with the money he's pulling in and the amount of people he's hired, this slow development pace is completely inexcusable. I have little respect for Fenoxo because of this.

I do find it absolutely hilarious though that /hgg/ constantly shits on furry and futa stuff, but be totally fine with pedo and guro content, with no sense of irony whatsoever.
8chan=/=4chan. 8chan pedo mod and its writers had nothing to do with slablands either. If you're as familiar with 8chan crowd as your comment indicates then you should be well aware that they hated 4chan even more than they hated F95zone, the reason why people left to 8chan in the first place.

Anyway, this thread is getting completely derailed
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