
Apr 17, 2019
My problem with Kinu isn't that she romances someone not you but that it's so half-assed. One day out and apparently shes already courting that samurai guy and its assumed they'll marry. What makes it worse is that guy still acts like a dick to you and tells you that you'll never be one of them no matter how much shit you do for them. All the while making goo goo eyes at your daughter. And then Kinu gets all defensive whenever someone rags on him despite doing nothing to justify her affection. Maybe its better with the other Kinu personality and love interest, I dunno. I wish they just kept her a kid. I miss my little munchkin :(


Sep 15, 2017
[Citations needed]
It's in the design document. The guy you're quoting points that out himself 2 posts down.
It's also fairly known that most of the writers in Fen and Savin's circle have engaged in that sort of dumb petty behavior in the past. Helia, Urta, Anno and Sera are just some of the characters that have spawned retarded drama both from the community and the creators side throughout the years.


Jan 28, 2018
That's the general problem with his content. The plotting and scenarios are interesting (if entirely inflexible) and based on reading the forum once in a while he'll go on at length about all the research he did to write it given half a chance but his actual technical skill as a writer - things like dialogue, characterization, prose, the nitty-gritty stuff - is -so- amateurish.

He wants the player to feel alienated in kitsune society but he does it through these hamfisted scenes with characters who're unbelievably obnoxious to drive the point home. Or with Garret he'll have him say 25 times in a single paragraph that he's not getting along with daddy very well.

If the small picture stuff was better then, as you're saying, these interactions with the fiance could have the awkwardness of having to deal with a future son-in-law who's kind of a self-absorbed cunt in a society where you're an outsider glossed over by trying to find common ground with him and re-connecting with your daughter and learning to see him through her eyes (or just getting the sense that she's marrying for status). But there's no subtlety to the actual scenes, they just beat you over the head with it and then you can't even meaningfully participate in them. They happen -at- you.
I'm a writer myself believe it or not. I've written a LOT. Close to half a million words published and a large fanbase, both for my serious works and my smut stuff. I agree with everything you just said.

Al the research, planning and charts in the world don't mean dick if you won't learn to actually write yourself. The dialogue in CoC2 wavers between good, and sections where I want to sit people down and kindly tell them spoonfeeding information to people and being forced and simplistic is never good.

I spend a lot of my time helping new writers, and, in my opinion, he needs the full crash course.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
I cringe every time I see him write a passage of dialogue that brings up multiple points and then has the other character respond to every single point in sequence after opening on a line that essentially repeats the thrust of what was just said.

That's something I grew out of doing with my high school writing.


Jun 16, 2017
This has become quite the conversation about Kinu, Observer, and what we want in a porn text RPG.

I'll throw in my two cents in:

The Observer should've written a novel with Kiyoko and co. All the interactions with them (especially with kinu) are 1-dimensional at best, and hamfisted at worst (many examples have already been mentioned). The entire kitsune arc plays out like a story with a predetermined protagonist rather than the choose-your-own-adventure we seek in these types of games, and for most people (especially those of us who support Savin and consequently The Observer on patreon), this is not what we want. Simply put, I don't care who Kinu decides to marry. I just don't want to be some yes man who takes shit without being able to do anything about it.

Also, I just wanted to disclaim that I very much enjoy the smut that Observer writes. I just wish I wasn't forced to conform to his narrative.


Jun 28, 2019
New update fellas, hope y'all like Kiyoko as much as I do.

0.2.41 Patch Notes:
  • You can recruit Kiyoko as a companion and take her with you on your adventures! (Written by TheObserver)
  • Kiyoko also has sets you can equip on her to change power sets! There’ll be an actual tutorial on this when CaitQuest gets done but TL;DR you can swap them out from the journal — they are NOT inventory items!
  • New Kiyoko scenes, a new seasonal event, and actual marriage to your foxslut.
  • We’ve got the first CGs in our in-built imagepack: Kiyoko Wedding and Kiyoko’s seasonal event.

Both SWF and APK can be found here.
Key: !HEXHW7mhztOXlx4Np-Iu8w
Thank you so much so clutch!


Nov 9, 2017
"Once out, she'll have grown into a young woman of about 18, enough to tease all the Helspawn incest demanders and yet be kept out of their reach forever."

From the Child Kinu design document.
To be fair, the so-called "Helspawn incest demanders" deserve to be dunked on in perpetuity. Besides, they're just a loud minority, otherwise Savin wouldn't let The Observer do what he does.

So yeah. Guess the reason why I find all the rage in this thread so hilarious is because I'm not part of the angry "I was cuckolded by my own daughter" crowd. Anyways, Kiyoko is superiour waifu.


New Member
Jan 9, 2018
To be fair, the so-called "Helspawn incest demanders" deserve to be dunked on in perpetuity. Besides, they're just a loud minority, otherwise Savin wouldn't let The Observer do what he does.

So yeah. Guess the reason why I find all the rage in this thread so hilarious is because I'm not part of the angry "I was cuckolded by my own daughter" crowd. Anyways, Kiyoko is superiour waifu.
I just don't want to think about my daughter wanting to be fucked all day and sadly she/Kiyoko talk about it so much.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
New to the game, sorry for digressing from the Kiyoko discussion but having abit of a tough time beating some bosses, anyone has any helpfull advice in how to manage stats/ min-max a character for combat? a Charmer would be great but i'd settle for any of the classes if i can get some helpfull advice in how to build a character (i named Charmers first because i swear to god if i don't start every fight with Bolstering Dance my team's out of all resolve in like 3 fights, it feels as if i cannot use ANY OTHER AT-WILL POWER OTHER THAN BOLSTERING DANCE IF I WANT TO GRIND FOR EXP)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I now hate this game more than ever. I was minding my own business, exited the kitsune den and wanted to find someone to fight. I went a couple of tiless away from den and some event started with option to follow some light and suddenly Syri from TiTS fucked my Male mc in ass while anno sat on my face and kaede jumped my dick. this game literally always trying to make you into some buttslut without informing you and asking for consent.
TBH first time it happened to me it annoyed me just how out of the blue it was, ever since i've learned to read stuff if the options i'm presented with aren't the usual combat ones (also loaded my last safe cuz SCREW THAT surprise Buttsex)


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Yeah, the crossover with the TiTS Puppers is meant to be an April Fool's Day event. From what I've gathered on the forum, it hasn't gone over too well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Yeah, the crossover with the TiTS Puppers is meant to be an April Fool's Day event. From what I've gathered on the forum, it hasn't gone over too well.
I not like it was a deal breaker or anything mayor to hate the game, if anything it annoyed me abit cuz it broke my stride when i was busy trying to level up my character, but other than that i figured it was a joke/easter egg of TITS so i found it pretty harmless.
P.S: i know i'm digressing here but seriously, anyone has a good build/stat guide? having issues with some of the latter bosses and i REALLY coulduse some advice as to how i'm supossed to be building my char (also i swear to god does anyone know how to recover resolve without Bolstering Dance? because i've pretty much resigned my At-Will power slot to Boltering Dancesince my entire party will be OUT OF RESOLVE POINTS WITHOUT IT after like...2-3 fights)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
gamesave editor and save editor from this start post are not workable because the game always say corrupted file or cheater cheater cheater.

this does not make the game fun!
that i agree, any way to get rid of the pop-up? is a porn game not a frigging competitive game or something where a save's integrity matters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I genuinely don't understand why the writers would want to antagonize their own fanbase.

The reason I hate Kinu ain't even the fact that she fucks some asshole who hates you for not being a kitsune or whatever. The reason is all the flashbacks. Whenever you go around the den sometimes you'll be forced to see a flashback from Kinu's viewpoint that is pretentious, terribly written and just straight up middle-school tier writing.

the Observer gets paid to write that shit by the way. Literally. The man wanted to build a weeb world and make you alienated within it only to make a shitfest where all I can say against all this novelwriting with 0 player choice within is "I don't give a fuck. Let me skip this shit."

I genuinely, just straight up could not give less of a flying fuck about all his shit "i wanted to be a novel writer but i suck gorilla dick at writing so i write shitty porn instead" wankfest.

I just wanna fuck Kiyoko, man. Why not just give the option to NOT have a named child? I don't give a fuck about Kinu. She doesn't add anything to the story. The only reason she exists is to be a massive textwall. Who the fuck cares?

Who even approved of this??? Did the observer (head up ass name btw) actually think that the cool loner samurai d00d was a legitimate idea or something? Just...just...idk. I just dunno. I guess even I had way too high expectations for CoC2 despite the fact that it's just a smut text game.

I guess I just wanted more smut and less shitty novels, but hey.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
I genuinely don't understand why the writers would want to antagonize their own fanbase.
They're just doing it to piss off the 4chan crowd who play this game but also at the expense of their own fanbase as well.

Its my guess because there is literally no other reason besides devs love to troll.
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