
Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
You're not wrong. But, fuck this is painful to watch. Savin literally plays D&D, and it's known. How can the people who support him tolerate this? Also I've never seen Savin play D&D, but his quest or who ever is dungeon master when he plays must be ass.
I would be willing to bet Savin is the DM. And his players take his baby and run roughshod over it just like how his writers do the game while he goes "No, don't, stop" while fapping under the table. Also Savin is a ass so...
Jun 1, 2017
Excerpt from The Observer's novella Daughter's Desire

Okay, it looks like I gave everyone equal portions, so no one's going to fight over that. Make sure everyone returns their utensils and scrapes their bowls properly, and don't stack the dirty dishes too high. Tatsumi hates boiled eggs, so make sure he cleans his plate and doesn't try to sneak them off to anyone else. Don't let the pot burn. Is everyone displaying good table manners? Don't think there's going to be any trouble, but —

It was then that she realised the pair of hands in front of her weren't at waist level, and neither were they held out. Instead, they were up about her chest, and folded; as her mind responded to the change in circumstances, Kinu's smile gradually faded as her eyes met her mother's.

Kiyoko Ōtomo, den mother of the Ōtomo clan, wife-consort to the Champion of Keros.

"Hey, Mom." Kinu's gaze travelled from her mother's placid expression to each of the fluffy and glorious nine tails flicking in her wake, then to the noticeable bulge of her midriff, not quite hidden under her yukata. Her mother always wore that damned summer kimono, never mind that it was out of season. "It's getting cold outside, so we're having oden tonight. Want some?"

Oh, great. Dad's gone and gotten Mom knocked up again. Or maybe it's the other way around and Mom demanded Dad knock her up. Who cares? There's going to be another mouth to feed… and I'm the one who has to do the cooking.

"'Hey, Mom'. I thought I taught you better than to just spit the words out as they came into your head, young woman."

Kinu gritted her teeth, and hoped her mother wouldn't notice the set of her jaw. "Welcome home; you must be tired from travel. Would you like some dinner, Mother? May I ask why Father isn't with you?"

A palpable tension in the air, magnified manifold by masses of fox-children awkwardly pretending nothing was wrong.

"I'll decline the offer of dinner, I've just fed. Although I must ask — I smell beef in the soup stock. Where did you get that?"

Should I try to lie? No, that's futile; if she's asking, she already knows, or at least has a confident guess. Besides, I'm not going to run away from what I've done.

"I went into town and purchased some from the market there."

Kiyoko Ōtomo had never been a woman of great emotional displays in front of her many kits, ever tranquil and elegant. On this occasion, though, a corner of her lips thinned and curled downwards, and her brows furrowed ever so slightly.

"We'll speak outside."

That voice — it brooked no discussion. Kinu turned her gaze back and forth, perhaps hoping for a miracle to save her from this predilection, but when none came she snuffed out the kitchen fires with a snap of her fingers and followed her mother out. The stares of her numerous brothers and sisters wore heavily on the back of her neck as she trailed her mother's nine flowing tails out of the dining hall, an ominous portent of well, at least a thorough scolding.

Kiyoko whirled and shut the door behind her. "So, you went into the village your father calls Hawkethorne."

"I did, with an adequate disguise. I spoke with some of the people, they were friendly to even a stranger like me. Father's doing good work there. I got a few things we couldn't have acquired otherwise, without having to beg Grandmother Komari to travel to the old country for them."

"A disguise, you say. And what about the journey?"

"I had my naginata to keep me safe, Mother."

"And did you disguise your naginata as well?"

Silence. Then, quick as a whip, Kiyoko lashed out and slapped her firstborn daughter, hard enough to smack her face to the side and leave red finger-marks on her cheek. Head reeling, knees buckling, Kinu instinctively clutched her face as her ears folded against her head, stinging tears springing to her eyes.


Nov 7, 2017
Silence. Then, quick as a whip, Kiyoko lashed out and slapped her firstborn daughter, hard enough to smack her face to the side and leave red finger-marks on her cheek. Head reeling, knees buckling, Kinu instinctively clutched her face as her ears folded against her head, stinging tears springing to her eyes.
Goddamn, did I never hear about this. This one excerpt clearly doesn't feel like a family dynamic, but something that is very blatantly setting up an arc of rebellion and corruption (even if miniscule corruption). If not, blatant developments of familial abuse and hypocrisy. Definitely familiar with that fucked up topic, even though I never wanted to see it in a text-based smut series to such depressing degrees.
More and more I move away from the Kitsune, I'm glad.


Mar 15, 2019
I honestly wouldn't mind exploring abuse or neglect with Kinu and Kiyoko. (Edit: It's something that is kinda set up. Kiyoko does come across as no sense when Kinu is first born and does immediately start demanding you get certain things for her education. Which in my first play-through I didn't think much of as I knew time worked differently in that world. I just wanted to try and spend as much time with Kinu as possible and give her the best advice when I could. It's fun to shit on Tobs writing, but I was invested in Kinu and Kiyoko, at first. So, your family slowly distancing itself wasn't to much of a stretch for me. It just the fact you can't do anything that continues to piss me off.) Even though Tobs tries to make his precious kitsune's come across as perfect and elegant they're not. I don't mind there being this political aspect and passive aggressiveness as long as I the player can do something about it, to either improve or worsen the situation.

Now I do think the Observers story clashes with the overall tone of this games as it often tries to be comedic, or lighthearted. (Not saying you can't have dark moments in a series Rick and Morty and Justice League Unlimited has some pretty dark moments) But this is where Savin as project lead would come in and try manage the teams content so it doesn't come across schizophrenic. This is a perfect example of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. All this does is further prove that this game is a compliation of different stories. Everyone drags each other down and unintentionally or in the case of the Brint/Brienne rape scene intentionally. And it just worsens the project as a whole.
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Excerpt from The Observer's novella Daughter's Desire

Okay, it looks like I gave everyone equal portions, so no one's going to fight over that. Make sure everyone returns their utensils and scrapes their bowls properly, and don't stack the dirty dishes too high. Tatsumi hates boiled eggs, so make sure he cleans his plate and doesn't try to sneak them off to anyone else. Don't let the pot burn. Is everyone displaying good table manners? Don't think there's going to be any trouble, but —

It was then that she realised the pair of hands in front of her weren't at waist level, and neither were they held out. Instead, they were up about her chest, and folded; as her mind responded to the change in circumstances, Kinu's smile gradually faded as her eyes met her mother's.

Kiyoko Ōtomo, den mother of the Ōtomo clan, wife-consort to the Champion of Keros.

"Hey, Mom." Kinu's gaze travelled from her mother's placid expression to each of the fluffy and glorious nine tails flicking in her wake, then to the noticeable bulge of her midriff, not quite hidden under her yukata. Her mother always wore that damned summer kimono, never mind that it was out of season. "It's getting cold outside, so we're having oden tonight. Want some?"

Oh, great. Dad's gone and gotten Mom knocked up again. Or maybe it's the other way around and Mom demanded Dad knock her up. Who cares? There's going to be another mouth to feed… and I'm the one who has to do the cooking.

"'Hey, Mom'. I thought I taught you better than to just spit the words out as they came into your head, young woman."

Kinu gritted her teeth, and hoped her mother wouldn't notice the set of her jaw. "Welcome home; you must be tired from travel. Would you like some dinner, Mother? May I ask why Father isn't with you?"

A palpable tension in the air, magnified manifold by masses of fox-children awkwardly pretending nothing was wrong.

"I'll decline the offer of dinner, I've just fed. Although I must ask — I smell beef in the soup stock. Where did you get that?"

Should I try to lie? No, that's futile; if she's asking, she already knows, or at least has a confident guess. Besides, I'm not going to run away from what I've done.

"I went into town and purchased some from the market there."

Kiyoko Ōtomo had never been a woman of great emotional displays in front of her many kits, ever tranquil and elegant. On this occasion, though, a corner of her lips thinned and curled downwards, and her brows furrowed ever so slightly.

"We'll speak outside."

That voice — it brooked no discussion. Kinu turned her gaze back and forth, perhaps hoping for a miracle to save her from this predilection, but when none came she snuffed out the kitchen fires with a snap of her fingers and followed her mother out. The stares of her numerous brothers and sisters wore heavily on the back of her neck as she trailed her mother's nine flowing tails out of the dining hall, an ominous portent of well, at least a thorough scolding.

Kiyoko whirled and shut the door behind her. "So, you went into the village your father calls Hawkethorne."

"I did, with an adequate disguise. I spoke with some of the people, they were friendly to even a stranger like me. Father's doing good work there. I got a few things we couldn't have acquired otherwise, without having to beg Grandmother Komari to travel to the old country for them."

"A disguise, you say. And what about the journey?"

"I had my naginata to keep me safe, Mother."

"And did you disguise your naginata as well?"

Silence. Then, quick as a whip, Kiyoko lashed out and slapped her firstborn daughter, hard enough to smack her face to the side and leave red finger-marks on her cheek. Head reeling, knees buckling, Kinu instinctively clutched her face as her ears folded against her head, stinging tears springing to her eyes.
View attachment 2011366
Congratulations, Tobs! You've managed to sink even lower than I thought! Would it kill Tobs for once to, I don't know, actually write something that actually fits in the goddamn world and setting he's writing for? Seriously, this excerpt makes it seem like CoC2 is this soap opera that only happens in Kitsune Land of the Rising Sun and that everything else doesn't even exist.

Bad enough that anything he touches just needs to have his muh edge and pretention to the point of breaking canon and character, but his own bloody content doesn't even feel like it's even part of the world of CoC2 outside of the rivalry with Evergreen because of course the kitsune hate the tanuki. Gee, it can't possibly be because it's one of the most basic of Japanese folklore tropes and he can't even Japan right.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Excerpt from The Observer's novella Daughter's Desire
So Kiyoko is abusive, there are very little signs pointing to that in-game, and the Champ can do literally nothing about it. Perfect game design, I see nothing wrong with that.

For real though, I don't understand anything about what's going on though. Kiyoko makes food for the Champ every time they visit her but not her own children? None of your children speak to you about the abuse going on, even in passing? Kinu is just fine with this happening despite her being able to run away to the Champ anytime this kind of shit happens? TOBS knows it's okay to get help with abuse, right? This can still be a story about a woman becoming her own person even if she gets just a little help from her father. Suffering on your own ISN'T a good thing, TOBS.

I don't know why he's obsessed with making every Kitsune a broken piece of shit while also putting them on pedestal. Does he think that makes them deep or something? Because it doesn't.
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Jun 1, 2017
Goddamn, did I never hear about this. This one excerpt clearly doesn't feel like a family dynamic, but something that is very blatantly setting up an arc of rebellion and corruption (even if miniscule corruption). If not, blatant developments of familial abuse and hypocrisy. Definitely familiar with that fucked up topic, even though I never wanted to see it in a text-based smut series to such depressing degrees.
More and more I move away from the Kitsune, I'm glad.
To be completely fair, I cut it there partly for max shit post value, it continues with Kiyoko being upset that she could have been killed from someone seeing her weapon and putting two and two together, and it's also farmer kinu and not princess kinu, with farmer kinu rarely but occasionally doing stuff of her own like the "disciplining" her sister scene in her orb stage, but i dunno that really doesn't come across as tough love, at all, especially the way kiyokos described, and with kinu having to do absolutely everything then her mother insulting her for saying "hey mom". It also mentions later that kiyoko doesn't care about who kinu liked, she'd force them apart, which makes kinu bang hitoshi to get pregnant and force a marriage.

Also shows hitoshi killing one of the masked assassins with a farming tool to protect her, getting a large wound then hauling it back to a party the den was having and dumping it on the ground to show them. Nakano just friggin sucks, kiyoko has a garbage judge of character. Even tobs seems to have a bias towards farmer kinu, and it fits his whole thing he's wanting to do of her being a strong indepandent wahmen instead of needing help from her family. Combining the story and the main game, hitoshis a farmer willing to fight to protect her and likes her, shares her interests and lifestyle, while nakano is a good for nothing glorious anime death seeker whose only action so far fighting the assassins has been to clean hitoshis wound.

I really, really don't get why from any storytelling perspective at all that nakano, a glory seeking samurai wannabe eager to die in a blaze of glory etc hasn't got involved with princess kinus stuff at all. For gods sake have him sneak after her to the ways between, have a heart to heart when he's ready to die to ensure she escapes but she says she loves him and they escape together, he realizes he has something to live for, something. He's such a complete waste. The farmers more ba and a husband than you bro, just go ahead and commit sudoku in minecraft


Mar 15, 2019
So Kiyoko is abusive, there are very little signs pointing to that in-game, and the Champ can do literally nothing about it. Perfect game design, I see nothing wrong with that.

For real though, I don't understand anything about what's going on though. Kiyoko makes food for the Champ every time they visit her but not her own children? None of your children speak to you about the abuse going on, even in passing? Kinu is just fine with this happening despite her being able to run away to the Champ anytime this kind of shit happens? TOBS knows it's okay to get help with abuse, right? This can still be a story about a woman becoming her own person even if she gets just a little help from her father. Suffering on your own ISN'T a good thing, TOBS.

I don't know why he's obsessed with making every Kitsune a broken piece of shit while also putting them on pedastal. Does he think that makes them deep or something? Because it doesn't.
Could even turn into a corruption path, as the champion could push Kiyoko to be more controlling (don't why anyone would) or the can push her to be more relaxed. And have Kinu (get pushed to be more rebelious) or more (submissive). Personally, I don't like any of these paths.

I think adding a middle road route ( I would call it the harmony route, which would be very on theme with Japanese culture) that leads to you family mostly reconciling most of there problems. Gives Tobs his Asian themed story, and players the freedom to interact with their family in a meaningful way.


May 27, 2022
Excerpt from The Observer's novella Daughter's Desire
Jesus christ, that is like... completely demented. Maybe it's unfair to get upset at something that isn't in the game, but what is wrong with this dude? It's a fucking PORN GAME. A PORN GAME WHERE THE MAIN VILLAIN HAS A HUGE 2 FOOT LONG HORSE COCK. You do not need to write this weird melodramatic bullshit for your characters. It also just makes him seem super creepy? How old is he? This either seems like an outlet for teen angst or like, some weird fetish. At least he seems moderately better at writing this stuff than he does at writing good porn.


New Member
May 17, 2020
So, Tobs believes that players wanting to take care of their child is some sick form of sexual attraction, yet somehow he thinks that this is fine parenting? I'm at the point where I fully believe that he'll add an option to give her some sort of item she was talking about needing, and he'll end up trying to frame it in a way that implies The Player is trying to buy her for 'services' or something similar.

At this point it feels like I'm reading stuff I would have wrote back in 8th grade as a way to cope with 'my parents are mean and unfair to me'


Mar 15, 2019
I still think its an overreaction. It would need something more to get to the point of just slapping Kinu. I get that its implied that Kinu and Kiyoko are constantly at each others throats due to the time skip. And have multiple years of history that we the player would not be aware of, but Tobs choose to skip ahead and age up to adult-hood. So, it is on him to make the story work, which right now its not for me. And based on how it just a past time around here to dunk on every writing choice they make or question what there relationship was with the parents. I would say they should really reevaluate their story.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Though I like that energy, and agree tonally this is out of place. This is Observer's fuck up this time. We can dunk on Tobs later. I'm sure they'll do something to piss everyone off.
...you do know that Tobs is shorthand for The Observer, right?
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Nov 7, 2017
And have multiple years of history that we the player would not be aware of, but Tobs choose to skip ahead and age up to adult-hood. So, it is on him to make the story work, which right now its not for me. And based on how it just a past time around here to dunk on every writing choice they make or question what there relationship was with the parents.
I know that it's a weird instance of time within that dimension, but shouldn't we also be asking how fast Kitsune grow up, too? Wouldn't that mess with the presumed years worth of skipped time? Because of how the pregnancy system works with Kiyoko (Even outside of the Amulet), they still progressively speed up the gestation rate of the child from essence draining, so wouldn't this apply to them casually living, and energy draining speeding up their physically aged appearance?
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Mar 15, 2019
...you do know that Tobs is shorthand for The Observer, right?
I do now. Also didn't realize this Bastard was calling themself The Observer. Which is a red flag for me. People who tend to speak of themselves in the third person tend to be extreme narcissist or at the very least have some form of self-esteem issue. (Even if this is just his online persona.)
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