
New Member
May 10, 2018
"If you've done the Ring of Fate quest (or refused it) from Calise, you can walk in on the Stormcaller from that dungeon visiting her pops in the village. " Does anyone know where it is?


Jan 31, 2022
That's what Savin says happened. Are you really gonna trust Savin's words? After all that he has done?
What's more likely, is that they (Savin and ToBS) were bullying/harrasing Berwyn's writer for whatever reason, ultimately causing them to quit.
Imagine getting so obsessed over some smut writer that you start to create conspiracies and rumors about them as some sort of payback. As they say: rent free.
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Apr 18, 2018
Oh hey a new Kiyoko dom scene, neat! (That is literaly the only thing of Worth I'm seeing in this gonna wait bit more till there's more content worth checking before downloading anything)

Also I will say this: Initial Anonart comissions were ugly as fuck but more recent ones are honestly decent, I think their best one so far is the Blood Knight
View attachment 3735905
really mad you cant have her like Aileh. I want me a dommy ripped blood knight either on my team or living somewhere so i can work my way into her heart like Aileh

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
No matter what occurred, it didn't require benching Berwyn. They already had his companion content made so that's not an excuse.
It was probably a case of having a small pool of writers who've proven themselves reliable enough to be trusted with companion content and each of those wanting to do their own waifu rather than adopting one. ...Of course, from what I've seen of the newer companions, that doesn't work out all that well, either. Characters who really don't have enough appeal (or, on the flip side, clear appeal but way too much baggage) have been made into companions and gained no traction from contributors because only their creator wants to write for them.

Part of the reason Cait gets so much content is simply because you can fit her into most any type of scene. Who's going to write more Kiyoko material with the Observer breathing down their neck or Azzy scenes when you must take into account the divisive 'she's dating someone else right in front of you' aspect?

IMO a good companion candidate should have an immediately obvious appeal/niche that has broad applications (so not something so specific that content for them -has- to cater to a single fetish; save that for gimmick NPCs), a unique but not too complex character concept to hang quest writing and scenes on (in other words: the character needs to be easily defined enough that other writers can create a firm vision of what that character's deal is in their mind without consulting a giant character lore bible), and connected enough to the story at large for them to be involved in big events. Cait, Brint, Etheryn, and Arona fit all those criteria; it's no surprise that they get the most scenes by far.

Atugia had potential, but the swing and a miss there is the lack of obvious appeal and failure to use her unique character concept for scenes. In her material it never really matters that she can take her head off. Eryka, the paladin, also overlaps with and overshadows her by leaning harder on the 'switches from rough to tender' concept that Atugia only flirts with. If these two characters had been combined they'd add up to one decent companion fit for any muscle mommy scene.

Viviane misses all three marks: no obvious appeal in a game where literally everyone has huge boobs, too disconnected from everything to justify elevating her, and too generic for writers to have a firm sense of how she would slot into scenes. Replacing Berywn, a character with much more presence, just makes her inadequacy stand out more.

B should have gone with Zo. A mentor-type character for the PC is a strong and easily grasped concept that makes her stand out and provides a very flexible basis for expanding her content. His phoenix harpy is too much an 'I and only I think this is a really cool idea' project. It's not clear how she slots into the story, her appeal is somewhat nebulous, and even in combat it's tough to pin down a role for her. Your favorite character concept isn't necessarily the one that's best suited to the companion role.

Quint hits the right notes for relevancy and was probably envisioned as 'a male Cait'. He just flat-out falls short of that mark. In practice he always comes off more crude and catty than seductive and doesn't pull that off the way Berywn does. A brooding pretty boy Don Juan who cultivates an air of mystery needs to hit specific notes in order to work. While I do think he's salvageable I don't get the sense that Bubblelord knows how to write this type of character and that's put other people off from taking a crack at him.

Cait, Brint, Etheryn, Arona, Garret, revised Quint, Atugia/Eryka hybrid, Berwyn, and Zo would be a very solid lineup.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2022
It was probably a case of having a small pool of writers who've proven themselves reliable enough to be trusted with companion content and each of those wanting to do their own waifu rather than adopting one. ...Of course, from what I've seen of the newer companions, that doesn't work out all that well, either. Characters who really don't have enough appeal (or, on the flip side, clear appeal but way too much baggage) have been made into companions and gained no traction from contributors because only their creator wants to write for them.

Part of the reason Cait gets so much content is simply because you can fit her into most any type of scene. Who's going to write more Kiyoko material with the Observer breathing down their neck or Azzy scenes when you must take into account the divisive 'she's dating someone else right in front of you' aspect?

IMO a good companion candidate should have an immediately obvious appeal/niche that has broad applications (so not something so specific that content for them -has- to cater to a single fetish; save that for gimmick NPCs), a unique but not too complex character concept to hang quest writing and scenes on (in other words: the character needs to be easily defined enough that other writers can create a firm vision of what that character's deal is in their mind without consulting a giant character lore bible), and connected enough to the story at large for them to be involved in big events. Cait, Brint, Etheryn, and Arona fit all those criteria; it's no surprise that they get the most scenes by far.

Atugia had potential, but the swing and a miss there is the lack of obvious appeal and failure to use her unique character concept for scenes. In her material it never really matters that she can take her head off. Eryka, the paladin, also overlaps with and overshadows her by leaning harder on the 'switches from rough to tender' concept that Atugia only flirts with. If these two characters had been combined they'd add up to one decent companion fit for any muscle mommy scene.

Viviane misses all three marks: no obvious appeal in a game where literally everyone has huge boobs, too disconnected from everything to justify elevating her, and too generic for writers to have a firm sense of how she would slot into scenes. Replacing Berywn, a character with much more presence, just makes her inadequacy stand out more.

B should have gone with Zo. A mentor-type character for the PC is a strong and easily grasped concept that makes her stand out and provides a very flexible basis for expanding her content. His phoenix harpy is too much an 'I and only I think this is a really cool idea' project. It's not clear how she slots into the story, her appeal is somewhat nebulous, and even in combat it's tough to pin down a role for her. Your favorite character concept isn't necessarily the one that's best suited to the companion role.

Quint hits the right notes for relevancy and was probably envisioned as 'a male Cait'. He just flat-out falls short of that mark. In practice he always comes off more crude and catty than seductive and doesn't pull that off the way Berywn does. A brooding pretty boy Don Juan who cultivates an air of mystery needs to hit specific notes in order to work. While I do think he's salvageable I don't get the sense that Bubblelord knows how to write this type of character and that's put other people off from taking a crack at him.

Cait, Brint, Etheryn, Arona, Garret, revised Quint, Atugia/Eryka hybrid, Berwyn, and Zo would be a very solid lineup.
I would have loved for Zo to have become a companion for the reasons you stated. The only reason I can come up with for her not being one is that she's mute and that could be a challenge for others to write for. The solution to this would have been to either have scenes where she signs to let the reader know what she's saying or to have a quest before she joins you where a reward would be an artifact that let's her communicate telepathically.

I agree in not knowing Viv's appeal in being a companion instead of remaining a side character. Was she elevated only because Berwyn got shelved? I'd like to know her main writer and the other characters they are responsible for who could have took her spot.

Personally Azzy is one of my favorite characters and I enjoy her scenes. I do agree with the other companions that you mentioned as being weakly tied to the story/missing an interesting hook. Atugia is one of the bigger cases of missed opportunities especially since she's one of my favorite type of monsters.


Oct 14, 2020
Since quint has been mentioned again, I just wanna say that as a punching bag he works really well. Its actually mad funny how he, and by proxy bubble, thinks he even has a chance speaking to any of the other companions, let alone bang them and they all in turn trash on him. Missed opportunity for, yknow, the player having the choice of corrupting him there, but ill settle for having the punching bag forever benched in the bar


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Look Savin is a cunt I don't think theres a soul here that will disagree on that but there's no point of accusing him of stuff he's done unless there's receipts of them doing it
Hey man listen.If people are stupid enough to blindly believe whatever they read on this forum then that is their responsibility.
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Oct 10, 2021
Missed opportunity for, yknow, the player having the choice of corrupting him there, but ill settle for having the punching bag forever benched in the bar
Sadly, they were starting to do a turn around where they started thinking he was an alright guy.

Fortunately, Bubbles abandoned ship. I'm sure that Savin is hard at work decompanioning and turning the rabbit into a woman too. The ol Berwyn special.
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Kurt Kobain

Nov 27, 2017
So from what i've gathered through the schizos arguing in this thread is that we just need to wait for the game to be done and some autists on 4chan will make a modded version that's actually good.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2022
CoC1 was finsihed.I still wouldnt touch its vanilla version with a 10 foot pole
Hey. It was a good game for the most part. The worst parts are rushed final dungeon and endings. And let's be real, nobody plays CoC for the endings.

CoC recruitable characters, that would hang out at Champion's camp, are leagues above CoC2's companions. Both in terms of content variety and player agency. For one, you could actually corrupt them if you wanted, and even purify them back.
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