
Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
OK I am going to have to disagree with you there (mostly). I feel like this game does more then good enough job to make you feel important and powerful. My only noteworthy gripe comes is when enemies, unironically praise me and only me to much. Like Byvernia for example where she praises me on how strong I am while ignoring my entire party in the back. Come to think of it, that is a lot of encounters.
But really when it comes to feeling powerful, I think this game does fine enough job. Stuff like defeating entire bar of Orcs, rescuing harem from there terrible master, domming Arona and a lot of smaller encounters make me feel like I earned it.

Now when it comes to Mercs, the problem there is that they are incomplete, simple as that. It kind of those suck that you got sucker punched by there leader (no matter your level) and that you can not do anything about it. And that you can not just fight him later. But that is all because Bubbles is planing on doing something SOON but when it will be I do not know. I would also like to dom Jen, but it simple not there yet. Which is a shame since I enjoy her.
First off, don't TL;DR my post to "mercs are jerks". It was about more than the mercs.

Sure, quests try to make you feel like the best thing since sex, but all the praise and accolades ring hollow when you can't get Sex Parts x3 to shut her yap. As an aside, some of the random encounters feel like the same, unnamed NPC, which adds to the feeling, but that's probably just me. As I have mentioned before in this thread, your personality spectrum ranges from "good guy" to "somewhat ignoble good guy" with little deviation. The reason I hate the mercs so much is that you can't really do anything about them. These people, who tried to rob you, just show up where you live and start fucking your companions, and your response is to...let them, because you're a gutless milksop apparently, not at all the kind of person who could conquer the Frost Marches. Do you see the issue here? EDIT: Forgot to add "But at least Bubbles is doing something about it, that' nice".

It's a breath of fresh air when Kas shows up at the winter ball and it's noted that we're kind of playacting since my character is so corrupt, but then Kas shows up in my dreams disguised as a demonic Brienne and is all, "Yo, wouldn't that be hot? I could do that, you know," and PC goes, "No, you can't have mah friends." You could charitably interpret this as the PC being territorial, since concern for her companions' wellbeing could not possibly have motivated her to say that, but the writing elsewhere does not support that. I often find my conception of the PC clashing with the text, and while, yes, it's impossible to account for everything, it would be nice if there were a consistent be evil option for those of us who want to be evil. It's really just that simple. All these problems would go away if this were a standalone title, but there's an established property to compare this to where all of this was done just fine.

But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
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New Member
Jan 9, 2020
But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
Not at all, i mostly played the original game on the corrupted routes and expected to do the same on this one, the problem is that corrupted content is entirely unsuported.

For example, if you do the hive quest and choose to keep it corrupt, not only do you not get any of the future content that could probably be added to the hive,(or is related to the hive)but you also lose a companion (Regardless of whether you think it's uninteresting or not, which seems to be the popular opinion) All in exchange for getting a bimbo npc.


New Member
Jan 16, 2020
A bimbo you can get through the Purity Route as well mind you (since the whole gem sidequest for Bimbo Azzy set, which still OP btw!) so really, nothing you get from Corruption Route cannot be gained from Purity Route.
You can't fuck Liaden in pure route.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
First off, don't TL;DR my post to "mercs are jerks". It was about more than the mercs.

Sure, quests try to make you feel like the best thing since sex, but all the praise and accolades ring hollow when you can't get Sex Parts x3 to shut her yap. As an aside, some of the random encounters feel like the same, unnamed NPC, which adds to the feeling, but that's probably just me. As I have mentioned before in this thread, your personality spectrum ranges from "good guy" to "somewhat ignoble good guy" with little deviation. The reason I hate the mercs so much is that you can't really do anything about them. These people, who tried to rob you, just show up where you live and start fucking your companions, and your response is to...let them, because you're a gutless milksop apparently, not at all the kind of person who could conquer the Frost Marches. Do you see the issue here?

It's a breath of fresh air when Kas shows up at the winter ball and it's noted that we're kind of playacting since my character is so corrupt, but then Kas shows up in my dreams disguised as a demonic Brienne and is all, "Yo, wouldn't that be hot? I could do that, you know," and PC goes, "No, you can't have mah friends." You could charitably interpret this as the PC being territorial, since concern for her companions' wellbeing could not possibly have motivated her to say that, but the writing elsewhere does not support that. I often find my conception of the PC clashing with the text, and while, yes, it's impossible to account for everything, it would be nice if there were a consistent be evil option for those of us who want to be evil. It's really just that simple. All these problems would go away if this were a standalone title, but there's an established property to compare this to where all of this was done just fine.

But with all that being said, am I in the minority on this? I thought that the corruption content was what drew people to CoC in the first place, but I'm seeing a lot of posters say they prefer the pure path. It was even apparently the canonincal ending to CoC1. Personally I don't see the appeal of playing a good character in these games, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
I mean, I can not lie, I did try to be condecending there since that merc talk about Jen made me laugh. But not the way you intended to since well your anger just seemed overblown, and not in comedic effect as you intended. But yeah, sorry for that. Still, true, I would like to be able to comfront my attempted rapist about the part where they attempted to rape me.

But yeah, we do not have many chances to be evil or let our past questionable decisions carry some weight. Kitsune content is worse about it as of now. Like, I enjoy being good there, but I wish there were some ways that we could do some questionable stuff. Not in a showy way, more of "evil behind the curtans" kind of way. Where we do stuff to people like Kohaku and Rindo that are morally dubious. Since they are two of the most socially removed characters in the colony, it could work. While yes, this horse is beaten to death, but there is a reason for it. Especially since Tobs, with his other contents, is one of better people at giving people choice at how they want to accomplish something. Like rescuing Garth and stuff inside of Kiyokos medallion had a lot of simple but satisfying options that made each playthrough more varied.

And I do agree with you on our character being goody two shoes most of the time. As I said, let me be an asshole. Let it close some doors as long as it opens others. It does not need to have as many as good path, just enough to make my play through feel different.

But still, when it comes to stuff that Is written, I do feel that this game does better job at making me feel powerful/important then OG one ever did. Like yeah, we are not doing it alone. Like yeah, we are not making selfish changes to the world as we did in OG one. In that way,It is a less of power fantasy then before, which developers themselve said was intended. Make that of what you will.

But what is written is so much better and it makes your actions feel more meaningful since they are. Stuff like being Champion of Winter city and thus making you the enemy of people of Glacial rift. You being the Champion having some importance at Winter City ball. You helping Etheryn makes her more assertive and freer to show her addoration of you in front of people.

As for gameplay:

Now sure, random encounters are annoying, but the reason they feel even worse here is because game is unfinished. Having so little explorable space and seeing same encounters over and over does get boring. But that is flaw in how this game is developted, not in how it is designed.

Well mostly, I do wish that after some point, some of these encounters would just stop once they realised that you are to much for them (that kitsune group for example). Turn them hospital . It would prevent the tediom of fighting them, it would make you feel more powerful for making them reconsider how they wanted to deal with you. And it would make it harder for you to grind levels on weaker foes. But then again, game is sometimes even good in that regard in a lot of cases since it does that with some of them. Like they did with that ninja kitsune or hornets. This also adds to that sense of progression. It would make them feel more like real characters.

I also do like that the game is challenging enough, especially on darker difficulty, to where your accomplishments feel earned.
Since a porn game, besides Alicesoft developted ones such as Lance series , that makes me think about some stuff when it comes to its gameplay is so god damn rare. It is not as deep as those, but it is not that far off from most JRPGs.

Now, I am not saying this to silence you or anyone else. I hope that I never came off that way. I encorage people to discuss stuff since that is what I like about these specific threads. I just feel that a lot of anger here is not well comunicated or misguided in some cases.

Only things I have left to say is, you are right, mercs are jerks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I mean, I can not lie, I did try to be condecending there since that merc talk about Jen made me laugh. But not the way you intended to since well your anger just seemed overblown, and not in comedic effect as you intended.
Well aren't you just a delight? I am critical, not angry. I wrote it like that because I thought it would read better than a stolid rundown of my gripes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I mean, I can not lie, I did try to be condecending there since that merc talk about Jen made me laugh. But not the way you intended to since well your anger just seemed overblown, and not in comedic effect as you intended. But yeah, sorry for that. Still, true, I would like to be able to comfront my attempted rapist about the part where they attempted to rape me.

But yeah, we do not have many chances to be evil or let our past questionable decisions carry some weight. Kitsune content is worse about it as of now. Like, I enjoy being good there, but I wish there were some ways that we could do some questionable stuff. Not in a showy way, more of "evil behind the curtans" kind of way. Where we do stuff to people like Kohaku and Rindo that are morally dubious. Since they are two of the most socially removed characters in the colony, it could work. While yes, this horse is beaten to death, but there is a reason for it. Especially since Tobs, with his other contents, is one of better people at giving people choice at how they want to accomplish something. Like rescuing Garth and stuff inside of Kiyokos medallion had a lot of simple but satisfying options that made each playthrough more varied.

And I do agree with you on our character being goody two shoes most of the time. As I said, let me be an asshole. Let it close some doors as long as it opens others. It does not need to have as many as good path, just enough to make my play through feel different.

But still, when it comes to stuff that Is written, I do feel that this game does better job at making me feel powerful/important then OG one ever did. Like yeah, we are not doing it alone. Like yeah, we are not making selfish changes to the world as we did in OG one. In that way,It is a less of power fantasy then before, which developers themselve said was intended. Make that of what you will.

But what is written is so much better and it makes your actions feel more meaningful since they are. Stuff like being Champion of Winter city and thus making you the enemy of people of Glacial rift. You being the Champion having some importance at Winter City ball. You helping Etheryn makes her more assertive and freer to show her addoration of you in front of people.

As for gameplay:

Now sure, random encounters are annoying, but the reason they feel even worse here is because game is unfinished. Having so little explorable space and seeing same encounters over and over does get boring. But that is flaw in how this game is developted, not in how it is designed.

Well mostly, I do wish that after some point, some of these encounters would just stop once they realised that you are to much for them (that kitsune group for example). Turn them hospital . It would prevent the tediom of fighting them, it would make you feel more powerful for making them reconsider how they wanted to deal with you. And it would make it harder for you to grind levels on weaker foes. But then again, game is sometimes even good in that regard in a lot of cases since it does that with some of them. Like they did with that ninja kitsune or hornets. This also adds to that sense of progression. It would make them feel more like real characters.

I also do like that the game is challenging enough, especially on darker difficulty, to where your accomplishments feel earned.
Since a porn game, besides Alicesoft developted ones such as Lance series , that makes me think about some stuff when it comes to its gameplay is so god damn rare. It is not as deep as those, but it is not that far off from most JRPGs.

Now, I am not saying this to silence you or anyone else. I hope that I never came off that way. I encorage people to discuss stuff since that is what I like about these specific threads. I just feel that a lot of anger here is not well comunicated or misguided in some cases.

Only things I have left to say is, you are right, mercs are jerks.
I have to agree with robzombie that this makes no sense. The mercs literally rape you if you lose, sure it's the "CULTURALLY IN HERE LOSE-SEX IS NOT RAPE BECAUSE SAVIN" kind of rape, but it's rape. When we win against them, we get to do nothing. Can't kill them. Can't make them give up. This makes 0 sense, and in-game I hadn't noticed that this was very weird because the game actually managed to make me believe that it was plausible for this to be normal, but looking back at it, this is fucking weird, man.

The fact that we are not even allowed the choice to say fuck off or I will do worse than just fuck you, is insane. This isn't being an asshole, this is literal self defense, these mercs keep trying to fuck you and your friends and you can't stop it because game-design failure.

Or maybe that's how Savin prefers it and tells other writers to do, since dude has a major cuck fetish. This isn't reaching at all!

The game's serious and comedic tones do not match at all at times, and this is one of those moments. Some mercenaries try to rob and rape us, we beat them back or get fucked, and back at the inn we flirt with one of them as if nothing happened.

What the fuck?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I have to agree with robzombie that this makes no sense. The mercs literally rape you if you lose, sure it's the "CULTURALLY IN HERE LOSE-SEX IS NOT RAPE BECAUSE SAVIN" kind of rape, but it's rape. When we win against them, we get to do nothing. Can't kill them. Can't make them give up. This makes 0 sense, and in-game I hadn't noticed that this was very weird because the game actually managed to make me believe that it was plausible for this to be normal, but looking back at it, this is fucking weird, man.

The fact that we are not even allowed the choice to say fuck off or I will do worse than just fuck you, is insane. This isn't being an asshole, this is literal self defense, these mercs keep trying to fuck you and your friends and you can't stop it because game-design failure.

Or maybe that's how Savin prefers it and tells other writers to do, since dude has a major cuck fetish. This isn't reaching at all!
I think that the reason you have not noticed before is because it is no different to how game treats rest of your combat encounters. In them, you are enemies l, out of them you are best of pals. It is kind of gross when you think about it. Everyone can try to rape you and you are only allowed to get back at them only after you won with some after battle sex. But you, on other hand, can only do it to Azzy, and it also feel strange there since she also forgets it.

People in this world treat rape as no big deal it seems. Which to me would be fine if we were able to commit it, for us to start a fight and force our selves on someone. But since we are not able to it feels worse. Since it paints our act of doing it is as much bigger crime. Especially with merks, since we are not able to do anything about it or at least comfront our rapist ala Kitsune Ninja. That is why I hate it when authors say that they are against corrupt stuff, ala bubbles, while writing stuff like that.

Well aren't you just a delight? I am critical, not angry. I wrote it like that because I thought it would read better than a stolid rundown of my gripes.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I have to agree with robzombie that this makes no sense. The mercs literally rape you if you lose, sure it's the "CULTURALLY IN HERE LOSE-SEX IS NOT RAPE BECAUSE SAVIN" kind of rape, but it's rape. When we win against them, we get to do nothing. Can't kill them. Can't make them give up. This makes 0 sense, and in-game I hadn't noticed that this was very weird because the game actually managed to make me believe that it was plausible for this to be normal, but looking back at it, this is fucking weird, man.
Which mercs are we talking about again? i kinda lost track of, also while we're on the topic of the "Consensual Rape/Powerplay being a cultural thing" i gotta we really need Kass/Demons in a world where the loser gets raped by the winner? seems almost like msot people is already behaving demoniacal without any demonic influence to be honest, at least in the First Game it was like that because the Demonic Influence had spread far and wide and it was hinted at the Demons were already winning the battle for domination of the world, here?...honestly it feels the victory rape is there because is CoC and that's what we expect from CoC am i right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Which mercs are we talking about again? i kinda lost track of, also while we're on the topic of the "Consensual Rape/Powerplay being a cultural thing" i gotta we really need Kass/Demons in a world where the loser gets raped by the winner? seems almost like msot people is already behaving demoniacal without any demonic influence to be honest, at least in the First Game it was like that because the Demonic Influence had spread far and wide and it was hinted at the Demons were already winning the battle for domination of the world, here?...honestly it feels the victory rape is there because is CoC and that's what we expect from CoC am i right?
It is there because you need a consequence for loosing that is not just dying since that is boring. So yeah, it is mostly there for gameplay purposes and it is one of those things that you should not really put much thought in.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
It is there because you need a consequence for loosing that is not just dying since that is boring. So yeah, it is mostly there for gameplay purposes and it is one of those things that you should not really put much thought in.
I could always play the card that this is corruption brought unpon the world by the Inhabitants themselves, like a cultural thing, kind of what happened in the Lore of CoC1 before they actually started to turn into demons? kind of like a prequel eseque feel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I could always play the card that this is corruption brought unpon the world by the Inhabitants themselves, like a cultural thing, kind of what happened in the Lore of CoC1 before they actually started to turn into demons? kind of like a prequel eseque feel.
I'm pretty sure the lore says that Mareth wasn't abnormally sexual before the demons came. Also, their influence was less "ooh, fun let's sex each other" and more "A Slaaneshi cult took over the world". It was much darker than this game.

What drew me in was the bevy of fetishes available and the waifus I could roleplay into loving/serving me. My character ends up corrupted usually simply by virtue of sleeping with any thing that can move, regardless of moral alignment.
Yeah, ending up as a sex-addicted mutant because you stepped on a twig was half the fun. They decided to make it difficult in this one for some reason.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I could always play the card that this is corruption brought unpon the world by the Inhabitants themselves, like a cultural thing, kind of what happened in the Lore of CoC1 before they actually started to turn into demons? kind of like a prequel eseque feel.
Is that not basically what is happening? Kas was brought in this world with opening of portal and such by people of the marches. And this plane inhabitents are the ones that succumb to corruption on there own. Rarely does Kas force herself on anyone. Since this world is a world where slavery and such is legal in most places, I could see how she could corrupt it so fast. Do I need to remind you all that Hirrurd basically walked in Hawktown with 3 women that he himself enslaved and paraded as such? And while people gave him dirty looks, he was still accepted into the town.

As such,Kas is not the one causing the corruption of moral, she is just speeding up the process. As we can see in game with both kas and that demon cat, being corrupt does not mean that you are strictly bad. It just means that you are lacking empathy and ability to really connect to people. Which is why you can be at zero corruption and still do bad things in game and vice versa. Problem with her is not that she is corrupting the world. The problem is that she is planning on rulling it by praying on persons darkest desires and controlling them. She is using corruption as a tool to get to her goal. So it is up to us to stop her, since no one likes world wide dictator.

As I said, my problem is not that enemies can rape me and get no repercussions from world at large. I accepted that because that is how there world functions (lazy but whatever). And I do not care about it that much as to bring real world morals into CoC2 world.My problem comes when I can not tell some character to fuck off if they tried that with me. Or get them to apologize. Just because everyone else is fine with it, should not mean that my PCs is fine with it. And me not being able to do similar things to other NPCs just ads salt to the wound.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Which mercs are we talking about again? i kinda lost track of, also while we're on the topic of the "Consensual Rape/Powerplay being a cultural thing" i gotta we really need Kass/Demons in a world where the loser gets raped by the winner? seems almost like msot people is already behaving demoniacal without any demonic influence to be honest, at least in the First Game it was like that because the Demonic Influence had spread far and wide and it was hinted at the Demons were already winning the battle for domination of the world, here?...honestly it feels the victory rape is there because is CoC and that's what we expect from CoC am i right?
I mean I've always hated the hand-wave of "rape is cultural so it's not rape" thing. It's very lazy.
Feb 5, 2018
was just a content mod, but some of the content involved very extreme fetishes. I think there was two snuff scenes (maybe three?) and some (borderline?) pedo shit, though all of them were fairly obviously locked behind choices that didn't make it unclear at all what you were going to do.
Most of the content was fine from what I recall.
well most of the content IIRC was just snuff and pedoshit along with what I think was some ripoff of a warcraft character. Regardless I don't believe it's unacceptable if Savin got creeped out by 8chan as i'm pretty sure there was a snuff rape scene of a child where you stick your penis in the insides of her stomach or something
Jul 22, 2019
well most of the content IIRC was just snuff and pedoshit along with what I think was some ripoff of a warcraft character. Regardless I don't believe it's unacceptable if Savin got creeped out by 8chan as i'm pretty sure there was a snuff rape scene of a child where you stick your penis in the insides of her stomach or something
I don't think it's wrong he disliked it or wanted it banned either (basically everywhere that hosts mods would have banned it, for good reason), but it wasn't mostly snuff or pedo shit, there was only a handful of scenes that were among a whole heap of changes. I'd much rather there was none obviously, but it was a fairly big mod. The only snuff stuff I recall was something with a drider lady and that town with the demon pole.

I wouldn't have bothered playing it if it was all guro and pedo shit, I have no real interest in either of those


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Ok guys i got a more "Gameplay" based question for you: Which is the best Charmer Build to go for with the starting bonuses?
A)+3 to Presence (Making it at level 6 be 20 Presence, 17 Cunning and 17 Agility/Willpower depending on what i'm in mood for or what you suggest is better)
B) +1 Presence, +1 Agility, +1 Cunning (Making it at level 6 be 18 Presence, 18 Cunning and 18 Agility as the Charmer Class says it's main stats go in the Class-Selection screen)

I'm asking because i think only when it comes to your defensive stats (such as Armor, Focus, etc) they cap their utility once they go pass 75 (because the bonus you're getting starts to diminish after that) but this doesn't applies to damage dealing (where the higher you go the more powerfull your attacks are) so wondering, because Presence gives you Leadership and Sexyness (In the case of Sexyness being able to damage Enemy's Resolve it isn't capped, i've literaly run sets that deal over 250 damage to enemy Resolve in 1 crit) i know Sexyness doesn't cap, but does Leadership caps?

Because while Leadership ISN'T a Damage-Dealing stat, IT ALSO ISN'T a Defence stat either, all i know is that for every point i got in Presence i gain 2 points in Leadership, and every Leadership point grants my allies a +1% in their Physical and Magical damage so TECHNICALLY SPEAKING that means with a Presence of 20 at level 6 if i go the +3 to Presence Route with my starting bonuses THEN my allies would get a passive +40% to their damage dealing moves.

Which sounds cool IF Leadership isn't capped like Armor/Focus/Defensive stats, it capped or is a straight up +40% bonus my allies are getting? because if it isn't capped then i think a +3 Presence build IS the way to go (ESPECIALLY IF YOU PLAY MANUAL AND CONTROL WHAT YOUR ALLIES WILL DO WITH THAT +40% DAMAGE BONUS) but i wanna hear your insight guys.

P.S: Edited to make it easier to read, i realized the original comment was a huge mess.
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