
Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
For me, since I didnt have any relationship with either Cait or Brynt, I don't mind they screwing anything that moves.. In fact, I brought them most of the time since they can screw what I don't want.. like crazy horses.

But I really annoyed with Azzy when she wanted me to play matchmaker with Lia, when I slept with her every night. In my current game, I slept with only 4 girls, well 5 since I didn't kill flower mom.

Why didn't they do it like in Dragon Age: Inquisition is beyond me. In DA:I, when you dont have romance with your teammate, they hooked up with the other, the one you romanced stay loyal to you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Maybe. Besides being a wasp with the sting and only egg pregnancy content of companions, her personality just does nothing for me. I know few people like/love her, but than again, that can be siad for all NPCs. Which is why I actually kind of like her relationship with GF. It makes her somewhat unique compared to rest of female NPCs.
I agree with the other guy. I don't think the fanbase is all that tolerant, its the same as is with every other porn game really.

I'm pretty sure people aren't pissed mostly because A: you never really see her GF, it's like one scene, B: Azzy has the personality of a brick wall because SKoW is average as hell in talent, so nobody really cares anyway.

I'm also pretty unsure of what relationship the protagonist has with Azzy either. Are we just fucking or is there an open relationship kind of a deal? Who knows, who cares.
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Mar 27, 2020
As I said, while people that support CoC2 do not really demand power fantasy (only for you NPCs, gaining unimaginative power...), they still ask for it. If you went into Observers thread where he posterd pregnant Rindo picks, people really became demandive that they should be the one to fulfill the dead. Not even counting stuff like being able to counter Leofric from sucked punching you or killing people that you do not like. While some of them do get shut down (like changing PCs genetelia) it is mostly because authors simply do not want to write it. And people get tiered of hearing same demands that are never going to happen.
CoC2 caters pretty hard towards people looking for preggo content so thats to be expected more or less. I don't really engage with Kitsunes anymore since thats Tobs personal playground and his tastes don't suit mine. Honestly though I've yet to see Tobs not be combative when responding to criticism or opinions he disagrees with. 1623330761713.png


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
CoC2 caters pretty hard towards people looking for preggo content so thats to be expected more or less. I don't really engage with Kitsunes anymore since thats Tobs personal playground and his tastes don't suit mine. Honestly though I've yet to see Tobs not be combative when responding to criticism or opinions he disagrees with. View attachment 1238901
Pathetic insecure ass dude. Overly hostile to everyone and everything.

It shows even in his content.
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Jul 26, 2019
TOBS using "patently" and "scorn" made me realize he always uses formal words in his sentences, it doesn't matter if he's arguing with someone or writing prose, he'll use those big boy to tell you in a thousand ways why you didnt understand his writing. Not to mention this sentence in particular, although i feel like he didn't mean it, using those formal words makes him seem way more petty and butthurt than he really is lmao.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
He uses overly formal language because he is not a native speaker and his English fluency isn't as good as he believes. I would know, I have the exact same problem sometimes. But he's just so arrogant, presenting himself like he's God's gift to the language and shaming other ESLs for not being at his level that I feel dirty for finding him excuses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
If we're doing the armchair psychologist game, I'll cash in.

I think he's just pretentious and thinks less used words makes him sound more intellectual. Simple as that, really.

Honestly it's always funny to see the thread devolve to this when there's no content to talk about. Not that I'm complaining.
Jul 22, 2019
Just the knowledge/though that they have life outside of you makes them feel like there own people. But as I said, optional. Since, well, it does feel bad for a lot of players to feel like they are playing a second wheel.
Yeah exactly, I've got nothing against them getting to be more independent characters, it just feels like a lot of it is chucked in too early, and forgets the PC needs to feel like an independent, impactful character too in these situations. Though I guess this is the most I've ever thought about azzy, so maybe they did something right lol

Shit like the Aerie love triangle in BG2 is fucking great, but it would be less so if she chased after him regardless of your relationship.

He uses overly formal language because he is not a native speaker and his English fluency isn't as good as he believes.
His weird way of writing does make a lot more sense knowing he's ESL, it definitely lacks that kind of laid back way of writing that loads of native speakers develop for informal text. Doesn't really change my opinion of him, but does explain why he talks like a coomer robot sometimes at least. Strange savin hired him on considering that though.

Guess people have low standards after years of renpy games about 18 year olds with abnormally huge dicks and strangely close relationships with their landlords?


May 14, 2017
Yeah exactly, I've got nothing against them getting to be more independent characters, it just feels like a lot of it is chucked in too early, and forgets the PC needs to feel like an independent, impactful character too in these situations. Though I guess this is the most I've ever thought about azzy, so maybe they did something right lol

Shit like the Aerie love triangle in BG2 is fucking great, but it would be less so if she chased after him regardless of your relationship.

His weird way of writing does make a lot more sense knowing he's ESL, it definitely lacks that kind of laid back way of writing that loads of native speakers develop for informal text. Doesn't really change my opinion of him, but does explain why he talks like a coomer robot sometimes at least. Strange savin hired him on considering that though.

Guess people have low standards after years of renpy games about 18 year olds with abnormally huge dicks and strangely close relationships with their landlords?
I remember the Aerie Love triangle that would be pretty refreshing to see. There's a couple problems with that however. We're huffing paint if we think these writers are anywhere on the level of old bioware. Looking at their track record they couldn't write a likeable rival if they tried. They'd either be "giga alpha-chad" who will gloat and will screw her in front of you the millisecond he wins, or a spineless beta male who probably going to be your bottom afterwards. If you doubt me, Riya from TiTs had a random love triangle.
Second everyone is a raging polyamourous pansexual. In the writer's eye's there no reason that love triangle shouldn't just devolve into a threesome. Orgy because of course Cait and dom-Arona have to join in.


May 14, 2017
While I understand your worry, you could probably just impregnate Elf consort yourself and be done with it. Especially if you are their Baron. Since, as Hethia alluded to if you are romancing Ryn, one of the reasons she made you one is to butter you up so that you would end up marrying the half sexed royalty. And even confident Ryn is still submissive to champion, so I do not think she would force go against your wishes.

As for Azzy, I am suprised that they got away with it. I could understand if the guys got a gf/bf and why that would not have gotten so much hate. Since most people are not interested in them (even if people would ask to be able to sex their female love interests). But not only did they make azy have a GF, not only does the game unsubtly nudge you in supporting them. But you can not fuck said GF or even join them in threesomes as of now if ever.

Not something I really care about since game already has many waifus, but still. Congrats on SKoW for doing it. She has guts. But it could be also be that this community is not as obsessive as others are when it comes to whole "only for you thing". I mean, a lot of them still get pissed do not get me wrong, but not really to extent as others from what I observed.
Does she even have any extended scenes with her, I remember one random explore scene, and one random bar scene that establishes that Azzy is the aggressive one in their relationship. Other than that, I can't think of anything. I mean if your gonna be gallsy, don't pull a KissxSis.
Cait may be divisive, but Savin at least makes no compunctions that she's nothing less than a glorified whore. Heck she sleeps with everyone of your companions except Quin and Atugia, sleeps with your Mother-in-law, sleeps with a random civilian, and that's just the few we see. Kinu's female sire thing may have pissed even Fen fans off, but at least Tobs commits to pissing people off and only relents when Savin says no. SKoW wanted to do something similar but wants to be wishy-washy about it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Yes and maybe (yes). But why romance her when you can own her. Babies come out either way.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Why own her body but not her heart when you can have both? Just git gud.
Who gives a shit about slaves feeling in matter of if you are going to use their body or not? She is there to please me, it is not like she did anything more worthwhile in this past couple of hundred years or so.


May 14, 2017
Who gives a shit about slaves feeling in matter of if you are going to use their body or not? She is there to please me, it is not like she did anything more worthwhile in this past couple of hundred years or so.
Yes we're all aware of how useless the Baroness is. But let's be honest, would any of us be shocked if that translated to her being a dead fish in bed. If anything, that'd be consistent with her character
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Aug 15, 2018
Where do you get your information? Patreon takes 1%

Game updates on 1-2 week basis usually regularly in 1 week. Next update is soon anyway they even released the character art for npc's there and a map of the place.

Dude has staff and artists/coders to pay plus he pays commissions to writers like B and BubblesLord etc to do projects.

Don't know what else to tell you, guy makes a profit off of this project and not like it started off making 30k a month.
Yeah I know they 'update it regularly', but the fact that there's very little to show for it besides a couple busts, maybe a sex scene or two- projects like these should've been done in a year or two. If patreon takes 1% and he didn't expand the team after the money started rolling in, no wonder why it's stagnating. There always seems to be a point of no return where unless they agree or 'mesh' well with the creator or actively are writing content, the lack of constant, new punchy expansions besides oh yeah new sex scene woo is really underwhelming. Next you're going to tell me that a porn game following in CoC and TiTs footsteps hasn't suffered plodding fatigue. Roadmaps or not, I bet they could get that shit done in half the time with the same writing, coding & picture quality. Double the pay, get it done.
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Mar 27, 2020
projects like these should've been done in a year or two
Double the pay, get it done.
I don't think there are enough people interested in this niche to justify trying to push out a final product. How many copies do you think a completed CoC2 would sell on Steam/itchi.o etc? Chipping away while your few loyal backers are bankrolling you seems to be the way to go, imo.
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