
Feb 14, 2020
Doubt. Only one thing actually concerns him and that is $$$. IF he started to lose that, we would get content cause he would need our support, but as long as those people keep paying him on patreon for the same crap he has been putting out pretty much since start. It isn't going to happen.

Brienne = is one of the best things to actually come out of this game so far. There are some more, but that is another list.
I can't bring myself to turn my pal into a chick, ppl talking about how good brienne is just makes me so curious!:cry:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Sadly will not happen. The auther had an accident that killed his horniness and so without any mood he is not abel to write more content for her.
He gave permission for anyone who wants to write for his characters, so it could happen, but I doubt it.


Nov 21, 2019
Does anyone how to trigger maid quest? I cant really talk to bee girl and Jaelyn is not in wayfort.

Nevermind you have to finish wayfort quest and cleanse the core quest before you can get maid.
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May 26, 2020
You're talking theoretically, I'm talking practically. How many porn games have you played where the needs of the person is such a relationship are actually adequately explored? Generally, from what I've seen, the party that "doesn't mind" and consents to such a relationship just sends your character off with a thumbs up and a smile, and no actual addressing of this lack of need ever happens. It pretty much always comes of as a concession to the player and their desire to see as many scenes possible and not in service to the actual character's motivations.

This is what I mean by the whole thing being harmful to the story. Harem games rarely, if ever, explore any motivation for the haremettes for consenting to being in said harem, beyond liking the PC a lot. Given what we know about human nature by default, and the fact that such relationships are vanishingly small in the real world, making such a relationship feel "real" needs more work than the opposite, and such work just doesn't often happen.
I was explaining that there is a potential explanation for a person being in a harem relationship that wasn't pathological. Of course it's theoretical, I think the chances of that relationship being pathological is high. I also think that polyamorous/open relationships have a high likelihood of being pathological. I don't know how many games have explained that kind of thing.

Has CoC2 explained polyamory in a way that hasn't hurt the story?
What do you believe is a good explanation of polyamory in CoC2?
What do you believe is human nature by default?
Well, yeah, this is what I said. Monogamy by personal preference, not by character enforcement. My point is simply that all the relationships are written this way for ease of use.
And polyamory isn't written for ease of use?
  1. NPC x NPC characters have definite characterizations, which makes it easier to write any scene.
  2. NPC x NPC characters have more strictly defined body, making it easier to write sex scenes.
  3. No longer have to worry about jealousy with NPC to NPC, or PC to NPC.
Making NPCs polyamorous is another concession.

The best reason I can see for NPCs being poly is applying a fairness doctrine. The PC can do it, so NPCs should also be able to do it. I believe this is your reasoning (correct me if I'm wrong).

Just because its now fair doesn't mean its any less of a pathological relationship. Having many partners without any deep meaning because you can't dedicate the time with any one of them isn't made suddenly better because your partners are also engaging in the same pathological relationship. A harem member is being taken advantage of in an unequal relationship, but if they are able to commit themselves to a hobby, work, or some other interest outside of having sex with other people it would actually be psychologically healthier for them (assuming the replacement isn't a different vice).

Kiyoko for example probably doesn't get as much as she should from the PC, but when the PC leaves she isn't looking for the next person to have sex with. She's managing a den, being a mother and interacting with the colony. I'm not sure Brienne is that strong when it comes to external characterization. She's a fighter, she likes being fit. The first thing she checks is to make sure she's still a strong as before when she transforms. She's also scared she doesn't know how to be a mother because she grew up as a man. I haven't played any of the KM, so I may have missed something in the Serena or home scenes.

I don't disagree with the criticism that Brienne probably could have some extra added to her characterization. I don't agree with the idea that just adding her having sex with other NPCs would help that, or the story.

I'm not able to understand at this point why polyamory doesn't hurt the story as much as a harem protag would. If the goal was to show how corrupt the world already was, then yes, it would help the story and world building. But that isn't the intention, so it harms it for me.
Eh, CoC1 had a very few targeted instances of jealousy that were really only there to segue into threesomes that immediately superseded said jealousy. And much less of it in general as the game went on. CoC1 was largely a learning experience for future games as well.
They learned to take the easier route. This isn't necessarily bad. Writing time is limited, and focusing on figuring out around jealousy is difficult that likely takes away time from more important things.

Or alternatively, the writers who cared about depicting jealousy left.
We were talking about "monogamy" in this context, not "pc on npc content". My point is that those polls don't indicate a strong preference for monogamous relationships. None of the things you are talking about are incompatible with monogamous relationships.
So you agree they prefer PC on NPC focused content?

Also, I'm a bit confused on this one, since:
I'd like to make it clear, because this may have caused confusion, when I say a character is monogamous I don't mean the relationship as a whole. Brienne for example is monogamous, while the PC isn't. Their relationship is not monogamous. Even if the PC allows Brienne to be open, doesn't mean Brienne isn't monogamous. I'm going to switch to champ/player centric to not be as confusing.
PC x NPC is champ/player centric. PC x NPC x NPC can be champ/player centric depending on the writing focus. Unless you are saying there PC x NPC content where the NPC is the complete focus, so isn't PC-centric? I think some of the worldbuilding talk scenes would count. I can't off hand think of any sex scenes like that though.

I don't think on average patreons prefer the PC being monogamous, they prefer NPCs being monogamous. AKA PC centric content.

Incompatible with weakly monogamous relationships (monogamy being PC-centric or NPC monogamy)
Incompatible with strict monogamy (PC monogamous as well)
  1. Group sex/threesomes
    1. PC focused (two or more characters focus on pleasing the PC)
    2. Balanced - character screen time is balanced
    3. PC has minimal involvement (approaching voyuer/cuck territory)
  2. Bad ends
    1. PC focused - target character
    2. PC focused - nontarget character
    3. Balanced - character screen time is balanced
    4. PC has minimal involvement
  3. Post-combat scenes
    1. PC focused - target character
    2. PC focused - nontarget character
    3. Companions, added in CoC2, who are now part of the pool of scene section has increased NPC x NPC content slots.
  4. Male NPC sex partners
    1. I didn't mention this because male NPCs aren't compatible with monogamy, I was just compiling what the trends are in general from all the various images to make it easier to analyze.
1, 2, 3 aren't exclusive to PC centric content, but threesomes tend to lean heavily on minimal PC focus with some writers.

Most of the areas where people could express they want NPC x NPC content they don't take the chance. There is an inverse correlation between NPC x NPC and preference in patreons. For companions, if monogamy isn't the correlating factor, its either pregnancy, quality, or quantity. Cait has quantity, and she will eventually have pregnancy (although only as an ending paragraph/line). It just appears that the more monogamous a character is, the more likely that they just happened to have superior writing behind them.

Is there anything to suggest patreons on average prefer polyamory in the polls?
You're not considering what I'd consider the most important factor: quality of writing. Hitting fetish checkboxes is not an immediate straight line to the top of everyone's lists.
Well, Cait definitley has quantity. You think Brienne is higher quality than Cait? I'm not even sure if Kiyoko has quality. Tobs is extremely wordy, and has serious issues with how he writes the PC. He also likes to make references to baby bag. Overall, I like what Kiyoko's overall concept is, but there's so many little issues in how Tobs writes that it feels like a minefield of trying to not trigger the bad content when in the Kitsune tree. If I didn't like Kiyoko's concept though, which is largely being a den mother (preg/family/monogamy) then I probably wouldn't rate her that highly. I think Tobs does a good job on consistently characterizing her.

Brienne I think could use some additional characterization, but makes sense being #2 IMO. If she wasn't PC-centric, I'm not sure I'd give her the time of day, though.
And regardless of all of this, I don't think any of those polls are necessarily as indicative of anything as you'd think. Fetish games like this tend to cultivate their own audiences. The strong preference for futa, for instance, is almost certainly not reflected in the wider realm of porn gamers; it exists here because the game itself attracted and developed the audience. I can speak to this personally, as a side anecdote, because I've been playing Fen games for over a decade some of my tastes have changed towards the stuff they include.
A poll locked to the opinions of patreon supporters, is not indicative of what patreon supporters prefer?

I'm not talking about wider preference of porn games. I'm talking about the preference the people paying for this game on patreon have. I don't use 4chan polls because 1. vote manipulation is easier, and 2. I'm not talking about non-paying preferences and 3. most people who support poly would use 1 and 2 as reasons to dismiss the results. I'm talking about CoC2 because this is a CoC2 thread. Any example I use should lead back to CoC2, because that is the main topic. If I fail to do so, please let me know.
One of the polls even says as much, that they don't use the polls to determine future content because they have noticed that tastes tend to change in accordance with produced content as opposed to vice versa.
You are talking about ?

Yes, they don't write what the patreon's want, they write what they want and hope the audience will change to reflect that. There is evidence against that, or that it is a very slow process. Post-combat scenes are prevelant in TiTs, CoC1, and CoC2. They seem to be okay with these scenes, but companion post-combat scenes are the much lower than the others. Patreon's just don't like CoC2 style loss scenes (with companions). That game had been out for 3 years at the time of that poll.

Edit: Didn't reread the poll itself and fucked up a bunch, so I fixed the previous paragraph.

I think Savin, being the lead writer, editor, director, and right hand man on TiTs, as well as taking increasing role in CoC1 at the time, affected the amount of NPC x NPC content. Futa has actually been relatively absent in CoC2 depite patreons liking it. It is much more prevalent in TiTs. Fenoxo has a preference to futa (compared to Savin). Savin prefers shemale (no vagina). Fen didn't think companions would work, while Savin did. They have a policy, and admit, to writing what they want to write. Savin likes cuckold. Savin brought Tobs in to write preg content to calm down the preg crowd because Tobs likes preg, while Savin doesn't want to write it.

Honestly, I'm a bit confused on what you are saying here. If what Wsan was true, I would expect a few of those low polled options to be higher, and futa to be lower (although maybe TiTs is able to fuel/feed the futa CoC2 gap). What kind of time frame are they expecting to shift the audience expectations?
Yes, certainly a harder sell. The writing would have to support these characteristics, and it usually doesn't.
Does Brienne strike you as having a low sex drive? In point of fact, she says the exact opposite: her sex drive is the same as ever, just all focused on you. She also feels more strongly towards you than she did before.

Those attributes should tend towards wanting to monopolize significantly more of your time and affection, story wise - but they don't. Because this time of behavior usually isn't actually character driven, it's player driven.
Yes, and that would be solved by making the PC monogamous. You don't solve it by having Brienne dilute her relationships as well. Brienne directing her love for the PC by instead having sex with other people doesn't solve the root of the problem that making a harem protagonist introduces. Making everyone poly doesn't solve the issues with poly relationships. To make it not pathological, you would need to magic away the need for people to have meaningful long term relationships completely. This is similar to magicking away the jealousy in harem games. With everyone poly, it helps somewhat with the whole jealousy aspect as now they don't need to feel unequally treated (although jealousy still needs to be magicked away anyways), but it now adds on that you have to believe that people are alright with transient relationships that aren't long term.

If Brienne had a lower libido, would the relationship no longer harm the plot?
The thing is, you are describing pod people. This does not mesh with what we know about human behavior. People very rarely are just okay with not a lot of intimate reaction from romantic partners, and if you're going to create a character that behaves in a inhuman way, it needs more setup and explanation to be believable.
People generally want monogamous relationships. I take neither poly nor harem as realistically believable.
Romance leans heavily on what we know about feelings - how people act towards one another, common behaviors, actions that we consider romantic. A plausible romantic relationship takes more work to establish than a plausible sexual relationship, because in the latter all we really care about is the end result, whereas with the former, we're invested in the journey also.
By dividing your time with more than one person, you will never have as deep an understanding of who they are. This is an issue inherent with multiple partner relationships, whether harem, poly or open. I care about the meaning a relationship gives.
But to consider your example anyway, I'd say the problem isn't really about numbers, as long as each partner is in some way taking advantage of the relationship in general. A person sitting at home being totally satisfied while their partner is out gallivanting around just doesn't track for me.
No matter the person, you wouldn't be able to accept them being in a polyamorous relationship and not taking advantage of seeking other partners. This is mainly what I was trying to understand with my example. I don't believe Brienne is the peak of logical writing.
Having other people to share their time with, whether one or more, feels a little more authentic.
You do realize friends without sexual relationships exist? If the only authentic meaningful relationship can be a romantic one, then the game has also failed to explain why these people must require sex with their friendships as well, because that isn't normal people behavior.
Practically, writing.

Harems usually don't or barely bother justifying themselves.
I just spent my time attempting to justify a potential character that wasn't being taken advantage of. They were purely hypothetical (whether or not a writer could keep the idea consistent), and that still didn't track for you. I think you just fundamentally dislike harems outside of what writing might do.
Poly relationships, comparatively, more often try to establish narrative justification.
I can't speak for other poly games, but I've not seen the narrative justification for CoC2. The world seems all about poly sex only because it is a porn game. Most justifications just point to characters who have pathological issues that aren't treated as pathological by anyone, which makes it less believable to me.

We're not talking about what the PC wants here, we're talking about my (or the player's) preferences. How the PC feels isn't the deciding factor.
Me bringing up Brienne on PC affection was an example of where affection might be too much. Certain people are turned off by too much affection towards the PC because they self insert as the PC. I wasn't talking about what the PC wants? It was an example to illustrate the concept of affection being potentially mismatched.
Unequal relationships are a trope across all media. From the yandere, to the stalker, to the inattentive partner, the overly needy girl/boyfriend, etc. One side of the relationship being out of sync with the other side is the cornerstone of most romantic drama. The default to romantic relationships is to give your all to one person. If one person is giving and the other isn't, it creates tension, either because one person seems to be taking advantage of the other, or because one person has dramatically overextended themself into the relationship.
The theoretical PC I'm talking about is not constrained by the CoC2 PC. They are not required to be yandere, stalker, or inattentive, overly needy. They have the capability to give as much time and attention to more than one partner as that partner requires. This includes 24/7 if that is what the partner wants. They can do this by being in two places at once. Are they taking advantage of their partner? Should they limit their affection output to that one partner?
This being a porn game, a player is going to seek as much porn as possible. A character that is absolutely devoted towards you while you are out doing such a thing runs the possibility easily engender feelings of either guilt or annoyance on a player's part, because of previously stated expectations.

This, of course, isn't a problem for everyone - some people care way more about the porn than the story, as you can see in this thread from a bunch of requests that don't really fit the plot. Lots of people just want as many waifu as possible, and don't care about the story implications. Lots of games aren't trying to have a story that isn't just an excuse for porn.

But in a game like this, which is at least making an attempt at being a believable RPG with a plot to some degree, things that bend for the sake of the porn side of the game are all the more noticeable.
Poly's being used to attempt removing meta guilt isn't a push towards fixing story problems, its a push towards guilt-free sex, which is to serve the porn in the specific tone the writing staff wanted (you could instead push for a darker porn tone).

Everyone being poly doesn't have detrimental story implications? I've seen many people complain about implications that result from attempting to explain poly relationships being normal in CoC2 while the writers still maintaining the tone that everything is fine.
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From my look at the linked polls they line up with my likes,which is surprising;but as well prove that they're writing scenes then making polls to see how they will be received,if they need to be changed and/or pushed through,so the polls seem to show that people aren't in to being with/in acting with homo male,cuckold,or overly submissive scenes.for me the Brienne thing is that we cannot adjust its levels
Plus polyamory is stupid/idiotic.
The polls are surprisingly inline with me as well. I would appreciate more male homo content, but I understand that isn't what most people want.

What do you mean about adjusting levels with Brienne?
I want more Clementine.
What kind of content with Clementine do you want?

Raf-Raf Konstantinus TheVegnar
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Feb 5, 2020
check key items, maybe you already have it.
I don't know but my dumb ass forgot to check there. I eventually got it though lol

I want more Clementine.
I second that, especially she not over the top sexualized. It's nice having female characters with realistic assets that don't got a slong -_-
Hopefully in the future, we can get her to move to the wayfort, preg that and lock it down. Basically any of the females I actually like in this game don't allow you to form a formal relationship with them past being fuck buddies essentially lol
I used to love the kitsune content but that shit been turned into porn for masochists who either enjoy playing as a simp or someone who shuts their mouth and does nothing. Frankly, it should be it's own game lol

Does anyone got a list on the people you can hire as maids for the wayfort? As it was just added, there's no wiki page, no one talking about it to my knowledge and the game as helpful as a wet cardboard box lol
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2021
Okay, So either we have Savin paying a mod to delete posts with negativity against him and other writingers ( basically calling them out on their bs). or We have someone here, ( or a fan ) of theirs from the site, coming here and just reporting en masse?

I give a ton and tons of negative comments on other threads, MOSTLY BECAUSE 99.999999% of everyone lists posive and reasons they they and you should go above and beyond the call of duty to support these people, even if you don't like the content. But this is the only thread, I ever have any removed. EVER.

PS I do list positive stuff too, just not very often cause everyone has already listed like 40 times each of the positives.
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Reactions: Fiz1247


Jun 3, 2019
Okay, So either we have Savin paying a mod to delete posts with negativity against him and other writingers ( basically calling them out on their bs). or We have someone here, ( or a fan ) of theirs from the site, coming here and just reporting en masse?

I give a ton and tons of negative comments on other threads, MOSTLY BECAUSE 99.999999% of everyone lists posive and reasons they they and you should go above and beyond the call of duty to support these people, even if you don't like the content. But this is the only thread, I ever have any removed. EVER.

PS I do list positive stuff too, just not very often cause everyone has already listed like 40 times each of the positives.
I saw comments removed in a thread because there was an argument about ntr or some other fetish.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
I was explaining that there is a potential explanation for a person being in a harem relationship that wasn't pathological. Of course it's theoretical, I think the chances of that relationship being pathological is high. I also think that polyamorous/open relationships have a high likelihood of being pathological. I don't know how many games have explained that kind of thing.

Has CoC2 explained polyamory in a way that hasn't hurt the story?
What do you believe is a good explanation of polyamory in CoC2?
What do you believe is human nature by default?
CoC2 has simply handwaved in that basically most/all of society is polyamorous, and that, for me, is fine. That's really it.
A lot of harem games don't even bother to do that. A large amount of them take place in the real world, or something close to it, with theoretically modern sensibilities, and for some reason, a variety of different girls from different backgrounds and with different personalities and belief all decide that the MC is so awesome they should all just....suck his dick a bunch.

I don't like that.

For an example of a game where I don't mind a harem aspect, just for comparison's sake, Monster Girl Dreams.
A world is established that has waaay more women than men, where fighting is actually done through sex battles, and where harems are a ingrained part of society for the monster girls in question for a decent variety of reasons. And even then, the game isn't totally a harem, because when its all done, some girls will want you to themselves, depending on their personality.

And polyamory isn't written for ease of use?
Of course it is? That was my entire point. I said ...

It has to do with simply being the easiest way to handle a bunch of relationships in a game where content is being written by dozens of different people: everyone is pretty much okay with everything. No conflict, no need to account for a bunch of different relationship states between different people.
You said it was written that way to appeal to Savin's fetishes, I said its written this way because its easier, less muss, less fuss.

The best reason I can see for NPCs being poly is applying a fairness doctrine. The PC can do it, so NPCs should also be able to do it. I believe this is your reasoning (correct me if I'm wrong).
Pretty much.

Just because its now fair doesn't mean its any less of a pathological relationship. Having many partners without any deep meaning because you can't dedicate the time with any one of them isn't made suddenly better because your partners are also engaging in the same pathological relationship. A harem member is being taken advantage of in an unequal relationship, but if they are able to commit themselves to a hobby, work, or some other interest outside of having sex with other people it would actually be psychologically healthier for them (assuming the replacement isn't a different vice).
What you're talking about is...outside the scope of this game, I think. I mean, again, there's that line to tread between "porn" and "story" , or even, in this case, reality and fantasy. The characterization of most characters in this game isn't that deep. Most characters are defined, for better or worse, by who they have sex with and why.

Ryn and (presumably) Kiyoko are two of the only characters that really have the development and depth that we can plumb their motivations and what makes them tick on any kind of non superficial level.

Most characters are defined almost solely by their relationships and physical attributes, and I feel like giving those relationships more depth best serves the porn and the plot.

I don't disagree with the criticism that Brienne probably could have some extra added to her characterization. I don't agree with the idea that just adding her having sex with other NPCs would help that, or the story.
I don't think that either.
Her single-minded devotion to the champ doesn't make her a bad character, it makes her unappealing to me personally.
Her lack of characterization is a completely different issue. She needed some more build-up into being your cow waifu, and really just needs more time in the spotlight establishing what she's about besides fucking you.

I'm not able to understand at this point why polyamory doesn't hurt the story as much as a harem protag would. If the goal was to show how corrupt the world already was, then yes, it would help the story and world building. But that isn't the intention, so it harms it for me.
In my eyes, when it comes to the believability of poly/open relations vs harems, its simple:
It's more believable that a given group of people would all agree to the same set of rules than a given group of people would agree to a set of rules that favor a single person.

That's what it boils down to. There's a bit more nuance than that, but that's it. A relationship with that kind of power balance needs to be sold to me, and most games can't do it.

They learned to take the easier route. This isn't necessarily bad. Writing time is limited, and focusing on figuring out around jealousy is difficult that likely takes away time from more important things.
This was what I initially said. This was my point.
So, we agree, I guess.

they prefer NPCs being monogamous. AKA PC centric content.
This is the part where you're conflating two things that aren't necessarily the same thing. PC centric content does not equal monogamy.

Is there anything to suggest patreons on average prefer polyamory in the polls?
No but.. I never suggested they did.
What I said was that I don't think the polls say much of anything. I think that you're trying to math out things that don't really add up without a lot of stretching.

A poll locked to the opinions of patreon supporters, is not indicative of what patreon supporters prefer?
Not necessarily, no.
Its an indication of a snapshot of their preferences in that moment, which is not the same thing at all. Polls are tricky.

Yes, they don't write what the patreon's want, they write what they want and hope the audience will change to reflect that. There is evidence against that, or that it is a very slow process. Post-combat scenes are prevelant in TiTs, CoC1, and CoC2. They seem to be okay with these scenes, but companion post-combat scenes are the much lower than the others. Patreon's just don't like CoC2 style loss scenes (with companions). That game had been out for 3 years at the time of that poll.
Why is there such a high preference for futa in the fanbase? It's not an accurate reflection of the preference for the fetish in the porn community at large, futa is rather niche. The reason, of course, is obvious: Fenoxo likes futa. Fen wrote lots of futa scenes. A mostly underserved fanbase flocked to Fengames.

I'm not saying its the only factor, of course, there are plenty of them. Loss scenes are awkward and hard to access, lack choice for the player, and can make you have to redo gameplay sections. They have a lot of negatives attached to them.
But people will, quite often, simply like what their given. Fetishy fanbases feed into themselves.

Yes, and that would be solved by making the PC monogamous. You don't solve it by having Brienne dilute her relationships as well. Brienne directing her love for the PC by instead having sex with other people doesn't solve the root of the problem that making a harem protagonist introduces. Making everyone poly doesn't solve the issues with poly relationships. To make it not pathological, you would need to magic away the need for people to have meaningful long term relationships completely. This is similar to magicking away the jealousy in harem games. With everyone poly, it helps somewhat with the whole jealousy aspect as now they don't need to feel unequally treated (although jealousy still needs to be magicked away anyways), but it now adds on that you have to believe that people are alright with transient relationships that aren't long term.
Again, at some point you need to draw a line, a line that going to be different from person to person. Whether the relationships in this game are sustainable long term, in my eyes, belongs in the same realm of speculation as how the hell the nursery is going to take care of the 752 kids I've put into it so far.

People generally want monogamous relationships. I take neither poly nor harem as realistically believable.
Realistic might be a bad word. Maybe...feasible.

I can watch Star Wars and accept the Force existing without blinking. Not a problem.

Midi-chlorians? Tiny bacteria that control how people interface with the force? That's stupid. My (and everyone else's) suspension of disbelief ran dry right there.

Some unbelievable things I can believe. Some unbelievable things I can't.

You do realize friends without sexual relationships exist? If the only authentic meaningful relationship can be a romantic one, then the game has also failed to explain why these people must require sex with their friendships as well, because that isn't normal people behavior.
This ones easy though: because it's a porn game, and most relationships involve sex. Maybe not all? Buuut most.

I just spent my time attempting to justify a potential character that wasn't being taken advantage of. They were purely hypothetical (whether or not a writer could keep the idea consistent), and that still didn't track for you. I think you just fundamentally dislike harems outside of what writing might do.
Well...yeah. I have multiple reasons for disliking harems. Inviting bad writing is just one. I even provided another reason (though in another context): I prefer my character to be the sub, and harems don't really work with that.

The theoretical PC I'm talking about is not constrained by the CoC2 PC. They are not required to be yandere, stalker, or inattentive, overly needy. They have the capability to give as much time and attention to more than one partner as that partner requires. This includes 24/7 if that is what the partner wants. They can do this by being in two places at once. Are they taking advantage of their partner? Should they limit their affection output to that one partner?
A theoretical PC that can clone themselves? A person that turns themselves into multiple people, thus subverting the entire problem we're talking about here?

Can't answer that, honestly. Did you see Watchmen? Remember when Dr Manhattan did exactly that thing, clone himself to give his partner more attention, and how she immediately rejected and was repulsed by the concept?

This theoretical PC could be seen as taking advantage of their partner if what their partner wants is all of the PC, no matter how much of them there is.

Poly's being used to attempt removing meta guilt isn't a push towards fixing story problems, its a push towards guilt-free sex, which is to serve the porn in the specific tone the writing staff wanted (you could instead push for a darker porn tone).
Again, this is what I said, I'm a bit confused as to how you got here in the first place. The initial thing I said about the nature of relationships in this specific game was that it was made this way for convenience.

Everyone being poly doesn't have detrimental story implications?
What kind of content with Clementine do you want?
Set up/expand her business, dates, find some more sheep people ( I firmly believe that races should have more than one example of them in a world), more scenes in general.
Introduce her to Azzy! Azzy loves cuddling, Clementine loves cuddling, everyone gets double/triple the cuddle!
2.80 star(s) 107 Votes