
May 26, 2021
PC centric content does not equal monogamy.
Not gonna respond to everything in your post, sorry, but this stuck out.

It seems that your stance in the above quote is mostly relevant to you (considering you seem pretty adamant about this stance), and not the player-base as a whole (unsure if you were trying to imply so).
If you were going from a factual basis, then yes, you'd be correct (as interactions with PC-centered NPCs puts no onus on the PC to be monogamous themselves), but it's a fantasy porn game setting -- a factual basis doesn't appear to be particularly relevant in that regard.

I'd argue that at least some (if not the majority, imo) of the player-base would quantify relationships with PC-centered NPCs as monogamous / monogamy (seeing as it's a porn game, expecting complete monogamy from the Player / PC is not a feasible criticism imo -- the NPC being monogamous to the PC is good enough for most), especially when that's intrinsic to the NPC, such as Brienne. Sure, it makes her characterization rather one-dimensional in the interim, but changing her characterization to something it wasn't initially (and wasn't hinted at initially) isn't going to make that better, it's only going to detract from what was already established.

That's largely why, at least in my opinion, some people had an issue with the way Azyrran's content has gone -- because it was initially presented in a different way to how it eventually ended up.

If reasoning is established initially to hint at something / a different possibility, then the end result can be argued to at least not be so jarring or questionable, because there was clearly some indication of such a possibility (such as Cait explicitly outlining relationships with her). Without it, it seems as though it's just done based on a whim, and thus leaves one with a lack of faith for such content moving forward (Ryn and Male PC's heir situation, Azyrran, Kiyoko's stance on the PC having no say in pretty much anything family related).

To end off, if I have to read the Codex for an explanation as to why a certain NPC is the way they are, and not find out through their actions and / or prior established lore (such as talk scenes with the NPC), then idk -- feels like I've wasted my time getting to that point with the NPC -- as the justification doesn't seem well established (imo).

Sorry, didn't intend for this post to get to this length lol.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2018
Just finished with the new update on Steam, it was okay, but I'm a little confused about the Dawnsword stuff... my corruption is at around 99-100 but the Dawnsword does not appear to be corrupt, is that quest bugged or is the corrupt content still wip? Anyone know?


May 25, 2020
Just finished with the new update on Steam, it was okay, but I'm a little confused about the Dawnsword stuff... my corruption is at around 99-100 but the Dawnsword does not appear to be corrupt, is that quest bugged or is the corrupt content still wip? Anyone know?
Did you use the save editor?
You must be save editing, the sword you get is based on personality, not corruption, save editing doesn't cause the personality changes.


Nov 11, 2020
Man, I just spent way too much time digging into this thread and learning all about the writers behind the game. Very informative, and it does put into perspective my lukewarm opinion of the game despite it having a laundry list of shit I like. It seems like the game has no idea what it wants to be: is it a power fantasy where you fuck anything that moves? A straight-forward RPG about saving the world from demons with a dash of fucking on the side? A very customizable furry bait game? Something else?

I didn't realize that the writing was so compartmentalized like it is, and it's quite possibly the worst way to write a story that I've ever seen. Each person having their own slice of content that they focus on sounds like a good idea on paper (everyone gets to write what they want, characters will be more consistent in theory since they're written by the same person every time) but it just leads to the mess you see here. Without an overarching plan of what the story is going to be like and what sort of content is going to be included, you get a mess of half-baked ideas, inconsistencies, and more. What's worse is that we're seeing writing 'fiefdoms' showing up: islands of content and characters that are obviously just the writer doing their own thing without regard to how it fits in with the rest of the game.

Side note: I found it rich that one of the writers is adamant about not writing power fantasies, yet is writing for a porn game where the MC can fuck dozens of gorgeous women at the drop of a hat and where sex is as easy as "yo, wanna fuck?" It's a flipping porn game, the power fantasy is (mostly) baked into the very concept!

Anyway, it's frustrating to see such a promising project be mired in terrible decision making. This is a game which keeps threatening to be great, but is too much of a mess to really be that. It almost makes me want to make my own damn porn game.
Yeah pretty much, it's why I hope modding will become viable so all the idiotic decisions can be fixed. That and to piss of some of the writers.


Jun 5, 2017
Just finished with the new update on Steam, it was okay, but I'm a little confused about the Dawnsword stuff... my corruption is at around 99-100 but the Dawnsword does not appear to be corrupt, is that quest bugged or is the corrupt content still wip? Anyone know?
Are you a bimbo? because then you don't get it even at 100 corruption


Feb 5, 2020
Yeah pretty much, it's why I hope modding will become viable so all the idiotic decisions can be fixed. That and to piss of some of the writers.
Would be nice to add your own unofficial content. I'd love to have Asagiri or Kinu be a companion. It's really annoying how Observer is purposely making your character a shit father. I'd find it pretty sweet to have one of those two or your other fully grown child adventuring with you. Being able to add my own characters for my personal enjoyment would be nice. I probably could get something official if I tried enough but my tastes don't really fit the game.


Feb 14, 2020
Would be nice to add your own unofficial content. I'd love to have Asagiri or Kinu be a companion. It's really annoying how Observer is purposely making your character a shit father. I'd find it pretty sweet to have one of those two or your other fully grown child adventuring with you. Being able to add my own characters for my personal enjoyment would be nice. I probably could get something official if I tried enough but my tastes don't really fit the game.
You don't have to be a deadbeat dad, just leave them in the orb to avoid all the cucking/emasculation. Kinu will very pointedly remark that Kiyoko is grateful to you for getting her out, that's her way of saying her siblings and herself were just fine living in paradise.
Sep 20, 2018
The polls are surprisingly inline with me as well. I would appreciate more male homo content, but I understand that isn't what most people want.
What do you mean about adjusting levels with Brienne?
For example if you haven't banged her or milked her in awhile she'll be more flirtatious to convince you to do so,but if you have she'll just want a kiss and/or kisses instead as she's content;also if you could give her so she won't get pregnant.
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Feb 5, 2020
You don't have to be a deadbeat dad, just leave them in the orb to avoid all the cucking/emasculation. Kinu will very pointedly remark that Kiyoko is grateful to you for getting her out, that's her way of saying her siblings and herself were just fine living in paradise.
As much as I enjoy the early kitsune content since it's well written & thought out, as well as well fleshed, and I find Keros particularly amusing for the most part, I'll def be doing that when I do a second run, If I decide on doing that route again. Despite what Observer thinks, I don't have a issue in proving myself in a foreign society. I don't have some boner for beating down everyone who doesn't agree with me before dominating them with my will like alot of people seem to have. I however DO have a problem when Observer forces your character to automatically be a simp and do everything their told. Your not allowed to debate or argue under ANY circumstances, even when it comes to your own fucking family.

Like bro.....your kidding me right? The only reason my fucking family even has freedom is because I busted my balls to give them freedom and a possible future yet the moment they get out, everyone just flat out ignores you if they can and you have literally ZERO input on ANYTHING. Hell you can't even interact with your family besides Kiyoko who just wants to be bred constantly lol and Kinu, whom I'm not gonna get into too much as I'll just rant on too much lol Suffice to say, Kinu Hime is the pinnacle of what's wrong with the kitsune content. I get with what Observer trying to do, parenting and all that. You can't control your kids like a slave but you can't even yell, argue or even debate with her, let alone influence or give any input. Your are ALWAYS just there, in the background almost not existing lol I'd love to just stand there and call her out on her bullshit but no no no no! By Observer, your character MUST think Kinu the greatest thing to have EVER been created and is so perfect, she's even beyond the powers of a mary sue lol

The only character I'd act as a "Barbarian" and kill is Hime's fiancé but I'm sure like 95% of the entire playerbase hates him and want him dead. Observer has a fetish for like showing this guy off like he's the greatest martial warrior there is......that's why I one shotted him in the first turn of the fight right? Oh doesn't matter, he's gonna write it as if you were nearly tripping over yourself and almost got yourself killed. Either write different outcomes depending on the outcome of the fight between the characters or write something neutral.

For example if you haven't banged her or milked her in awhile she'll be more flirtatious to convince you to do so,but if you have she'll just want a kiss and/or kisses instead as she's content;also if you could give her so she won't get pregnant.
I've never really gotten the fascination with Brienne honestly but than again my taste are boring and stereotypical compared to the host of people who play this and ESPECIALLY, TITS lol My issue with Brienne is the same I have with a female Keros. Like yeah, he's a female in every sense of the word but in the back of my mind, my mind still like "Bro, it's still Brint in there, you know, your homie, you basically wanna fuck your best bud? In a woman's body?" lol That and I'm not into Brienne's design/appearance but again, my taste are boring. I'd rather fuck a bunch of normal like looking individuals with realistic assets than some eight legged spider woman with H cup titties that could crush you lol I'm looking at you TITS with all your herm's and J cupped women lol
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Like yeah, he's a female in every sense of the word but in the back of my mind, my mind still like "Bro, it's still Brint in there, you know, your homie, you basically wanna fuck your best bud? In a woman's body?" lol
Lol I have no problem with Brienne because I can't stand "Big B" (holy shit did I cringe the first time I read that) lmao I don't interact with him until I've cleared the way to the holy cave of waifu-ification and then it's three sleeps back to back, and no I won't help him relieve himself in the meanting—I won't even give him Cait.

The only use I have for Brint is accessing the alternate Elthara pregnancy art (when I play as female, because otherwise I'm not sharing her lmao), which I find hot af and it sucks that you can't get it even if you turn yourself into a minotaur or something. IDK who's responsible for that but damn, the king of cuck strikes again.
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