Feb 5, 2020
I must be seriously missing something cause I'm like the only one who doesn't see marrying Brienne as a big deal lol
That said, that bust is actually nice. I can't stand her normal bust. She's TOO ripped for my taste.

You say that like it's a bad thing...
Shit, why don't we have a fantasy version of Mass Effect? KOTOR I and Dragon Age doesn't really cut it lol

I've been writing my own mods for CoC and TiTs for a while and i've actually considered just going ahead and making a "remastered" version with pretty much the same content but on something like Unity and with more modular approach to make it easier to, say, load scenes from files to allow the people to write up custom content, the way you would load maps or scenarios in other games without having to rebuild the damn thing, but it would sadly take too much time to do for the attention and support it's likely to get, IMO.
As I'm not really a programmer/coder, can you actually do that? I know people have mentioned unity pretty easy to use engine wise but I haven't really seen anything COC on it I think unless It was a pure VN.


New Member
Mar 11, 2021
As I'm not really a programmer/coder, can you actually do that? I know people have mentioned unity pretty easy to use engine wise but I haven't really seen anything COC on it I think unless It was a pure VN.
I'm a developer, it's mostly about getting the engine architecture right, rather than the actual content, which as it is right is kindda spaghetti-ish, with all the content written into the code itself by different developers, so they don't all follow the same practices, so it gets messy at times.

The approach they used for CoC and TiTs is very fast to develop for at the beginning, but eventually becomes hell to maintain and grinds to a halt as more people dip their hands in, which i think it's what happened, the content creators inevitably are forced to either also be developers or have access to one and everyone is stepping over everyone else's work.

I've done similar work some projects to what i have in mind, and it's definitely possible if you know what you are doing, but you're going to spend a lot more time testing before you can see something working, however the end result would be easier to generate additional content for.

You also need to be willing to offload a lot of your "artistic license" I guess. Every shop keeper can be fuckable and breedable if you make it so that the community can easily override your default implementation with a few text files, for example, but that's something i noticed this team is against because it "ruins the experience" or something.

I don't know what the code looks like for CoC2.
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Nov 24, 2020
A system like Birth Signs from elder scrolls could help however to better balance between racial abilities and a build you want to run. I suppose you could combine that with the month zodiac system from final fantasy tactics where some of your base attributes can be raised and lowered depending on what month you were born in. Stacking a month debuff/buff + birth sign + racial abilities may be difficult to balance and I'm sure people would figure out how to exploit a specific setup.
I mean, it sounds cool on paper, but... uhh from logic and game design standpoint, I am not sure how much of a good idea that is. Imagine you are a dude who likes porn games and who decided to try a new one so that he has new porn content to play with. You start up the game and it tells you to pick your month, birth sign, race with abilities, class, backstory, education e.t.c. While cool, it would be incredibly overwhelming for many players and I'd argue could doom the game (I mean, if the potential players quits due to being overwhelmed in the CHARACTER CREATION, how are you supposed to get funds to continue making the game?).

In a single player game who cares why they used what TFs? It's not like they are getting a advantage over other players. I don't see this needs balanced unless you introduce fights/situations that can't be done without specific TFs.
It's not really a question of balance. Yeah, this is a PvE game, so it might not really matter, but roleplaying is an important aspect. If one of the TFs can be a difference between losing and winning a fight - some people might gravitate towards them despite not liking it. Fenoxo games are turn based RPGs. It's not Dark Souls, where if you are good enough you can just play Fashion Souls and wear the coolest looking armor sets that actually provide 0 DEF. Many players will pick objectively the best option for their equipment that will raise their stats, even if in reality they don't like it.
If I am not wrong, there is an armor in CoC2 that turns you into a female if you wear it. Now, imagine if that armor had wacky balance and was actually the best armor in the game. Imagine if it's objectively the best way to make your badass Male Barbarian character stronger and capable of beating one of the bosses. Now, thankfully, that ain't the case (I hope) and the balance isn't this fucked. But I hope you get my point. Given the opportunity, people will optimize the fun out of the videogame. If CoC2 allows you some sort of Chameleon TF that makes your evasion to go 100% - many players will pick it, because it gives them more power.
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
I swear that said a porn version of mass effect when I responded, or at least that's what I read... Then again I guess that's what TITS is.


Feb 5, 2020
I'm a developer, it's mostly about getting the engine architecture right, rather than the actual content, which as it is right is kindda spaghetti-ish, with all the content written into the code itself by different developers, so they don't all follow the same practices, so it gets messy at times.

The approach they used for CoC and TiTs is very fast to develop for at the beginning, but eventually becomes hell to maintain and grinds to a halt as more people dip their hands in, which i think it's what happened, the content creators inevitably are forced to either also be developers or have access to one and everyone is stepping over everyone else's work.

I've done similar work some projects to what i have in mind, and it's definitely possible if you know what you are doing, but you're going to spend a lot more time testing before you can see something working, however the end result would be easier to generate additional content for.

You also need to be willing to offload a lot of your "artistic license" I guess. Every shop keeper can be fuckable and breedable if you make it so that the community can easily override your default implementation with a few text files, for example, but that's something i noticed this team is against because it "ruins the experience" or something.

I don't know what the code looks like for CoC2.
Sounds about right but by that point, you just be better off making new basically.

I mean, it sounds cool on paper, but... uhh from logic and game design standpoint, I am not sure how much of a good idea that is. Imagine you are a dude who likes porn games and who decided to try a new one so that he has new porn content to play with. You start up the game and it tells you to pick your month, birth sign, race with abilities, class, backstory, education e.t.c. While cool, it would be incredibly overwhelming for many players and I'd argue could doom the game (I mean, if the potential players quits due to being overwhelmed in the CHARACTER CREATION, how are you supposed to get funds to continue making the game?).

It's not really a question of balance. Yeah, this is a PvE game, so it might not really matter, but roleplaying is an important aspect. If one of the TFs can be a difference between losing and winning a fight - some people might gravitate towards them despite not liking it. Fenoxo games are turn based RPGs. It's not Dark Souls, where if you are good enough you can just play Fashion Souls and wear the coolest looking armor sets that actually provide 0 DEF. Many players will pick objectively the best option for their equipment that will raise their stats, even if in reality they don't like it.
If I am not wrong, there is an armor in CoC2 that turns you into a female if you wear it. Now, imagine if that armor had wacky balance and was actually the best armor in the game. Imagine if it's objectively the best way to make your badass Male Barbarian character stronger and capable of beating one of the bosses. Now, thankfully, that ain't the case (I hope) and the balance isn't this fucked. But I hope you get my point. Given the opportunity, people will optimize the fun out of the videogame. If CoC2 allows you some sort of Chameleon TF that makes your evasion to go 100% - many players will pick it, because it gives them more power.
Since it's a porn game, especially one now where you don't get any meaningful choices really, I'm not even sure why they even have combat in the game when it serves little purpose. It's not enjoyable or anything. If anything, it's just frustrating. The game really just a VN with mostly illusion of choices. I'd just take it out so anyone can just jump into the content and enjoy it. You really can't make it anymore complex than Liliths Throne's combat and even that can be off putting when you first start it, especially when you screw up and end up getting gang banged beacuse of it lol


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Also if I remember correctly you could max your entire stats (further feeding the power fantasy) and you could adventure solo since combats were balanced to allow single characters to survive.
Essentially, this. You could solo adventure because it's meant to be played solo. Sure, progression is slower than in CoC2 because of it but it also meant that the power progression felt more natural and organic. You grind levels not because you need to for some arbitrary reason but because it gives you the best chance at surviving the next area. Enemies that used to curbstomp you eventually become nothing more than XP fodder. It caters well to the power fantasy element.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
This is a good take, however, I am sort of curious about one point. If I am not wrong - the reason why TFs in CoC2 are purely cosmetic is related to the fact that CoC1 had a lot of players metagaming the TFs for combat benefits. People transformed not because they liked it, but because it makes the combat easier. I am wondering if you could balance something like this or if Savin and his team overestimated the amount of people who did that in CoC1 and removed it in 2.
That is a valid point to bring up and indeed one of the reasons cited for having TFs be purely cosmetic in CoC2. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the TFs could be balanced by adjusting how common/rare a given TF is to get in the game. Metagaming TFs is a thing in CoC because there were a crap ton lying around and each had unique stats and features. Of course, some, like the dragon TF, required you to go on a sidequest involving a certain egg to even work your way to getting it but TFs like these are scarce. Other than that, you could keep the TFs as is since there will be players that choose to play as whatever TF they wish regardless of metagamed stats. Not everyone is a min-maxer, and I believe Savin & Co forgot about that.

The decision to make TFs purely cosmetic is something I disagree with and mostly due to Savin & Co focusing too heavily on the min-maxer player type and tunneling on the combat aspect of the game. TFs in CoC did not just affect combat, but also the porn aspect as well. Some increased fertility/virility, some made lust increase faster, etc. There are also characters that have preferences and will refuse to have sex with you if your 'equipment' doesn't match them. Some might not like futas at all, some only like massive cocks, some only want small ones, etc.

That sort of dynamism in the TFs is what I find to be sorely lacking in CoC2 and it is quite the shame too.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
Essentially, this. You could solo adventure because it's meant to be played solo. Sure, progression is slower than in CoC2 because of it but it also meant that the power progression felt more natural and organic. You grind levels not because you need to for some arbitrary reason but because it gives you the best chance at surviving the next area. Enemies that used to curbstomp you eventually become nothing more than XP fodder. It caters well to the power fantasy element.
Also the feats system was loads better than this ability card stuff, really wish they had kept that.


Jun 6, 2019
Other than that, you could keep the TFs as is since there will be players that choose to play as whatever TF they wish regardless of metagamed stats. Not everyone is a min-maxer, and I believe Savin & Co forgot about that.

That sort of dynamism in the TFs is what I find to be sorely lacking in CoC2 and it is quite the shame too.
I agree. Whenever people bring up "we can't have tf combat bonuses because people will min/max" I get so confused. Who cares? Those who feel the need to turn their char into a chimeric abomination because it makes fights easier, will just find other ways to min/max if they can't do it through tfs. And those who were drawn to the game partly because they could tf into something they like, will choose the tfs attractive to them regardless of which has a better bonus. I think as long as the tf bonuses are spread out evenly (as in most tfs have some kind of bonus), it doesn't matter.

If someone told me changing my PC's nose to an elephant trunk would give me a one-hit kill move, I still would never take it because the tf is not something I would want on my character under any circumstances. As long as the fights can be beaten on normal mode without the perfect combo of tfs, that should be balance enough.

It just feels more like a way to lessen the work load, than any actual good reason for denying tf combat bonuses.
Nov 24, 2020
TFs in CoC did not just affect combat, but also the porn aspect as well. Some increased fertility/virility, some made lust increase faster, etc. There are also characters that have preferences and will refuse to have sex with you if your 'equipment' doesn't match them. Some might not like futas at all, some only like massive cocks, some only want small ones, etc.

That sort of dynamism in the TFs is what I find to be sorely lacking in CoC2 and it is quite the shame too.
Hmm, interesting. Cause personally I am not sure how much I would like if something like this was present in CoC2. Depending on how strict some of those TF requirements are, it seems to me like it could make it rather annoying to manage your items and other properties if you want to read X or Y scene. But I suppose it was fine in CoC and people generally enjoyed it and it wasn't too much of an issue? I guess it's also a question of balance. I assume it was just a small minority of characters that had those preferences.

I agree. Whenever people bring up "we can't have tf combat bonuses because people will min/max" I get so confused. Who cares? Those who feel the need to turn their char into a chimeric abomination because it makes fights easier, will just find other ways to min/max if they can't do it through tfs.
I guess Savin and his team did overestimate the amount of people min/maxing their characters with TFs when generally most of the players would actually take even penalties to combat if it meant getting the character look...uhh... description best suited for them.


Jul 29, 2017
If someone wants to edit money or exp for characters, you can cheat by downloading your save file and editing with Notepad++. You will get the message that the save file is corrupted but it still seems to work.


May 5, 2018

0.4.47 Patch Notes:

  • Zo can now be knocked up. She’ll approach you about it if you have a virile cock ~4 days after giving you the silver mask, and at least 4 days since you first fucked her. You can get a crib and hang out with her and the kid. ( )
  • You can get Zo a better house (does not require knocking her up).
  • Arona has a bevy of additional content supporting her pregnancy and relationship.
  • Arona also has a new event with her in the Khor’minos bath house that expands on her relationship a bit.
  • New bust: Klemaia. (Given how this bust turned out and her elf fetishism, I’m starting to think she and Hashat might be related!)


Active Member
Jan 18, 2020

0.4.47 Patch Notes:

  • Zo can now be knocked up. She’ll approach you about it if you have a virile cock ~4 days after giving you the silver mask, and at least 4 days since you first fucked her. You can get a crib and hang out with her and the kid. ( )
  • You can get Zo a better house (does not require knocking her up).
.... who's Zo?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
Hmm, interesting. Cause personally I am not sure how much I would like if something like this was present in CoC2. Depending on how strict some of those TF requirements are, it seems to me like it could make it rather annoying to manage your items and other properties if you want to read X or Y scene. But I suppose it was fine in CoC and people generally enjoyed it and it wasn't too much of an issue? I guess it's also a question of balance. I assume it was just a small minority of characters that had those preferences.
COC1 had a mode you could enable to lessen or remove NPC standards, though it's been so long I can't remember if that was standard or added in the most excellent revamp mod.
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