You say it in jest but lets be real the gods just got to Savarra first all the issues issues that Kas brings they brought first and we really don't see what they're doing when they're ignoring the demon threat they probably still eat souls and have such easy and willing access now that they are picky and let/help folk fatten up in the form of champions. Nareva might be the only one who stopped eating and tried to control herself all the others though. Lumia is pulling an Alucard just sticking around battlefields with her followers during their conquests Keros is taking a page out of the kitsune book and since his people don't have souls preys on other races souls. Mallach set up a farm to breed the souls just the way he likes them because as you said pretty much everyone is fine with raping and pillaging and the gods have either helped with the pillaging or turn a blind eye after all, the orcs are still doing what they do in peace.I bring this up since you specifically bring up how corruption makes people being okay with raping others. If most of the mobs that are not corrupted rape you anyway, the only real difference corruption makes is simply how you look. I understand that the lore makes it very clear what Kas' intentions are and what corruption does to a person. But, to me, all of that falls apart when what I see and experience in game differs heavily from what the game wants me to believe.
Lastly, in case you haven't caught on by now, questioning whether demons are bad are a joke. But is Kas really the villain?
While I have no doubt savin and co will still be lazy and having a bit of the story be a nice even grey would be lovely it doesn't directly involve cucking so fat chance corruption ever really being a major part of the story.