Also if want to edit any *.coc2 savegame file and don't see "cheater" thing when loading
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It is a text based save file. Good to edit via text editor like Notepad++ with JSON type syntax highlighting also - if not online by the editor as in above link.
For example:
Game makes a save in two-step proces.
Firstly it creates a save content from brackets (+ those brackets) {...} so the brackets and whats inside it will be later hashed. And this is a text/string hashing and not a file *.coc2 hashing md5 (does all greened-out in spoiler, also with savestamp - the date in epoch milisecond format, but WITHOUT a hash - blued-ones! ).
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save content it writes blued-one content which is this hash and its added as last into the string content (as in
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only). In other way to speak - not to hash when you have got a hash already inside string...
Lastly if it differs - string values to a hash - accuses you of being a cheater or gives silly message if in silly mode ON... when loading this save file.
To decode "savestamp":1589743210122 you need to undestand that this is
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in miliseconds as integer value (
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There are also tools to change file time created/modified/accessed in Windows OS by the third party software - to match epoch time from savestamp - i use
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for that.
Anyway, have a fun with save editing - without being a cheater!
EDIT: I'm not sure if it hashes also uploaded custom image added which will be added as string also. I would say yes it does - but test this by yourself as i don't use custom images for my MC.