you can get spells you cant use yet
this includes spells beyond current max lvl
which is nice because you get to see what you will be able to use later, or you could save edit and mess around with it
but it also sucks because it bloats the power list with something you cant use yet
Yeah, imo the mirror stance is just incredibly annoying, borderline bad game design. Firstly you have to defeat the giant and do convocation of mirrors dialogue tree every playthrough, (please god let us auto complete that and orb puzzles after doing them once) in particular before you fight synneva, who has the first missable power I'm aware of, the banshee wail. Then you have to have it nearly permanently equipped, to reasonably get abilities and avoid the few that so far are permanently missable. Even then you also have to avoid wrecking bosses too fast.
If you're a tank, it's a subpar tanking skill but it gets the job done ok, if you're not, then it screws with aggro and forces you to waste a slot for it. Tanks need ability stealing the least, too, they don't care about majority of damage abilities. Wiki isn't updated well, game consistently gets updates, so it feels like you always need it equipped so you don't miss out on something, unless you've already done all current content and are just end game grinding for money for the orphanage etc. Would be better off imo as like a drain ability rip off from ffx where you damage enemies lightly, maybe lightly heal and learn their stuff, more universal that way.
Ability bloat isn't *that* bad since they've got nice filtering tools, but I think they could have benefitted a lot from being able to upgrade existing cards instead of having so many side grades or abilities that ARE just straight up better. Like leveling a white mage would get you heal, then later a great heal that replaces it, instead of having both, multiplied for every ability. It can make people confused when instead of like the ff/persona style system of fire>fira>firaga, or an attack and very obvious upgrade, youve got like "smack", "tackle", "overbear". There's a lot of junk to sort through and at some point during gameplay updates, scaling is shown really weird. There's some abilities that scale with multiple stats that isn't communicated well, like some charmer abilities scale with presence but don't have the color representing that, so it makes capitalizing on stats more of a pia than it should be