You're thinking of Takahiro. Nakano is the OC who fucks one variant of your daughter and he was made by TheObserver. And Kinu and the foxes in general were borne from him carrying on eternal spite from CoC1 from Savin's self-inflicted controversy from him not finishing an incest project he started. So since he's Savin's #1 dickrider, from Fall of Eden and CoC2, Tobs has taken it on himself to punish anyone who wanted that incest content done by making characters specifically to spite them for daring to hold Savin to his word.Once upon a time, there was a man named Bubbles, this man is sad and didnt like his fans(if he had any) so to spite the audience and to satisfy his own inflated ego, he decided to not only put his OC in that questline, but also make him the Mary Sue.
In CoC2, he makes a hub filled with characters who treat you as an outsider but also a fox waifu you can marry and have an unique kid with who you spend time with and raise in various ways to affect her personality. It was wholesome, until he put in content where if you free your fox wife and kids from the amulet they were trapped in, the kids get aged up for no real reason and your daughter comes out as a completely different character who might carry some spite toward you for not being there for the later years of her life and hitches up with a NPC barely after a week. Then after you have to deal with dialogue that tells you have no input on what happens to your daughter because despite marrying the foxes equivalent of a demigod and siring their next leader, you're still an outsider and Kiyoko is the only one who gets to make decisions. If you badmouth her tryhard husbando, your daughter will leave in a huff despite how much a dick that guy has been to you. And then everytime you roam the fox hub you have to deal with being forced into snippets from Kinu's life in the hub, including mini quests where your character isn't included at all, and you're not even allowed to be pissed when you hear someone attacked your family.
And you know what makes it worse of all? It's that it's SO. GOD. DAMN. BORING! The guy thinks the word count is the king of quality and is so up his own ass he thinks he's writing compelling literature. Forget the fact I can't fuck Kinu, Tobs would have just ruined that too with his drivel.