Just tried this update and... i am having problems of ACTUALLY GETTING the content...
First one the harpy, she is the easiest one to find which is ironic since she for a combat encounter.
Second the Minotaur Foreman... unless he requires a random encounter to show up i believe he is bugged and/or they forgot to enable him, because the new square in the outskirts is empty. (Edit: i stand corrected he is on the update im just a idiot)
Third Ivaze the imp, now... since she is actually in the game it does mean she is, automatically, easier to get than a guy that LITERALLY DOESNT EXIST RIGHT?... the joke is that she was so much of a grind that i rather have the dude that doesnt exist.
it took me between 10-12 ingame days to proc a scene and around 100ish (80-120) days to unlock the bedmate option.
now for the quality itself?
well obviously the minotaur is a 100/100 for obvious reasons, he had the decency of not showing up for this shitshow
the imp is... alright i think? besides the asinine grind, a new badend is nice and i don't mind femdom, don't hate it but don't like it either, might enjoy it if im in a mood or if its in a character that i like, but a character that is ALL/ONLY femdom is clearly made for a specific crowd, which isn't a issue, and its B so the writing is decent.
...which leads me to... the harpy... and MagentaNeedle...
the actual sex stuff is actually ok, but Magenta has a bad habit of making what i call "Marvel-lized OCs", over-detailed backstories, full of exposition and with one-liner or tropes instead of dialogue, in this case, every time the harpy talks, is to remind us, that she is in fact, old, because good writing consists of constantly reminding the reader what a character main characteristic is
i know the purpose of this character is to be a MILF/Hag character, but every time she opens her mouth she doesn't talk
like a hag, she
says/explains she is a hag, and the description of the sex it self is fine and conveys the point she is old