- May 18, 2021
- 312
- 714
That must be traces from flash code while porting. From my side could be more easy get the code and port it on pyton (less hassle with Java).if you mean as3 to javascript the main issue with attempting it using hgg as a base (the other one can screw itself for rn because of its UI choices) is all the fixes required by apache royale. Even with access to the as3 VM code hereYou must be registered to see the linksthe conversion has many hickups.
These range from issues that can be fixed via search and replace to parts of the code which require actual research and studying of how both the game itself works and how the avm work in tandem with one another.
An example of what i mean by complex can be seen below.
This part doesn't have a good apache royale analog and even in as3 is only really mentioned briefly.Code:var xmlList:XMLList = describeType(ConsumableLib).factory.constant; for each (var item:XML in xmlList){ if(consumables[item.@name] is Consumable){ testArray.push(consumables[item.@name]); trace(String(consumables[item.@name])); } else { trace("Not Added: "+String(consumables[item.@name])); } }
its reference can be seen hereYou must be registered to see the linksbut the page makes no mention of the constant property.
Another part could extract references and port them to HTML5. But by just watching the main code, it needs easy a couple months of just cleaning and debugging.