I wasn't around when everyone was riding her ass. So I'm not about to let this moment pass me by! Cait had to be the weirdest amalgamation of an idea. She came off to me as an attempt at a main LI. While trying to be a whore of the highest order. Which is a weird ass hill to climb. But made worse since she was a fucking stereotype. She didn't come off as someone who is promiscuous and likes sex. She came off as if someone saw a situation, paused everything, and thought specifically. What would someone who is a whore do here. Then cranked it a few extra notches. Like how do you try hard in a game. Where people throwing ass like a game of hot potato?
Then to offer her ass as some type of consolation and chaste declaration.... bruh. What happens when you have a particular fetish. But want to force it into a role. But hey that's just my 2 cents.
I feel that Cait's whole romantic shpiel emanates from her being the quite literal first girl, she kickstarts the plot and gives your character the reason to go solve stuff. Funny thing is she does have moments but they're curtailed by Cait's character.
She's incredibly joyous whenever Brienne and the champ have kids, saying she'll help in every part she can. Then you remember her religion grooms children.
She gives out about the Hyenas, which is a valid point, but it's considerably rich coming from someone who'll jump onto anything with a penis. Who might even have rode a random horseman an hour ago by the time she complains, no less.
I feel Savin just expected her to be loved through overexposure, to be honest, which is why she keeps getting stuff and remains relevant pretty much every time.
Cait is Savin's character but he's also the GM and he's likely prone to just folding the board and going home so you have to play along or just... go do something else. Prefer the latter, not gonna lie.
Honestly I think savin just got pissed that no one wanted the std super spreader that's why he wrote that whole anal virginity prize thing as some sort desperate attempt to get cait some fans but then being the absolute cuck he is he decides that random enemies can take said prize so it defeated the purpose of even having it in the first place
That's also funny. People gave more of a shit when Brienne was in danger, think it says plenty about Cait there.
Which leads me to this.
Honestly didn't understand why she's liked, like you said she's a messy amalgamation of Savin's kinks that the player is told they are friends. There's a manga called Domestic Girlfriend that as a similar whore of a character, the difference being that she is a character with flaws and interests that change which makes her more than a kink filled shell.
You can't be a whore then use sex to show love and affection. There are legit pornstars that do 100s of interviews that touch this topic and he could've used these as inspiration for aiding in making the romance between Cait n the MC palpable. But like Hiredgun said, I think this dude is a cuck/sub that enjoys sipping the cum from his bf's recently vacated ass, so that kind of reality would be like cold water in the face for this dude.
I think Savin has made Cait to be friendly to the MC but the moment you look for anything more that isn't battle-related, she trips over the line and faceplants in spectacular fashion.
You want a lover in Cait? Tough, her religion is glorified prostitution, probably engineered ages ago by the futa demon I forgot the name of just to mess with everything. If I were to write the end of this game, one of the finals would be for Cait's sister to be the final boss, having essentially sucked futa demon's powers into herself as a rite of passage on their little tin pot church.
Contrast that to Helia, who cleans up her act surprisingly fast by comparison and can have enough loving moments. She also fucks a lot but is shown to be passionate about one character and simply sticks to him.
You want a coadjuvant in Cait? Tough fucking luck, it's Cait's ride and you're only riding along until a writer decides not to bother with her presence.
You want wit in Cait? She's a glorified hooker, the few times she can show wit are tied to sex and it's with literally anyone else. She's not an idiot per se but she's definitively not the brains of the operation.
What does she have besides power sets? Anal sex, just about. Oh, and the opportunity to fund a literal brothel.