
Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
Shouldn't they be finishing existing unfinished content, instead of adding new one-shot characters?
This. There are so many characters who are woefully fleshed out at the moment. Yet they seem to like to give us one note new characters. Or give us one with pointless quests (like the new female orc-lupine one). Oh well. At least we can have level 6 now. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
The reason why a lot of characters do not get updated content regularly is down to few things.

1) They are not that popular. Just because you like it does not mean rest of the player base like it. Which probably leads to Savin and Co. pushing there content aside. Still, some writers enjoy writing for those characters enough that they will push through it even if most people do not care for it (See half of Bubblelord characters and his insistence on making Takahiro lovable).

2) The writer is not constant part of the writing team and they have other projects. Some authors, such as B and Gardeford just seem to write whenever they have time for so most of there characters recieve contents in short bursts. And since a lot of other writers do not have time to write for others (except if you are Observer that mad lad) they are left on the previrbial shelf on further notice. And just now, Atugias head rolled past me like tumble weed.

3) Some characters do not have that big of plans for them so they are mostly used as way to build on world and its inhabitants while also fulfiling specific sexual kink and design space that other existing characters maybe do not have reason or need to fulfill. They maybe will get something in the future but do not count on it. Look at random enemy encounters for example.

4) Artist got bored of them or left the team and no one wants to write instead of them . Now this is one I can hardly think of for examples since I do not have any of the authors to ask them directly and it rarely feels like character is just left for dead because author got bored of them. Goblin milf and most of town merchants could be argued to fall into that category. But at same time, Goblin MILF author just does not write much and merchants really do not need to have that much content around them since there primary thing is to sell loot. So yeah hard to tell.

And this last one is most important one in my opinion
5) The amount of content character gets is by the will of the writer or larger group colective (Savins choice). Characters are main content in this game. You know it, Savin and co know it, we all know it. Spreading out release of content for popular and planed NPCs not only makes us, the players , look forwoard to seeing more of there content, but it also keeps audience constantly engage. It also allows authors not to get burned out writing for same NPCs, it allows them to develop according to happenings in the story and it makes eventual release all that sweeter.
While yes, this all can lead to major case of blue balls, I think it is effective way of keeping us all engaged. How many of you are not opening this forum or there sites in hopes of seeing your favorite characters name writen in the patch notes. Until you realise it is just updated CG while Cait has gained all new content involving her new kitty prick. Writen by Observer, anal scene cowriten by Savin.
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Oct 31, 2020
The orc mary sue going "lol im a child of Garth hehehehe : )" sounds like some lore-breaking shenanigans. As far as I remember, it was always mentioned that he was married to his thief job, then met his wife, fell into despair when his wife got exiled after birthing the kids, and was deadset focused on his two kids (to the point where fucking his daughter make him go all dad mode). He never fucked around, and people always say some variation that he is an honest man. He never said something like a possible child if you asked him about orcs.
I'm baffled they did it so early on (slowly) making the game (milking the pateron bucks), and to one of the first characters you meet. I don't usually care about whatever 'lore' they would do, but this was so blantant that they didnt even try to hide it.
They're making such a story-centered porn game, that they didn't even try quality-checking on the orc girl and already messed everything up.


Nov 7, 2020
The orc mary sue going "lol im a child of Garth hehehehe : )" sounds like some lore-breaking shenanigans. As far as I remember, it was always mentioned that he was married to his thief job, then met his wife, fell into despair when his wife got exiled after birthing the kids, and was deadset focused on his two kids (to the point where fucking his daughter make him go all dad mode). He never fucked around, and people always say some variation that he is an honest man. He never said something like a possible child if you asked him about orcs.
I'm baffled they did it so early on (slowly) making the game (milking the pateron bucks), and to one of the first characters you meet. I don't usually care about whatever 'lore' they would do, but this was so blantant that they didnt even try to hide it.
They're making such a story-centered porn game, that they didn't even try quality-checking on the orc girl and already messed everything up.
They remembered that Berry's mother is a lupine, yet they can't remember how virtuous Garth was. It's like it's asking for some kind of lore reveal or new character that makes the claim that Solveig is Garth's daughter false. I dunno about their world building, but I kind of suspect some theories regarding that half lupine on the woods that's the exact opposite of Berwyn, who may be its parents (who's the lupine and who's the jotun), why it seems like it has a fried brain, etc., but it's like, no one remembered that girl and she isn't even part of that Solveig quest.
Jul 22, 2019
I still don't understand why they bother introducing half-somethings into the lore when all your children are never half somehow, regardless of what you play.
It just seems needlessly contrived.
It is a bit dumb and tends to just come across like fanfic OC "My character is half catgirl half badass viking so they're the coolest person around and also really hot and everyone loves them", but I think it could work out alright too. Half X/Half Y offspring would become a massive pain to keep track of, let alone if one parent is half X half Y while the PC is elf with certain traits, would just become a huge pain.
A lot easier to track an NPC being half something than it is trying to present all that offspring info without a spreadsheet.

Is a bit pointless including halfbreeds if they're not going to contribute to the world somehow though, especially when there's transformatives out there if you just want to make an orc with animal ears or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
If it ever looks like patreons are getting frustrated with the lack of meaningful content and the numbers drop then you better believe that suddenly they'll work on the story again.
Yeah. This game is still far better paced than TiTS but it's slowly going that route. Fuck-all happened in the Winter City expansion. What sucks the most is that I wanna f u c c Kas but she is locked in the main story and the dream shit that allows repeatable content for her is not in the game yet.

C'moooon Savin.

But then again if the story progressed, Savin would not be able to milk the game as hard.

Or could he? He could just finish the story and add more onto it afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Ok real talk here, does anybody else HATES the Elf-Boy in the Old Forest? the one with the horse-cock that'll appear randomly asking for sex, like...GOD i hate that little time-sink!
dude you offer no exp, no reward, nothing about you is really that interesting, and if you don't swing that way/both ways/play as a woman then you not even that sexy either.
(idk just a pet peeve i have, wish there was some way to remove him from the map...honestly wish there was a way to remove MANY NPC's that just pop up randomly and BREAK the rythm when you're trying to farm exp/move from point A to point B in the map.)


Jun 6, 2019
Ok real talk here, does anybody else HATES the Elf-Boy in the Old Forest? the one with the horse-cock that'll appear randomly asking for sex, like...GOD i hate that little time-sink!
dude you offer no exp, no reward, nothing about you is really that interesting, and if you don't swing that way/both ways/play as a woman then you not even that sexy either.
(idk just a pet peeve i have, wish there was some way to remove him from the map...honestly wish there was a way to remove MANY NPC's that just pop up randomly and BREAK the rythm when you're trying to farm exp/move from point A to point B in the map.)
I hate that there's nothing to him (and i'm not a fan of his artwork). After meeting him the first time, that's basically it and then he just becomes something annoying to skip when you run into him again. It feels like they might have been going for that Amber-vibe from TiTs (basically oversexed, horny person actually taking the time out to ask you if you could help relieve them - instead of fighting you like a normal enemy). Except there aren't as many sex variations with the elfboi and - right now at least - he has no story content.

Edit: It also doesn't help that for womb-bearing PCs he can get you pregnant. And since there is no easy pregnancy time-skip in the game (short pregnancy mode is still not fast enough), I can't even take some kind of joy out of rereading the fuck scene without reloading, unless I want my char to add another meaningless baby to the nursery. And I find using the temporary birth control plants annoying idk.
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Nov 7, 2020
You know, I just played and managed to get to the winter ball event, but I have gripes on it being OOC for my character.
Cait chuckles at that. "Remember, Manul, I was trained to be a high-class companion. I can sing, recite poetry, do a little magic, hold a decent conversation... and yes, I can dance with the nobility's best. Jassiran dance may be a little strange to Ryn's people, but that's the point, isn't it? And you, Manul? Can you dance?"
Not very well to not at all. You didn't have the chance to learn how, let alone put it into practice, but you're willing to give it a go for Cait's sake.
My character on that save knows dancing charmer techniques and was originally a charmer before changing to thief later on, and yet they don't know how to dance? Bruh, I danced on one scene with Evelyn before, and you're telling me I don't know how to dance??

And since there is no easy pregnancy time-skip in the game (short pregnancy mode is still not fast enough), I can't even take some kind of joy out of rereading the fuck scene without reloading, unless I want my char to add another meaningless baby to the nursery. And I find using the temporary birth control plants annoying idk.
Um, ovilizer can help you skip a lot of pregnancy stages, which can be fully utilized alongside short pregnancy mode, but then again ovilizers are slightly hard to find at the foothills with Byvernia, the mercs, demon, etc. prowling around.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Does the Charmer's level 6 spells Dischord and Grand Finale work with Willpower ontop of Presence? been testing it out abit and it seems like you gain a little extra damage if you have high willpower ontop of presence.


Dec 12, 2018
I still don't understand why they bother introducing half-somethings into the lore when all your children are never half somehow, regardless of what you play.
It just seems needlessly contrived.
The in-game explanation is that your character is essentially cursed by an effect of the portal's radiation when it activated.
Annoying how neither of the fully female human PCs can be impregnated (unless I'm forgetting 1 that I just don't find attractive enough to even remember).
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