
Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
Do you understand how your argument comes off as entitled when the crux of it is based off of being entitled to somebody else's time and effort? That's one of the highest degrees of disrespect you can receive.
Then maybe Savin should close his Patreon? How dares he ask for donations when he almost never finishes what he started? Does he think he's entitled to all the free money he's getting? The list of abandoned/unfinished content on that one is its own text wall.
You remember how Shar was supposed to be a companion? Sucks to be a loser who subbed to Savin's patreon hoping for more Shar content.

People are a lot more likely to change for the better if you at least attempt to understand where they were coming from prior to breaking out the pitchforks and torches.
It's been what now? 10~11 years since CoC was "finished"? People were VERY lenient and forgiving towards Savin&CO for years and years. CoC2 was pretty promising when it started as an aprils fools joke. But it only kept getting worse with time.
Yeah, thinking Savin of all people could change for the better is pure delusion.

A specific spite project, yes. With the context I have from my personal experiences with HiredGun I would say it was deserved.
Nah, the man is a Chad. Cat harem is one of my favourite pieces of content in CoC2. So I'm really grateful to HiredGun for playing Sav&CO like a fiddle into writing that quest.

It's still going to get to you unless you completely ignore any and all feedback that you get. As much as you like to think you can just ignore hate comments or annoying demands, any sort of creator working in a space with a public comment section would tell you otherwise.
Sure, some of it may rub off on me. But how do you think most other writers write their books/movies/ theatre plays/games without devolving to the level of Sav&CO?
They suck it up and persevere despite everything.


Oct 16, 2020
I'll be plain, if that's your goal this has been a poor first step. To achieve what you're looking for you would have to open a open a dialogue or debate, what you have done for the better part of a day and a half is argue.

Don't misunderstand, arguing is normal and natural but to have a dialogue and/or debate you need to be willing to concede ground, to stop arguing one point and begin considering another. I can count on one hand the amount of times you've done this. I mean you kept arguing about therapy and its place in empowering oneself, when that is barely relevant. Instead of conceding some ground somewhere you have been fighting on every front and one of them you had begun losing ground so you stated he was a bad faith actor instead of conceding a single point, then proceeding to argue several more posts about him acting in bad faith. How did one of the closer times you came to a concession result in you arguing more?

This is draining to read since the start of this whole debacle was me mentioning William in regards to something Dreamer44 said. You had one prior post to this absolute rampage and I don't even know what to say anymore.
I'm not conceding a point that is obviously a lie. So yes, I will call him out as bad faith because he completely described the Will situation, which would not fit any other writer in all but name and proceeded to say he didn't. Not to mention he used the exact verbiage Savin used to describe Sephora when the pushback started. So yes, he was either bad faith for arguing on a topic he doesn't actually have any grasp on and is just repeating things he heard on here, or is purposefully lying. Either one of those is bad faith. His other points were a matter of taste, which I can't argue, and the others were just insults. I can't begin to have a productive conversation with somebody who isn't willing to do the same. Yeah, the therapy thing was a waste of time and a misunderstanding, but it would be rude to not clarify and clear that up. And yeah, I'm all over the place because this isn't a back and forth with a single person and I might not hit every point for every person every time, especially when it repeats. Also, how many concessions have been made on the other side? Am I the only one who has to concede anything?
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Oct 16, 2020
Then maybe Savin should close his Patreon? How dares he ask for donations when he almost never finishes what he started? Does he think he's entitled to all the free money he's getting? The list of abandoned/unfinished content on that one is its own text wall.
You remember how Shar was supposed to be a companion? Sucks to be a loser who subbed to Savin's patreon hoping for more Shar content.
Projects changing and evolving is a common and normal thing. CoC2 still gets content, it still gets updates almost every week, and he has made no indication that he plans on stopping these. What free money? The man has like 6 employees on 30k a month before taxes and fees. That's barely 4k a month before Patreon's cut, before they get taxed as a business, and before they get taxed on personal income. They're far from rolling in the cash like you're implying.

Also, I'm fairly certain Shar was never supposed to be a companion and if she did it was very early in development. Is it disappointing that she hasn't gotten any update in a long time, yes. But there's a million things to write and there will always be somebody who isn't happy about what is currently getting the lion's share of focus. Also, anybody who is disappointed in this way is welcome to unsub from his Patreon. It is patronage after all and not a promise to deliver any hyper specific piece of content, just content in general.

It's been what now? 10~11 years since CoC was "finished"? People were VERY lenient and forgiving towards Savin&CO for years and years. CoC2 was pretty promising when it started as an aprils fools joke. But it only kept getting worse with time.
Yeah, thinking Savin of all people could change for the better is pure delusion.
Broad generalizations yet again. What exactly about it is worse that isn't just a matter of taste?

Nah, the man is a Chad. Cat harem is one of my favourite pieces of content in CoC2. So I'm really grateful to HiredGun for playing Sav&CO like a fiddle into writing that quest.
Cool beans, but I really doubt he was playing 4D chess.

Sure, some of it may rub off on me. But how do you think most other writers write their books/movies/ theatre plays/games without devolving to the level of Sav&CO?
They suck it up and persevere despite everything.
Most of them get feedback after their work is completed instead of during the process and most don't have multiple forms of direct engagement. Also, things like writer's retreats exist to get them away from everything that may interrupt their process. Also, just because something kind of works doesn't mean it can't be detrimental to those involved in the long run.

Edit: Let me ask you this. If the devs are ignoring you and your complaints is that the problem? Or is that the symptom of a greater problem that has been made worse by the community (devs included) insulating itself into pockets?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2022
Projects changing and evolving is a common and normal thing. CoC2 still gets content, it still gets updates almost every week, and he has made no indication that he plans on stopping these. What free money? The man has like 6 employees on 30k a month before taxes and fees. That's barely 4k a month before Patreon's cut, before they get taxed as a business, and before they get taxed on personal income. They're far from rolling in the cash like you're implying.

Also, I'm fairly certain Shar was never supposed to be a companion and if she did it was very early in development. Is it disappointing that she hasn't gotten any update in a long time, yes. But there's a million things to write and there will always be somebody who isn't happy about what is currently getting the lion's share of focus. Also, anybody who is disappointed in this way is welcome to unsub from his Patreon. It is patronage after all and not a promise to deliver any hyper specific piece of content, just content in general.

Broad generalizations yet again. What exactly about it is worse that isn't just a matter of taste?

Cool beans, but I really doubt he was playing 4D chess.

Most of them get feedback after their work is completed instead of during the process and most don't have multiple forms of direct engagement. Also, things like writer's retreats exist to get them away from everything that may interrupt their process. Also, just because something kind of works doesn't mean it can't be detrimental to those involved in the long run.
I believe Savin thought that Shar could have become a good companion candidate but Cait made him realize that a writer focusing on more than one at a time is a bad idea and that's part of the reason the one companion rule came to be.
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Oct 16, 2020
I believe Savin thought that Shar could have become a good companion candidate but Cait made him realize that a writer focusing on more than one at a time is a bad idea and that's part of the reason the one companion rule came to be.
He has publicly admitted that having Cait, Arona, and Etheryn was a mistake so that wouldn't surprise me.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Cool beans, but I really doubt he was playing 4D chess.
He came here at some point and basically said, "Yeah I like the content, so basically I got them to write me shit for free lmao."

Which I mean yeah you can't even start as a minotaur IIRC so it doesn't even work as a spite project. They literally just gave the guy a free cat harem lmao.


Oct 16, 2020
Fuck me you just don't quit do you bud? It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
I am nothing if not determined.

He came here at some point and basically said, "Yeah I like the content, so basically I got them to write me shit for free lmao."

Which I mean yeah you can't even play as a minotaur so it doesn't even work as a spite project. They literally just gave the guy a free cat harem lmao.
Maybe, but unless he said that long before the content was out, I would be hard pressed to believe it was on purpose. If it was, congrats to him and he should probably be studied.


Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
Broad generalizations yet again. What exactly about it is worse that isn't just a matter of taste?
Oh I don't know, how they abandon almost half of the stuff they start making? Pupperidge Farm sends its regards.
Or how they have constant infighting, causing writers to leave the project one after the other? Hugs, Will and other departed writers send their regards.
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Oct 13, 2021
The devs obviously don't give a shit about what happens here and I would legitimately like to actually change that
Both sides are guilty of being shitty
do you talk with the devs like you do here ? are you their ambassador ? are you trying to be the f95 ambassador ? do you have any idea how fruitless it is to try to convince "shitty" people their animosty for "shitty" people is irrational ? i think you already said you enjoy a good debate so youre just gonna be here until youre tired ? same as the rest of us ? you might just be here for yourself man
How so? I wouldn't say the quality objectively dropped. If anything it improved from unnamed text game, CoC1 and early TiTS. How many one paragraph sex scenes are in CoC2 compared to CoC1? And no, people's stylistic choices not being to your liking or the direction of the game changing is not a drop in writing quality
rant rq, thematically the game is a far cry from early tits and coc1, we are all enjoying the longer scenes. but i dont find the new thematic tone to be as open to interpetation as coc1 and early tits. characters and even the pc, neeed to be percieved a certain way because reasons, and i dont like this stlyistic choice. it feels forced. and because someone cant pinpoint the precise technical reason that quality feels lower doesnt mean their opinion can be written off with no merit, it just means that person could use some help explaining themselves, which is what i think you should be doing, if you actually want to form a bridge
HiredGuns's stand in wasn't far from how he acted and he absolutely needed to be knocked down a few pegs.
His ass walked around like he owned the whole place and hopefully he has had a moment of introspection since then.
this dude was so passionate with his opinions he got his own character and noone remembers what his points even were?(do they?) thats sad as hell. to say he deserved this degree of ridicule instead of a simple ban makes me wonder, do you like to teach people lessons ? is this excusion you putting the belt to ass ?


Oct 16, 2020
Oh I don't know, how they abandon almost half of the stuff they start making? Pupperidge Farm sends its regards.
Or how they have constant infighting, causing writers to leave the project one after the other? Hugs, Will and other departed writers send their regards.
Sure, a few pieces of content might have plans for additions, but that doesn't mean they are outright abandoned. It goes right back to the fact not everybody will always be happy with everything that is being written at any given point in time. They have limited pool resources and have to pick and choose what they think they can get done in a timely manner and still please people and themselves. If they are focusing on side characters then they aren't focusing on dungeons or the main story. If they're focusing on the main story they aren't focusing on dungeons or side characters...

Just so we're clear, Hugs broke the companion rules and then tried to say that the devs were biased against people with mental illness when he was held to the rules. He disappeared from the community multiple times before CoC2, for good reason I might add, and Savin decided to give him a chance with a companion despite this because Hugs seemed to be in a better place. He then preceded to disappear again, which was against the companion guidelines, and when he came back was angry that Savin wouldn't let him pick right back up with Berwyn. It escalated and Savin outright banned him from writing. And that's not to mention some of the longstanding community writers providing anecdotes on Hugs behavior when it came to collaborations.

Will was suffering from depression and writer's block. I'm not totally aware of if one caused the other, but his productivity at the very least took a massive drop (only writing a few one-off scenes a year) and according to Nonesuch, the one large product he finished was not of sufficient quality. The same project that Fen publicly offered to work with him on at a later date. I can't verify the veracity of whether his departure was entirely voluntary, but considering this went on for over a year with Will still being paid the whole time, I don't think it's outside the realm of reason for Will to depart of his own volition. Could they have done more? Maybe, but at the end of the day getting help needed to be Will's choice.

Most of the other writers left for health reasons, like Night Trap or Mistybirb. Misty is honestly probably the closest to infighting, but even that is a stretch since she wasn't staff. JimThermic got a SFW writing job and didn't want one to interfere with the other. Most just plain disappear for no apparent reason like SoAndSo. Hell, some just randomly pop back up like Couch. Or go to jail for tax evasion.
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Nov 13, 2019
I can respect the attempt to bridge the gap between here the the forum but I just don't think that's really possible anymore. Maybe that's just me being a cynic but I feel both here and there are pretty set in their ways.
That's an understatement if I've ever seen it lmfao.


Oct 16, 2020
do you talk with the devs like you do here ? are you their ambassador ? are you trying to be the f95 ambassador ? do you have any idea how fruitless it is to try to convince "shitty" people their animosty for "shitty" people is irrational ? i think you already said you enjoy a good debate so youre just gonna be here until youre tired ? same as the rest of us ? you might just be here for yourself man
A handful of times and if at all possible, I think aiming to do both would be the most beneficial. I have even floated the idea of applying as a mod to have a little more pull with the devs. They've been pretty responsive to my ideas so far on the forums. And I do enjoy arguing, but I enjoy seeing something completed even more. And at the end of the day I don't think any person can say they are into anything without it being some degree for themselves.

rant rq, thematically the game is a far cry from early tits and coc1, we are all enjoying the longer scenes. but i dont find the new thematic tone to be as open to interpetation as coc1 and early tits. characters and even the pc, neeed to be percieved a certain way because reasons, and i dont like this stlyistic choice. it feels forced. and because someone cant pinpoint the precise technical reason that quality feels lower doesnt mean their opinion can be written off with no merit, it just means that person could use some help explaining themselves, which is what i think you should be doing, if you actually want to form a bridge
And that is a fair argument if I'm understanding it correctly. In certain aspects such as the tone, I do prefer that there is actually a goal and it not just being open for any writer because I feel it can create a more cohesive product at the end of the day. That's not to say I think that you are in any way wrong to feel the way you do because it is in fact a far departure from the previous games. Would it be fair for me to say that I think it would make more sense to continue with what they have and see how it pans out at the end, rather than go back to what they have already done? To me, it makes more sense to continue with this path until the end then consider whether or not it was the right decision to make. If it's bad now, it would likely be worse for the game to have a massive shift in the middle of the second act. There's always a chance at another game and making changes to how it functions, but that doesn't happen when the arguments don't tend to be structured in any sort of way and the devs have to interpret for the poster.

As for the precision, I think that is the exact issue when it comes to most complaints. I'm am certainly willing to help somebody flesh out their thoughts if they need help, but on the flip-side people can't expect devs to figure out what somebody is trying to say because it was too vague. It would be like trying to describe a color when you don't even know what color it is.

this dude was so passionate with his opinions he got his own character and noone remembers what his points even were?(do they?) thats sad as hell. to say he deserved this degree of ridicule instead of a simple ban makes me wonder, do you like to teach people lessons ? is this excusion you putting the belt to ass ?
That is a very fair point. I may have a bias towards fewer harsher punishments due to my upbringing. You only get spanked with a wicker rug beater a couple of times before you learn to think before you act. Thankfully, my kids are better behaved than I was so I've never had to go beyond taking things away. Also, he didn't really have points. He just kept demanding content that catered to him and was a dick when he was told he was going about it wrong. Again, a disproportionate response, but constant frustration of that behavior does build up over time and he just may have been the one to bare the brunt of it.
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Feb 17, 2019
but that doesn't mean they are outright abandoned.
A lot of things have been outright abandoned over the years.

Just so we're clear -snip-
This doesn't work unless you're willing to hold both sides to the same standard. Stating, "Both sides have issues," and then proceeding to only label the issues of a single group while glossing over the issues provided by the other isn't arbitration. This isn't going to work.

Note that I'm going to be reposting lots of things we've already discussed in the past, including screenshots.

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His ass walked around like he owned the whole place and hopefully he has had a moment of introspection since then.

He doesn't care.
This isn't a platform where a person weighs the sins of their soul against the writers of a furry porn game.
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