
Sep 28, 2020
A specific spite project, yes. With the context I have from my personal experiences with HiredGun I would say it was deserved. His ass walked around like he owned the whole place and hopefully he has had a moment of introspection since then. For the other projects, I would say I lean more towards their actions being understandable. Once again, these projects aren't written in a vacuum and there was always lead up to them being made. I don't think it's crazy to ask you to consider the fact that there is some level of nuance to this and that group think has played some degree in exacerbating a situation that probably could have been prevented by both sides being a bit more cognizant of what they're doing. People are a lot more likely to change for the better if you at least attempt to understand where they were coming from prior to breaking out the pitchforks and torches. At the end of the day you can't expect the other person to take the first step when you aren't willing to do the same.

Alright, fellow, about that. Fucking everyone that isn't a part of Savin's little Discord server (possibly some of it as well, you never know) and somehow was made aware that that little quest was a spite project over some random guy on his comment section eons ago including said random guy found that fucking hilarious. In trying to own someone on their own expensive passion project, the people who came up with that shit just managed to blow time on something utterly pointless that represents well one of the gripes that people have with CoC 2, the shittiness of the lead.

Even with the context, it still comes off as Savin being a little bitch who couldn't take a fucking kindling of heat, blowing too much time on something that was essentially pointless the moment the target of it all just shrugged off and moved on. Why? Because that's what little bitches do.

In wrestling terms, they worked themselves into a shoot. In soccer terms, they tried to score an own goal and hit the bar instead. In bitch terms, they pulled a Savin.


Oct 16, 2020
The screenshots you posted of Hugs prove absolutely nothing other than Hugs disagreed with how Berwyn was handled. He didn't prove that the quote was incorrect or altered in any sort of way. He should have easily been able to disprove what B said with a screenshot and didn't do so. So where is the proof that B lied? This leaves us with a direct quote, which Hugs didn't even attempt to actually refute in a he said she said where one side is understandably disgruntled and possibly has a bone to pick. I'm not going to just assume that B is a bad guy to fit your narrative with nothing to back it up. Just like I don't think Hugs is actually a bad person, but just reacted poorly in a moment of weakness. Is it possible? Yes, but only Hugs can prove that was how it went down and he didn't.

Him being gone for 8 months with no warning is by no means whatsoever okay, especially for a person who has done it before. The rules for writing companions are very clear about having to be active in the community. You don't always have to be writing specifically for your companion, but you do need to be reachable to some degree. I don't think it's crazy to expect you to at least attempt to learn the basics of the rules for companions before you levy accusations of the rules not being evenly applied.

Yeah, Balak looks like a dick right there and Savin should have stepped in earlier, but Will self admittedly just wasn't doing his job. If my work was incumbent on others completing theirs, I would be incredibly frustrated as well. You guys just seem to completely gloss over this like none of these people are human beings with faults. People get frustrated with coworkers all the time especially when something is a repeated issue. Most employers would have just fired Will outright and your screenshot just proves that they gave him at least two years to get his act together. It doesn't mean that they are beyond reproach, but they are far from evil for expecting people to do their work on time.

The first Bubble post looks like banter that may have gone too far more than anything and I would be interested to see what happened in the four hour gap. I would also say this is markedly different since they would assumedly have some sort of friendly working relationship and there's a stark contrast between that and random people who don't actually know any of them. We have no idea what their dynamics looked like outside of this and whether or not this is a repeated issue. If that's the case and it was genuinely bothering Bubble then this is problematic. Context is important and this one just doesn't have a whole lot. I would be interested to see if there was more of this floating around.

Franks literally wrote a character just to piss people off. I wouldn't take the word of somebody who wrote a xenophobic character to stir controversy at face value. Savin having a lot more creative control over what gets into his game likely contributed to any emnity between them.

I think the main problem here is a lot of the problems on the dev side happen behind closed doors so it's really hard to say whether these screenshots in particular are giving an accurate picture. Always be wary of singular cherry picked screenshots of chat logs where the main point is just to make a person look worse. The Balak screenshot is much better evidence as it proves that he was an asshole towards Will at some point, but not that it was a repeated incident. Especially so when it ends when Savin realized it was an issue and broke it up. And yeah, I'm defending the devs here because why would I defend you guys to yourselves. That would be weird. Overall I would mainly like to see more context and I hope other's will feel the same when looking at singular screenshots.
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Oct 16, 2020
I don't fucking care! Have some actual maturity and don't dedicate time to spite people who had nothing to do with it. They are not victims, they're grown ass adults.
It's hardly spiteful to ask people to reconsider their preconceived notions and how they take in information that they are presented when it's sparse and lacking context. I would also argue that you can't be the victim while slinging around insults on the internet. Doubly so when you say they are so repugnant and proceed to be just as bad as them.


New Member
Mar 9, 2023
do you talk with the devs like you do here ? are you their ambassador ? are you trying to be the f95 ambassador ? do you have any idea how fruitless it is to try to convince "shitty" people their animosty for "shitty" people is irrational ? i think you already said you enjoy a good debate so youre just gonna be here until youre tired ? same as the rest of us ? you might just be here for yourself man
so to answer you're question no he does not talk to the devs the same he talks to literally everyone else. Since he was so kind as to tell us his username on the forums I went ahead and looked him up.
1738025013208.png went back through ten pages all the way to 2017. he has never once called the devs shitty people or even disagreed with them on anything. he has done a lot of bootlicking over there though, I'm sure they apprieciate that.

also 1738025406638.png
this one really caught my eye. seems relevent right about now.


Oct 16, 2020
View attachment 4489220
this one really caught my eye. seems relevent right about now.
I don't use just the forum buddy, which is why I mentioned floating the idea of trying to become a mod to get more pull with them. And yeah, I did in fact say that. Would you care to look into it what led up to my curtness there or should I provide the context?

And we are right back to the cherry picking being an issue. Yes, I usually defend the devs and have never denied that. I also have plenty of things that I dislike, but I don't feel the need to always vocally project it because it's usually just a matter of something not being to my taste. Like Pippa, the Elf horse boy, or the Steph changes being a waste of time.

What I did, since you so gracefully left out, was typically argue about people complaining about the ratio of herms to everything else, Riya just existing, or other matters of taste not being an objective fact. A lot of my posts are also just answering questions for people or providing alternate download links for people who struggled with the official links. There's also arguments about events that went down in the community. Once again, something I've never denied.

Also, I said the devs were responsive to my ideas. Like a recent discussion where I tried to talk somebody into channeling their frustration into a more constructive form so they would be more receptive to it. It doesn't benefit them at all and I really don't know if it will enact any change, but they at least agreed with it on some level.

Edit: That also only goes back 2017 where things were much more calm.
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Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
so to answer you're question no he does not talk to the devs the same he talks to literally everyone else. Since he was so kind as to tell us his username on the forums I went ahead and looked him up.
View attachment 4489208 went back through ten pages all the way to 2017. he has never once called the devs shitty people or even disagreed with them on anything. he has done a lot of bootlicking over there though, I'm sure they apprieciate that.

also View attachment 4489220
this one really caught my eye. seems relevent right about now.
Savin's greatest student, that one. :KEK:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
It's hardly spiteful to ask people to reconsider their preconceived notions and how they take in information that they are presented when it's sparse and lacking context. I would also argue that you can't be the victim while slinging around insults on the internet. Doubly so when you say they are so repugnant and proceed to be just as bad as them.
Dumbass, I was talking about the devs spiting their audience when they were not even involved in the Helspawn nonsense, and you treating them like they're victims to justify what they did.
so to answer you're question no he does not talk to the devs the same he talks to literally everyone else. Since he was so kind as to tell us his username on the forums I went ahead and looked him up.
I didn't need this to know he was full of shit but thanks. Now I really have no reason to bother.
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