Jul 22, 2019
Only the PC knows, the so-called Gods pretty much threaten you with something vague like "hey now, we're doing our job, don't spill the beans or else the God Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition might come knocking at your door for talking shit"...at least that's pretty much what Keros said because KITSUNE GOD.
I can get why you wouldn't go public with it, but there's no reason you wouldn't tell companions. The gods aren't omniscient or anything, how would they even know?

Thatd be pretty cool may even make me like Cait a little but I may just be too indifferent about her to care about her story at this point. Personally I prefer Etheryn and Brienne if Atugia didnt feel so bare bones right now she could probably beat out Brienne.
I feel pretty much the same, don't really care about Cait either way. Fairly sure they've already confirmed she's not getting corrupt content anyway so was mostly just joking with the housewife shit.

It's a real shame Atugia is such a non-companion, I wish they'd just assign her to someone else if the original writer can't be bothered. Even community submissions would be better than literally nothing.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I can get why you wouldn't go public with it, but there's no reason you wouldn't tell companions. The gods aren't omniscient or anything, how would they even know?
I dunno, ask Savin or Tobs or whoever's in charge of writting the God's interventions, personally they don't bother me much because i enjoyed the twist of the fake gods...plus i want to see what other spells/abilities you might gain when other Transformations are offered to you once the rest of the Pantheon has been implemented in 2069.
Jul 22, 2019
I dunno, ask Savin or Tobs or whoever's in charge of writting the God's interventions, personally they don't bother me much because i enjoyed the twist of the fake gods...plus i want to see what other spells/abilities you might gain when other Transformations are offered to you once the rest of the Pantheon has been implemented in 2069.
I'm not gonna bother asking questions over there lol, you just get passive aggressive answers or ignored. I like the fake god stuff too, don't get me wrong there, it just feels a bit anemic to include it but then not include any reaction to it.
Maybe it's planned for later and they just added in some of the god content too early?
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New Member
Apr 30, 2019
All I wanna know is how the hell you're meant to progress Cait's quest. All I get is to take her to some place south of Hawthorne for her father, yet I've been everyhere through every waystone and manually though both southern exits in Hawkthorne and I can't find where the hell I'm supposed to take her


Dec 9, 2019
I was fine with Cait being a slut and all, but now after her quest i had sex with her, after which i select new option "Chaste Kiss" and I LOST ONE POINT OF MY HARD EARNED CORRUPTION, I'M DONE.

Joining the "fuck off Cait" club i guess.
That explains why she would fuck a non fully corrupt mobs voluntarily and not the demons or that behemoth. So sex is a form of purifications for her priest kind?


Jun 12, 2020
Off topic, but looking in the save editor I see some NPC's have an EGG_PREG tag or something to that degree. Stories and such are nice, but who here is waiting for when the PC can use an ovipositor to impreg characters like we could in CoC1?

I know it's not everyone's fetish, and would be a bit undertaking on the devs side (considering they admit their source code is a complete mess and we know organization isn't their strong suit), but having more impreg options than simply, "Stick meat sausage into hole and spurt baby juice" when the PC has the opposite (many impreg egg options) would be a nice addition.

I can't be the only one skipping / scanning the, at times, absurd amount of story based text for anything worth reading.


Feb 14, 2021
A. Gay interactions are 100% avoidable as far as I know And Im 85% sure Ive played everything the game has to offer so far the only way you are forced into it is if you lose so as we in the dark souls community say git gud.
B. There are romantic options in the game that again as long as you dont lose with them in the party wont sleep with other people for example Kiyoko, Ahmri, Brienne, Etheryn and I believe a few others.
C. If all else fails you can always just not read interactions you dont like and skip through them tho this will lead to some missing context eventually.
I don't speak about romance with other guys, and I don't saw romance, I played romance my whole life and I can see If a game has at least a little or not, anyway If you people know romance as sharing your wife I don't care, Romance is something that like before you can fuck a girl you get to know her better and do stuff and make trust with her not just in the first sigh and first mission fuck her, and about skipping How the hell am I supposed to know If there's going to something happens that makes me feel sick about myself, I have to read it and when I get that what's happening it's already too late to go back, about the first thing you said your right it's avoidable but Romance as male characters I don't see even 1% of it, you just walk in fuck her and done, I don't call this romance
Edit: I remembered that the game has only one (Kinda) romance, it was a bee girl in the north that still as I said it's not the real romance you have to keep fucking her and flirt with her then you can hug her that's all to it, so yeah there might be around 5% romance, anyway dude I didn't want to even comment on this game in the very first place because I don't have time on argument and also it doesn't have to do anything with you but some community when talking about game problems they sometimes become unreasonable so yeah you can say fucking girls is romance, I say you have earn their trust either by a few dating or mission or saving them fromsome troubles like cait, Cait could have been something really good If they didn't fuck it up with making her fuck other peoples, like it had so much potesial and also the elf one that follows you If she didn't has a dick on her, they both were really good options for real romance but well they both got ruined and I'm not the one to decide, the game is free so I shouldn't complain about problems, either way I'm not going to play this game and I don't care people can go play it or not I just said what I really felt the game and What I saw and noticed in the game, like you see a beautiful girl then you want to fuck when she takes her pants off there's like 1meter Dick with two balls each around 2-3KG like WTF
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Dec 12, 2018
Only the PC knows, the so-called Gods pretty much threaten you with something vague like "hey now, we're doing our job, don't spill the beans or else the God Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition might come knocking at your door for talking shit"...at least that's pretty much what Keros said because KITSUNE GOD.
The PCs in these games are basically Claude. Annoying, really, you imagine things you'd like them to say to other characters, but they rarely really say anything.
Johnny Tightlips.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I was fine with Cait being a slut and all, but now after her quest i had sex with her, after which i select new option "Chaste Kiss" and I LOST ONE POINT OF MY HARD EARNED CORRUPTION, I'M DONE.

Joining the "fuck off Cait" club i guess.
New? i've had "Chaste Kiss" since day 1 on EVERY playthrough!...huh, maybe that's a difference that happens when you only play purity runs?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
All I wanna know is how the hell you're meant to progress Cait's quest. All I get is to take her to some place south of Hawthorne for her father, yet I've been everyhere through every waystone and manually though both southern exits in Hawkthorne and I can't find where the hell I'm supposed to take her
ok South of Hawkestone, go to the left where the Cultist's hidden place was (where you fight mouse boy) and then go UP, you'll find Cait's dad.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
I feel pretty much the same, don't really care about Cait either way. Fairly sure they've already confirmed she's not getting corrupt content anyway so was mostly just joking with the housewife shit.
For a game ostensibly featuring the, y'know, corruption of champions, it's really striking how little interest the writers have in the corruption side of things. When corruption content is occasionally added, it mostly seems to be begrudging and halfhearted.

I'm not a paying customer so can't really quibble with the writers prioritizing whatever content they fancy, even if it's not to my taste, but the discrepancy between title and content is becoming more and more marked.

The the Guy

Jun 28, 2018
It's a real shame Atugia is such a non-companion, I wish they'd just assign her to someone else if the original writer can't be bothered. Even community submissions would be better than literally nothing.
I didnt know that was the reason but if it is same when I first played early on she was one of my favorites but as the game goes on she just faded into the backround the same happened with Berwyn and Arona for me. They started really good but as others got more stuff I started caring less about them.
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The the Guy

Jun 28, 2018
I don't speak about romance with other guys, and I don't saw romance, I played romance my whole life and I can see If a game has at least a little or not, anyway If you people know romance as sharing your wife I don't care, Romance is something that like before you can fuck a girl you get to know her better and do stuff and make trust with her not just in the first sigh and first mission fuck her, and about skipping How the hell am I supposed to know If there's going to something happens that makes me feel sick about myself, I have to read it and when I get that what's happening it's already too late to go back, about the first thing you said your right it's avoidable but Romance as male characters I don't see even 1% of it, you just walk in fuck her and done, I don't call this romance
Edit: I remembered that the game has only one (Kinda) romance, it was a bee girl in the north that still as I said it's not the real romance you have to keep fucking her and flirt with her then you can hug her that's all to it, so yeah there might be around 5% romance, anyway dude I didn't want to even comment on this game in the very first place because I don't have time on argument and also it doesn't have to do anything with you but some community when talking about game problems they sometimes become unreasonable so yeah you can say fucking girls is romance, I say you have earn their trust either by a few dating or mission or saving them fromsome troubles like cait, Cait could have been something really good If they didn't fuck it up with making her fuck other peoples, like it had so much potesial and also the elf one that follows you If she didn't has a dick on her, they both were really good options for real romance but well they both got ruined and I'm not the one to decide, the game is free so I shouldn't complain about problems, either way I'm not going to play this game and I don't care people can go play it or not I just said what I really felt the game and What I saw and noticed in the game, like you see a beautiful girl then you want to fuck when she takes her pants off there's like 1meter Dick with two balls each around 2-3KG like WTF
It seems like you are either stupid or dont understand English very well because I literally told you there are people you dont have to share and you imediatly say "if you think sharing youre wife is romance I dont care". Also yeah its a porn game of course its mostly gonna be fucking and not much romance do you go to pornhub expecting to watch a romance movie too?


Jun 12, 2020
I don't speak about romance with other guys, and I don't saw romance, I played romance my whole life and I can see If a game has at least a little or not, anyway If you people know romance as sharing your wife I don't care, Romance is something that like before you can fuck a girl you get to know her better and do stuff and make trust with her not just in the first sigh and first mission fuck her, and about skipping How the hell am I supposed to know If there's going to something happens that makes me feel sick about myself, I have to read it and when I get that what's happening it's already too late to go back, about the first thing you said your right it's avoidable but Romance as male characters I don't see even 1% of it, you just walk in fuck her and done, I don't call this romance
Edit: I remembered that the game has only one (Kinda) romance, it was a bee girl in the north that still as I said it's not the real romance you have to keep fucking her and flirt with her then you can hug her that's all to it, so yeah there might be around 5% romance, anyway dude I didn't want to even comment on this game in the very first place because I don't have time on argument and also it doesn't have to do anything with you but some community when talking about game problems they sometimes become unreasonable so yeah you can say fucking girls is romance, I say you have earn their trust either by a few dating or mission or saving them fromsome troubles like cait, Cait could have been something really good If they didn't fuck it up with making her fuck other peoples, like it had so much potesial and also the elf one that follows you If she didn't has a dick on her, they both were really good options for real romance but well they both got ruined and I'm not the one to decide, the game is free so I shouldn't complain about problems, either way I'm not going to play this game and I don't care people can go play it or not I just said what I really felt the game and What I saw and noticed in the game, like you see a beautiful girl then you want to fuck when she takes her pants off there's like 1meter Dick with two balls each around 2-3KG like WTF
The best I could summarize from that rant:

"I know how romance games work because I've played them a lot. I'm upset because this game doesn't do romance well. I don't have time to argue. I'm upset because Cait sleeps around. Ryn would have been a good option if she didn't have a dick."

Going to put in my 2 cents Knight140:
1) Playing a genre of game doesn't make you an expert in it. If anything it makes you bias towards certain archetypes.
2) It's a porn game. Don't expect real romance. Wrong genre.
3) You don't have time to argue yet you wrote that much?
4) Cait from the get-go was not designed or implied to be anything other than a character who sleeps around. Design wise she's great.
5) Savin was never into stereotypical pair ups, guy is married to his mtf trans friend. You have to understand the game isn't very friendly for people who want ultra/basic monogamous elements. This is high fantasy, 'fulfill your deepest sexual desires,' type of experience.


Jun 12, 2020
I didnt know that was the reason but if it is same when I first played early on she was one of my favorites but as the game goes on she just faded into the backround the same happened with Berwyn and Arona for me. They started really good but as others got more stuff I started caring less about them.
I'll second this. Thought Atugia would have more content. Nada. I'm hoping they let us recruit bimbo Azzy or bimbo her later. Didn't touch Berwyn for a good while, not into femboys, but his character is pretty fun to troll and for threesome options. If he gets as much character development and options as Brienne does later he'll be a solid character for people into that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I'll second this. Thought Atugia would have more content. Nada. I'm hoping they let us recruit bimbo Azzy or bimbo her later. Didn't touch Berwyn for a good while, not into femboys, but his character is pretty fun to troll and for threesome options. If he gets as much character development and options as Brienne does later he'll be a solid character for people into that.
You mean a PERMANENT Bimbo Azzy? cuz if you do the jewelry thing in hawkethorne after recruiting Azzy you can turn her into a bimbo at will (Frankly i tend to keep her in her bimbo form cuz she just KICKS ASS!)
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
You mean a PERMANENT Bimbo Azzy? cuz if you do the jewelry thing in hawkethorne after recruiting Azzy you can turn her into a bimbo at will (Frankly i tend to keep her in her bimbo form cuz she just KICKS ASS!)
Yeah, if you purify the hive you get to pick between her knight and bimbo loadouts, but if you corrupt it (bimbofying her) you can't recruit her at all. One of those cases where the purifying path is clearly the writers' preferred option and corruption more of an afterthought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
So I learned that there are two ways to avoid her post quest anal scene. You either have to lack in dick department (and people tell me that vagina wielding players are always getting screwed). Or you have to let her get raped and let her lose virginity that way. And people tell me that this game is lacking in corrupt content.
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The the Guy

Jun 28, 2018
I'll second this. Thought Atugia would have more content. Nada. I'm hoping they let us recruit bimbo Azzy or bimbo her later. Didn't touch Berwyn for a good while, not into femboys, but his character is pretty fun to troll and for threesome options. If he gets as much character development and options as Brienne does later he'll be a solid character for people into that.
I feel the same about Arona and Berwyn I feel they need some more side quest and story stuff. It really feels like Cait, Ryn, and Brienne get the most attention. Dont get me wrong it makes sense for Cait and Ryn to get a lot of attention theyve been important to the story so far and I just like Ryn content(Gimme more). If thats why the others are getting ignored then make them important to the story or (and this is the worst option in my opinion) replace them with characters that are important to the story.
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