
Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I think that a lot of items actually have about same amount of descriptions as this one.
As for the monologue telling you more about what Kinu thinks about is then describing how it actually looks. I think it works in this case since well, it is what she wears constantly. She really does not need to describe it to herself in such detail. Because she knows how it looks like and it is something she always wear. To her what it is is much less important than what it means to her.

While in books and in other visual media it could be argued that such information can be seen as pointless. Especially if it does not advance the plot or contribute meaninfully to any future development. Games are there own different beasts. Since they have interactive elements, authors can include a lot of different tidbits and description that are not really story important. That are not really out of the reach, but player still needs to go to look for them. In this case, think of it us Point and Click protagonist commenting on various things that player interacts with.
Still,as I said,I get your annoyance. It does seem pretentious since it is unlike any other item description that game has. But at same time, as I said, I think it works for what it is.
I think, and I mean no offense here, that you're trying too hard to play devil's advocate man. No matter what take you have that's just bad prose. Even if you dig the whole lore aspect of an item description, it's just badly written, and it's not really a hill to die on.

It's overdone, gaudy, pretentious purple prose. Tobs needs some Hemingway teachings. There's a ton of places to discuss Kinu's strained relationship with her mother, and the game really doesn't need it in the items too. Especially when it contrasts the game's idea for item descriptions, none other is like this.

If I want to read an item description, in the context of this game I want to see what it does, maybe what it's made out of, and maybe a bit of worldbuilding, and that's a big maybe.

I don't want to read a lengthy sermon about Kinu's need for therapy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
yeah i know i probably sound pretentious, but it's mostly because i am really passionate about writing in video games and what they mean to the player, so i do tend to blow things out of proportion even if its funny trivia or whatever. But especially when the writer is a little bitch who for some reason always stays on top of his little soapbox when it comes to his OC's and why he wrote them the way they are.

I think that really depends on your interpretation of character immersion. In my opinion, i think we are sufficiently immersed in the character that we generally know her do's and dont's, her likes and her not likes so maybe i'd be ok to just leave the added trivia in bed, give it a goodnight kiss and not really mention it, or add it to the talk option for what is assumed to be Kinu.
We are all pretentious for arguing about writing quality in a mediocre porn game.

But what's even more pretentious is the thing you criticize, so I'd say it's valid.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I just enjoy writing to people so I do not mind playing devils advocate. Even if this is something I actually belive in.
While in the end of the day, the act of criticizing and defending Tobses writing on the site that he himself does not visits in itself is pointless. But it is enjoyable for me. And for you I assume up to certain point. If not, than I do not see no reason to continue to look for things to complain about. Since no one from dev team will read it.
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Mar 23, 2021
I just enjoy writing to people so I do not mind playing devils advocate. Even if this is something I actually belive in.
While in the end of the day, the act of criticizing and defending Tobses writing on the site that he himself does not visits in itself is pointless. But it is enjoyable for me. And for you I assume up to certain point. If not, than I do not see no reason to continue to look for things to complain about. Since no one from dev team will read it.
People like complaining, even if it doesn't change anything, and that's perfectly fine. We put our complaints here because we'd most likely be banned, hate mobbed, or both if we put them on the Fenoxo forums, even if we toned down our complaints to constructive criticism.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
People like complaining, even if it doesn't change anything, and that's perfectly fine. We put our complaints here because we'd most likely be banned, hate mobbed, or both if we put them on the Fenoxo forums, even if we toned down our complaints to constructive criticism.
Yeah, as long as you find it enjoyable, go for it. I also find it enjoyable to play devils advocate, as some people put it. To have conversations, even if it is on something I personally disagree with person that I am responding to.
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Mar 23, 2021
Yeah, as long as you find it enjoyable, go for it. I also find it enjoyable to play devils advocate, as some people like to say. And to have conversations, even if it something I personally disagree with.
I wouldn't say I enjoy complaining, sure it can be fun to start or participate in a circle jerk shitting on Tobs or Savin or whoever, but at the end of the day I personally complain as a way to vent frustration about the game.


Dec 12, 2018
That is dumb. The characters constantly get new content. A character I might not want to interact with now I might want to interact with in the future. Maybe I misclicked. There's a billion options.

There is no possible excuse for putting it all down to one flag. Especially since storywise there is no reason for it either. I mean, she is still in the inn lol. It's not like she goes away after you say no. This isn't a big story choice, it's just a random npc.
But then how would they punish you for not being into what they are? If you wondered why I do things that people call "fetish shaming", shit like this is why.
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Jun 25, 2017
Hey guys, does anyone know if the author said anything regarding allowing the players to lewd the adult Kinu? Just curious considering how things could've developed with Helia and her daughter in coc1.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Hey guys, does anyone know if the author said anything regarding allowing the players to lewd the adult Kinu? Just curious considering how things could've developed with Helia and her daughter in coc1.
Not happening. Incest between child and parent is forbidden by both patreon and Savin.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Hey guys, does anyone know if the author said anything regarding allowing the players to lewd the adult Kinu? Just curious considering how things could've developed with Helia and her daughter in coc1.
Tobs hates the idea enough that he designed the entire character of Kinu to spite anyone who would want to lewd her.

I also find the idea of daughter/parent stuff really, really creepy, so I can't blame him for that, but his hostility is on another level.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Let's hope savin is willing to work with the modders for the sake of us degenerates.
Wow, you must be new to CoC2, like brand new.
Tobs hates the idea enough that he designed the entire character of Kinu to spite anyone who would want to lewd her.

I also find the idea of daughter/parent stuff really, really creepy, so I can't blame him for that, but his hostility is on another level.
You'd think that fetish game writers would be the last guys to go off on other people's fetishes, but I guess Tobs is just so much better than us lowly coomers. Whatever, that shit is confined to its own little ghetto, so I don't have to put up with it if I don't want to.
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Mar 23, 2021
There is no good reason to hate modders, no matter what content they're trying to add or change. He is 100% an unreasonable dick.
Only reason I could see for hating modders is if they profit from it, even then Savin and crew are already making fuck you money off the game, so that's a weak point. Or (despite all the rape already in the game) if they add some really weird/illegal shit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
What would those reasons be?
Savin and his buddies don't want anybody messing with their super special OC waifus, nor do they want anybody adding fetish content that they don't like. They are stupidly protective of their work and can't stand the idea of someone modifying it in any way, even just for personal use, the daffy fucks.


Jun 25, 2017
Savin and his buddies don't want anybody messing with their super special OC waifus, nor do they want anybody adding fetish content that they don't like. They are stupidly protective of their work and can't stand the idea of someone modifying it in any way, even just for personal use, the daffy fucks.
Lol, they just missed some great marketing opportunity.
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