
Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I am not sure how people here feel about Berwyn, especially sinc B! has taken over for him. But he may be getting a sub/butslut route. Like, similar to what he is planing with that femboy minotaur. He may gain sub/dom tracker, in which you may push him in either direction. Personally, I would like that. Especially if I a would be able to mommy femdom him.
I quite like Berwyn and always wanted him to get a sub route. It always felt like it was intended too. Much of his writing feels like it's in prep for a route like that in the future.


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Speaking of Berwyn was it ever stated we will be able to shrink his dick in the future?

He currently has the second largest dick ingame and it would feel appropriate for a sub route. Same way how Evelyn is planned to have her cock removed on her future sub content.

How do you equip Brienne's pyromancer set? I've no idea how to do it.
On the character page where you can see her combat stats you can change companion sets.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
He currently has the second largest dick ingame and it would feel appropriate for a sub route. Same way how Evelyn is planned to have her cock removed on her future sub content.
I feel like domming a guy with a bigger dick is underrated. I know that in a lot of femboy yaoi a lot of bottoms have smaller dick then top. Since that way the reader (who self inserts) feels more manlier than the femboy. Now I do not know about you, but domming a man with a bigger dick kind makes me feel more manly, for lack of a better word. Like "This fucker could wreck whoever he wants with that monster between his legs. But here he is taking my dick while his foot long shlong flails helplessly there".

Still, it would be nice to have an option to suggest to him to shrink it a little. I know that he has it for contrast, but at same time, a lot of people are not into hyper stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Speaking of Evelyn's future content (for the thousandth time everyone in savins team should strive to be like wsan), I ran away from her door at first and now have been completely barred from ever seeing her again.

That's very bad game design. It means I need a new save for the whole thing lol. I hope when she does get an update, the team actually allows you to see her again without needing a new save.
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Speaking of Evelyn's future content (for the thousandth time everyone in savins team should strive to be like wsan), I ran away from her door at first and now have been completely barred from ever seeing her again.

That's very bad game design. It means I need a new save for the whole thing lol. I hope when she does get an update, the team actually allows you to see her again without needing a new save.
I mean, you expressed your wish that you did not want to engage with her content. And as Wsan sees it, that should be enough reason to lock you out from interacting with her in the future.


Jun 6, 2019
Speaking of Evelyn's future content (for the thousandth time everyone in savins team should strive to be like wsan), I ran away from her door at first and now have been completely barred from ever seeing her again.

That's very bad game design. It means I need a new save for the whole thing lol. I hope when she does get an update, the team actually allows you to see her again without needing a new save.
I don't see why they wouldn't. Yes you expressed that you didn't want any part of her content before but now she's getting an expansion with practically the opposite kinks she currently has. Would be silly to hold you to that initial choice. And I think wsan usually recognizes that? Hopefully (for you that is - who the fuck would turn Evelyn down, you absolute fool) .

And is there no option to just back away without barring her content? Imo everything should have a "yes I want to see this", "no I never want to see this" and a "back out just for now" option. In a game constantly evolving, sometimes you don't want to lock yourself completely out of a character.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Speaking of Evelyn's future content (for the thousandth time everyone in savins team should strive to be like wsan), I ran away from her door at first and now have been completely barred from ever seeing her again.

That's very bad game design. It means I need a new save for the whole thing lol. I hope when she does get an update, the team actually allows you to see her again without needing a new save.
Well, if you want to unlock her content, you can try editing your save. I don't know how to disable that annoying warning message anymore (yes, I know about the text editor method), but have to live with some of my choices in this game would just suck out all of the enjoyment, man.

-EDIT addressed to the thread- Speaking of Evelyn, does she have a dick removal route? There's an "EVELYN_PENIS" flag in the save editor, so I'm wondering if that's what it's for.


Jun 6, 2019
Well, if you want to unlock her content, you can try editing your save. I don't know how to disable that annoying warning message anymore (yes, I know about the text editor method), but have to live with some of my choices in this game would just suck out all of the enjoyment, man.

-EDIT addressed to the thread- Speaking of Evelyn, does she have a dick removal route? There's an "EVELYN_PENIS" flag in the save editor, so I'm wondering if that's what it's for.
That's the future content they're talking about. You can do blasphemous things like remove her dick and dom her.
  • Yay, update!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I mean, you expressed your wish that you did not want to engage with her content. And as Wsan sees it, that should be enough reason to lock you out from interacting with her in the future.
That is dumb. The characters constantly get new content. A character I might not want to interact with now I might want to interact with in the future. Maybe I misclicked. There's a billion options.

There is no possible excuse for putting it all down to one flag. Especially since storywise there is no reason for it either. I mean, she is still in the inn lol. It's not like she goes away after you say no. This isn't a big story choice, it's just a random npc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
That is dumb. The characters constantly get new content. A character I might not want to interact with now I might want to interact with in the future. Maybe I misclicked. There's a billion options.

There is no possible excuse for putting it all down to one flag. This isn't a story choice, it's just a random npc.
You dare judge mighty Wsan decision? Nah, just messing with you. I think that they will allow you to make up for your mistake. Same way they made it able for you to meat the envoy of elves long after you defeated them. Or Behemoth. They are usually good with that kind of stuff.

That's the future content they're talking about. You can do blasphemous things like remove her dick and dom her.
Ey, as long as her dom route does not get left out and I am able to dom her even with her dick still on, I am all for it. I enjoy it when characters have multiply options in how you want to engage with them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Has anybody read the item description for the Field Clothes?

"Comfortable clothes, allowing for freedom of movement and the skin to breathe under the heat of exertion and daylight. Mother was always annoyed by your habit of sleeping in the same clothes you'd wear out to the fields the next day, but it always made sense.

Nothing fancy in the least — linens and wool — but simple as they are, the clothes are respectable, and more importantly, bring you joy. There is something to be said for simple beauty by virtue of utility, and the hardy, tear-resistant, fading-resistant fabric is a mark of that. If Mother can't see the value you do, that's her problem."

I don't know what NPC the item is for, but this is an inner monologue, not an item description.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Has anybody read the item description for the Field Clothes?

"Comfortable clothes, allowing for freedom of movement and the skin to breathe under the heat of exertion and daylight. Mother was always annoyed by your habit of sleeping in the same clothes you'd wear out to the fields the next day, but it always made sense.

Nothing fancy in the least — linens and wool — but simple as they are, the clothes are respectable, and more importantly, bring you joy. There is something to be said for simple beauty by virtue of utility, and the hardy, tear-resistant, fading-resistant fabric is a mark of that. If Mother can't see the value you do, that's her problem."

I don't know what NPC the item is for, but this is an inner monologue, not an item description.
....The fuck?

I am assuming this is a Kinu item, from her quest. It would be very unsurprising.

This is just so pretentious.


Mar 23, 2021
That is dumb. The characters constantly get new content. A character I might not want to interact with now I might want to interact with in the future. Maybe I misclicked. There's a billion options.

There is no possible excuse for putting it all down to one flag. Especially since storywise there is no reason for it either. I mean, she is still in the inn lol. It's not like she goes away after you say no. This isn't a big story choice, it's just a random npc.
While I do appreciate when the writers give you the option to completely remove any trace of their character from your game, I do agree that it would be stupid if the flag doesn't get switched when her new route is released, especially since it's going to be the polar opposite of the original.
Jul 26, 2019
Has anybody read the item description for the Field Clothes?

"Comfortable clothes, allowing for freedom of movement and the skin to breathe under the heat of exertion and daylight. Mother was always annoyed by your habit of sleeping in the same clothes you'd wear out to the fields the next day, but it always made sense.

Nothing fancy in the least — linens and wool — but simple as they are, the clothes are respectable, and more importantly, bring you joy. There is something to be said for simple beauty by virtue of utility, and the hardy, tear-resistant, fading-resistant fabric is a mark of that. If Mother can't see the value you do, that's her problem."

I don't know what NPC the item is for, but this is an inner monologue, not an item description.
Whats interesting to me is that the writer (i'm confident its Tobs) seemed that much more interested in writing a story about this item than anything else, so it ends up just being unecessarily filled with unneeded and unwarranted information. Because in my opinion good character development depends on how characters react to different situations overtime and what that tells us. What this is telling us is that the Mother doesn't like a set of clothes, wow 10/10 amazing character development for something we dont care about and that isnt even remotely important to the game.

I mean i get its an anecdote but c'mon that many adjectives to describe one specific attribute is insane, we dont need to know that the fabric of a t-shirt is "hardy, tear-resistant, fading-resistant", since the first adjective "hardy" already tells you all you need to know, it's resistant to difficult situations so do we really need to know more? At this point its like the writer took to google to find out synonyms for "hardy" to try and make his writing seem more professional, not to mention it sounds like someone is just trying to reach a quota on how many descriptive adjectives to use.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
While I understand your complaints somewhat, that is still an item description. An optional text that you can read. Tied to a larger chunk of content that Tobs wrote. I feel like you should not get that worked on about it.

Now, from the way it reads, I assume it is Inari Kinu. And it is just there to show her inner thoughts about spefic object. Now I do have to admit, it does feel tacked on to some extent. All the things that this text is informing us about are all things we know if we have spoken to her. Even her inner monologue does not shine some new light on her relationship with her mother. Only thing that is new is that she sleeps in her clothes that she goes to work every day. Which is fitting for her. But yeah, that "hardy, tear-resistant, fading-resistant" just seems like poor use of gradation on Tobses end.

But at same time, does it really need to be anything more? The whole point of that describtion is to put you in her shoes. It does not really need to reveal something new. While it would be apreaciated if it showed something more, it does it job as relativly "short" description.
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Jul 26, 2019
While I understand your complaints somewhat, that is still an item description. An optional text that you can read. Tied to a larger chunk of content that Tobs wrote. I feel like you should not get that worked on about it.
yeah i know i probably sound pretentious, but it's mostly because i am really passionate about writing in video games and what they mean to the player, so i do tend to blow things out of proportion even if its funny trivia or whatever. But especially when the writer is a little bitch who for some reason always stays on top of his little soapbox when it comes to his OC's and why he wrote them the way they are.

But at same time, does it really need to be anything more? The whole point of that describtion is to put you in her shoes. It does not really need to reveal something new, it just needs to show her own perspective on things. While it would be apreaciated if it showed something more, it does it job as relativly "short" description.
I think that really depends on your interpretation of character immersion. In my opinion, i think we are sufficiently immersed in the character that we generally know her do's and dont's, her likes and her not likes so maybe i'd be ok to just leave the added trivia in bed, give it a goodnight kiss and not really mention it, or add it to the talk option for what is assumed to be Kinu.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
What? No, it doesn't. It's an unnecessarily long, overly-detailed monologue that tells us more about what people think of the item than the item itself. It completely fails at what it's supposed to do.
I think that a lot of items actually have about same amount of descriptions as this one.
As for the monologue telling you more about what Kinu thinks about is then describing how it actually looks. I think it works in this case since well, it is what she wears constantly. She really does not need to describe it to herself in such detail. Because she knows how it looks like and it is something she always wear. To her what it is is much less important than what it means to her.

I think that really depends on your interpretation of character immersion. In my opinion, i think we are sufficiently immersed in the character that we generally know her do's and dont's, her likes and her not likes so maybe i'd be ok to just leave the added trivia in bed, give it a goodnight kiss and not really mention it, or add it to the talk option for what is assumed to be Kinu.
While in books and in other visual media it could be argued that such information can be seen as pointless. Especially if it does not advance the plot or contribute meaninfully to any future development. Games are there own different beasts. Since they have interactive elements, authors can include a lot of different tidbits and description that are not really story important. That are not really out of the reach, but player still needs to go to look for them. In this case, think of it us Point and Click protagonist commenting on various things that player interacts with.
Still,as I said,I get your annoyance. It does seem pretentious since it is unlike any other item description that game has. But at same time, as I said, I think it works for what it is.
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