Snow Elves do have this harems things where a chick, the queen, that being Alissa, gets to jump over a collection of different cocks, that being Etheryn. That's why the crypt was full of even more ghostly dicks, which begs the question, why wouldn't they give you the option?
Etheryn's dad was basically Boris the manly elf, only reason the dude die was because he willed himself to be gutted by the coolest wild boar he could fight (maybe tired of living in dickgirl land), but that's another thing, main thing being, elf queens are not futa, they have futa/dude harems but they are not futa themselves, so, was this some weird attempt at making at point that didn't land or was Savin just being smug at denying the only pussy path?
Given the news about the rubber cock promotion, I'm inclined to say smugness
(Also Vaush being the only non rape, calm, collected orc who's into cummy drinks sharing a name with vaush, the in apparency calm, collected but actually dumb internet persona who's into "small goblins" and horse dick?, I'm going crazy?, the futa pill got to me... even more?)
Liver Soul is totally a thing, it gets filled with good chi (this is deep oriental philosophy, kitsunes are masters of chi bending) and filters bad chi, in that way, giving small kittens to the kitten sex god is good chi because they are free to share their chi for money, there's nothing evil in that and you don't ever question it. Kitsunes do it all the time in their chi sharing parties, they even have a fancy chair for the champions to watch as their fox wife and daughters share chi with a bunch of horse cock elfs
Also, me with Savin
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