Feb 5, 2018
Here is my character
18 strenght
19 Agi
17 cunning
Weapon bessy mauler
Head Helm of heroes
Neck Amulet of union
Guard cape shoulder
Armor royal leather
Waist Champion belt
Hands royal gloves
Feet winged Sabaton
Ring of temptation
Abilities Arcane Shot
Sure Shot
Frostfire shot
Dastardly trick
Average non crit damage 140-180 dark difficulty
Your average non-crit damage is 140-180 dark difficulty? what monsters are you fighting to get that damage? I thought it wasn't possible to get over 100 damage using normal attacks without buffs and crits on dark difficulity
Feb 5, 2018
New kinuquest gives you a ring that doubles the coins you gain, but can't stack with other items. not really worth it unless you're a spendthrift in need of ways to get more gold
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
Yep, I once had a random discussion that derailed on topic of: is a selfless person just a person who feels gratification and comfort from being selfless? If that's the case isn't that person just selfishly helping other people and stuff to feel better, regardless of if they want it or if it's actually good for them?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Took me freaking forever to realize that as a Warrior if you wanna deal Damage you gotta go Dual Wield like jesus christ, my built ain't even done yet and i already deal over 500 damage in a single crit AND bleed with just short swords and Dual Blitz (hell Eviscerate deserves it's name like...no freaking question about it!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Yep, I once had a random discussion that derailed on topic of: is a selfless person just a person who feels gratification and comfort from being selfless? If that's the case isn't that person just selfishly helping other people and stuff to feel better, regardless of if they want it or if it's actually good for them?
That's a classic argument about altruism and whether or not it's real, in case you want to read more about it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
New kinuquest gives you a ring that doubles the coins you gain, but can't stack with other items. not really worth it unless you're a spendthrift in need of ways to get more gold
Why would i even bother when there's the Stores Glitch to gain INFINITE MONEY anyway? lol
aka: you have 2 or more items you wanna sell (typically on the last occupied slots of your inventory so you don't sell stuff you wish to keep) and when you're in a store you select the item that's on the left side/second to last one and then you click nonstop (or use auto-click if you have it) on the sell button, if you're fast enough the game just keeps selling the items over and over and over (i've literaly used this method to gain 1 million Electrum on day 1 by buying 2 Ward Amulets and then re-selling them for about 100.000 Electrum Coins in between Check-Outs)
P.S: you need to check out before buying something while doing this glitch once you're done selling/you fell out of rythm clicking the sell option or else you can crash the game.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
Took me freaking forever to realize that as a Warrior if you wanna deal Damage you gotta go Dual Wield like jesus christ, my built ain't even done yet and i already deal over 500 damage in a single crit AND bleed with just short swords and Dual Blitz (hell Eviscerate deserves it's name like...no freaking question about it!)
So you deal almost as much dmg with crit as pre nerf Lyric ass blast.

I will switch to dual-wield i guess.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
So you deal almost as much dmg with crit as pre nerf Lyric ass blast.

I will switch to dual-wield i guess.
Oh those were the days of the THUNDER THIGHS! honestly playing with Lyric and pre-nerf Bimbo Azzy was just the "let's bully the world" mode.


Nov 20, 2019
There was not, as far as I know. Seems pretty interesting that they haven't discussed why. I'd say a bigger issue I have with Tobs writing in large is how often it strikes me that Tobs is spite writing against someone. It feels like large swaths of his content are some attempt at antagonizing some parts of the fanbase, and if you're not part of said people Tobs is pissed at you don't understand why the game is talking down to you, or you do and just feel pointlessly frustrated. Another problem I have with Tobs writing is his weeb writing style invades content even outside of his own corner of the game. I'm just not a particular fan of their style of writing, as I don't think Purple Prose meets "I've watched too much anime" is particularly good. Which is too bad because I'm into a good chunk of the characters they write for, and the writing style is just too much of an entrance barrier for me.
I haven’t played CoC2 in a while now, but I can say that I’ve seen his kinuquest doc and some screenshots here. I really agree that some of the writing has purple prose which is kind of irritating tbh. When I heard that he was using Raphael and making him some crazy psycho because he sees him as a creep, that’s when I was like ok this is a pretty big stretch. I get that you hate a certain CoC character a lot, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to make a hateboner piece about that character burning down houses of Kitsunes lol. It just comes of as edgy.
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Jun 26, 2020
But if she's not a princess and daughter of the MC then she won't be the super special grand tr00000 main character with the most specialest destiny !!!

(and if you question the one path through his pet content he'll throw a hissy fit)
Wasn't aware until now reading through that (extremely painful Tob cockscuking thread) that Kinu is apparently supposed to be "more powerful than the MC" or anyone else for that matter. Despite spending all her time picking turnips in the fox tree house or riding nakano's dick i guess, she is indisputably this games Neo, for "reasons". And the sycophants don't see anything odd about that in the least...


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Wasn't aware until now reading through that (extremely painful Tob cockscuking thread) that Kinu is apparently supposed to be "more powerful than the MC" or anyone else for that matter. Despite spending all her time picking turnips in the fox tree house or riding nakano's dick i guess, she is indisputably this games Neo, for "reasons". And the sycophants don't see anything odd about that in the least...
This is one of many things I don't get. We can't have Kinu as a companion because "she'd be too overpowered".

Holy fuck. Fuck off Tobs. Fuck off with your weird fucking mary sue OC. Literally nobody sees her as a daughter figure anyway because you make her so easy to dislike. Stop forcing your weeb characters as the MC's children.

Motherfucker uses "she is her own person okay????" as an excuse for being very independent of anything the MC ever does...but if that's the reason, why not just make her, her own fucking character that has no relation to the MC?

God, I just want a Kitsune genocide option. Please. I completely regret picking up that stupid fucking amulet, Kiyoko isn't worth the steaming pile of shit that she comes with.

But we will never be able to go against the kitsune because M U H W E E B L A N D


Dec 9, 2019
Wasn't aware until now reading through that (extremely painful Tob cockscuking thread) that Kinu is apparently supposed to be "more powerful than the MC" or anyone else for that matter. Despite spending all her time picking turnips in the fox tree house or riding nakano's dick i guess, she is indisputably this games Neo, for "reasons". And the sycophants don't see anything odd about that in the least...
It's very laughable when you accuse the majority of your players for wanting Kinu to stay as a child as "potential incest fans" when you literally self insert yourself fucking her brains out. When those bootlickers learned how less it matter to tobs about their input or criticism to his content, they'll move here and shit on his writings instead.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
Wasn't aware until now reading through that (extremely painful Tob cockscuking thread) that Kinu is apparently supposed to be "more powerful than the MC" or anyone else for that matter. Despite spending all her time picking turnips in the fox tree house or riding nakano's dick i guess, she is indisputably this games Neo, for "reasons". And the sycophants don't see anything odd about that in the least...
He probably thinks he's being sneaky about using CoC2 as a platform for what he -actually- wants to write. Connecting Kinu to the PC (but using the PC entirely as a prop) technically justifies her being in the game but from that launching point he flagrantly goes off into his OC Mary Sue novels that have little-to-nothing to do with CoC2.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
When I heard that he was using Raphael and making him some crazy psycho because he sees him as a creep, that’s when I was like ok this is a pretty big stretch. I get that you hate a certain CoC character a lot, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to make a hateboner piece about that character burning down houses of Kitsunes lol. It just comes of as edgy.
Someone mentioned earlier on the page that he often writes out of spite. Sending his perfect little angel to go call out a character he hates in a scenario that a 13 year old AMV editor would call 'a bit much' is maximum Observer.


Jun 6, 2019
He probably thinks he's being sneaky about using CoC2 as a platform for what he -actually- wants to write. Connecting Kinu to the PC (but using the PC entirely as a prop) technically justifies her being in the game but from that launching point he flagrantly goes off into his OC Mary Sue novels that have little-to-nothing to do with CoC2.
Speaking of this, one of his responses from that thread have been haunting me. When talking about Kinu he says "In one of the novellas, she actually tries to get her boyfriend to impregnate her so Kiyoko's plans to marry her off will be ruined."

...Does he actually have novellas of this or does he just collectively call his writing for Kinu/kitsune his novellas? Or is this side content extras, like how they have the smut section in TiTs? Not sure if he's ever mentioned this on the fen forums/discord if anyone knows. Because now it just sounds like he had this stuff sitting in a notebook and when he started writing for CoC2 just decided to tweak some stuff and stick it in the game. Would also explain the KinuQuests where like people have said, he can completely cut the PC out and focus on telling his Kinu novel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Honestly, Stemwinder described whole Kiyoko ordeal on Fenexo forums better, at least to me, then anyone else did. Be they from here or there. I would recommend for everyone to read rest of his post in the thread since it presents pretty well articulated opinions on most of companions.

+ Very involved content that links to and affects a large batch of other content - in fact she's probably got more by sheer volume than the next two runners-up put together. She combines a number of focal points for fans of these games (japanese-flavored stuff, breeding, marriage and child-rearing content) and pushes them far enough to satisfy most players who'd be drawn to her for those reasons. Unlike some of the other characters she has a mix of both likeable and unlikeable traits, too, so when stacked up against some of the flatter characters she stands out as someone her author put a lot of thought into bringing to life.

- There are both pluses and minuses to it so clearly being someone's pet character and story: the content itself is extremely self-contained and discordant with every part of the game that doesn't involve kitsune and -very- much on tracks, so those who might have liked to see how things play out differently (if their character didn't fall in love with Kiyoko, if their character were to approach it as more quid pro quo, if their character took offense to the way Kiyoko tries to freeze them out when it comes to parenting, if their character is female &c) might lose investment in it entirely if they don't perfectly agree with the direction it takes. There's so little player involvement past a certain point that many who were on board with it initially got fed up with it. Where Ryn's content found the line (between serving as an avenue to get you the player to feel more invested in the parts of the story that involve the character and getting so overwrought and self-indulgent in its 'look how complex and tragic and important my characters and all the content surrounding them are!' efforts that it feels desperate, as though it's trying to force you to feel things through sheer volume) in giving the character a 'big' and involved backstory Kiyoko's shamelessly sails past it without so much as acknowledging it and then keeps going and going and going...and going. It even stops asking you whether you still care or not; you'll be bombarded with it regardless. This navel-gazing aspect of her content is probably the most polarizing in the game."


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
You're at the stage where I have to say calm the fuck down, it's a fucking porn game.
It's all tongue-in-cheek. Humor purposes and all. We're all just having fun here, shitting on Tobs is this thread's favorite past-time, it's low hanging fruit.

You're taking this way too seriously, no need to go all armchair psychologist.
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