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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
It depends on the path you chose case is all about futa so if you dont want that that play Tommy or when ive finally written it Taylor arc however Tommy arc does have a scene or two. so you best bet is to go Tommy bad path but thats limit as well.

I do plan on adding more stories but just spent the last two weeks trying to code for a sand box mode need a day or two break before i get back into it
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Aug 22, 2018
Hate to say it,but the story is kinda hard to follow. The jump to the cabin in particular. So I don't know any of these people? Why would they let you stay there? Maybe better if you 'fled' to a friends remote cabin.
Aug 22, 2018
"By the way, I don't really care but Why are you doing this. Your 21 now right. Don't you have a girlfriend or something"

This is a very weird couple of sentences.

"Kinda my Mother and my Sister are my girlfriends. I love them both so much I couldn't choose between them. To me, it is not just sex. It's deeper. I can't explain I know some people think incest is wrong. But when I'm going through stuff, most people don't understand my sister is always there. She listens to me no matter how crappy her day was. And Mom well She's my Mom I can't really put our relationship into words."

Honestly, would you admit this to someone you just met?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
lol thats more of a me thing lol im honest almost to a fault almost to the the point of ok way thats tmi. as for the hard to follow thats because each path is designed to tell a different stories/ and since i have several mood disorders my attention to tends to wonder so as soon as i get an idea start typing it into a different path. my biggest fetishes happing include trans incest rape and mindcontrol so all this is more about the stories i wanna tel. It was ment to be for fun. but people kept complain so turned into sandbox mode. right now im taking a few days break but next i have to finish adding the rests of paths and on a pol i promised i was gonna write stuff Elizabeth as a playable character on Tommy path.


Oct 20, 2017
i found some bugs..for ex when i enter parent's room the screen shows up blank...and i have to undo to exit


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
sorry guys been screwing around the last few weeks needed a break again coding was driving me nuts then i was catching up on wwe. im back now Ill look into that bug ralph088 i was also told the updaters are volunteers so updates wont be posted once a week anymore i wanna try adding more stuff before i update but i continue to ask for patience cause this stuff is so not easy to do.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
ralph088 it looks like what's going on in parents bedroom is its just set for Casey to path to acess fix that in next update. i tried writting some stuff yesterday but been gone two long ill try again today. but if you notice anymore defentily let me know


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
still having issues getting back into writing guys sorry. ive made sopme progress here and there but its going very slow this weekk. I will take me time just wanted to let you guys know where i'm at


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Ok roys finally got his grove back right now doing basic edits and adding a clamping sytetm to all the affection corruption stats with the help of my coding friend on twine discord channel. I'm hoping within the next few days to have all the olld stuff added in then i can work on added new story stuff. I know i don't need to but like keeping you guys updated on where i am at. im hoping i can have 0.9 out for you guys around the 15th. only because i wanna have new stuff for you guys


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Ok guys got stucking with a bug that took me like two day to fix and other night accidentally deleted a whole nights worth of work so that's gonna slow me down a day or so.

but so far ive added a bunch of scenes in Ashley bedroom so a side story that ive wanted to do since launch will play out.

ive also re added Caseys perfect path

now i just have i think one or two more paths to re add then I can get to work on getting at least Tommy to chapter two. Im still hoping to get update 9 out to you guys buy the middle of the month but like i said bug and accidental delation will slow me down some.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
running to some bug issues again however ive added almost all the old Taylor stuff back including A new new porn star dani Daniels. having so bug issues whith her stats but one thats fixed you should be seeing so new scens with her in lobby and In her newly added room

I also finally completes current additions to Ashley room for 0.9 and its complete bug checked

when im finished withe the bug checking you guys will be able to see some new stuff

so far im still hoping to have an update out on the 17th or 18


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
ok guys i may need an extra day or so only reason i need and extra day or so is ive had some bug issues.

however in new version 0.09 I'm calling it the CIA update because most of the content update is related to Taylor and CIA arc

I have added A new Character Dani Daniels i was only able to write a few scenes for her one because my family's been going through some stuff so they keep coming over. And i cant focus when there around rl shit you know and the freaking bugs i keep finding.

also finally finally in everwood theres a small combat system set up when you enter Town Goons will random attack you.

I want to add images to the system but it took me day and half just to set up and unbreak the code i do have so for right now its just combat text.

I need the day cause now that in town really wanna make sure at least one story starts the continuation and at least try to start michele lay part. So the company will have a few rooms and stuff i need time to write new stuff.

and because of the combat stuff and some stuff im hoping to add the company the Exp system will hopefully start to be implemented with a LVL 5 cap for now.

Lastly even though Im only adding stuff to Taylor Arc this update want to try to add at least one building upgrade to the system so the resources can finally be used for something.

So thats where i at now ty everyone for being so patient


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
still writing stuff for the company but hosntly having a really hard time thinking of what kinda of building upgrade i wanna make. is there any you guys wanna see let me know and Ill try to create it for the update.

fyi The Company will already have a lab so if i make one for home will be reduntenent. and a sex dungeon wont work cause the builld is bacially a cia cover house. so anything i create will have to be spy centric.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
here you go guys its already requested for update but just in case



Jul 23, 2018
So the last version I tried was 0.6, I believe, and I recalled that the story ended sooner and paths were limited compared to the previous version. I was not keen on the trend but figured sometimes you need to prune to improve so figured I'd come back a few releases later. Well things are a whole lot worse.

The game is a hot broken mess. Tommy's story arc ends almost immediately with no indication it actually ends just no more links to continue (which was the issue with casey as well) and none of the combat mentioned in the change log. So i'm thinking bug, which means the dev was too fraking lazy to do a simple QA. Which means there might be ONE path the dev always took that works to get to this new content but on the whole you the player are fucked with shitty bugs because the dev thinks releasing a pile of crap and getting players to fix/report bugs is better than taking the time to release the game in working condition.

The casey story arc is also broken too many broken links or dead ends. Adding this open world shit just ruined the game and now because the dev can't pick a type of game and STICK TO IT, we have less content then version 5 that actually works. This game has too many choices that don't work, too many arcs that aren't worked on and too many mechanics that don't complement a visual novel. This game is getting worse and worse as the development cycle continues.

Don't waste your time downloading this version it is broken and features released in version 8 (at least according to the changelog) that don't work are still broken and not fixed. This dev has no discipline whatsoever, instead of finishing and refining additions to the game, he/she leaves them in a broken state to add more broken mechanics. I get working on what you want but show a little discipline and FINISH what you start before jumping to your next "brilliant" idea, because ideas aren't brilliant when they are half assed. Not fixing and refining an idea means you half assed it.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
first an foremost I was happy with the way I was original doing my game like a book but two many of you game on her were like I need choices I need choices. So i busted my ass trying to add that shit. Second this is my first fucking game dude I'm trying. Ive done everything I can to even get help with coding to fix or properly code shit into the game.

now i have no ide what your talking about with the arcs ending right away otherwise like i said would have fixed them.
the last few updates have been about re adding all the old stuff back into the game because you guys insited i have choices.

this update should all be Taylor based whole bunch of new stuff was planing on taking a crack at the rooms and adding stuff to continue the arc. But I cant fix what I dont know is broken. That's why i ask to tell me what you find.

You do have a point about the one at a time story thing which is why for now want to focus on the Taylor stuff. but that doesnt mean Im just gonna leave all choices blank Ill get to them, when I get to them. I can only write when Inspiration strikes.

Finally I know I mention specifically that that the combat system is also specially based in everwood right now and only for Taylor arc so i dont know what your problem is dude.

Now ive busted my ass for the better part of three weeks trying to do this and frankly right now feel incredibly insulted you could have said your opinions without bein a dick man.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
now if you can in a reasonable fashion without being insulting tell me exactly what is broken and i will take a look please
1.50 star(s) 2 Votes