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Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
it's right after you pick dakota door it switches to casey then it will play the casey bedroom 4some scene and kelly will greet you as tommy but if try to corrupt her she will call you casey again, that is just what i have found till now


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
1 What version are you using
2.What Browser Are you using
3. I do use spell grammar checker I went through everything twice. I getting A little Tired of the Bad English typos I know Im not perfect Doing what I can. But in this Game your not gonna ever see 100 percent perfect English ever. I write how I speak and I'm not gonna change that. Typos are one thing if i See I Take care of then but if grammar doesnt catch them i dont always see them.
4 I already went in and redid everything once I dont have it in me to do it again. In face I Know I wont be able to do.
5 Every single room will have a purpose at one point when I get back to writing it. Its just last 4 5 6 updates have been more about giving you guys what you asked for.

I will look again I swear I went through everything with a fine tooth comb but ill look again just to be safe its just ugh.

i dont have the energy or patience to try tonight but i will first thing tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Btw parents bed room isnt meant to entered untill this

<<elseif $Player.Name != "Taylor" and $Player.Alignment is "Neutral" and visited() is 2>>\
You enter your Bedroom a little tired but can still see your Mother sleeping on the bed. You sense that after she wakes up she will be completely under your spell by morning.

<img class="centered" src="media/.images/Mom/Veruca James Bed.jpg">

You look around to see that tomorrow you have some exploring to do cause it seems like there's a bunch of things you can do around the house here's hoping you can learn more about what you can do around the house.

For now, though its almost 2 am and that bed is looking kind of cozy, so you just plop down on it hoping you will sleep peacefully.

<<addToNPCStat "Mom" "Corruption" 100>>\

<center>All Content as 0.09</center>

[[Reurn to Hallway|Lobby]]
[[Enter the Bathroom->Bathroom]]


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Dinner Date has no text or exit.------ that is because I havent wriiten anything for that room yet
Unable to enter Cali's room or Sin's room, even though you meet Cali first, and can work for sin in the garage.----- Honestly didnt know but looked at code you can't enter sin or calis room because your not Casey or Taylor but i think that's quick fix

In console there is often a violation on the html:7818 'setTimeout' handler took ##ms---- Dont use console cause two new to coding and scared i might break something so no idea what that means
Can still spam training in one day to max out. ---- who would actually do that and i'm not sure how to fix that the being able to train and work when you have no health is one thing. but this is meant to be a story the sandbox stuff is just extra i added for you guys. Its turning out to be a lot harder to do then i thought I want you guys to enjoy the game but still.
Once you "collect" Winifred, she shouldn't show up if you train more.------ You are right Im thinking of an else if scene right now when i figure out the else if to put it in ill add it.
Jan 7, 2019
how about this just work on the story and leave sandbox out of the game for now, work on 1 story ark tell its done they use the other arks as other side options for players to see a different outcome less stress for you.


Aug 11, 2016
I do use spell grammar checker I went through everything twice. I getting A little Tired of the Bad English typos I know Im not perfect Doing what I can. But in this Game your not gonna ever see 100 percent perfect English ever. I write how I speak and I'm not gonna change that. Typos are one thing if i See I Take care of then but if grammar doesnt catch them i dont always see them.
This feels a bit like saying "I'm getting a little bit tired of people saying my game is bad, this is always going to be a bad game, I make bad games and I don't want to improve." Like, we get it, writing is difficult. Your writing has lots of mistakes. It's not a crime to make mistakes! But if you're going to keep making mistakes, people are going to keep telling you about them - if you don't want people to tell you, then they'll just notice them silently and think your game is bad silently.

Like, honestly, so you have an idea of the scope of the problem:
I getting A little Tired of the Bad English typos I know Im not perfect Doing what I can.
Why is "A" capitalized? Why is "Tired" capitalized? Why is "Bad English" capitalised? Why is it "I getting" rather than "I'm getting" or "I am getting"? Why is it "Im not" rather than "I'm not"? Why isn't there a comma or full stop after "perfect"? Why do you say "Bad English typos" - shouldn't it be "bad english and typos" or "complaints about bad english and typos" or similar? Why isn't there a comma or full stop after "typos"?

That's like fifteen errors in a single damn sentence! It's every second word has an error! This is what your game is like! It's excruciatingly bad to the point where it is the single most glaring fault of your entire game and makes the whole thing read like a poorly done machine translation.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
no i mean to me it feels like nit picking so thats why i getting annoyed but im working on something right now that should help me spot bugs and typos and everything like that easier to spot


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
and no its not if you cant understand the point im trying to make when you read a sentence then its bad if you cant grasp the concept of what someone is saying then thats bad. Looking at something and finding every little missed typo every little missed used word that's nit picking sorry. However, I am also a Dev who wants people to enjoy this game so ill do what i can.

you can believe this or you don't believe this because of disability and because i was in group homes as a child never really got full schooling because of well they were trying to help me get my emotional issues under control. Punctuation has always been a problem for me know where to put commas colleens semi colleens after a while gave up trying even with grammrlys help im still missing things. Its no ones fault it just is what it is. I have told many of you numerous times I have a disability. If i could pay for someone to fix all my typos and errors i would if i could pay someone to help fix all the bugs i would. Im not mad just saying I'm tired just spent last few hours fixing things and when i wake up will be fixing more

but im gonna be honest i dont know if i can fix all the typos because i still dont understand a lot of the rules never did. If your one of those people thats needs everything in 100 percent English then this isnt game for you.

That being said I will fix as much as i have in my knowledge to fix and I will go through the Casey Kelly Tommy stuff again and try to fix what i can.


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Version is the one in the OP
Chrome latest

I am not saying you shouldn't have things planned, I am saying that having things the player can click on but that go to or do nothing isn't helpful to you or the game. All you have to do is comment it out in the code then when you do need it remove the comment, so now the player doesn't feel like they did nothing but all your plans for future content are still there.

media/.images/Mom/Veruca James Bed.jpg (if you notice there is a period in the folder name .images, but the folder does not have that period, so it won't render.)

It is fine the Dinner Date has no text, but it should have an exit button, instead of the player pressing the back button. Like the first bedroom in the house has an exit but nothing happens in it on the Tommy path.

Honestly friend. If this was supposed to be just a story game, then make it a story game, remove all the sandbox elements. You kind of have two choices. 1: Make the game you originally imagined without the sandbox, all you have to worry about then is your writing and small bits of coding. 2: Make the game with sandbox elements which you seem to not really know how, and then people will judge it based on grinding or some other sandbox element. If you are just wanting to do a story, you should really want people to judge it based on that and not on your coding ability.

For typos and the like, put all the text through a google document and use the spell check, then grammarly online, then back through google docs again. Then read it, that should cover most of it.


Jul 2, 2017
You could also ask someone to proof read your script. I have no doubts that you could find at least two people who would do that for you


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
ok heres the plan I had always planed on trying to add sandbox stuff to the game and if i remove it it will ruin things like the entire side story of Ashley and Kagney that i put a lot of work into BTW.

But i do need to break up some of the problems so here's what im gonna do I dont know if its write but Its the only thing I can think of.

Instead of trying to jam everything into one html gonna split into Three

Next update Game Title will Change to

Corruption Through Magic and Science Saga

Book 1 Taylor Sands HTML

Book 2 Tommy Pistol HTML

Book 3 Casey Kisses HTML

starting with Taylor because I have the most ideas for her at the moment everything Taylor story related will go into the book one set this HTML will be the focus ATM

however, since i still want you guys to have access to content i already have will also be adding everything I Have for those two arcs into their HTML and attempt to fix the spelling errors and typos more easily and the dame name reference problems.

Also Adding a new system to each of the passages to also help me find errors easier I dont know whats its called but something like this

Screenshot (166).png

with the fixes to whose refencing who. I will also be trying to fix the dam dam image ratio resolution problem.

Now I should point out they all essentially still be the same game but I have two many passages trying to do two many things for all through so my hope is separating them will make things easier on me. This not about me being angry or upset about anything Its about me as a dev trying different things to see what works for me. Im hoping by doing this i can find issues more easly while at the same time breaking up the dame Casey Tommy refences for the paths they share wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
guys im not doing this on purpose but the last few days have started the new set up but i cant really focus I have a really serious family thing going on and i just cant can focus right now but ill try again in a few days.

its not nearly completed yet but so far this is what ive done or recopied over. If anyone wants to spell check or test what's in there here

now the main HTML is in there and the new one is i was trying to copy as much over as i could. I will try again in a few more days.

but with ought going into two much detail on Sunday my sister and her kids will have been missing for like a week and i just cant focus right now.

i am in no way quitting i just cant right now so the HTML are all loadable with twine and youll need the portals photos for the new HTML

so if anyone wants to proof read or tinker or even find errors go right ahead

in a few days i will try to come back and get back to fixing things but until i know what's going on i just cant sorry guys
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
ok last night go a car found my sis her kids in penn so i can relax now today im gonna start getting back to what i was doing


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
took me longer then i wanted if mods are watch please dont mark as abandoned i have not givenn up yet and dont plan on right now working on trying to prefect the combat system and asking for help but i havent gone anywhere i promise
1.50 star(s) 2 Votes