no worries ok guys ATM im working on a few spots where i specially wanted game overs.
however I can do one of two things wanna know what you guys think is better.
@@.Dakota; "Master yes make me your brood queen give me your babies. Yes, master harder Faster. I am you, obedient slave, please master make me yours."@@
Doctor Deen now rules game Over The world, and with your Sister as His brood Queen, it became his playground. Oh Well to bad so sad.
GAME OVER...................
or i could do this
Doctor Deen now rules game Over The world, and with your Sister as His brood Queen, it became his playground. Oh Well to bad so sad. Of course, you could always go back and try to choice again.
[[Casey Kisses Trans Door On Right Mom]] Coming soon
[[Casey Kisses Trans Door In Middle Dakota]]
[[Casey Kisses Trans None of the Above Save Your Own Ass]]
I do still want you guys opinions as it is still my first game if i go with first opinion you can always just select back to go choose again. If i go with second you guys won't have to and if I keep it up with that kinda of styles for ALL But the end game end stuff. Then you can see Alternate paths with ought having to restart or whatever. let me know what you think.
so far i've written two paths where this comes into play. One is really short and kinda obvious so i didn't put much into it the other is this one took some stuff from Day dream and changed some of it around but I kinda like it if you want i can post samples but I'ts gonna be a few days. until next update i feel bad about being gone so long I wanna get all Casey choice arc to at least Start of Chapter one Dream.