
Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2021
What do they say? Never stick your dick in crazy. If there is even the chance to avoid rachel, i´m gonna avoid her like the plague. She reminds me of all the crazy feminists who think that men are the root of all evil while creating an even more toxic environment for everyone around them. i hate her. i hate her with all my heart. Doesn´t matter if cozy is giving her some sort of redemption arc, i´m always going to hate her.

And if we´re not able to avoid her i guess my ctrl key is going to have a hard time :ROFLMAO:
the game so far is pretty much a kinetic novel, so chances are you're gonna just have to deal with it :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
the game so far is pretty much a kinetic novel, so chances are you're gonna just have to deal with it :ROFLMAO:
doubt cosy will add the option ,hes been pretty forward about that there will be no story branching choices so yeah 100% rachel scenes in the future

so far he hasn't let us down whit the writing so as long as you not one off those Hardline 1 bad thing = everything is bad it should be fine
Jun 4, 2022
Rachel is an interesting character, as she's a bit of a stereotype right now. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out she doesn't really know what she's talking about (as a reminder, she was against Math because she failed a math test: her ideology could be tied to lack of knowledge and awareness) and slowly turns herself around. Either way, she's begun to already see where she's wrong. I have complete faith that cosy can (continue to) knock it out of the park


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
I like Rachel, I think she would be a lot more annoying if people actually took her seriously, but because everyone just writes off what she says she ends up being a more comic relief character than anything. Until the most recent update where she takes a more active role in the story. I am excited to see what Cosy has in store for her


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Rachel is an interesting character, as she's a bit of a stereotype right now. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out she doesn't really know what she's talking about (as a reminder, she was against Math because she failed a math test: her ideology could be tied to lack of knowledge and awareness) and slowly turns herself around. Either way, she's begun to already see where she's wrong. I have complete faith that cosy can (continue to) knock it out of the park
I don't know if she is a stereotype per se. Definitely an amalgamation of several tropes. Pretend smartest person around? Check. Hero complex? Check. Annoying busy body? Check. Feminism as a crutch/excuse for behavior and making everything about gender? Check.

You see she pretends to be smart (Vicky and Lucy are smart), wants to save people, so she gets in a position of power (student body president or whatever its called), and uses feminism as a crutch to try to shut people down by "acting" smart and blaming everyone else, besides herself. Most people just don't want to deal with her so they let her do her thing. How do you deal with a narcissistic? Ignore them. This is what everyone with real intelligence has done in the school. The headmistress, the MC, etc. Ignore them and don't give them a platform.

What is interesting to me is to see how she breaks. Does she just become a nice little slave or is she going to be something more. I bet the later. Each girls personality is showing in how they are acting in the story.

Lucy = Mother of restaurant and home
Vicky = Slave who wants attention
Akatsuki = Catgirl
Sarah = ??? She is shy but feisty when she has courage .. who knows where this goes.
Hannah = ??? She is quiet and deliberate .. who knows where this goes.
Catherine = ??? Bold and Prideful .. who knows where this goes.
Allison = Confidant & advisor


Feb 4, 2018
I feels like Rachael is gonna be dominated by lucy along with MC when the veto to join the group happen. Hmm...Mistress Lucy


Feb 6, 2018
Honestly .. most real world people have. You can always walk away, ignore, etc. people who think they are like her. The issue is when people think that the majority are like her.
Eh, I would add the fact that sometimes those kind of people won't let you go away lol

Anyway, Rachel isn't my type of Waifu, both physically and personality wise, but I won't just drop the game because of her when she gets added to the Harem. I can just skip her scenes if I don't like it after all lol
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Jan 12, 2022
I personally fall into the camp that I don't like Rachel. Every other love interest has something about their personality that appeals to me or that I can see working in a relationship. To this point, her defining characteristic is that she's an annoying feminist. I can see the appeal of dominating a girl like Rachel, but I can't see myself actually liking her as a person unless her personality does a complete 180. At that point, she would be a completely different character.

To better articulate my point, for every other main girl, it mostly came down to getting to know them better to make me really like them. I feel like that doesn't really work for Rachel. She would have to change completely as a person to be even a little more likable. To be fair, I guess my feelings are pretty much the same as how the MC feels about Rachel, which makes me think that I'm supposed to feel that way about her right now. I trust Cosy to eventually lead it somewhere satisfying, but for now, those are my feelings.


Jul 12, 2022
Oh sure, I don't like her either as a person but as a discipline target why not. Although I'm secretly rooting for the idea that was thrown around that Rachel will go full Stepford wife at home and school, that would be enough of a 180 to make me like her as an LI.


Nov 1, 2018
Anyone else having issues getting version .9 to work with JoiPlay?
I can't get the game to load.
It crashes before I get to the title screen and it isn't even generating a crash report.

Cosy Creator

Game Developer
Dec 11, 2022
Anyone else having issues getting version .9 to work with JoiPlay?
I can't get the game to load.
It crashes before I get to the title screen and it isn't even generating a crash report.
I did see a guy say he was having issues somewhere (could have even been here, I don't remember) - but I don't really know anything about JoiPlay so I can't say much about it.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2019
I just started playing this, just at where they are doing the waitress practice and so far except for the toxic feminity chick, and the angry gnome, it's really enjoyable, rather pleasant surprise to find a new game worth playing and not space barring.


Nov 1, 2018
I did see a guy say he was having issues somewhere (could have even been here, I don't remember) - but I don't really know anything about JoiPlay so I can't say much about it.
I had to delete half the stuff off my phone to barely clear up just enough room to install the android version.

Hopefully the next version doesn't have any issues with JoiPlay.

I really like this story.

Unfortunately, this is the only device I have, and I have to put everything on my SD card because that's the only place I have enough storage.
JoiPlay is my only means of running Renpy games off my SD card, so if JoiPlay doesn't work then I'm pretty much out of luck.
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