VN - Ren'Py - Cosy Cafe [v0.9] [Cosy Creator]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The Verdict
    A cute little harem game with the cast of girls as its primary selling point.

    The Good
    • The girls here are cute, each of them unique, and have great models and animation. The characters overall in this are absolutely the highlight.
    • Solid sex scenes overall, in particular I liked
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    The Bad
    • I know some here liked the story and world-building but I had a hard time getting into it. It's essentially a story of family dynasties, but lands weird on the player because the world, otherwise, appears to just be a typical modern world in a small town. It does work to create a credible harem (which I am a fan of) but I found it hard to get into the narrative here because it's basically just a normal town with a random vehicle added to explain why MC fucks everyone.
    The Ugly
    • This game basically takes place in the backrooms. The environments are extremely strange, uncomfortable mazes that often seem like they are intentionally designed to confuse the player. In the opening scene, MC opens the door to his new "restaurant" which then actually looks exactly like a hotel. Later in the game, you go to one of the LI's mansion, which is almost identical to the "restaurant". The rooms of each house have plain white walls and hospital lighting... I didn't find a lot cozy about this game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Story -5/5. The story of a guy who inherited a restaurant from his grandfather and his ambition to become the best chef. The story is truly original and unique because it has inserted a lot of things like fiounding families, distribution of power, MC becomes drawn into something he doesn't want and learn to deal with.
    Worldbuilding is really good, everything is beautifully done and attention to every detail is paid. Girls are also really cool, they all have different traits, looks and behaviors. Props to the dev for the story. With a little male domination there is a lot of tenderness and the goal is one happy, super ending.

    Gameplay -5/5. This is a standard VN, you are reading a story and you have a couple of irrelevant decisions to make. Some people don't like it, but I really like it. The writer sticks to his plans and thoughts and I think that's for the best. There were no bugs, crashes or writing errors. Like I said, the creator paid attention to every little detail.
    One thing I would fix is that girls have a little more variety in reactions. A good proportion of the games had a somewhat standard face, with no reactions other than blush. I think that could be fixed a little bit.

    Music – 4/5. The music is totally okay, there is nothing wrong with it, but on the other hand, there should be some variation. I think it would be possible to insert a few more different songs and maybe something like sex sounds, penetration, bj and similar.

    Final thought – An amazing game, worth your time. If you are interested in a harem type game with a bit of male dominance, creating wonderful relationships with girls, building a family with them, along with a very interesting story to which the creator has devoted himself, be sure to try this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Spoiler alert

    Version v0.8.1: It's not often I leave a very positive review. I find this game to be quite enjoyable for a kinetic novel. So much so, that I've played this game several times since the last update.

    I'm not really into spanking and having a slave girl and pet catgirl, let alone a harem. However, this novel presents those fetishes quite well, without going overboard. If I had to sum up all this in a single word, that word would be

    Great work by the developer. I look forward to Lucy using that sex toy she got. I am also looking forward to Rachel getting added to the harem, to more of the Founding Family BS (I mean drama/intrigue/twists) Nope, BS says it well, and to Miss Takamura discovering just who he is and also being added.

    To top it all off, I have discovered the most adorable phrase of all the games I've played:

    Jack thinks I'm Hot.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is pretty interesting, gotta say. the girls are definetly cute and very unique. big fan of this one

    def recommended, always nice to play a good, casual and sometimes nerve recking harem avn.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never written a review for a visual novel before after at least +100 played. Never have I been so caught up in the story of previous games as i have with this one. With such a rich story from an amazing writer, followed up by great art quality, I can definitely recommend. I came for the lewd, stayed for the story.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game's good and all but it suffers from the same tired tropes.

    Visually it's nice, the girls are all pleasant to look at and all in all have pretty distinct personalities to make it kinda interesting.

    The problem is the whole thing feels puddle deep. All the girls IMMEDIATELY love the MC. All the girls IMMEDIATELY want his dick. Even the ones who say they don't ultimately do. The MC has magic dick powers and by god that's a tired trope by this point. Doesn't matter what happens in the story, girls just want his dick. It's a fantasy simulator and don't get me wrong that can be fun and all but there's absolutely zero depth to the whole game. Girls want your dick, or they want it later.

    You've got a cafe too which you work in but that's really just a side quest to the "every girl wants your dick" simulator you find yourself in. And what's worse is the MC a bit of a biscuit. Like.... it's like he's never even given enough weight to his character to even justify why all the women want him. It's like everyone's aware he's the MC and that's all that's needed.

    There's a whole Game of Thrones thing going on which may blow up into something. I really think the MC's been an idiot about the whole plot. Like he's aware of what's going on and his argument is like "na can't be bothered with that" but given he's been told first hand how the other families operate, the idea he somehow thinks he can just ignore it seems absurd. Or maybe it's like with all the girls wanting his dick, he knows he doesn't need to think about it too much cause life will just work out.

    It's an ok game, seems the dev likes spanking so by god you better get used to watching that a lot, but with no branching to mix it up, and the MC just living his life in God Mode, it's a bit boring.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Ass prefer

    some kind of strange game, everything is done according to a template, in fact, the girls stick to the MC themselves and there are no elections here, there is a harem and most importantly, the developer has a very strong fetish for slapping girls' asses.
    and of course the school theme
    for a while I followed the game, I even liked it, but then there were very poor updates, lack of growth, there were no normal sex scenes with girls, nothing interesting and I was disappointed
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Heckin' wholesome harem vibes with a dash of light kink. What's not to like?

    The writing is serviceable, I like all the girls - they might be tropey but if it ain't broke and all that.

    Visually the game is generally good but if you work with Honey Select you get what you get in terms of the male models all looking some degree of freaky. Also neither here nor there but at least some of the girls have kinda crusty looking elbow textures. Maybe that's just a Honey Select thing and I never noticed it before, but figured it worth mentioning just in case.

    Anyway - dig the game and can hardly wait for future updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.8.1

    Just absolutely fantastic. I had no idea that this would blow me away like it did. Wholesome, but with enough edge to keep things interesting. Loved the aesthetic, the visuals, the characters, the plot, everything. Unlike most wholesome games, the mc has a strong dominant streak, and it actually works with his character and kept the sex hot as fuck. I did feel like he could be more romantic, so I'm hoping we see more of that in the coming updates.

    In case you don't know what a kinetic novel is, it means the game has no choices which have any lasting effect, they just alter a bit of dialogue. Didn't stop me from loving it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    An interesting novel that goes against the grain compared to the usual stories about a 18yo HoneySelect Harem Hero. While the main genre of the novel may be recognizable as male dominance, the actual story here is about a reasonable protagonist with a secure and dominant personality, who unwittingly, and for reasons that he couldn't even being to guess, has to fill some big shoes and resist the influence of those who want to use him as a pawn.

    The main attraction of the novel is the protagonist. I will talk more about him later, but it's important to understand what this VN is so you won't go into it with false expectations.
    - It's a linear story so don't expect choices to alter it in any serious capacity.
    - While the girls have personality, MC eventually binds them to him and they are more than happy to submit (for the most part)
    - This isn't about a young restaurant owner. The restaurant is a wrapper for the political intrigue that happens in that part of the world.
    - No skirt chasing. It doesn't matter how big the cast is, the focus is on MC and his harem of select girls who either agree with or submit to him.
    - There may be times in the story that MC seems to get preferential treatment out of nowhere. It's not just plot armor.

    So what is this game about?
    As I said in the prologue, there is a lot of political intrigue here. It's localized in the city that the game takes place and the main actors are the "families". The control many aspects of the local economy, and MC has ties to them without knowing anything about it.
    MC is a 18 yo in the last year of high school, although he doesn't care much about it. He attends because he has to, but his goal is to build up the restaurant and follow his grandfather's footsteps.

    One thing you will notice quite early, is that MC does not act as the typical 18 yo. The game tries to explain the behavior by adding conflict to his background and having been trained by his grandfather in arbitrary things, mainly including cooking. In my opinion, MC is way too mature and knowledgable for his age. He does everything with a practiced ease, he is on top of things and doesn't allow anyone to coerce him. Perhaps it would be better if he was 5-6 years older, but this is a nitpick.

    He has one of the more dominant personalities I've ever seen in a VN. And by dominant, I don't mean it in a BDSM sense. He isn't your typical "alpha male" who always gets into trouble, gets all the girls, fights his enemies head on. He is more of a "sigma" styled protagonist. He is more likely to stay in the sidelines, pick his fights, observe before acting and dismiss anyone who's behavior isn't compatible without compromises. This allows him to be highly resistant to manipulation. He exercises a lot of control over his girls and tries his best to keep them happy once they submit.

    This behavior is perfect for the story. While you will have to stomach the upper-class caricatures which are like that by design, there's a fair amount of intellect and scheming, along with a sense of change in the horizon. It's subtle but the story gives the impression that this city has been a boiling pot for quite some time and now that a new player appeared, some of them are trying to control the new narrative, while others try their best to stay in power.

    All in all, this is a story about an exceptionally competent young adult who is passionate about his dream and his winning personality is a magnet for a host of repressed girls that he has a talent for "curing". He gives them a patriarchical style of security (mainly emotional, but also financial and physical) and in return he gets help for his restaurant. Through this dynamic, sexual relationships emerge where girls eventually submit to his dominant personality.

    What about the girls?
    The operating word here is "cute". The main themes behind their personalities is shyness, bullying, mean behaviors, proper behaviors and excessive parental control. The majority of them seem like being wrapped in a shell of of inferiority that the MC will eventually break and mold them exactly as he likes, liberating them and uplifting them depending on their circumstances.

    Lucy - The first girl you meet, a shy little thing who is abused by her mother. MC shows her kindness and gives her responsibilities that she is more than willing to accept. She is clingy in a cute way and thanks to MC she is "allowed" to explore the finer points of her personality.
    Victoria - She starts of as one of the mean girls but it turns out that this is mostly a facade, although she does have some bitchy behaviors. She wants to be independent so she asks MC for a job, but he drives a hard bargain and forces her to be nice to Lucy, creating problems with her old "friends".
    Sarah - The lastborn of a founding family. She has some image issues and the cuttthroat nature of her environment has made her a hard character to approach, as she pushes people away. MC approaches her for help with the waitress uniforms and their relationship becomes a target for her father.
    Akatsuki - She meets MC due to her father's schemes to do some "corporate espionage" but things happen in the meantime that make her rethink this whole situation.
    Akari - The sister of Akatsuki, a very competent cook who seems to be very well adjusted. She works for her father but she doesn't care too much about his schemes and is supportive of Akatsuki's relationship with MC.
    Rachel - The resident feminist, giving MC a lot of grief for no reason. No one takes her seriously and lately this seems to have created chinks in her armor.
    Alison - Daughter of a founding family and a complicated character who used her connections to become the headmistress of the school. She wants something from MC but she strings him along for quite a while till MC pressures her into coming clean.
    Hannah - Alison's sister who is in an arranged marriage. Alison doesn't like that so she attempts to use MC to get her out of it. Hannah is described as indecisive and fairly quiet but she does have a willingness to excel.
    Catherine - An entitled girl who does whatever her rude and intense mother wants her to do. Once MC is known to be a firstborn of a founding family, her mother forces her to tail MC around and make him marry her. Things aren't going to be that easy for her though.
    Misaki - The teacher of MC's class, a shy girl incapable of commanding attention and controlling her class. She has a bit of an exhibiotinism kink that MC discovers on accident.

    You will like this novel if you like Dominant Protagonists, cute submissive girls in distress and drama driven by political intrigue and power plays.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much choices but pretty good story so far, likeable characters, a somehow credible harem (not my favorite tag but this one is good), I'll be waiting for the next updates eager for more of cosy cafe.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Peak visual novel right here!!!

    No over-complications and an mc with the ability to think.
    it's that type of game where you can relax and just read, without worrying that somehow the mc is gonna let you down because he acts differently to justify the new content or fit the narrative. No. The MC's character is probably a great reference to be a badass. Enough about the MC

    Beautiful Models and great story telling. A lot of versatility on the content. Easily one of the best game out there for me
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to review this in no small part to criticize some things constructively.

    In general, really enjoyed the whole thing, everything other than the ones that I will write down below:

    (Story-Pacing) is kinda odd, especially at the beginning. Some things are moving too fast with some of the characters, sometimes it feels less organic and more because it is a convenient outcome to progress the plot (and the sexy stuffs of course!). We got bitch number 1-3 here, but in 3 days they turn to slave, girlfriend, and fiance-to-be, for example.

    (Girls' Faces) are real pretty, but one thing: I hardly ever see them teeth (not my fetish, swear to God). Them titties are great, but with the girls just smiling (and sometimes pouting) instead of more dynamic expressions (like showing them teeth when smiling) can make them much prettier in my opinion.

    Tl;dr all peachy, great content. Just wish the plot can be developed more organically and the girls' faces can be more expressive! I really hope the next updates can take a slower pacing (and hey, more content to enjoy), but hopefully can still strike a balance between too slow/fast. Love the work so far!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 9/10 : not a s tier story but at least a tier
    Great pacing and story of girls

    Characters 10/10 : great characters standout eg

    Music 8/10 : not drifty level of music but decent

    Romance 10/10 : wholesome as fuck even if it's a
    Male domination

    Sometimes one just wants to relax with no complex
    Choices or high stakes plot hence cosy cafe got you

    Choices do not affect plot hence a simple but satisfying
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, one of few games that I actually read it.

    All characters are good, and story is okayish. The only low of this game is the fact of the models in all scenes keeps the mouth closed, which end being a little bit weird, but not destroy your experience.

    Also, the game is slow, but when it get started in H content, it goes pretty well.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my review for Cosy Cafe [v0.8] [Cosy Creator] .

    The good
    • Renders are looking good
    • Music
    • Writing is ok
    • Big amount of content 5+ hours
    • Animations
    The bad
    • Nothing
    In conclusion, 5 stars worth playing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The LIs are simply lovely, every single one of them, which in itself is something good. Now the fact that they have each their own personality and own dynamics with MC makes it all the better.

    Renders are top notch quality, the models are gorgeous - well, the female ones, but who's looking at the dudes?

    Story wise I must admit that I don't find myself that invested, but the girls think it's important, so I get round to it for them. Not a convoluted narrative, not over the top shenanigans, more depth than the average slice of life. But to be honest, it doesn't need to be more than what it is.

    Lastly, the wholesome feeling I've got from playing this game is not something I was expecting when booting it up. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. You get the traditional boner, but also a boner in your heart...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I regret sleeping on this masterpiece for so long just because it had the "Kinetic Novel" tag. Cosy Creator is telling a very finely-woven narrative, and now having experienced it I wouldn't have it any other way. There's an overarching plot that our MC is a major part of, but at the same time fluffy moments abound. I absolutely love the balance of romantic/erotic and other content in this novel.

    I especially like that the MC isn't just banging brainless dolls and then moving on. We build actual relationships with each girl, both separately and together. I think the novel's single greatest strength is its characters - every single one of the girls is so lifelike, unique, and attractive. My personal favorite is Victoria (the blonde in the preview images), who quickly becomes a playful, loving slave-girlfriend and has massive, perfectly-shaped tits. Our MC is also a character in his own right, determined and dominant, which I think is one of the strengths of this novel being kinetic.

    This feels like a love letter to harem fans: all of the main LIs are virgins when you meet them, no other man ever touches them, and since it's a kinetic novel you're guaranteed to get all the girls you're supposed to without having to worry about a wrong choice locking you out of anyone's route. Each girl is also really well-balanced content-wise - once she's in, she's there to stay, and you'll "interact" with her frequently, from a drive-by spanking to full on sex. Nobody ever gets forgotten or left out.

    It's also one of the best-looking visual novels I've ever played through; the models are incredibly beautiful and clearly carefully crafted, the lighting/shading is on point, and the animations are smooth and varied. Given the sheer quality of every aspect of this novel, there's also an incredible amount of content. I spent about eight hours reading over two days (split into several sessions as I waited for my stupid refractory period), and by the end of the weekend my dick was sore but extremely satisfied, which I think is what we're all really here for.

    In short, for me personally, this is a perfect game. There's nothing at all that I would change, and I hope Cosy keeps the good times coming for years.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    this guy cooking, cosy, relaxing, funny and cute.
    the way dev handles close up camera is just *chefs kiss* super nice.
    emotions delivered by the girls are also nice, probably the nicest one i've seen since Now and Then.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    First time reviewing. I could've reviewed one of the juggernauts like Eternum but honestly this game is so true to its name. It's cosy. the characters are fine, the setting is fine and the plot verges on harem power fantasy but that's what we're here for, right?

    The girls manag to be just cute and likeable enough not to just be a walking cardboard cutout trope, and the story is just interesting enough that I look forward to each update. It's no Leap of Faith or Artemis, but sometimes you just want something simple and.. wel, cosy, and this game delivers that on all fronts for me.